Priya Suneja, Kaniyappan Nambiar, Nadeem Tanveer, Preeti Diwaker, Raushan Kumari, Vijay Gandhi
Mastocytosis is characterized by the proliferation of neoplastic mast cells in various organs, which can have either cutaneous or systemic presentation. Solitary cutaneous mastocytomas are most commonly seen in the pediatric age group but rarely present in adults. Histopathology of cutaneous mastocytoma is well described in the literature but only a few studies are available describing the cytomorphological features. We present a case of a 19-year-old female who presented with a 6-month history of a right supraclavicular single, 0...
September 5, 2024: Diagnostic Cytopathology
Siarhei U Yakubouski, Henadz H Kandratsenka, Michael V Fridman, Viktor A Kondratovich, Olga A Perkhova
BACKGROUND: A fine-needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy is a basic procedure to verify the morphology of thyroid nodules. However, significant variations in the diagnostic performance of FNA, as well as fluctuations in the rate of malignancy (ROM) in different categories of the Bethesda System for Reporting Thyroid Cytopathology, have been discovered in many studies. The development and employment of additional molecular tests in daily clinical practice require an understanding of the prevalence and structure of thyroid malignancy in each category of the Bethesda system...
September 2, 2024: Diagnostic Cytopathology
Shan Wang, Ze Zheng
Oral exfoliative cytology has emerged as a valuable tool in the early detection of oral cancer and other systemic diseases. This review comprehensively examines the current applications and recent advancements in oral exfoliative cytology techniques. We analyzed published literature from the past decade, focusing on methodological improvements, diagnostic accuracy, and emerging applications. Key findings include: (1) Enhanced cell collection and preparation methods have significantly improved sample quality and diagnostic reliability...
September 1, 2024: Diagnostic Cytopathology
Fei Ren, Huange Li, Wentao Yang, Ying Chen, Yuwei Zheng, Hao Zhang, Shuling Zhou, Bo Ping, Peng Shi, Xiaochun Wan, Yanli Wang
BACKGROUND: Whole-slide imaging (WSI) is a promising tool in pathology. However, the use of WSI in cytopathology has lagged behind that in histology. We aimed to evaluate the utility of WSI for the intraoperative touch imprint cytological diagnosis of axillary sentinel lymph nodes (SLNs) in breast cancer patients. METHODS: Glass slides from touch imprint cytology of 480 axillary SLNs were scanned using two different WSI scanners. The intra- and interobserver concordance, accuracy, possible reasons for misdiagnosis, scanning time, and review time for three cytopathologists were compared between WSI and light microscopy (LM)...
August 29, 2024: Diagnostic Cytopathology
Badr AbdullGaffar, Tasnim Keloth
Sarcomatous serous effusions are uncommon and diagnostically challenging. Dedifferentiated and pleomorphic liposarcomas are rare tumors in pleural effusions revealing highly pleomorphic tumor cells mimicking carcinoma, mesothelioma, melanoma, and other sarcomas. Hematothoracic effusions further complicate the cytologic diagnosis. Correct cytologic recognition is important. We report pleomorphic liposarcoma cytologically detected in effusion fluid in a 56-year-old man who presented with a massive unilateral pleural effusion...
August 27, 2024: Diagnostic Cytopathology
Maria Luisa C Policarpio-Nicolas, Sydnee Webb, Elizabeth M Azzato, Rema Rao Chaari, Erika Hissong, Jennifer A Brainard
INTRODUCTION: Sclerosing pneumocytoma (SP) is a rare benign tumor and a potential diagnostic pitfall. Our aim was to review the cytologic features of our surgically diagnosed SP cases including the clinical, immunohistochemical and available molecular findings. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A computerized search from 2013 to 2020 for surgical cases with corresponding cytology specimens diagnosed as SP was performed. The clinical data, cytology, and surgical specimens were collated for analysis...
August 20, 2024: Diagnostic Cytopathology
Rong Xia, Issa Hindi, Deepika Savant, Samer Khader, Sigfred Lajara, Brendan Belovarac, Kasturi Das, Karen Chau, Mohammed Abdelwahed, Amr Ali, Oliver Szeto, Osvaldo Hernandez, Wei Sun, Cheng Z Liu, Fang Zhou, Aylin Simsir, Tamar C Brandler
OBJECTIVES: Fine needle aspiration (FNA) plays a crucial role in their initial assessment of salivary gland neoplasms. In the Milan System for Reporting Salivary Gland Cytopathology (MSRSGC), the category of Salivary Gland Neoplasm of Uncertain Malignant Potential (SUMP) categorizes lesions with ambiguous features. This study aims to investigate the risk of neoplasm (RON) and risk of malignancy (ROM) within different subgroups of SUMP lesions using data from three large academic institutions...
August 20, 2024: Diagnostic Cytopathology
Raktim Mukherjee, Soumya Dey, Farjana Khatun, Firdous Wasim Sk, Oindrila Das, Debansu Sarkar, Krishnendu Maiti, Uttara Chatterjee
BACKGROUND: Pheochromocytoma and extra-adrenal paragangliomas increasingly coming into light nowadays because of improved imaging techniques and biochemical investigations. There is sparse literature available regarding cytological findings of adrenal and extra-adrenal paragangliomas. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We studied 16 cytological specimens retrospectively over a period of 3 years, where subsequent histological diagnosis of phaeochromocytoma or paraganglioma was available...
August 17, 2024: Diagnostic Cytopathology
Aribah Atiq, Zubaria Rafique, Ujyara Maryam Lone, Azra Bashir, Faria Waqar Khan, Akhtar Sohail Chughtai
Paragangliomas (PGs) are rare tumors that most commonly occur in the head and neck region and along the sympathetic chain. Fine-needle aspiration cytology is not commonly used for the diagnosis of PG due to the potential risk of hemorrhage and hypertensive crisis. As a result, limited studies describe the cytological features of PGs. In this case series, we will discuss the fine-needle aspiration features of three cases of extra-adrenal PGs. The cellular arrangement in smears was either singly scattered or loosely cohesive clusters...
August 17, 2024: Diagnostic Cytopathology
Mohamad M Gafeer, Susan Alperstein, Robert Appleby, Jose-Scarpa Carniello, Jonas J Heymann, Abha Goyal, Momin T Siddiqui
BACKGROUND: The unsatisfactory rate of Pap tests (PT) is an important quality assurance (QA) metric for a cytopathology laboratory. At our institution, an unsatisfactory PT slide is followed by a second ThinPrep (TP) slide. The aim of this study is to evaluate this QA practice. METHODS: Our laboratory processes an unsatisfactory TP PT with a follow-up second TP slide with or without glacial acetic acid. The correlation between the unsatisfactory rate and the second slide rate test was examined...
August 15, 2024: Diagnostic Cytopathology
Shweta Agarwal
BACKGROUND: The Milan System for Reporting Salivary Gland Cytopathology is an effective reporting system for salivary gland fine needle aspirations with well-established risks of malignancy. Salivary gland neoplasm of uncertain malignant potential (SUMP) comprises a heterogenous group of lesions which have features that can be recognized as at least neoplastic but preclude further classification into benign or malignant. In this study, we reviewed the cytomorphologic features of salivary gland fine needle aspirations diagnosed as SUMP at our institution (over the past 6 years) and correlated those with the final diagnosis on surgical follow up...
August 14, 2024: Diagnostic Cytopathology
Joshua J X Li, Joanna K M Ng, Julia Y Tsang, Yuen Ting Tsang, Ko Fung Mak, Gary M Tse
INTRODUCTION: Claudin-4 has been described as a highly sensitive immunocytochemical marker for detection of metastatic carcinoma cells in effusion cytology specimens. This study aims to challenge the performance of claudin-4 in different types of malignancies and low cellularity specimens, by comparison with other markers in a large cohort of carcinomatous effusion specimens. METHODOLOGY: Cell block preparations from peritoneal and pleural fluid specimens were retrieved, with malignant (carcinoma) diagnoses confirmed by review of hospital diagnosis code and pathology reports...
August 13, 2024: Diagnostic Cytopathology
Niyati Desai, Courtney F Connelly, Simon Sung, Adela Cimic, Swikrity U Baskota
BACKGROUND: Approximately, 55% of breast carcinomas are reported to be HER-2 low breast carcinomas. Trastuzumab-Deruxtecan is a new FDA-approved targeted therapy for HER-2 low metastatic breast carcinomas, making it essential that all efforts are made to identify these tumors in specimens submitted for pathologic examination. Cytology specimens are often the first and only modality of this assessment due to the ease of specimen procurement. This study aimed to determine the variability in HER-2 immunostaining interpretation among observers using cytologic specimens from metastatic sites...
August 10, 2024: Diagnostic Cytopathology
Uma Handa, Rasheeda Mohamedali, Rajpal Singh Punia, Simrandeep Singh, Ranjeev Bhagat, Phiza Aggarwal, Manveen Kaur
BACKGROUND: Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) is a hematopoietic neoplasm characterized by malignant Reed-Sternberg (RS) cells in an inflammatory background. Although the cytological features of HL are well elucidated in literature, yet many postulated factors cause its misdiagnosis. This study aims to assess the diagnostic reliability of fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) in HL and evaluate the factors contributing to a false-negative and false-positive diagnosis, taking histopathology as the gold standard...
August 8, 2024: Diagnostic Cytopathology
Paul Gabriel Nodit, Gabriela Gheorghe
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 5, 2024: Diagnostic Cytopathology
Nathalie J Rodrigues Simoes, Ourania Parra, Daniel K Schoolcraft, Jeremiah X Karrs, Xiaoying Liu
Splenic biopsies for cytology remain challenging due to the inherent difficulty in obtaining adequate samples and the paucity of literature on rare entities arising in the spleen. Among these, are tumors arising from blood vessels, lymphomas and rarely, mesenchymal dendritic cell neoplasms. An important but rarely considered entity primarily arising in the spleen is Epstein-Barr virus-positive inflammatory follicular dendritic cell sarcoma (EBV+ IFDCS). EBV+ IFDCS is an indolent neoplasm with useful cytomorphologic and distinct biologic characteristics that can be evaluated on fine-needle aspiration (FNA) cytology and small biopsies...
July 26, 2024: Diagnostic Cytopathology
Tanner Storozuk, Anna Biernacka, Ricardo Lastra, Jeffrey Mueller, Andrea Olivas, Ward Reeves, Lindsay Yassan, Tatjana Antic
BACKGROUND: Thyroid nodules may be detected during the workup of thyroid hormone abnormalities and as incidental findings during unrelated imaging studies. The diagnosis of a thyroid nodule is mainly established by performing fine needle aspiration (FNA) under ultrasound guidance. Thyroid nodules are classified as nondiagnostic, defined in the Bethesda System for Reporting Thyroid Cytopathology as samples with excess blood, cyst fluid only, and lack of thyroid follicular cells. The current study evaluates a series of nondiagnostic FNAs to assess whether repeat sampling improves yield and what patient management, and outcomes are after a nondiagnostic FNA...
July 25, 2024: Diagnostic Cytopathology
Jonathan P Rivera, Ying-Ju Kuo, Yi-Chen Yeh, Justin A Bishop, Jen-Fan Hang
Here, we report the first cytology findings of the newly characterized entity, palisading adenocarcinoma of the salivary gland, diagnosed in the sublingual gland of a 61-year-old female. The liquid-based cytology showed a moderately cellular aspirate containing three-dimensional clusters and trabeculae of tumor cells of various sizes. The cells had dark ovoid nuclei, finely granular chromatin, inconspicuous to punctate nucleoli, and ample cyanophilic cytoplasm with indistinct cell borders. In conventional smears, the cells displayed frequent crush artifacts and anisonucleosis resembling endocrine-type atypia...
July 25, 2024: Diagnostic Cytopathology
Ankica Braun, Dina Hassan, John Findley, Lin Cheng, Lei Yan
BACKGROUND: Currently the clinicopathologic significance of psammoma bodies in cytology specimens are not completely understood, including types of cytology specimens and pathologic conditions frequently associated with this unique cytologic feature. In this study, we undertook a retrospective approach to review the specimen types, cytology preparations, patient characteristics, organs or tissues involved and differential diagnoses in cytology specimens with the finding of psammoma bodies...
July 18, 2024: Diagnostic Cytopathology
Manisha Panda, Priyadarshini Dehuri, Debahuti Mohapatra, Ankesh Kumar Pandey
INTRODUCTION: Cytological analysis of effusion specimens provides critical information regarding the diagnosis and staging of malignancies, thus guiding their treatment and subsequent monitoring. Keeping in view the challenges encountered in the morphological interpretation, we explored convolutional neural networks (CNNs) as an important tool for the cytological diagnosis of malignant effusions. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective review of patients at our institute, over 3...
July 15, 2024: Diagnostic Cytopathology
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