Gabriela Gayer
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 31, 2024: Seminars in Ultrasound, CT, and MR
Natália B N Gomes, Ulysses S Torres, Maria Lucia C G Ferraz, Giuseppe D'Ippolito
Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) is a rare chronic liver disease, associated with a high level of morbidity and high mortality; approximately 40% of patients with severe untreated disease die within 6 months of diagnosis. It should be treated to achieve complete biochemical and histologic resolution of the disease using corticosteroids and immunosuppression to prevent further progression to cirrhosis. The use of invasive liver biopsy is recommended for the staging and assessment of inflammation and fibrosis for treatment decision-making in the face of an unsatisfactory response or clinical remission, including being a determinant for withdrawal of immunosuppression...
July 26, 2024: Seminars in Ultrasound, CT, and MR
Vera Sorin, Zehavit Kirshenboim, Maximiliano Klug, Jitesh Ahuja, Edith M Marom
Staging classification is essential in cancer management and is based on three components: tumor extent (T), lymph node involvement (N), and distant metastatic disease (M). For thymic epithelial malignancies, clinical TNM (cTNM) staging is primarily determined by imaging, making radiologists integral to clinical practice, treatment decisions, and maintaining the quality of staging databases. The ninth edition of the TNM classification for thymic epithelial tumors will be implemented in January 2025. This review outlines the definitions for the TNM categories in the updated edition, provides examples, and elaborates on the radiologist's role and imaging considerations...
July 26, 2024: Seminars in Ultrasound, CT, and MR
Gabriela Gayer
The rapid advancement of medical technology has introduced a plethora of innovative devices designed for use within the thoracic cavity. Familiarity with the characteristic imaging features of these devices, their purpose and desired positioning is crucial for radiologists to identify them promptly and accurately assess any associated complications. This pictorial review provides a comprehensive overview of the radiologic findings associated with various new chest devices, aiming to equip radiologists with the knowledge required for effective clinical management...
July 26, 2024: Seminars in Ultrasound, CT, and MR
Stephen L Sartin, Dhanwin R Shetty, Chad D Strange, Gabriela Gayer, Jitesh Ahuja, Rishi Agrawal, Mylene T Truong
Positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) using [18 F]-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (FDG) has become the mainstay imaging modality for evaluating oncology patients with certain cancers. The most common FDG PET/CT applications include staging/restaging, assessing response to therapy and detecting tumor recurrence. It is important to be aware of potential pitfalls and technical artifacts on PET/CT in the chest and abdomen to ensure accurate interpretation, avoid unnecessary intervention and optimize patient care...
July 26, 2024: Seminars in Ultrasound, CT, and MR
Raquel N Lopes, Eduardo O Pacheco, Lucas R Torres, Ulysses S Torres, Giuseppe D'Ippolito
Gestational complications are common in radiological practice and can be identified and evaluated using various imaging methods. Each complication typically presents with specific imaging features; however, there is a lack of comprehensive literature that consolidates this information to facilitate a diagnostic algorithm and focused study. In this context, this review aims to revisit the theoretical basis of differentials in pregnancy-related complications, discussing classic imaging features and providing examples of key features for each diagnosis...
July 26, 2024: Seminars in Ultrasound, CT, and MR
Lauren T Erasmus, Chad D Strange, Jitesh Ahuja, Rishi Agrawal, Girish S Shroff, Edith M Marom, Mylene T Truong
Imaging plays a key role in clinical staging of lung cancer and guiding therapy. A thorough understanding of the staging system including the nomenclature and updates is necessary to tailor treatment plans and optimize patient care. The 9th edition of the Tumor, Node, Metastasis staging system for lung cancer has no changes for T classification and subdivides N2 and M1c categories. In nodal staging, N2 splits into N2a, ipsilateral mediastinal single station involvement and N2b, ipsilateral mediastinal multiple stations involvement...
July 26, 2024: Seminars in Ultrasound, CT, and MR
Rishi Agrawal, Shubendu Mishra, Chad D Strange, Jitesh Ahuja, Girish S Schroff, Carol C Wu, Mylene T Truong
Chest radiography is one of the most commonly performed imaging tests, and benefits include accessibility, speed, cost, and relatively low radiation exposure. Lung cancer is the third most common cancer in the United States and is responsible for the most cancer deaths. Knowledge of the role of chest radiography in assessing patients with lung cancer is important. This article discusses radiographic manifestations of lung cancer, the utility of chest radiography in lung cancer management, as well as the limitations of chest radiography and when computed tomography (CT) is indicated...
July 25, 2024: Seminars in Ultrasound, CT, and MR
Augustin Msellati, Caitlyn Loo, Lara Toerien, Tara Marie Catanzano
Since the 2019 worldwide pandemic, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-Cov-2) responsible for COVID-19 disease, not only had global economic repercussions but millions of individuals health were also put at risk. Like any other respiratory illness, COVID-19 has a variety of presentations and radiological features. While COVID-19 infections in the paediatric population generally present with better prognosis and lower mortality rates when compared to those of adults, in the vulnerable populations however, severe presentations are often more frequent and can have catastrophic consequences...
July 25, 2024: Seminars in Ultrasound, CT, and MR
Abrahão Elias Neto, Ana Paula F C Gonzaga, Fernanda A Braga, Natália B N Gomes, Ulysses S Torres, Giuseppe D'Ippolito
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a leading cause of cancer-related mortality worldwide with its incidence on the rise globally. This paper provides a comprehensive review of prognostic imaging markers in HCC, emphasizing their role in risk stratification and clinical decision-making. We explore quantitative and qualitative criteria derived from imaging studies, such as computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, which can offer valuable insights into the biological behavior of the tumor. While many of these markers are not yet widely integrated into current clinical guidelines, they represent a promising future direction for approaching this highly heterogeneous cancer...
July 25, 2024: Seminars in Ultrasound, CT, and MR
Tara Catanzano
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 16, 2024: Seminars in Ultrasound, CT, and MR
Caitlyn Loo, Molly G Treacy, Lara Toerien, Augustin Msellati, Tara Catanzano
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is responsible for the debilitating global pandemic known as Coronavirus disease (COVID-19). In this paper, we highlight the widespread manifestations and complications across disease systems. In addition, we present their relevant imaging findings to inform appropriate investigations and management in patients presenting to the Emergency Department with COVID-19 and its respective sequalae. Of note, we outline considerations for diagnosis of long COVID, an important medium to long term sequalae in patients with previous COVID-19 infections...
July 10, 2024: Seminars in Ultrasound, CT, and MR
Stephan Altmayer, Ann N Leung, Guilherme Strieder de Oliveira, Joice Prodigios, Pratik Patel, Tan-Lucien Mohammed, Nupur Verma, Bruno Hochhegger
Respiratory symptoms are a frequent manifestation of patients with post-acute sequela of SARS-CoV-2 (PASC), also known as long-COVID. Many cohorts of predominantly hospitalized patients have shown that a significant subset may have persistent chest computed tomography findings for more than 12 months after the acute infection. Proper understanding of the evolving long-term imaging findings and terminology is crucial for accurate imaging interpretation and patient care. The goal of this article is to review the chronic chest computed tomography findings of patients with PASC and common pitfalls...
May 3, 2024: Seminars in Ultrasound, CT, and MR
Marta N Flory, Sandy Napel, Emily B Tsai
Artificial intelligence's (AI) emergence in radiology elicits both excitement and uncertainty. AI holds promise for improving radiology with regards to clinical practice, education, and research opportunities. Yet, AI systems are trained on select datasets that can contain bias and inaccuracies. Radiologists must understand these limitations and engage with AI developers at every step of the process - from algorithm initiation and design to development and implementation - to maximize benefit and minimize harm that can be enabled by this technology...
April 2024: Seminars in Ultrasound, CT, and MR
Kal Dulaimy, Richard H Pham, Ahmed Farag
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
March 23, 2024: Seminars in Ultrasound, CT, and MR
Ahmed Farag, Richard H Pham, Kal Dulaimy
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
March 23, 2024: Seminars in Ultrasound, CT, and MR
Andrew C McClelland, Steven J Benitez, Judah Burns
COVID-19 has prominent effects on the nervous system with important manifestations on neuroimaging. In this review, we discuss the neuroimaging appearance of acute COVID-19 that became evident during the early stages of the pandemic. We highlight the underlying pathophysiology mediating nervous system effects and neuroimaging appearances including systemic inflammatory response such as cytokine storm, coagulopathy, and para/post-infections immune mediated phenomena. We also discuss the nervous system manifestations of COVID-19 and the role of imaging as the pandemic has evolved over time, including related to the development of vaccines and the emergence of post-acute sequalae such as long COVID...
March 20, 2024: Seminars in Ultrasound, CT, and MR
Ian Griffin, Ronak Kundalia, Bruce Steinberg, Joice Prodigios, Nupur Verma, Bruno Hochhegger, Tan Lucien Mohammed
This review explores imaging's crucial role in acute COVID-19 assessment. HRCT (High Resolution Computer Tomography) is especially effective in detection of lung abnormalities. Chest radiography has limited utility in the initial stages of COVID-19 infection. Lung Ultrasound (LUS) has emerged as a valuable, radiation-free tool in critical care, and MRI shows promise as a CT alternative. Typical and atypical findings of COVID-19 by each of these modalities are discussed with emphasis on their prognostic value...
February 28, 2024: Seminars in Ultrasound, CT, and MR
Humberto Morales
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
February 22, 2024: Seminars in Ultrasound, CT, and MR
Kwaku Obeng
BACKGROUND: Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are crucial for building a just and equitable healthcare system. However, academic radiology continues to face significant underrepresentation of women and underrepresented minorities (URMs). PURPOSE: This study examines demographic disparities in academic radiology and presents strategies for improving DEI. MATERIALS AND METHODS: I analyzed demographic data from various sources and reviewed successful DEI initiatives...
February 22, 2024: Seminars in Ultrasound, CT, and MR
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