Alyssa Sawyer, Bronni Simpson, Christy Reece, Vanessa Richardson, Josephine Carbone, Melissa John, Rebecca Linke, Kate Russo, Deborah Turnbull, Michael Sawyer
BACKGROUND: Parents exposed to psychosocial adversities often experience challenges which, combined with the needs of a new-born infant, can be difficult to manage and increase the risk of poor outcomes for both parents and infants. Psychosocial adversity can disrupt the development of parental-foetal attachment to the baby during pregnancy, which can have a negative effect on parental care and quality of interaction during the postnatal period. This intervention is based on the proposition that enhanced parental capacity to mentalise and emotionally connect to unborn children during pregnancy, and better understanding about how to manage distressing infant behaviour (i...
August 19, 2024: Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology