Journals European Journal of Anaesthesi...

European Journal of Anaesthesiology
Andréa Jorge E Silva, Nubia Verçosa, Marco A C de Resende, Ismar L Cavalcanti
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September 6, 2024: European Journal of Anaesthesiology
Change Zhu, Mazhong Zhang, Saiji Zhang, Rufang Zhang, Rong Wei
BACKGROUND: Children are more susceptible to postoperative pulmonary complications (PPCs) due to their smaller functional residual capacity and higher closing volume; however, lung-protective ventilation (LPV) in children requiring one-lung ventilation (OLV) has been relatively underexplored. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effects of LPV and driving pressure-guided ventilation on PPCs in children with OLV. DESIGN: Randomised, controlled, double-blind study...
September 6, 2024: European Journal of Anaesthesiology
Pierre-Henri Moury, Quentin Jegousso, Maxime Durost, Jérôme Nicolas, Pierre Albaladejo
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September 3, 2024: European Journal of Anaesthesiology
Stephen Sciberras, Markus Klimek, Bazil Ateleanu, Hugues Scipioni, Rodolphe Di Loreto, Joana Berger-Estilita
BACKGROUND: The European Diploma of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (EDAIC) Part II examination is a supranational examination for anaesthesiologists. OBJECTIVES: We explore the impact of examiner pairing on leniency and stringency, commonly referred to as the 'hawk-dove effect'. We investigate the potential variations in grading approaches, resulting from different examiner pairs and their implications for candidate performance. DESIGN: Retrospective cohort, observational design...
August 29, 2024: European Journal of Anaesthesiology
Jun-Young Park, Jihion Yu, Chan-Sik Kim, Ji-Won Baek, Taeho Mun, Young-Kug Kim
BACKGROUND: Catheter-related bladder discomfort (CRBD) is problematic in patients with a urinary catheter. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is a non-invasive analgesic modality used to relieve various types of pain. OBJECTIVES: We evaluated the effect of TENS on CRBD after transurethral resection of bladder tumours (TURBT). DESIGN: A randomised controlled trial. SETTING: A large university tertiary hospital, from October 2022 to March 2023...
August 14, 2024: European Journal of Anaesthesiology
Camille Bourgeois, Lukasa Oyaert, Marc Van de Velde, Esther Pogatzki-Zahn, Stephan M Freys, Axel R Sauter, Girish P Joshi, Geertrui Dewinter
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy can be associated with significant postoperative pain that is difficult to treat. We aimed to evaluate the available literature and develop updated recommendations for optimal pain management after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. A systematic review was performed using the procedure-specific postoperative pain management (PROSPECT) methodology. Randomised controlled trials and systematic reviews published in the English language from August 2017 to December 2022 assessing postoperative pain after laparoscopic cholecystectomy using analgesic, anaesthetic or surgical interventions were identified from MEDLINE, Embase and Cochrane Databases...
August 12, 2024: European Journal of Anaesthesiology
Pierre Pardessus, Maud Loiselle, Kelly Brouns, Anne-Laure Horlin, Beatrice Bruneau, Yara Maroun, Martin Lagarde, Maxime Deliere, Florence Julien-Marsollier, Souhayl Dahmani
BACKGROUND: The administration of intravenous lidocaine during the peri-operative period may improve pain management after paediatric surgery. OBJECTIVE: To explore the decrease in postoperative pain intensity and opioid consumption associated with peri-operative lidocaine administration in the paediatric population. DESIGN: A systematic review with meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials and a Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) analysis...
July 30, 2024: European Journal of Anaesthesiology
Soo Jung Park, Sang Kee Min, Gyubin Choi, Ji Eun Kim, Ha Yeon Kim
BACKGROUND: Remimazolam is not only associated with a lower incidence of respiratory depression than propofol but also in itself has the risk of respiratory depression. OBJECTIVE: We investigated respiratory depression following remimazolam infusion, targeting different effect-site concentrations using target-controlled infusion. DESIGN: A prospective, double-blind, randomised controlled study. SETTING: Tertiary hospital, Suwon, South Korea, from April 2022 to November 2022...
July 30, 2024: European Journal of Anaesthesiology
Eduardo Maia Pereira, Vitor Ryuiti Moraes, Mariana Gaya da Costa, Tatiana Souza do Nascimento, Eric Slawka, Carlos Galhardo Júnior, Michel Mrf Struys
BACKGROUND: Elderly patients comprise an increasing proportion of patients undergoing surgery, and they require special attention due to age-related physiological changes. Propofol is the traditional agent for anaesthesia, and recently, remimazolam, a novel ultra-short-acting benzodiazepine, has emerged as an alternative to propofol in general anaesthesia. OBJECTIVES: We aim to compare remimazolam vs. propofol for general anaesthesia in elderly patients regarding hypotension, induction characteristics, haemodynamics and recovery outcomes...
July 29, 2024: European Journal of Anaesthesiology
Ahmet Pınarbaşı, Başak Altıparmak, Melike Korkmaz Toker, Fatih Pirinççi, Bakiye Uğur
BACKGROUND: Caesarean section is a widely performed surgical procedure that often results in moderate-to-severe postoperative pain. If left untreated, this pain can lead to short-term and long-term consequences. Transversalis fascia plane (TFP) block and transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block are among the regional anaesthesia techniques employed for managing pain after a caesarean section. OBJECTIVE: We aimed to compare the impact of these two blocks on the quality of recovery in patients undergoing elective caesarean section under spinal anaesthesia...
July 23, 2024: European Journal of Anaesthesiology
Lili Plümer, Eva Jung, Linda Krause, Marlene Fischer
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July 22, 2024: European Journal of Anaesthesiology
Dongyun Bie, Yinan Li, Hongbai Wang, Qiao Liu, Dou Dou, Yuan Jia, Su Yuan, Qi Li, Jianhui Wang, Fuxia Yan
BACKGROUND: Intra-operative urine output (UO) has been shown to predict postoperative acute kidney injury (AKI) in adults; however, its significance in children undergoing cardiac surgery remains unknown. OBJECTIVE: To explore the association between intra-operative UO and postoperative AKI in children with congenital heart disease. DESIGN: A retrospective observational study. SETTING: A tertiary hospital. PATIENTS: Children aged >28 days and <6 years who underwent cardiac surgery at Fuwai Hospital from 1 April 2022 to 30 August 2022...
July 18, 2024: European Journal of Anaesthesiology
Neel Desai, Suji Pararajasingham, Desire Onwochei, Eric Albrecht
BACKGROUND: As a local anaesthetic adjunct, the systemic absorption of perineural dexamethasone in the lower limb could be restricted because of decreased vascularity when compared with the upper limb. OBJECTIVES: To compare the pharmacodynamic characteristics of intravenous and perineural dexamethasone in the lower limb. DESIGN: Systematic review of randomised controlled trials with meta-analysis. DATA SOURCES: Systematic search of Central, Google Scholar, Ovid Embase and Ovid Medline to 18 July 2023...
July 11, 2024: European Journal of Anaesthesiology
Alexandra Stroda, Tanja Sulot, Sebastian Roth, René M'Pembele, Eckhard Mauermann, Daniela Ionescu, Wojciech Szczeklik, Stefan De Hert, Miodrag Filipovic, Beatrice Beck Schimmer, Savino Spadaro, Purificación Matute, Sanem Cakar Turhan, Judith van Waes, Filipa Lagarto, Kassiani Theodoraki, Anil Gupta, Hans-Jörg Gillmann, Luca Guzzetti, Katarzyna Kotfis, Jan Larmann, Dan Corneci, Simon J Howell, Giovanna Lurati Buse
BACKGROUND: Cardiac risk evaluation prior to noncardiac surgery is fundamental to tailor peri-operative management to patient's estimated risk. Data on the degree of adherence to guidelines in patients at cardiovascular risk in Europe and factors influencing adherence are underexplored. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this analysis was to describe the degree of adherence to [2014 European Society of Cardiology (ESC)/European Society of Anaesthesiology (ESA) guidelines] recommendations on rest echocardiography [transthoracic echocardiography (TTE)] and to stress imaging prior to noncardiac surgery in a large European sample and to assess factors potentially affecting adherence...
July 11, 2024: European Journal of Anaesthesiology
Yumin Jo, Chahyun Oh, Woo-Yong Lee, Donggeun Lee, Suyeon Shin, Woosuk Chung, Chaeseong Lim, Sun Yeul Lee, Boohwi Hong
BACKGROUND: Inter-scalene block (ISB) is associated with an inevitable risk of hemi-diaphragmatic paresis (HDP). To reduce the risk of HDP, an upper trunk block (UTB) has been proposed at the brachial plexus division level. OBJECTIVE: We hypothesised that UTB would be associated with a lower incidence of HDP than ISB while providing sufficient analgesia following arthroscopic shoulder surgery. DESIGN: Randomised controlled trial. SETTING: A tertiary teaching hospital...
July 4, 2024: European Journal of Anaesthesiology
Carolina S Romero, Peter Kranke, Stefan De Hert, Idit Matot, Arash Afshari
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July 4, 2024: European Journal of Anaesthesiology
Adriana Carbó, Daniel Tresandí, Cristina Tril, Diego Fernández-Rodríguez, Enrique Carrero
BACKGROUND: Preoperative anxiety (PA) is common in children and has detrimental effects on surgical outcome. Strategies based on virtual reality (VR) have recently been introduced to address this problem. OBJECTIVE: This study evaluated the usefulness of a virtual reality educational program (VREP) for reducing preoperative anxiety in elective low-complexity paediatric surgery. DESIGN: Randomised clinical trial. SETTING: Single tertiary centre in Barcelona, Spain...
June 25, 2024: European Journal of Anaesthesiology
Aurélie Gouel-Cheron, Catherine Neukirch, Sylvie Chollet-Martin, Arnaud Valent, Benoit Plaud, Dan Longrois, Pascale Nicaise-Roland, Philippe Montravers, Luc de Chaisemartin
BACKGROUND: Drug challenge is the gold standard for identifying causative agents of drug allergies. Although clinical guidelines have recently been published, they do not recommend neuromuscular blocking agent (NMBA) drug challenges. NMBA challenges are rendered difficult by the lack of homogeneity of routine allergy work-ups and the necessity of a specialised setting. Several scenarios support NMBA challenges, such as an ambiguous allergy work-up, a high suspicion of a false-positive skin test or identification of a well tolerated alternative NMBA strategy...
June 25, 2024: European Journal of Anaesthesiology
(no author information available yet)
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October 1, 2024: European Journal of Anaesthesiology
Vincent Compère, Etienne Allard, Quentin Robert, Thomas Clavier, Emmanuel Besnier, Julien Kallout, Jean Selim
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October 1, 2024: European Journal of Anaesthesiology
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