Lisa H Milman, Laura L Murray
For half a century, Dr. Audrey Holland investigated, developed, and implemented ways to extend the assessment of adult language and cognitive-communication disorders beyond traditional impairment-based approaches. This article summarizes Dr. Holland's many groundbreaking contributions to assessment practices by describing and exemplifying major conceptual and measurement innovations that have emerged from her research of both formal and informal assessment techniques. Dr. Holland's assessment contributions encompass the development of many widely used measures of functional communication, discourse, and cognitive-communication abilities...
August 23, 2024: Seminars in Speech and Language
Davida Fromm, Brian MacWhinney
Audrey Holland's core beliefs of respect for people and the quality of their lives informed her life's work. This examination of the ways she managed the academic, research, and clinical parts of her illustrious career shows how Audrey leaves a rich legacy and serves as a model for navigating an impactful career path and enhancing clinical interactions. First, she mentored more than 30 doctoral students who then mentored further generations of students, ran clinics, or shaped policy. She also regularly taught classes, supervised student clinicians, and traveled the world doing lectures and workshops...
August 8, 2024: Seminars in Speech and Language
Elizabeth Armstrong, Deborah Hersh
This article acknowledges Audrey Holland's influence on aphasiology as it specifically relates to the emergence of a strengths-based perspective on the everyday communication of people with aphasia. We explore a historical perspective, as well as current ways in which everyday communicative events are approached in both clinical and research practice. The term "functional communication" is synonymous with Audrey's work, with linguistically-based discourse analysis and therapy both viewed as natural companions and extensions of the concept within aphasiology...
August 8, 2024: Seminars in Speech and Language
Karen Hebert, Ji Sook Ahn, Hooman Azmi, Manisha Parulekar, Sona Patel
Individuals with Parkinson's disease (PD) exhibit a variety of impairments in nonmotor symptoms including emotional processing and cognitive control that have implications for speech production. The present study sought to investigate whether impairments in cognitive processing in individuals with PD impact emotional sentence production as indicated by changes in speech rate. Thirty-six individuals (20 individuals with PD, 16 healthy controls) completed subtests 8A and 8B of the Florida Emotional Expressive Battery (FEEB) to elicit speech samples in five different emotional tones (happy, sad, angry, fear, and neutral)...
July 31, 2024: Seminars in Speech and Language
Ellen M Hickey, Natalie F Douglas, Tammy Hopper, Michelle Bourgeois
Audrey Holland was a leading innovator and speech-language pathologist (SLP) in adult neurological communication disabilities for over five decades. She was a pioneer in the involvement of SLPs with people with dementia, inspiring both knowledge development and clinical practice regarding language, functional communication, and quality of life in persons living with dementia. Dr. Holland was also an extraordinary mentor who has impacted many generations of researchers and clinicians. Here, four researchers in the area of dementia and communication discuss the lessons they learned from Dr...
July 31, 2024: Seminars in Speech and Language
Jacqueline Hinckley, Janet Patterson
Throughout her career, Audrey Holland advocated for persons with aphasia, urging clinicians and others to view each person in the context of their needs and desires in navigating daily life. In this article, we acknowledge her ideas about functional treatment, and consider their influence on contemporary, activity-focused aphasia treatment. Three criteria define activity-focused treatment: (1) activity-specific goals, (2) personally relevant targets, and (3) near-real-life practice settings. Elements of treatment design, activities, and outcome measurement described here exemplify Audrey's beliefs in person-centered clinical aphasiology...
July 29, 2024: Seminars in Speech and Language
Lilith M Reuter-Yuill, Lina M Slim, Tamara S Kasper, Leslie Castaño, Nikia R Dower, Cindy B Gevarter
Speech-language pathologists and board-certified behavior analysts both provide important support services to children who are candidates for augmentative and alternative communication. Current assessment practices neglect critical socioecological factors that are necessary to inform communication-based interventions. By leveraging the unique knowledge, research, and expertise of both disciplines, an interprofessional approach to assessment may help realize individualized or precision interventions and personalized supports that address the unique communication needs of each person...
June 2024: Seminars in Speech and Language
Erin Gallegos, Cindy Gevarter, Cathy Binger, Mary Hartley
Researchers implemented a short-term cascading coaching model focusing on naturalistic developmental behavioral intervention with three participant triads. Triads consisted of a graduate student clinician, a minimally verbal child with autism spectrum disorder, and the child's parent. Coaching and intervention occurred during an interprofessional summer clinic that included graduate student clinicians from special education and speech and hearing sciences departments. The efficacy of short-term instruction, researcher coaching for student clinicians, and student clinician coaching of parents was evaluated using a multiple baseline across participants' design...
June 2024: Seminars in Speech and Language
Teresa Cardon
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
June 2024: Seminars in Speech and Language
Anthony D Koutsoftas, Kaitlin Lansford
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
June 2024: Seminars in Speech and Language
Teresa Cardon, Annette K Griffith, Anthony D Koutsoftas, Chrystal Jansz Rieken, Angeline Eaton
Interprofessional practice (IPP) is thought to increase coordination of care and provide numerous benefits for clients and practitioners. While the importance of interprofessional education and practice has been emphasized in the literature and by numerous organizations including the World Health Organization, understanding what is working for practitioners is still elusive. Using the World Health Organization's framework regarding IPP and the Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) guidelines and competencies, this research attempted to identify what is working for practitioners when it comes to IPP and where opportunities for growth are still evident...
June 2024: Seminars in Speech and Language
Alejandra Auza B, Maria Kapantzoglou, Chiharu Murata, Ignacio Méndez-Gómez Humarán
This was a retrospective study that aimed to provide a first estimate of the prevalence of developmental language disorder (DLD) in Mexico, where there is currently a lack of epidemiological data on this disorder. Children aged 4;0 to 6;11 years in the cities of Mexico, Queretaro, and Monterrey were classified into two groups: those with DLD ( N  = 46) and those with typical language development ( N  = 497). The diagnosis of DLD was based on standardized norm-referenced assessment and language sample analyses...
April 16, 2024: Seminars in Speech and Language
Julia J Yi, Karen A Erickson
To better understand speech-language pathologists' (SLPs') pre-service and in-service training experiences in literacy and the relationship between their literacy training experiences and current practice, self-efficacy, and beliefs regarding their roles in literacy assessment and treatment, a web-based survey of SLPs was conducted ( n  = 444). Responses revealed that 60% of respondents completed at least one literacy course in their graduate programs: 55% took courses that embedded content in literacy assessment or treatment, and 23% took courses dedicated to literacy...
April 4, 2024: Seminars in Speech and Language
Jordan Stierwalt, Julie A G Stierwalt, Heather Clark, Angela Burda, Hanna Benavidez Kiley, Erica Collins, Morgan Kortemeyer, Elizabeth Miller, Grace Peckenschneider, Elizabeth Schieltz, Yashvi Shah, Kayleigh Simon
Persons with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (PALS) are at risk of developing cognitive impairments and frontotemporal dementia (FTD). This study examined the relationship between performance of the ALS-Cognitive Behavioral Screen (ALS-CBS) and the demographic parameters of sex, education, time post-ALS diagnosis, and severity of symptoms. Data were collected retrospectively from 69 participants seen at the Mayo Clinic. Correlations were conducted on the ALS-CBS total scores and subsection scores and the above listed parameters; t-tests were conducted between participant subgroups...
April 2, 2024: Seminars in Speech and Language
Anthony D Koutsoftas, Kaitlin Lansford
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
March 2024: Seminars in Speech and Language
Mindy Schnell, Dianne Slavin
Abductor laryngeal dystonia (ABLD) is a rare neurological voice disorder which results in sporadic opening of the vocal folds during speech. Etiology is unknown, and to date there is no identified effective behavioral treatment for it. It is hypothesized that LSVT LOUD®, which was developed to treat dysphonia secondary to Parkinson's disease, may have application to speakers with ABLD to improve outcomes beyond that with botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT) treatment alone. The participant received one injection of BoNT in each vocal fold 2 to 3 months prior to initiating intensive voice therapy via teletherapy...
February 28, 2024: Seminars in Speech and Language
Sue Sherratt
Treatment for people with aphasia mainly concentrates on facilitating the communication of needs or providing facts. This focus is in danger of downplaying the significance of the expression of attitudes and emotion. Evaluative expression is critical for recreating identity and social interaction. However, the linguistic expression of emotions following aphasia has been insufficiently explored. This study aimed to determine which semantic-lexical devices people with aphasia used to express their opinions and views about their clinicians and rehabilitation...
February 26, 2024: Seminars in Speech and Language
Jewel E Alvis, Klaire M Brumbaugh, Sherine R Tambyraja
This study aimed to explore the effects of an integrated phonological awareness intervention on phonological errors and phonemic awareness among young school-age children. Three children with at least one phonological error pattern and below-average phonological awareness skills participated in a non-concurrent multiple baseline single-subject design across participants' investigation. The integrated phonological awareness intervention consisted of completing blending and segmenting activities using 20 trained words, with a dose of 70 to 100 productions of the targeted phonological error pattern for 10, 30-minute sessions...
February 8, 2024: Seminars in Speech and Language
Daniel J Puhlman, Jane Puhlman
The successful implementation of early interventions (EIs) within families is crucial in mitigating language and developmental delays in young children. Considering that language acquisition primarily occurs through interactions between caregivers and children, parental involvement plays a significant role in EI services. Working within families where one parent interferes with the involvement of the child's other parent or caregiver can be challenging for service providers. This article examines parental gatekeeping-a concept from the family science literature that can have a significant impact on services provided by speech language pathologists (SLPs)...
February 5, 2024: Seminars in Speech and Language
Roby Greenwald, Jacqueline S Laures-Gore, Leticia M Nogueira
Persons with communication disabilities including persons with post-stroke aphasia (PWAs) possess a vulnerability to climate change as a result of their communication impairments. The disproportionate effects of climate change are likely to exacerbate preexisting inequities in social determinants of health. Communication disability intersecting with other characteristics subject to discrimination (e.g., race, age, sex, income) may lead to inequities in climate-related adaptive capacity. This article echoes earlier concerns related to climate change and further educates healthcare professionals about the impact of climate change on the global human population, with particular consideration of PWAs...
January 2024: Seminars in Speech and Language
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