Óscar Felguera-García, Marina Dotti-Boada, Sara Labay-Tejado, Eduard Millán-Valbuena, Silvia Feu-Basilio, Sara Marín-Martínez, Marta Pazos, Jessica Matas Fassi
We report two cases of lacrimal obstruction after ocular infection with monkeypox virus (MPX) in the 2022 outbreak. One of them was a distal canalicular obstruction and the other was a proximal canalicular obstruction. In the first days of MPX they presented with conjunctivitis and periocular skin vesicles. Several months after the ophthalmic condition was cured, they showed persistence of epiphora, and the lacrimal problem was diagnosed. The photographs taken during the inflammation of the anterior pole were reviewed and vesicles located in the same area as the canalicular damage were observed...
August 1, 2024: Orbit
Jara Crear, Tassapol Singalavania, Sarinee Juntipwong, Honey M Tiu Teo, Mark Zacharek, Hakan Demirci
PURPOSE: To evaluate the results of a minimally invasive combined endoscopic and eyelid crease/medial suprabrow incision approach in collaboration with oculoplastic and sinus surgeons for the treatment of recurrent/recalcitrant sino-orbital mucoceles. METHODS: Eighteen cases of recurrent/recalcitrant sino-orbital mucoceles, treated in collaboration with oculoplastic and sinus surgeons at the University of Michigan, were retrospectively reviewed. The recurrence of mucocele, reduction in proptosis, and complications were evaluated...
August 1, 2024: Orbit
Thomas Muecke, Khizar Rana, Sandy Patel, Craig L James, James Slattery, Dinesh Selva
Primary apocrine adenocarcinoma (PAA) originating from the orbit is a rare malignant neoplasm. We present the case of a 61-year-old-male with PAA of the orbit. The patient underwent a right orbital exenteration, neck dissection, and adjuvant radiotherapy. Orbital exenteration is commonly performed as the primary intervention for PAA of the orbit. The role of adjuvant radiotherapy to prevent local recurrence is unclear and may be determined on a case-by-case basis.
July 29, 2024: Orbit
Chia W Hsu, Cornelia W Peterson, Charles G Eberhart, Christian F Meyer, Deborah K Armstrong, Katie Fiallos, Ashley A Campbell
Li-Fraumeni syndrome (LFS) is caused by a pathogenic germline variant at the TP53 locus and is associated with an increased predisposition to a variety of cancers. The neoplasms most frequently associated with LFS are sarcomas, breast cancer, brain tumors, and adrenocortical carcinomas. In this case report, we present a 43-year-old male diagnosed with an ocular adnexal sebaceous carcinoma of the right upper eyelid who was confirmed to have LFS with subsequent genetic testing. The mutational profile of both the patient's genetic screen and tumor sequencing were congruent, demonstrating the same pathogenic loss-of-function TP53 variant...
July 29, 2024: Orbit
Jane Z Spadaro, Nikita Patel, Alon Kahana
PURPOSE: Assessment of the frontalis muscle flap eyelid reanimation surgical technique for adults with severe ptosis and apraxia of eyelid opening. METHODS: A retrospective case series of 30 eyes with severe ptosis or apraxia of eyelid opening. Outcomes were assessed for margin to reflex distance 1 (MRD1), lagophthalmos, complications, and need for subsequent surgical intervention. A paired t-test was used to compare preoperative and postoperative scores of a quality-of-life questionnaire...
July 29, 2024: Orbit
Usha Kim, Brittany Perzia, Pooja Kulkarni, Mahalingam Rajiniganth, Balagiri Sundar, Alan L Robin, Aakriti Garg Shukla, Michelle M Maeng
PURPOSE: Outbreaks of mucormycosis were reported worldwide throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. We report clinical outcomes of a treatment protocol for COVID-19-associated rhino-orbital-cerebral mucormycosis (ROCM). METHODS: Patients with biopsy-proven mucormycosis and COVID-19 were included. All received intravenous amphotericin B deoxycholate 1 mg/kg and surgical endoscopic sinus debridement (FESS). Those with rhino-orbital or cerebral disease limited to the cavernous sinus were eligible for transcutaneous retrobulbar amphotericin B (TRAMB)...
July 25, 2024: Orbit
Jens Nääv Ottosson, Johanna V Berggren, Kajsa Tenland, Elin Bohman, Rafi Sheikh, Malin Malmsjö, Aboma Merdasa
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 25, 2024: Orbit
Brian W Chou, Alexander Solomon, Manuel Ferreira, Courtney E Francis
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 24, 2024: Orbit
Chhavi Gupta, Neha Shree, Kshiti Saruparia, Surbhi Saboo, Namita Kumari, Gaurav Shah, Sima Das
PURPOSE: To assess the utility of pig head model as an oculoplastic surgical training tool. METHODS: Fresh pig head was availed for surgical workshop for entropion correction, eyelid margin repair, and evisceration with implant for oculoplastic surgery-naïve participants. Skill improvement, surgical understanding, and performance of the participants were evaluated both subjectively and objectively by trained oculoplastic surgeons. Subjective assessment was done by a standardized questionnaire based on Likert scale shared with the participants post training...
July 18, 2024: Orbit
Reza Jafari, Ali Shushtari, Hanie Ahmadi, Ahmad Ahmadzade Amiri, Amir Veisi
The present study reports a case of solitary neurofibroma attached to the Inferior Rectus (IR) muscle tendon in a 24-year-old healthy woman and reviews the relevant literature regarding the clinical presentation, diagnosis, and management of this uncommon tumor. The patient underwent successful surgical resection of the tumor, leading to the resolution of associated symptoms (left lower eyelid protrusion and redness). Pathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of neurofibroma based on characteristic histopathological and immunohistochemical markers...
July 17, 2024: Orbit
M Meyers, I Vermeiren, A Dendooven, N Lauwers, J Goemaere
This case report highlights a unique presentation of Erdheim-Chester Disease (ECD) with bilateral scleral lesions, choroidal infiltration, and extensive sinus involvement. It is the first case report where the diagnosis was confirmed through a scleral biopsy after an initial presentation of a unilateral nodular scleritis. There was a gradual disease progression and ocular examination later revealed bilateral subconjunctival hyperemic lesions and mild exophthalmos, ophthalmoplegia, and extensive choroidal infiltration...
July 8, 2024: Orbit
Anthony Yao, Sepideh Amin, Raman Malhotra
A 23-year-old female symptomatic with unilateral proptosis with superior globe displacement and hypertropia was found to have a multiloculated cystic lesion with bony lining arising from the inferomedial orbit. The adjacent maxillary sinus was markedly smaller on the affected side, with no defect of the wall on radiographic or intraoperative examination. Surgical excision and histological analysis of the lesion demonstrated an orbital respiratory epithelial cyst. A literature review of congenital orbital respiratory epithelial cysts is presented...
July 2, 2024: Orbit
Fernando Procianoy
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
June 25, 2024: Orbit
Jose Miguel Ambat, Mayari Ito, Tatsuro Yokoyama, Yasuhiro Takahashi
Pyomyositis is a bacterial infection of skeletal muscle leading to abscess formation. Younger males are predominantly involved, but pyomyositis may occur in all ages and sexes. Underlying systemic disease or accompanying immunocompromised states may increase the risk of pyomyositis. This is a report of a 72-year-old, male, with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, presenting initially as a case of orbital cellulitis. Magnetic resonance imaging confirmed the presence of an abscess in the left lateral rectus. Antibiotic therapy was promptly initiated, and drainage of the abscess was performed via a transconjunctival approach...
June 24, 2024: Orbit
Rafael Boucher, Oscar Haigh, Emmanuel Racy, Corinne Bordonne, Emmanuel Barreau, Antoine Rousseau, Marc Labetoulle
Primary tumors of the lacrimal sac (PTLS) are a rare subtype of ocular adnexa tumors, with potentially life-threatening clinical course. There has been growing evidence of human papilloma virus (HPV) as an etiological agent in these tumors.In this retrospective observational case series, we report three cases of PTLS. All three underwent an initial dacryocystorhinostomy revealing a tissular mass in the lacrimal sac. Histological findings were respectively epithelial papilloma, epithelial Malpighian papilloma, and undifferentiated epidermoid carcinoma...
June 24, 2024: Orbit
Bipasha Mukherjee, Chhakchhuak Lalduhkimi, Veena Noronha, Subramanian Krishnakumar
Rhabdomyoma of the orbit is a rare tumor with very few cases reported in the literature. We herein describe a 5-year-old boy who presented to us with a deviation of his left eye. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) showed a well-defined homogeneous intraconal mass in the superomedial aspect compressing the optic nerve. An excision biopsy was performed and the diagnosis of rhabdomyoma was confirmed on histopathology and immunohistochemistry with a coincidental finding of Trichinella spiralis larvae within the excised specimen...
August 2024: Orbit
Weronika Jakubowska, Stéphan Tobalem, Léa Bernard, Francis Toupin, Evan Kalin-Hajdu
The authors describe a case of bilateral diffuse paraneoplastic orbital myositis induced by a stage IA left testicular pure seminoma. The patient presented with findings typical of thyroid-associated orbitopathy (TAO) and was thought to have TAO until discovery of the malignancy. Treatment included an urgent orchiectomy, as well as 7 weeks of therapeutic plasma exchange. This is the fifth reported case of seminoma-associated orbitopathy, and the second to occur while cancer was in the occult phase. Although seminoma-associated orbitopathy is exceedingly rare, it can masquerade as TAO and should be considered in the differential diagnosis of any young male with atypical TAO findings...
August 2024: Orbit
Matthew T Fenech, Ankur Raj, Rutika Dodeja, Damien Yeo
PURPOSE: To assess the management of patients with congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction (CNLDO) in a paediatric population and review the long-term outcomes over a 5-year interval, with particular emphasis on the difference between patients with trisomy 21 and those without trisomy 21. METHODS: This single-centre, retrospective, cross-sectional, case review study included patients suffering from CNLDO at Alder Hey Children's Hospital NHS foundation Trust. Patients were divided into two groups: Non-trisomy 21 and trisomy 21...
June 19, 2024: Orbit
Yu-Lin Huang, Chien-Hsiu Wu
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
June 12, 2024: Orbit
Ryan Sorensen, Gianmarco Calderara, Jonathan Welsh, Elizabeth Hick, David Hsiou, Alicia Chen, Patrick J Hunt, Jeel Jainesh Mehta, Richard C Allen, Katherine Williams
PURPOSE: Periocular lesions in pediatric patients usually require general anesthesia for surgical intervention. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warns against multiple exposures to anesthesia in children younger than 3 years due to the increased risk of learning disabilities in this population. This study aimed to evaluate risk factors associated with chalazion recurrence after surgery. METHODS: A retrospective chart review over a five-year period identified 649 patients at our institution undergoing surgical intervention for chalazion...
June 11, 2024: Orbit
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