Antonio H Frangieh
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 2024: Cardiology Clinics
Kris Kumar, Timothy Simpson
Mitral valve stenosis remains highly prevalent among the US population although with dramatically shifting demographics. The significance of rheumatic mitral disease in developing nations persists, despite improvements in preventative measures and early detection, and its presence in developed countries is still evident as observed through international migration. In addition, the substantial growth in the aging population with a heightened occurrence of concurrent cardiovascular risk factors is leading to an increased prevalence of chronic calcific degeneration and degeneration of previously repaired or replaced valves...
August 2024: Cardiology Clinics
Safwan Gaznabi, Jeirym Miranda, Daniel Lorenzatti, Pamela Piña, Senthil S Balasubramanian, Darshi Desai, Aditya Desai, Edwin C Ho, Andrea Scotti, Carlos A Gongora, Aldo L Schenone, Mario J Garcia, Azeem Latib, Purvi Parwani, Leandro Slipczuk
Current guidelines of aortic stenosis (AS) management focus on valve parameters, LV systolic dysfunction, and symptoms; however, emerging data suggest that there may be benefit of aortic valve replacement before it becomes severe by present criteria. Myocardial assessment using novel multimodality imaging techniques exhibits subclinical myocardial injury and remodeling at various stages before guideline-directed interventions, which predicts adverse outcomes. This raises the question of whether implementing serial myocardial assessment should become part of the standard appraisal, thereby identifying high-risk patients aiming to minimize adverse outcomes...
August 2024: Cardiology Clinics
Joe Aoun, Taha Hatab, John Volpi, Chun Huie Lin
Patent foramen ovale (PFO) and atrial septal defects (ASDs) are two types of interatrial communications with unique clinical presentations and management strategies. The PFO is a normal part of fetal development that typically closes shortly after birth but may persist in as many as 25% to 30% of adults. The communication between atria may result in paradoxic embolism and embolic stroke. On the other hand, ASDs (anatomically defined as secundum, primum, sinus venosus, and coronary sinus in order of prevalence) typically result in right heart volume overload and are often associated with other congenital defects...
August 2024: Cardiology Clinics
Prashant Vaijyanath, Siddharth Vasanthamani Thangavelu
Atrioventricular (AV) valve disease is a major burden in our Indian subcontinent, where rheumatic heart disease is still prevalent, when compared to the Western world, where degenerative heart disease is more prevalent. Worldwide, nearly 300,000 valve replacements are done every year but not without complications. These challenges can be multidimensional and multiscalar with the macroscopic and microscopic properties of the native patient tissue interacting with the mechanical and bioprosthetic heart valves and rings...
August 2024: Cardiology Clinics
George H Nasr, Parker M Rushworth, David M Donaldson
The left atrial appendage (LAA) has gained increasing attention in the field of cardiology as a potential site for intervention in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) and an elevated risk of thromboembolic events. Left atrial appendage occlusion (LAAO) has emerged as a promising therapeutic strategy to mitigate the risk of stroke and systemic embolism, especially in individuals who are unsuitable candidates for long-term anticoagulation therapy. This review aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the current state of LAAO, encompassing its anatomic considerations, procedural techniques, clinical outcomes, and future directions...
August 2024: Cardiology Clinics
Xander Jacquemyn, Jef Van den Eynde, Tulio Caldonazo, James A Brown, Aleksander Dokollari, Derek Serna-Gallegos, Marie-Annick Clavel, Philippe Pibarot, Ibrahim Sultan, Michel Pompeu Sá
Self-expanding valves (SEV) and balloon-expandable valves (BEV) for transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) have their own features. There is a growing interest in long-term outcomes with the adoption of lifetime management in younger patients. To evaluate late outcomes in TAVI with SEV versus BEV, we performed a study-level meta-analysis of reconstructed time-to-event data published by May 31, 2023. We found no statistically significant difference in all-cause death after TAVI with SEV versus BEV. Randomized controlled trials are warranted to validate our results...
August 2024: Cardiology Clinics
Louay Dandach, Khalil Mahmoudi, Maroun Sfeir, Alaa Masri
Coronary artery obstruction is a rare complication of transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR). This risk increases in TAVR-valve-in-valve procedure. Several anatomic risk factors were described in many studies to identify the predictive elements of coronary artery occlusion on computed tomography cardiac scan. Rescue percutaneous coronary intervention was the first approach described to treat this complication with a high mortality rate. Later on, preventive chimney stenting technique was evaluated and results showed that is a safe and effective strategy but it leads to a difficult coronary access later...
August 2024: Cardiology Clinics
Joseph Kassab, Rhonda L Miyasaka, Serge C Harb
Echocardiography, in all its forms (transthoracic echocardiography [TTE], transesophageal echocardiography [TEE], and intracardiac echocardiography [ICE]), is pivotal for the evaluation, guidance, and follow-up of transcatheter tricuspid edge-to-edge repair (TV-TEER) therapies. Although two-dimensional (2D) echocardiography remains essential, three-dimensional (3D) echo with multiplanar reconstruction (MPR) has revolutionized the field of structural imaging. In addition, the advent of 3D ICE has added an important modality to the imaging toolbox, particularly helpful when intraprocedural TEE images are challenging...
August 2024: Cardiology Clinics
Ajoe John Kattoor, Vijay Iyer
Electrosurgery has emerged as a groundbreaking tool in the field of structural cardiac interventions, revolutionizing the approach to complex cardiac conditions. This review delves into the core principles, procedural techniques, outcomes, and potential challenges associated with various electrosurgical procedures within the realm of structural cardiology. Five key electrosurgical procedures performed in complex structural interventions are highlighted in this review. They are the Transcaval Access, BASILICA, LAMPOON, ELASTIC/ELASTA-Clip, and SESAME procedures...
August 2024: Cardiology Clinics
Stephen McHugh, Haytham Allaham, Diljon Chahal, Anuj Gupta
Patients with concomitant severe aortic stenosis and significant coronary artery disease present a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge in clinical practice. There are no clear-cut guidelines as to the timing of revascularization in these patients who are referred for transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR). This article aims to show that in patients without high-grade proximal coronary artery disease, revascularization after TAVR is safe, feasible, and practical. Additionally, the use of preoperative TAVR computed tomographic angiography might be used in both intermediate and high-risk patients rather than invasive coronary angiography to assess for significant proximal coronary artery disease to help guide the timing of revascularization...
August 2024: Cardiology Clinics
Ran Lee
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
May 2024: Cardiology Clinics
Ryan B Gerecht, Jose V Nable
Survival from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) is predicated on a community and system-wide approach that includes rapid recognition of cardiac arrest, capable bystander CPR, effective basic and advanced life support (BLS and ALS) by EMS providers, and coordinated postresuscitation care. Management of these critically ill patients continues to evolve. This article focuses on the management of OHCA by EMS providers.
May 2024: Cardiology Clinics
Murtaza Bharmal, Kyle DiGrande, Akash Patel, David M Shavelle, Nichole Bosson
The incidence of both out-of-hospital and in-hospital cardiac arrest increased during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Patient survival and neurologic outcome after both out-of-hospital and in-hospital cardiac arrest were reduced. Direct effects of the COVID-19 illness combined with indirect effects of the pandemic on patient's behavior and health care systems contributed to these changes. Understanding the potential factors offers the opportunity to improve future response and save lives.
May 2024: Cardiology Clinics
Ravi W Sumer, William A Woods
Best practices in cardiac arrest depend on continuous high-quality chest compressions, appropriate ventilatory management, early defibrillation of shockable rhythms, and identification and treatment of reversible causes. Although most patients can be treated according to highly vetted treatment guidelines, some special situations in cardiac arrest arise where additional skills and preparation can improve outcomes. Situations covered in this section involve cardiac arrest in context of electrical injuries, asthma, allergic reactions, pregnancy, trauma, electrolyte imbalances, toxic exposures, hypothermia, drowning, pulmonary embolism, and left ventricular assist devices...
May 2024: Cardiology Clinics
Amandeep Singh, Megan Heeney, Martha E Montgomery
The effectiveness of pharmacologic management of cardiac arrest patients is widely debated; however, several studies published in the past 5 years have begun to clarify some of these issues. This article covers the current state of evidence for the effectiveness of the vasopressor epinephrine and the combination of vasopressin-steroids-epinephrine and antiarrhythmic medications amiodarone and lidocaine and reviews the role of other medications such as calcium, sodium bicarbonate, magnesium, and atropine in cardiac arrest care...
May 2024: Cardiology Clinics
Sanjeeb Bhattacharya
Pulmonary hypertension is a challenging disease entity with various underlying etiologies. The management of patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension (WHO Group 1) remains challenging especially in the critical care setting. With risk of high morbidity and mortality, these patients require a multidisciplinary team approach at a speciality care facility for pulmonary hypertension for comprehensive evaluation and rapid initiation of treatment. For acute decompensated right heart failure, management should concentrate on optimizing preload and after load with use of pulmonary vasodilator therapy...
May 2024: Cardiology Clinics
Mireia Padilla Lopez, Willard Applefeld, P. Elliott Miller, Andrea Elliott, Courtney Bennett, Burton Lee, Christopher Barnett, Michael A Solomon, Francesco Corradi, Alessandro Sionis, Eduardo Mireles-Cabodevila, Guido Tavazzi, Carlos L Alviar
This review aims to enhance the comprehension and management of cardiopulmonary interactions in critically ill patients with cardiovascular disease undergoing mechanical ventilation. Highlighting the significance of maintaining a delicate balance, this article emphasizes the crucial role of adjusting ventilation parameters based on both invasive and noninvasive monitoring. It provides recommendations for the induction and liberation from mechanical ventilation. Special attention is given to the identification of auto-PEEP (positive end-expiratory pressure) and other situations that may impact hemodynamics and patients' outcomes...
May 2024: Cardiology Clinics
Ryan R Keane, Venu Menon, Paul C Cremer
Within the cardiac intensive care unit, prompt recognition of severe acute valvular lesions is essential because hemodynamic collapse can occur rapidly, especially when cardiac chambers have not had time for compensatory remodeling. Within this context, optimal medical management, considerations for temporary mechanical circulatory support and decisive treatments strategies are addressed. Fundamental concepts include an appreciation for how sudden changes in flow and pressure gradients between cardiac chambers can impact hemodynamic and echocardiographic findings differently compared to similarly severe chronic lesions, as well as understanding the main causes for decompensated heart failure and cardiogenic shock for each valvular abnormality...
May 2024: Cardiology Clinics
Drew A Birrenkott, Christopher Kabrhel, David M Dudzinski
Pulmonary embolism (PE) is the third most common cause of cardiovascular death. Every specialty of medical practitioner will encounter PE in their patients, and should be prepared to employ contemporary strategies for diagnosis and initial risk-stratification. Treatment of PE is based on risk-stratification, with anticoagulation for all patients, and advanced modalities including systemic thrombolysis, catheter-directed therapies, and mechanical circulatory supports utilized in a manner paralleling PE severity and clinical context...
May 2024: Cardiology Clinics
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