Rachel E Menzies, Keegan McMullen, Grazia D Riotto, Sabina Iliescu, Benjamin Petrovic, Monique Remfrey
Growing research suggests that death anxiety may be transdiagnostic, playing a key role in the development and symptomology of psychopathology. This meta-analysis examined the relationship between death anxiety and mental illness symptoms. In total, 104 papers were included, representing cross-sectional data from 99 studies (ntotal  = 24,434), and experimental data from 11 studies (ntotal  = 1372). Meta-analyses of cross-sectional studies indicated a moderate correlation (r = 0...
August 23, 2024: Clinical Psychology Review
Lars Dumke, Sarah Wilker, Tobias Hecker, Frank Neuner
This study undertakes a scoping review of reviews on barriers to accessing mental health care for refugees and asylum seekers in high-income countries. By assessing mental health care access using the Levesque's conceptual framework, we identify barriers along the patient care pathway and highlight research gaps. Following PRISMA-ScR guidelines, 10 relevant systematic and scoping reviews were identified and analyzed. Seven common barriers were identified, that could be located across different stages of the conceptual framework...
August 22, 2024: Clinical Psychology Review
Getinet Ayano, Rosanna Rooney, Christina M Pollard, Jaya A R Dantas, Roanna Lobo, Zakia Jeemi, Sharyn Burns, Robert Cunningham, Stephen Monterosso, Lynne Millar, Sharinaz Hassan, Sender Dovchin, Rhonda Oliver, Kael Coleman, Rosa Alati
INTRODUCTION: Several systematic reviews and meta-analyses have been conducted on the risk and protective factors of youth crime. This study aims to consolidate this evidence using an umbrella review methodology. METHODS: A systematic electronic search was conducted using multiple electronic databases. Strength of associations was evaluated using quantitative umbrella review criteria, and AMSTAR was used to assess the quality of the studies. RESULTS: Among the 58 factors identified, 11 factors were supported by highly suggestive or suggestive evidence...
August 19, 2024: Clinical Psychology Review
Melissa H Black, Johan Helander, Julie Segers, Cecilia Ingard, Jo Bervoets, Vincent Grimaldi de Puget, Sven Bölte
Neurodivergent individuals, including a range of conditions impacting neurological function, are at an increased likelihood of poor life outcomes, such as in functional adaptation, mental health, and well-being. Yet, many live meaningful and fulfilling lives. Resilience may provide some explanation for the heterogeneity in outcomes observed in neurodivergent populations. We conducted a scoping review embedded in a neurodiversity-affirmative approach to provide an understanding of resilience in neurodivergent populations...
August 15, 2024: Clinical Psychology Review
Gianluca Cruciani, Maria Quintigliano, Selene Mezzalira, Cristiano Scandurra, Nicola Carone
LGBTQ+ patients exhibit higher rates of mental disorder relative to the general population. This is particularly concerning since deficiencies in mental health practitioners' skills and knowledge, along with negative attitudes and behaviors, are associated with a decreased likelihood of LGBTQ+ patients seeking mental healthcare services and an increased likelihood of reporting unmet mental healthcare needs. To address these concerns, a mixed-method systematic review was conducted to evaluate mental health practitioners' attitudes towards and knowledge of LGBTQ+ patients and the impact of these factors on service utilization...
August 15, 2024: Clinical Psychology Review
Patrizia Velotti, Serena Bruno, Guyonne Rogier, Sara Beomonte Zobel, Martina Vacchino, Carlo Garofalo, David S Kosson
Considering the sparse but rapidly growing literature concerning the relationship between psychopathy and emotion regulation, taking stock of accumulating knowledge in a systematic review and meta-analysis of the existing results is needed. We performed a systematic search (up to May 30, 2024) following PRISMA guidelines of five scientific databases (PsycINFO, PsycARTICLES, MEDLINE, PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science). Also, gray literature was searched. After removing the duplicates, a total of 8.786 records were screened, and 73 articles were selected based on the inclusion criteria used for systematic review...
August 14, 2024: Clinical Psychology Review
Katherine A Berry, Emily M Choquette, Alison Looby, Diana Rancourt
Food and alcohol disturbance (FAD) reflects the functional relationship between disordered eating and alcohol use. There are two motivations underlying FAD - to enhance the effects of alcohol and/or to compensate for alcohol-related calories. Yet, most FAD studies have failed to adequately measure the motives underlying these behaviors, leading to inconsistent and imprecise findings. The aim of the current systematic review was to thematically consolidate FAD research findings by motive, identify limitations of the existing literature, and highlight next steps for FAD researchers...
August 14, 2024: Clinical Psychology Review
Sylwia Starzec, Jolanta Starosta, Aleksandra Zajas, Patrycja Kiszka, Sławomir Śpiewak, Paweł Strojny
The global gaming community now exceeds 3 billion players, prompting increased attention from social and medical sciences regarding gaming-related disorders. Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) was incorporated into DSM-5 in 2013, and Gaming Disorder (GD) found its place in ICD-11 in 2019. A contentious criterion in IGD, not present in GD, revolves around withdrawal symptoms. This paper offers a theoretical foundation on gaming withdrawal symptoms in gaming-related disorders and conducts a scoping review of withdrawal operationalization and conceptualization in 40 selected studies, following PRISMA-ScR guidelines...
August 13, 2024: Clinical Psychology Review
Saarim Yasin Aslam, Tiago Zortea, Paul Salkovskis
BACKGROUND: The cognitive theory of panic disorder proposes that individuals with panic disorder have a relatively enduring tendency to catastrophically misinterpret bodily sensations resulting in panic attacks. AIMS: We investigated whether the evidence is consistent with the theory and its predictions, if updates are required and sought to identify future research considerations. METHODS: We searched Scopus, Web of Science, PsycInfo, EMBASE, MEDLINE and CINAHL (1986 to July 2024)...
August 13, 2024: Clinical Psychology Review
Pascal Schlechter, Mona Hillmann, Sharon A S Neufeld
Understanding developmental trajectories and gender differences in depressive symptoms is clinically relevant. Discerning true differences across gender, age groups, and time is based on the often-neglected premise of measurement invariance (MI) of child and adolescent depression scales. In this systematic review, we assessed available evidence for MI across gender, age groups, and time for depression scales validated in children and adolescents, in studies with at least one assessment under age 18. A literature search using Medline, PsychInfo, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar databases identified 42 studies that examined MI...
August 13, 2024: Clinical Psychology Review
Jasara N Hogan, Richard E Heyman, Amy M Smith Slep
Concerns surrounding electronic addictions, an umbrella term including any clinically significant technology-based addictive problem, have increased as technology has advanced. Although researchers and clinicians have observed detrimental effects associated with excessive technology use, there is no agreed-on definition or set of criteria for these problems. The lack of a consistent understanding of electronic addictions has led to a lack of consistency in both assessment and treatment studies, precluding strong recommendations for effective screening and clinical intervention...
August 8, 2024: Clinical Psychology Review
Helen Thai, Élodie C Audet, Richard Koestner, Martin Lepage, Gillian A O'Driscoll
Schizophrenia, a debilitating psychiatric disorder, has a long-term impact on social and occupational functioning. While negative symptoms, notably amotivation, are recognized as poor prognostic factors, the positive force of patient motivation (autonomous motivation) remains underexplored. This systematic review, guided by Self-Determination Theory (SDT), investigated the impact of motivation on clinical presentation, and treatment engagement and response in schizophrenia-spectrum disorders. Fifty-five independent studies (N = 6897), using 23 different motivation scales, met inclusion criteria...
July 31, 2024: Clinical Psychology Review
Stephen A McIntyre, Jessica Richardson, Susan Carroll, Saava O'Kirwan, Chloe Williams, Victoria Pile
BACKGROUND: Dysfunctional imagery processes characterise a range of emotional disorders. Valid, reliable, and responsive mental imagery measures may support the clinical assessment of imagery and advance research to develop theory and imagery-based interventions. We sought to review the psychometric properties of mental imagery measures relevant to emotional disorders. METHODS: A systematic review registered on the Open Science Framework was conducted using COnsensus-based Standards for the selection of health Measurement INstruments (COSMIN) guidance...
July 30, 2024: Clinical Psychology Review
Charlotte Huggett, Sarah Peters, Patricia Gooding, Natalie Berry, Daniel Pratt
This review aimed to develop a conceptual model of the therapeutic alliance in the context of psychotherapy and suicidal experiences from therapist and client perspectives. The protocol was pre-registered on PROSPERO (CRD42021268273). MEDLINE, PsycINFO, Web of Science, Embase and CINAHL were systematically searched from database inception to April 2024. Eligible studies were peer-reviewed, qualitative, and included client and/or therapist's perspectives of the therapeutic alliance in the context of psychotherapy and suicidal experiences...
July 29, 2024: Clinical Psychology Review
Wenwen Hou, Yingying Jiang, Yunmei Yang, Liqi Zhu, Jing Li
Gaze abnormalities are well documented in infants at elevated risk for autism spectrum disorder (ASD). However, variations in experimental design and stimuli across studies have led to mixed results. The current meta-analysis aimed to identify which type of eye tracking task and stimulus are most effective at differentiating high-risk infants (siblings of children with ASD) who later meet diagnosis criteria from low-risk infants without familial autism. We synthesized 35 studies that used eye tracking to investigate gaze behavior in infants at high genetic risk for autism before 2 years of age...
July 14, 2024: Clinical Psychology Review
Julie J Janssens, Glenn Kiekens, Marieke Jaeken, Olivia J Kirtley
Self-injurious thoughts and behaviours (SITBs) are a leading cause of death, and interpersonal processes (IPs) appear to play a role in SITBs. This systematic review synthesises the literature on IPs and SITBs in daily life and addresses four critical questions: (1) Which IPs have been assessed and how, (2) How are differences in IPs between individuals associated with SITBs?, (3) How are differences in IPs within individuals associated with SITBs? and (4) Do IPs relate differently to self-injurious thoughts than behaviours? Our review followed PRISMA guidelines and eligible literature was screened until 25 April 2024...
July 10, 2024: Clinical Psychology Review
Peiyao Tang, Katarzyna Kostyrka-Allchorne, Ana-Maria Butura, Jacqueline Phillips-Owen, Edmund Sonuga-Barke
Adolescence is a time when important decisions about the future are made and vulnerability to mental health problems increases. We reviewed longitudinal studies examining the reciprocal pathways between future-related thinking (hopelessness, hope, optimism/positive future expectations) and adolescent depression and anxiety symptoms. Evidence from 22 studies (N = 10,682) found that negative future-related thinking predicted subsequent depression (r = 0.27, p < .001), an effect still significant after controlling for baseline depression (r = 0...
July 8, 2024: Clinical Psychology Review
Alexandra Schmidt, Nick Grey, Clara Strauss, Darya Gaysina
Identifying factors that impact psychological treatment outcomes in older people with common mental health problems (CMHP) has important implications for supporting healthier and longer lives. The aim of the present study was to synthesise the evidence on predictors of psychological treatment outcomes in older people (aged 65+). PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science and PsycINFO were searched and 3929 articles were identified and screened, with 42 studies (N = 7978, M age = 68.9, SD age = 2...
June 27, 2024: Clinical Psychology Review
Renee D Rienecke, Xanthe Trotter, Paul E Jenkins
The purpose of the current review was to address four questions: 1) Are there differences in family functioning or family environment among patients with different eating disorder (ED) diagnoses? 2) Are there differences in the perception of family functioning or family environment among different family members? 3) Is family functioning or family environment related to ED symptomatology? 4) Does family functioning or family environment change as a result of ED treatment? and 4a) If so, does this impact ED treatment outcome? Although most studies found no differences among ED diagnostic groups, those that did generally found worse family functioning among those with binge/purge symptoms than among those with the restricting subtype of anorexia nervosa...
June 24, 2024: Clinical Psychology Review
Brittany M Merrill, Megan M Hare, Jennifer Piscitello, Nicole K Schatz, Gregory A Fabiano, Erica L Wells, Emily L Robertson, Ariel M Aloe, William E Pelham, Fiona Macphee, Marcela Ramos, Xin Zhao, Amy R Altszuler, Natalie Javadi, Stephanie S J Morris, Alyssa Smyth, Leah Ward, Heather A Jones
Demographic data from nearly 50 years of treatment research for children and adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are synthesized. Comprehensive search identified ADHD treatment studies that were between-group designs, included a psychosocial, evidence-based treatment, and were conducted in the United States. One hundred and twenty-six studies that included 10,604 youth were examined. Reporting of demographics varied with 48% of studies (k = 61) reporting ethnicity, 73% (k = 92) reporting race, 80% (k = 101) reporting age (M age = 8...
June 13, 2024: Clinical Psychology Review
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