Leonardo Rossi, Carlo Enrico Ambrosini, Liborio Torregrossa, Maria Margherita de Santi, Raffaella Guazzo, Tommaso Simoncini, Alessandra Bacca, Benard Gjeloshi, Francesco Pignatelli, Mattia Iachini, Elisa Loguercio, Chiara Becucci, Gabriele Materazzi
Clinical and biochemical presentation of adrenal tumors may rarely conflict with their histologic features. In the present report, we describe a rare case of adrenal neoplasm clinically and biochemically labeled as pheochromocytoma which at histologic examination resulted adrenal cortical tumor. The neoplasm was examined with the electron microscope which revealed the presence of electron-dense neuroendocrine-type granules next to intracytoplasmic lipid droplets. The patient underwent laparoscopic left adrenalectomy which leads to normalization of 24 h urinary metanephrine and normetanephrine...
May 4, 2023: Ultrastructural Pathology