Riaz Qureshi, Xiwei Chen, Carsten Goerg, Evan Mayo-Wilson, Stephanie Dickinson, Lilian Golzarri-Arroyo, Hwanhee Hong, Rachel Phillips, Victoria Cornelius, Mara Mc Adams DeMarco, Eliseo Guallar, Tianjing Li
In clinical trials, harms (adverse events) are often reported by simply counting the number of people who experienced each event. Reporting only frequencies ignores other dimensions of the data that are important for stakeholders, including severity, seriousness, rate (recurrence), timing, and groups of related harms. Additionally, application of selection criteria to harms prevents most from being reported. Visualization of data could improve communication of multidimensional data. We replicated and compared the characteristics of six different approaches for visualizing harms-Dot Plot, Stacked Bar Chart, Volcano Plot, Heatmap, Treemap, and Tendril Plot...
September 5, 2022: Epidemiologic Reviews