Journals Canadian Dental Association Jo...

Canadian Dental Association Journal
Ahmad Almuzayyen, Sherif M Elsaraj, Salem Agabawi
BACKGROUND: Osteomyelitis (OM) of the jaw is a rare medical condition. In this review, we provide a descriptive analysis of the experience with this condition at a single tertiary health care centre in Canada over 10 years. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We conducted a retrospective chart review of adult patients aged ≥ 18 years presenting with OM of the jaw at the University of Manitoba Health Sciences Centre between January 2009 and May 2019. We included cases with consistent clinical symptoms and radiographic and/or microbiologic evidence of OM of the jaw...
July 2024: Canadian Dental Association Journal
Michael Martico, Harry Kapageridis, Aviv Ouanounou
Infective endocarditis (IE) remains one of the most serious diseases with a high morbidity and mortality rate. Although the condition is more common in the medical field in a hospital setting, dentists must have a thorough understanding of the overall pathogenesis, epidemiology, risk factors and signs and symptoms that may be present in their patient population. In 2021, the American Heart Association (AHA) updated its guidelines on IE, emphasizing the specific criteria that put a patient at risk of acquiring IE, specific dental procedures that can increase the risk of IE by inducing bacteremia and an antibiotic prophylaxis regimen to act as a preventive measure if needed...
May 2024: Canadian Dental Association Journal
Paul Grootendorst, Hai Nguyen, Carlos QuiƱonez
OBJECTIVES: Although routine dental care is essential for both oral and overall health, in Canada, access to such care is uneven. Those with low or medium income and no workplace dental coverage often face financial barriers in accessing dental care. However, the factors that affect access - income, employer-provided health benefits and public dental care subsidy programs - have changed over the decades. This study examines the net impact of these factors on long-term trends in dental care access among different groups in Canada over the past 5 decades...
April 2024: Canadian Dental Association Journal
Dean A Kolbinson, Jean-Paul Name Goulet
Patients with recurrent or persistent dentoalveolar pain usually believe that endodontic treatment or extracting a tooth will alleviate it, and most cannot conceive that the pain might not be tooth related. Understanding that dental procedures of any kind will be ineffective when a tooth-related pathology is ruled out and that a nonodontogenic etiology best explains the "toothache" pain goes against their beliefs. In this article, we present an overview of basic concepts to help manage such cases by briefly outlining possible causes of nonodontogenic pain as well as diagnostic pitfalls that may lead to questionable treatments...
February 2024: Canadian Dental Association Journal
Fatima Hanif, Abiola Adeniyi, Rae Dorion, Noha Gomaa, Abbas Jessani
OBJECTIVES: To investigate the impact of a COVID-19 mandated lockdown on the type and frequency of dental services accessed at an undergraduate dental clinic in southwestern Ontario. METHODS: We retrieved anonymized sociodemographic (n = 4791) and billing data (n = 11616) of patients for 2 periods of 199 days, before (T1) and after (T2) lockdown. We applied descriptive statistics and used Student's t test to compare the type and frequency of dental services provided between the 2 periods...
January 2024: Canadian Dental Association Journal
Elham Emami, Samira A Rahimi, Milka Nyariro
Professors Elham Emami and Samira Rahimi organized and co-led an international interdisciplinary workshop in June 2023 at McGill University, built upon an intersectoral approach addressing equity, diversity and inclusion within the field of AI.
November 2023: Canadian Dental Association Journal
Mohammad Hassan Bacho, Michel Sina Mounir, Edwin Km Chan, Beatriz Ferraz Dos Santos
BACKGROUND: The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and government restrictions affecting dental health care professionals had an impact on pediatric dental emergency trends. The purpose of this study was to describe the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the characteristics, outcomes and management of pediatric dental emergencies in a single tertiary care hospital. METHODS: A retrospective review of children presenting to Montreal Children's Hospital for dental emergencies before and during the pandemic was conducted...
October 2023: Canadian Dental Association Journal
Sandra Name Marquis, Kimberlyn M McGrail, Yona Lunsky, Jennifer Baumbusch
INTRODUCTION: The literature indicates that youth with intellectual/developmental disabilities (IDD), such as Down syndrome or autism, have poor oral health. A number of factors influence their oral health, including the use of medically required dental treatments. METHODS: This paper describes the first use of population-level administrative health data to examine the use of medically required dental services by youth with IDD compared with youth without IDD in Canada...
July 2023: Canadian Dental Association Journal
Michael T L Coyne, Dip Perio, HsingChi von Bergmann, Denise Laronde, Mario A A Brondani
INTRODUCTION: Human papillomavirus (HPV), as the most common form of sexually transmitted infection, has been implicated in almost one-third of oropharyngeal cancers. One way to prevent HPV infections is through vaccination. This study aimed to investigate whether dentists in British Columbia (BC) were willing to discuss, refer and administer the vaccine in a dental practice setting. METHODS: Our cross-sectional study used a survey consisting of 14 questions pertaining to demographics, scope of practice, barriers to discussing the HPV vaccine and willingness to engage in HPV vaccination...
July 2023: Canadian Dental Association Journal
Alison Looper, Shahrokh Esfandiari
BACKGROUND: Studies show concerning rates of occupational violence against oral health care workers, but few studies of this nature have been conducted on dental students in university clinics. METHODS: We surveyed 3rd-, 4th- and 5th-year dental students in the 2020-2021 academic year at the dental teaching clinic of the University of Montreal, using a 17-item self-report questionnaire exploring 4 types of aggression: physical, verbal, reputational and sexual. RESULTS: Of 239 students, 45 (19%) responded to the online questionnaire, and 28 (62% of respondents) reported some form of aggression in the previous year...
June 2023: Canadian Dental Association Journal
Amanda B Longo, Elyse Rier, Colleen Porter, Gregory Wohl, Peter C Fritz
The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in amended regulations and guidelines governing the practice of dentistry and dental hygiene to ensure the protection of both patients and clinicians from transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. These guidelines include changes in personal protective equipment and, under some guidelines, the institution of a fallow period after any aerosol-generating procedure (AGP). This study aimed to investigate the effect of both ventilation and 4-handed dentistry in clinical practice with patients undergoing supportive periodontal therapy (SPT) by air polishing, ultrasonic and hand instrumentation in a closed operatory...
May 2023: Canadian Dental Association Journal
Rickson Valtellini, Aviv Ouanounou
Hypertension is a serious chronic illness that affects more than a third of the world's population. The high prevalence of hypertension coupled with its lack of initial clinical symptoms can make managing a hypertensive patient in a dental setting difficult. The dentist's role in managing hypertensive patients encompasses more than simple treatment modifications. Because of the frequency of dental checkups, dentists play an integral role in the detection of elevated blood pressure and appropriate subsequent referral...
March 2023: Canadian Dental Association Journal
Katrina Fundytus, Salima Thawer, Lindsay McLaren
BACKGROUND: Community water fluoridation is one component of a multifactorial approach to preventing dental caries. Yet, fluoridation monitoring in Canada has historically been fragmented, and recent national estimates give little indication of trends at the provincial or municipal levels. We aimed to quantify fluoridation exposure trends in Alberta from 1950 to 2018 at both the population and municipal levels. Insights have implications for dental public health surveillance. METHODS: Drawing from various public sources, we compiled a list of all Alberta municipalities, noting type of municipality and annual population count from 1950 to 2018...
March 2023: Canadian Dental Association Journal
Camille Inquimbert, Pascaline Kengne Talla, Elham Emami, Nicolas Giraudeau
On September 7, 2022, the University of Montpellier in France hosted a meeting with digital oral health technology developers, Chief Dental Officers, policy makers, the World Health Organization, the International Telecommunication Union, and academia on digital oral health technologies.
February 2023: Canadian Dental Association Journal
Zuzanna Apel, Jory Longworth, Randolph Wimmer, Usama Nassar, Arnaldo Perez
OBJECTIVES: Portfolios, collected evidence of students' learning and achievement, have been widely used in health profession education for learning and assessment purposes. However, little has been documented on their use to foster self-reflection in preclinical dental education. This exploratory study assessed students' views of portfolio assignments to foster self-reflection in preclinical operative dentistry courses. METHODS: Participants were first- (Y1) and second-year (Y2) undergraduate dental students who completed a preclinical operative course in the College of Dentistry at the University of Saskatchewan...
December 2022: Canadian Dental Association Journal
Seema Ganatra, Salima Sawani, Parvaneh Badri, Mohammadreza Pakseresht, Maryam Amin
OBJECTIVES: The aims of this study were to determine demographic profiles, tumour characteristics and treatment factors related to oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancer (OCC and OPC) and comparatively analyze these cancers in the adult population of Alberta, Canada, over 12 years. METHODS: Demographic, tumour characteristics and treatment data regarding OCC and OPC incidence in Alberta residents ≥18 years in 2005-2017 were extracted from the Alberta Cancer Registry database...
December 2022: Canadian Dental Association Journal
Keith Da Silva, Amrita Lionel, Jennifer M O'Brien, Kristi D Wright, Mateen Raazi
INTRODUCTION: The rate of general anesthesia (GA) use for pediatric dental treatment in Saskatchewan is among the highest in Canada. Although the prevalence of and risk factors for early childhood caries (ECC) has been reviewed nationally, few studies have focused on Saskatchewan. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of and predictive factors for dental treatment under GA in Saskatchewan. METHODS: This retrospective review focused on pediatric patients who required dental treatment under GA in Saskatchewan between 2015 and 2018...
September 2022: Canadian Dental Association Journal
Arsalan Danesh, Aviv Ouanounou
Bell's palsy is the most common mononeuropathy that causes acute unilateral facial paralysis or paresis. The condition peaks within 72 h and may be associated with numerous signs and symptoms, including post-auricular pain, drooping of the eyelid, loss of taste sensation and decreased lacrimation. Although the etiology of the condition is unknown, inflammation, viral infection, ischemia and anatomy of the facial nerve have all been implicated in the pathophysiology of the disease. Diagnosis and determination of etiology are significant in the early management of this condition...
August 2022: Canadian Dental Association Journal
Farah Abdulsatar, Michael R Miller, Sepideh Taheri
OBJECTIVE: Various teething remedies have been widely marketed to caregivers. Unsafe remedies, including teething necklaces and topical anesthetics, have been implicated in adverse events, such as suffocation injuries and death. However, little is known about the extent of their use. Our primary objective was to assess the prevalence of teething remedy use among caregivers. A secondary objective was to determine whether the use of unsafe teething remedies is related to socioeconomic status (SES) or maternal education...
August 2022: Canadian Dental Association Journal
Shiri Iskander, Firoozeh Samim
OBJECTIVES: To understand the risk factors that may be associated with the development of oral lichen planus (OLP) and its progression. STUDY DESIGN: We conducted retrospective chart reviews of adult patients with OLP who presented to oral medicine and oral pathology clinics in 2 provinces between September 2016 and January 2020. Data regarding age, sex, disease duration, sites of involvement, comorbidities, medications, allergies, smoking, alcohol use, treatment and follow up were collected...
July 2022: Canadian Dental Association Journal
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