Journals Medical Journal, Armed Forces ...

Medical Journal, Armed Forces India
Shiv Shankar Agarwal, Dinesh Chaudhary, Sanjeev Datana, Dhruv Jain
BACKGROUND: This article aims to compare clinical efficacy of newly introduced PowerScope 2 appliance with Forsus FRD in the treatment of Skeletal Class II malocclusion. METHODS: This randomized controlled trial studied 40 patients at two centers (20 patients at each center, divided into two groups of 10 patients each as Group 1: Forsus FRD and Group 2: PowerScope 2 appliance. The skeletal, dental, soft tissue, and airway changes were noted at T0 (pretreatment), T1 (preappliance therapy), and T2 (postappliance therapy)...
2024: Medical Journal, Armed Forces India
Indranil Deb Roy, Ajay Premanand Desai, M Ramyasri, K Mukesh
Reconstructing maxillofacial defects is quiet challenging due to the region's complex anatomy, and cosmetic and functional effects on patients. With the help of developing technologies, patient-specific implants (PSIs) using virtual surgical planning based on a Computer aided designing (CAD)/Computer aided manufacturing (CAM) platform is an evolving treatment option. PSIs can be used in patients with maxillofacial defects and reconstruction. PSIs are also being used in the form of preformed plates for virtually planned orthognathic surgeries...
2024: Medical Journal, Armed Forces India
Neelima Katti, Anurag Satpathy, Devapratim Mohanty, Saravanan Sampoornam Pape Reddy, Poonam Agrawal, Shib Shankar Pradhan
BACKGROUND: The interaction between the recipient area and the graft is one of the key factors in the success of periodontal plastic surgery. This randomized controlled, split-mouth, double-blinded clinical trial aimed to compare the clinical and aesthetic outcomes of epithelialized palatal graft (EPG) and gingival unit graft (GUG) in achieving root coverage in localized (Recession Type 1) RT1 recession defects. METHODS: Twenty participants with forty bilateral recession defects randomly received EPG or GUG surgical treatment modalities for each of the recession defects...
2024: Medical Journal, Armed Forces India
T Prasanth, S Manandhar, T S Satisha, N Gupta, P Kumar
Failures of soft tissue grafting are relatively common and can be stressful when encountered for both the clinicians and patients. Soft tissue grafting has predictable success most of the time when proper selection and implementation of surgical procedure is done. This case report describes management of soft-tissue surgery failure after multiple mucogingival grafting for enhancing the soft-tissue quality, quantity, and aesthetic outcomes. Augmentation by free gingival graft using periodontal microsurgical principle resulted complete coverage of the defect suggesting that careful treatment planning, immaculate execution by skillful technique definitely helped to achieve a successful result...
2024: Medical Journal, Armed Forces India
Sharon John, Ayushi Jain, Priya Devi, Shalini Gupta, Shivanjali Raghuvanshi
Adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) is an uncommon tumor that usually appears in the major salivary glands of the head and neck region, including the minor glands in the oral cavity, sinonasal tract, and other sites. ACC of the head and neck may have a low-grade histological appearance. This malignant tumor has unusual clinical characteristics such as occasional regional lymph node metastases and a prolonged yet continuously advancing clinical course. Additionally, it is an invasive tumor with perineural invasion, difficult-to-clear margins, metastasis, and localized recurrence...
2024: Medical Journal, Armed Forces India
Naveen Gopi Chander, D Ravindra Reddy
BACKGROUND: Few studies have established the relationship between connector widths, cuspal angulation, loading forces, and supporting structures of zirconia fixed dental prosthesis (FDP). The objective of the study was to compare the stress distribution in implant- and tooth-supported zirconia FDP with different connector designs, and cuspal angulations of replaced teeth under diverse angulations of forces. METHODS: Finite element (FE) analysis was done by simulating a 3-unit implant- and tooth-supported FDP...
2024: Medical Journal, Armed Forces India
Manu Krishnan, Seema Saraswathy, Sanjana Singh, Gursimran Kaur Saggu, Namita Kalra, Paban K Agrawala, Kurian Mathew Abraham, Bishamber Das Toora
BACKGROUND: Biologic compounds have recently generated interest in cancer chemoprevention. Sulforaphane (SFN), an isothiocyanate from cruciferous vegetables, has profound epigenetic actions. Since epigenetic aetiology is crucial for oral cancer, this study evaluated the role of SFN in oral cancer prevention. METHODS: Oral squamous cell carcinoma cells (UPCI-SCC-172) were treated with SFN in three concentrations: 10 μM, 20 μM and 30 μM for two time periods: 24 h and 48 h...
2024: Medical Journal, Armed Forces India
Shreehari A K, N K Sahoo, Dinesh Kumar, R S Malhi
BACKGROUND: Rehabilitation with dental implants has become the most widely accepted treatment protocol for rehabilitation of lost natural teeth. Direct sinus lift is one of the most predictable procedures for augmenting the deficient posterior maxillary ridges. METHODS: The study was designed in patients with insufficient bone for implants in the maxillary posterior ridges. The test group received platelet-rich fibrin alone as filler, and the control group received a bone allograft...
2024: Medical Journal, Armed Forces India
Alluru Amrutesh Reddy, Naveen Gopi Chander, Jetti Ramesh Reddy, Balasubramanian Muthukumar
BACKGROUND: Biomarkers can aid in determining the success of complete denture. Fewer studies evaluated the biomarkers in edentulous patients. This can aid in planning of better qualitative care for edentulous patients. The study compared the quantities of nitric oxide (NO), salivary alpha amylase (SAA) and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) before and after denture insertion in complete denture patients. METHODS: The study involved 25 edentulous patients...
2024: Medical Journal, Armed Forces India
Amrit Thapa, Amit Antil, Saugat Ray, Indranil Deb Roy, B S Walia
Pre-nasoalveolar molding (PNAM) was developed to reduce the severity of the initial cleft alveolar and nasal deformity. The nasoalveolar moulding appliance (NAM) consists of an intraoral moulding plate with nasal stents to mould the alveolar ridge and nasal cartilage concurrently. Use of the NAM technique also reduces surgical columella reconstruction and the resultant scar tissue in bilateral cleft lip and palate. The nasoalveolar moulding technique has been shown to significantly improve the surgical outcome of the primary repair in cleft lip and palate patients compared to other techniques of presurgical orthopaedics...
2024: Medical Journal, Armed Forces India
Varun Govindraj, Thiruvallavan Nagarajan, Reenesh Mechery, Chethan Patil, Srinivas Sri, Vidyadharan, Swaminathan
BACKGROUND: Dental caries is a multifactorial disease known to be associated with the individual's lifestyle and attitude to health. Prevalence of dental caries in military personnel is higher due to their rugged profession, where soldiers endure the toughest of hostilities. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of dental caries in Indian Armed Forces and its association with oral health related behaviours, i.e., tooth brushing, flossing, smoking, use of fluoride toothpaste, and pattern of dental attendance...
2024: Medical Journal, Armed Forces India
Vineet Sharma, Abhijeet Kadu
The art of dentistry and technological advancement in the fourth industrial revolution are interacting at a rapid pace, shaping the future of dentistry. The dental profession has integrated well with advancing technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), three-dimensional (3D) printing, nanotechnology, and molecular biology resulting in oral healthcare services that are more accurate and predictable. It has enhanced the reach of dental services, made it sustainable, and energy efficient, reducing the carbon foot prints...
2024: Medical Journal, Armed Forces India
Rohan Magoon
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2024: Medical Journal, Armed Forces India
Vivek Saxena, V Gopala Krishnan, H Rangarajan
The capacity of additive manufacturing and three-dimensional (3D) printing to quickly construct intricate structures and accurate geometries sets them apart from traditional production techniques. The fourth industrial revolution and the digitalization of production were fueled by the emergence of 3D printing, which was made possible by the increasing demand for goods with various designs, functions, and materials. The global influence of 3D printing on healthcare has resulted in the replacement of generic implanted medical devices with patient-customized implants...
2024: Medical Journal, Armed Forces India
Naveen Gopi Chander, Anup Gopi
The three-dimensional (3D) printing technology has led to transformative shift in prosthodontics. This review summarizes the evolution, processing techniques, materials, integration of digital plan, challenges, clinical applications and future directions of 3D printing in prosthodontics. It appraises from the launch of 3D printing to its current applications in prosthodontics. The convergence of printing technology with digital dentistry has facilitated the creation of accurate, customized prostheses, redefining treatment planning, design, and manufacturing processes...
2024: Medical Journal, Armed Forces India
Saravanan Sampoornam Pape Reddy, Delfin Lovelina Francis, Ruchi Harish, Kumara Raja, Shreehari Ambika Krishnan, Sukhbir Singh Chopra, Balaji Manohar, Ravikiran Narayana, Kesavalu Lakshmyya
Vestibular Incision Subperiosteal Tunnel Access (VISTA) root coverage technique has experienced a surge in popularity in recent times. The methodology employed in this study is characterized by its minimally invasive nature, utilizing a single incision. The primary objective of this systematic review was to assess the effectiveness of the VISTA approach for achieving root coverage. The protocol was registered with PROSPERO and included randomized controlled clinical trials where gingival recessions were managed with VISTA technique or its modifications...
2024: Medical Journal, Armed Forces India
T Prasanth, H Singh, A Krishna, S P Saravanan, T S Satisha, K B Anand, V A Bahal
BACKGROUND: Subgingival bacterial colonization and biofilm formation are known to be the main etiology of periodontal disease progression. This biofilm elicits host response and the interaction between host defence mechanisms with plaque microorganisms and their products results in periodontal disease. Host modulatory therapy (HMT) is a form of treatment of periodontitis that focuses on treatment of the host in the host-bacteria interaction. Omega-3 fatty acids have emerged as a potential HMT agent to treat inflammation associated with periodontal disease...
2024: Medical Journal, Armed Forces India
Poonam Prakash
BACKGROUND: The objective of this study was to investigate the utility of Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT)-based pulp tooth volume- ratio of maxillary anterior teeth for accurate age estimation. The project aimed to utilize the HOROS software for image analysis and develop prediction models using regression analysis. METHODS: 1800 male patients in the age group of 20 to 40 years were selected, and maxillary anterior teeth were picked. High-resolution CBCT scans were collected, and image analysis in terms of pulp volume (PV), tooth volume (TV), and pulp-volume-to-tooth-volume ratio (PV/TV) was calculated using HOROS software...
2024: Medical Journal, Armed Forces India
Nitin Jain, Aparajita Mitra, Simmi K Ratan, Shasanka Shekhar Panda
Magnetic foreign body ingestion poses a threat especially if more than one is ingested. If consumed alone, small magnetic foreign bodies are likely to pass without significant event; however, when multiple magnets are ingested, they can be attracted to each other through the intestinal wall, which may lead to serious consequences and complications, including bowel perforation, obstruction, peritonitis, and death. We report a case of a 2-years male child patient presented with multiple small round magnetic beads ingestion from a magnetic pendant that appeared like a necklace pearl after conglomeration on abdominal radiograph...
2024: Medical Journal, Armed Forces India
Jitendra Kumar Meena, Anjana Verma, Medha Mathur, Manjinder Kaur, Neha Chhawal
BACKGROUND: Malnutrition affects up to a third of children in India, with severe and acute malnutrition prevalent among under five children. Nutritional assessment skills for detecting malnutrition in children in primary care settings are vital. Hybrid problem-based learning (HPBL) is an innovative, collaborative, and adaptable instructional learning strategy that can be used to teach medical students clinical skills in a community setting. METHODS: A two-month quasi-experimental study was undertaken in a rural setting with third-year medical students...
2024: Medical Journal, Armed Forces India
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