Peter B Hesseling, Robin Broadhead, Elizabeth Molyneux, Eric Borgstein, Johann W Schneider, Mercia Louw, Erna P G Mansvelt, Glynn Wessels
BACKGROUND: Burkitt lymphoma (BL) accounts for 50% of childhood cancer in Malawi. Lack of resources precludes the use of new successful treatment approaches such as the LMB 89 group B protocol, which cures >80% of children with stage III BL with high dose chemotherapy and matching supportive care. Our objective was to achieve a good cure rate in Murphy stage I-III BL with manageable toxicity in Malawi at a drug cost of <1000 US dollars per patient. PROCEDURE: The intensity and toxicity of the LMB 89 group B protocol was reduced and adapted to Malawi realities...
December 2003: Medical and Pediatric Oncology