Journals Journal of the Royal Army Medi...

Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps
Ulf Schmidt
Part I provides the historiographical context and examines the causes which led to the creation of the first independent research ethics committee (REC) at Porton Down, Britain's biological and chemical warfare establishment, in operation since the First World War. The papers in part I and part II argue that the introduction of RECs in the UK stemmed from concerns about legal liability and research ethics among scientists responsible for human experiments, and from the desire of the UK military medical establishment to create an external organisation which would function both as an ' internal space ' for ethical debate and as an ' external body ' to share moral and legal responsibility...
June 4, 2019: Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps
Natalie Taylor, D Ross
Soldiers deploy worldwide, often in hostile and remote locations. Considerable effort is made to ensure British soldiers deploy to locations with the correct force health protection, such as vaccinations and antimalarial chemoprophylaxis. British soldiers are currently serving, among other places, in Kabul, Afghanistan. The poor air quality in this area is something that cannot be easily mitigated, other than advising to minimise time spent outdoors. This article reviews the data from a self-reported questionnaire about the respiratory symptoms soldiers experienced while serving in Kabul...
June 2, 2019: Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps
Johno Breeze
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
June 2019: Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps
Edwin Robert Faulconer, A J Davidson, D Bowley, J Galante
The use of topical negative pressure dressings in temporary abdominal closure has been readily adopted worldwide; however, a method of continuous suction is typically required to provide a seal. We describe a method of temporary abdominal closure using readily available materials in the forward surgical environment which does not require continuous suction after application. This method of temporary abdominal closure provides the benefits of negative pressure temporary abdominal closure after damage control surgery without the need for continuous suction or specialised equipment...
June 2019: Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps
Keri McLean, T B Elmer, D A Freshwater, L Lamb, S D Woolley
Assessing for an adequate immunological response to a pre-exposure course of hepatitis B vaccine is not routinely recommended in all vaccinated individuals. Current UK guidelines advise checking hepatitis B surface antibody titres only in those considered at high occupational risk such as healthcare and laboratory workers. We present a case of an infantry soldier who developed acute hepatitis B despite having a complete course of hepatitis B vaccinations. This case emphasises that hepatitis B is still an important differential diagnosis for all returning military personnel who present with compatible symptoms despite being vaccinated...
June 2019: Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps
Danny Sharpe, J McKinlay, S Jefferys, C Wright
The Defence Medical Services aims to provide gold standard care to ill and injured personnel in the deployed environment and its prehospital emergency care (PHEC) systems have been proven to save lives. The authors have set out to demonstrate, using existing literature, consensus and doctrine that the NHS Skills for Health framework can be reflected in military prehospital care and provides an existing model for defining the levels of care our providers can offer. In addition, we have demonstrated how these levels of care support the Operational Patient Care Pathway and add to the body of evidence for the use of specialist PHEC teams to allow the right patient to be transported on the right platform, with the right medical team, to the right place...
June 2019: Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps
Giles Goatly, N Guidozzi, M Khan
BACKGROUND: Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) was first described in the 1960s and has become a major area of research due to the mortality and morbidity associated with it. ARDS is currently defined using the Berlin Consensus; however, this is not wholly applicable for trauma-related ARDS. METHODS: A systematic review of the literature was undertaken using the Preferred Reporting for Systematic Reviews and Meta Analyses methodology. The Ovid Medline, Web of Science and PubMed online databases were interrogated for papers published between 1 January 1995 and 31 December 2017...
June 2019: Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps
Julio C Furlan, D Kurban, B C Craven
INTRODUCTION: Military personnel are exposed to mechanisms of bodily injuries that may differ from civilians. A retrospective cohort study (RCS) and a propensity score-matched cohort study (PSMCS) were undertaken to examine the potential differences in injury epidemiology, management and outcomes after spinal cord injury (SCI) between military personnel and civilians. METHODS: Using a Canadian multicentre SCI database, data of all individuals with sufficient data from October 2013 to January 2017 were included in the RCS (n=1043)...
May 31, 2019: Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps
Samuel Alexander Clarke, A G A Weir
Following the deliberate chemical attacks in Salisbury last year, a review of UK resilience to chemical incidence was undertaken. The scope was not limited to deliberate attacks, related to terrorism, but was to include non-deliberate and accidental events. Chemical incidents have wide-reaching consequences irrespective of whether they are deliberate or not. The effects of these incidents manifest themselves in terms of immediate health consequences and will also include economic, political and public health effects that may have a much longer impact than the initial disruption...
May 31, 2019: Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps
Faiz Mh Ahmad, S K Nanda, S R, D S Grewal
BACKGROUND: Traumatic carotid artery thrombosis is uncommon and it usually results from penetrating injuries and less commonly secondary to blunt trauma. It can lead to delayed clinical presentation, which leads to delay in the diagnosis. Soldiers in combat scenario also can present with such an illness, which results from varied modes of injuries. Our case illustrates an unusual cause of carotid thrombosis. CASE PRESENTATION: Our patient is a 37-year-old soldier who developed neck pain and headache following a 5 km training run with rifle on the shoulder and subsequently developed left upper limb weakness and evaluation revealed extracranial right internal carotid thrombosis...
May 27, 2019: Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps
Jia-Yu Guo, Hui-Ru Hou, F Cao
Increases in the number of women in critical positions on military missions place new demands for specialised healthcare services to promote performance. The main health problems servicewomen facing are musculoskeletal injuries, reproductive diseases, iron deficiency and mental health problems. Herein, we propose several suggestions based on the rich experiences of our hospital. First is to offer preventive measures for servicewomen health. Second is to equip servicewomen with portable medicine packet to treat common diseases...
May 24, 2019: Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps
Ying Liu, Y E Liu, C C Tong, P F Cong, X Y Shi, L Shi, X H Jin, Q Wang
INTRODUCTION: Primary blast affects the kidneys due to direct shock wave damage and the production of proinflammatory cytokines without effective treatment. CD28 has been reported to be involved in regulating T cell activation and secretion of inflammatory cytokines. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of primary blast on the kidney and the effect of CD28 in mice. METHODS: A mouse model of primary blast-induced kidney injury was established using a custom-made explosive device...
May 24, 2019: Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps
Edward J Wawrzynczak
Cerebrospinal fever was rare in the British Army prior to World War I. An outbreak of the disease on Salisbury Plain in late 1914 posed new challenges. The War Office established the Central Cerebrospinal Fever Laboratory at the Royal Army Medical (RAM) College early in 1915 to conduct research, develop diagnostic tests and coordinate the military response. The Royal Army Medical Corps (RAMC) set up dedicated cerebrospinal wards for the hospitalisation and treatment of patients. The new Medical Research Committee (MRC) supported bacteriological studies of epidemic strains of the meningococcus responsible for the outbreak...
May 23, 2019: Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps
Paul Patrick Rega, B Fink, M Sexton, J Schneiderman, E Kakish, N McKenzie, K Kenney, C Jones
BACKGROUND: Open-book pelvic fractures are associated with significant mortality. Emergency management may require a commercial pelvic circumferential compression device to reduce the fracture and compress haemorrhaging pelvic vasculature. Standard, commercial, twin-sized bedsheets are acceptable should commercial devices be unavailable. However, obese victims or personnel with insufficient body strength may impede successful reduction. OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate the value of an improvisational windlass (intravenous pole) in improving the ability to reduce an open-book pelvic fracture...
May 22, 2019: Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps
Pouya Farokhnezhad Afshar, M Foroughan, F Pirooz, M Ajri
BACKGROUND: Social well-being is a major component of health, which was somehow neglected until the last few decades. The aim of this study was to determine the state of social well-being of Iranian retired men of the armed forces and their wives in the metropolis of Tehran. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study which was conducted in Tehran, capital of Iran, in 2016. Three hundred retired men of the armed forces and their wives were selected by random sampling...
May 19, 2019: Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps
Natalie Taylor, R M Gifford, R Cobb, S L Wardle, S Jones, J Blackadder-Weinstein, J Hattersley, A Wilson, C Imray, J P Greeves, R Reynolds, D R Woods
INTRODUCTION: Expedition ICE MAIDEN (Ex IM) was the first all-female unsupported crossing of Antarctica. We describe the prerequisite selection and training, comparing those who formed the final team with other participants, and discuss how the expedition diet was established. METHODS: All women serving in the British Army were invited to participate. Following initial assessments, successful women completed three training/selection ski expeditions. Between expeditions 1 and 2, participants completed 6 months rigorous UK-based training...
May 15, 2019: Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps
Dean Conway, P Ladlow, J Ferreira, S Mani-Babu, A N Bennett
INTRODUCTION: Low back pain (LBP) has been reported as the most common reason for presentation to the Medical Centre in the British Military, and the most common re-referral for the same condition. In 2015, the UK Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre (DMRC) adopted a cognitive functional therapy (CFT) approach to spinal rehabilitation in line with National Institute for Health and Care Excellence and military best practice guidelines. The aim of this study is to evaluate the functional and psychosocial outcomes of all patients with chronic LBP treated with CFT-based multidisciplinary rehabilitation at DMRC, Headley Court...
May 10, 2019: Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps
Andrew McDonald Johnston
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
May 2, 2019: Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps
Christopher Thomas Bonham, S J C Pallett, T J Holland
OBJECTIVES: Health data of operational relevance from South Sudan are lacking, outdated and non-representative. This study sets out to record and analyse primary healthcare (PHC) presentations to a deployed UK Level 1 Primary Healthcare Centre (L1 PHC) facility in Bentiu, South Sudan, to inform on disease prevalence for UK Military Personnel in a sub-Saharan Operational environment. METHODS: A prospective single-centre cohort study was completed for all PHC presentations to a UK L1 PHC facility while deployed on the United Nations Mission to South Sudan from June 2017 to November 2017...
April 29, 2019: Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps
Maxwell Mehlman
Biological interventions to improve performance, such as amphetamines, have a long history of military use, and in the future may include more advanced biotechnologies. This article discusses the ethics of using biomedical enhancements in the military. The article begins by describing the distinction between biomedical enhancements and interventions intended to prevent, treat or mitigate disease. It then sets forth three principles to guide the ethical use of bioenhancements-proportionality, paternalism and fairness...
April 29, 2019: Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps
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