Journals Journal of the American Optome...

Journal of the American Optometric Association
A A Cavallerano
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December 1998: Journal of the American Optometric Association
K Myers
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November 1998: Journal of the American Optometric Association
P G Arrigg, J Cavallerano
BACKGROUND: Diabetic retinopathy is an important cause of severe vision loss. The risk of vision loss from diabetic retinopathy is substantially reduced by intensive control of diabetes and appropriate laser surgery for proliferative diabetic retinopathy and diabetic macular edema. METHODS: The Diabetic Retinopathy Vitrectomy Study (DRVS) helped identify the indications and most propitious time for performing diabetic vitrectomy for nonresolving vitreous hemorrhage...
November 1998: Journal of the American Optometric Association
G C Weir, S Bonner-Weir
BACKGROUND: The microvascular complications of diabetes are directly linked to hyperglycemia. Beta-cell failure is a critical factor in regulation of blood sugar levels. However, only a small proportion of persons with type 1 and type 2 diabetes obtain sufficient glycemic control to avoid complications. METHODS: There are two routes for beta-cell replacement, transplantation, and a mechanical beta cell equivalent. Beta-cell replacement therapy is a potential treatment modality, since diabetes is caused by beta-cell failure...
November 1998: Journal of the American Optometric Association
R S Beaser
BACKGROUND: Diabetes is a significant cause for morbidity and mortality in developed countries. Current diabetes treatment goals involve more than normalizing glucose levels and preventing the acute effects of high or low glucose levels. RESULTS: People with diabetes are hospitalized 1.5 to 3 times more often than people who do not have diabetes, have 2 to 4 times greater risk of atherosclerotic disease, and have the highest incidence of adult blindness, chronic renal failure, and nontraumatic amputations...
November 1998: Journal of the American Optometric Association
L M Aiello, S E Bursell, J Cavallerano, W K Gardner, J Strong
PURPOSE: This preliminary study is designed to evaluate the quality of initial images obtained using the Joslin Vision Network (JVN) image capture and retrieval system. METHODS: Digitized images of 18 patients (36 eyes) were obtained using Topcon Non-mydriatic Fundus Camera and various imaging protocols as described for each series of images. Level of retinopathy ranged from no diabetic retinopathy to proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Images were reviewed and evaluated in comparison to medical record notes and Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) seven-standard field stereoscopic 35-mm retinal fundus photographs--when available--to determine the ability of JVN digitized images to allow appropriate diagnosis and clinical management...
November 1998: Journal of the American Optometric Association
C L Chronister, A S Gurwood
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
November 1998: Journal of the American Optometric Association
K E Quickel
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
November 1998: Journal of the American Optometric Association
L M Aiello
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
November 1998: Journal of the American Optometric Association
B Y Newman
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
November 1998: Journal of the American Optometric Association
A A Cavallerano
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
November 1998: Journal of the American Optometric Association
K J Myers
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October 1998: Journal of the American Optometric Association
P J Boyce
BACKGROUND: Lymphoid tumors are known to originate within the lacrimal gland and orbital fat. Ocular findings commonly seen are a palpable mass with proptosis and downward displacement of the globe. Graves' ophthalmopathy is the most common orbital pathology occurring in the general population. Signs and symptoms of Graves' ophthalmopathy, such as unilateral or bilateral proptosis, double vision, limitation of movement of the extraocular muscles, are not specific for this condition. CASE REPORT: A 57-year-old man came to us with a chief symptom of "eye swelling" for the last 3 years...
October 1998: Journal of the American Optometric Association
M J Cymbor, J M Check
BACKGROUND: Choroidal melanoma is the most common primary intraocular malignancy in adults. The ongoing Collaborative Ocular Melanoma Study (COMS) was designed to provide specific answers for the management of medium and large choroidal melanomas. The present consensus among authorities is that small (< 3 mm thick) suspected choroidal melanomas can be conservatively managed with periodic observation for evidence of growth. CASE REPORT: Dilated fundus examination of a 68-year-old man revealed a pigmented uveal lesion straddling the ora serrata inferiorly at 5:30 in the right eye...
October 1998: Journal of the American Optometric Association
M Swanson
BACKGROUND: Although the literature on dry eye is extensive, little has been written about the typical use of tear supplements among the clinical population. METHODS: This study consisted of chart reviews and telephone surveys. Self-reported use of tear supplements was evaluated. RESULTS: At the time of the survey, 63% of those recommended to use artificial tear solutions (114 of 229) continued to do so. The discontinuation rate was higher for ointments, with 53% (47 of 89) having stopped using a recommended ointment...
October 1998: Journal of the American Optometric Association
I Nunes, J Munger, J G Harpel, Y Nagano, R Shapiro, P E Gleizes, D B Rifkin
BACKGROUND: Many cytokines regulate processes involved in the pathogenesis of proliferative vitreoretinopathy. Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) is an example of a pluripotent growth factor that regulates cell proliferation, extracellular matrix (ECM) deposition, cell migration, and differentiation--all biological activities involved in the formation and progression of proliferative vitreoretinopathies. METHODS: A review of experimental results that demonstrate how vascular cells generate biologically active TGF-beta is presented...
October 1998: Journal of the American Optometric Association
S Kaplan
BACKGROUND: A review of classic and contemporary literature in the field of psychotherapy shows potential correspondence between the relationships of psychotherapists and optometrists to their patients. Much of the help that a doctor in any specialty offers to a patient is emotional. The doctor's nonjudgmental attitude, warmth, respect, reassurance, and willingness to listen can promote a healthy patient-doctor relationship and, in turn, that therapeutic alliance is important for the patient's compliance with treatment plans...
October 1998: Journal of the American Optometric Association
T J Stokkermans, M T Dunbar
BACKGROUND: Most reports of solar retinopathy describe epidemics of patients who go to the eye doctor after viewing a solar eclipse. Rarely is it encountered by the primary eye care provider during a routine eye examination. METHODS: For 26 months, patients who went to the primary care eye clinic and found to have macular lesions consistent with solar retinopathy were identified from the total clinic population. These patients were documented in a coded log and fundus photographs were obtained (when possible)...
October 1998: Journal of the American Optometric Association
D O Mutti, K Zadnik
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
October 1998: Journal of the American Optometric Association
B Y Newman
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
October 1998: Journal of the American Optometric Association
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