Ferdane Koçoğlu, Özlem Aşci, Meltem Demirgöz Bal
The aim of this study is to determine the association of the risk of postpartum sexual dysfunction (SD) with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression symptoms. This cross-sectional study was conducted by collecting data from eight different family health centers (n = 147). Data were collected with 'Descriptive Information Form', 'City Birth Trauma Scale (CityBiTS)', 'Edinburg Postpartum Depression Scale (EPDS)' and 'Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI)'. Data were evaluated with Chi-square test, Fisher's exact test, Student's t-test, Spearman's correlation and logistic regression analysis...
September 3, 2024: Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy
Gamze Yavaş, Gülay Akman
This study aims to systematically interpret and synthesize the evidence obtained from qualitative research conducted on the sexual experiences of infertile individuals. This study is a meta-synthesis study. A thorough literature review was conducted between February and March 2024 across five electronic databases: PubMed, Web of Science, CINAHL, EBSCO, and Science Direct Embase. This article includes 12 studies published in English since 1990 that have examined the sexual experiences of individuals who have been diagnosed with infertility...
September 3, 2024: Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy
Edna M Martins, Patrícia M Pascoal, Andreia A Manão, Pedro J Rosa
The current study takes an integrative approach, considering individual transdiagnostic processes and relationship outcomes. It assumes an interdependence approach and aims to test a dyadic model to analyze the impact of worry and relationship satisfaction on heterosexual couples' sexual -distress, an essential factor for diagnosing sexual dysfunction. The current study recruited 103 couples from the community to complete an online survey containing the Female Sexual Distress Scale-Revised, the Penn State Worry Questionnaire - Abbreviated, and the Global Measure of Relationship Satisfaction...
August 26, 2024: Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy
Mélissa Deschênes, Dominick Gamache, Marie-Pier Vaillancourt-Morel, Kristel Mayrand, Marie-Chloé Nolin, Nicolas Berthelot, Coralie Mercerat, Claudia Savard
This study explored the relationships between sexual health indicators (i.e., sexual satisfaction, distress, and function) and the DSM-5 Alternative Model for Personality Disorders, a promising dimensional framework for assessing personality pathology. A sample of 489 participants seeking help in private practice clinics completed self-report measures of sexual satisfaction, distress, and function, as well as dyadic adjustment, psychological distress, romantic attachment, personality impairment, and pathological personality facets...
August 23, 2024: Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy
Adam Bode, Marta Kowal, Fabio Cannas Aghedu, Phillip S Kavanagh
Common conceptions of romantic love suggest that romantic love is associated with increased sexual activity with more frequent sex in the earlier stages of a romantic relationship. To our knowledge, no studies have investigated individual-level factors and sexual frequency using a validated measure of romantic love. This study tested a number of hypotheses about the factors associated with sexual frequency among 720 sexually active young adults experiencing romantic love from the Romantic Love Survey 2022. We hypothesized that relationship duration, the intensity of romantic love and obsessive thinking about a loved one, commitment, and hypomanic-like features would be associated with sexual frequency...
August 22, 2024: Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy
David C de Jong, Katie N Adams
Solo masturbation is prevalent across adulthood. However, there are conflicting findings regarding how masturbation is associated with well-being. Understanding individuals' motives for masturbating might help disentangle these conflicting findings; yet, existing measures are suboptimal for assessing motives for solo masturbation. In this study, 2960 adults (18-84 years old, M age = 32.62, SD age = 11.36, 60.2% men, 36.8% women) who had engaged in solo masturbation within the past year responded to items, written based on existing literature, reflecting a wide range of motives for masturbating...
August 19, 2024: Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy
Andrea Blanc, Cristina Pérez
Given the potential discrimination faced by individuals in polyamorous relationships, understanding attitudes toward polyamory in society is crucial. To this end, instruments to measure attitudes toward polyamory with adequate psychometric properties are necessary. The aim of this study was to adapt the Attitudes Toward Polyamory Scale (ATP) to the Spanish context and analyze its psychometric properties in a sample of young adults. The sample comprised 1,162 individuals aged 18 to 35 years. Participants responded to sociodemographic questions and completed the Revised Sexual Opinion Survey (SOS) and the ATP...
August 13, 2024: Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy
Marianne Lucena da Silva, Raiele Silva Moraes, Marianna Barriviera Prada, Miguel da Silva Júnior, Katiane da Costa Cunha, Raquel Jácomo, Aline Teixeira Alves
The aim of this study was to identify, through a systematic review, how perceptions of genital and body self-image can influence the sexual function of young adult women. A systematic review was performed in which 704 studies were selected. After analyzing the articles, only 10 articles were included, from which the data for this research were extracted. The studies showed that there is an association between body and genital image and sexual function. However, those perceptions carry independent and distinct values depending on the associated condition and the audience being evaluated...
August 10, 2024: Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy
Julia A Levitan, Frederica M Martijn, Maria Santaguida, Michael C Seto
Studies of minor-attracted persons have mainly focused on their sexual attractions, and little is known about their romantic attractions. This online qualitative survey study collected 74 self-identified minor-attracted men's anonymous accounts of romantic attraction to minors. Using reflexive thematic analysis, three themes were identified and interpreted: (1) Falling in Love ; (2) Recognizing Limitations to Attraction and Relationship Development ; (3) Making Sense and Meaning of Romantic Attraction to Minors ...
August 9, 2024: Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy
Dagmar Stockman, Hanna Van Parys, Kasia Uzieblo, Heather Littleton, Ines Keygnaert, Gilbert Lemmens, Lesley Verhofstadt
Increasing evidence shows that survivors of sexual violence frequently experience relationship difficulties following their victimization. Little is known regarding how couples which formed post-assault cope with the impact of the prior assault. Hence, the aim of the current study was to gain insight into post-assault formed couples' experiences in coping with the impact of sexual violence. To this end, an interview study was conducted with five female survivors and their male partners who began their romantic relationship post-assault...
July 4, 2024: Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy
Laura Pietras, Christian Wiessner, Peer Briken, Aleksandar Štulhofer
The construct of inclusion of other in the self has been established as one of the most influential measures for relationship closeness in romantic relationships. It is regularly associated with relational well-being, sexual satisfaction, as well as mental health. However, the degree of closeness one desires in the present relationship is person-specific and can differ from the closeness one actually experiences. Exploring these discrepancies, the present study focused on the association between not enough closeness and too much closeness and relationship characteristics, parenting, and extradyadic sexual activity...
June 17, 2024: Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy
(no author information available yet)
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June 10, 2024: Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy
Stephen B Levine
The rising incidence of trans youth throughout the world and the new policy of many European countries and 25 US states that psychotherapy should be the first therapeutic response to Gender Dysphoria have made a reexamination of a comprehensive psychiatric evaluation (CPE) urgently relevant. Two conflicting views of the purpose of the CPE exist based on etiologic beliefs and convictions about the best therapeutic approach. This paper provides one clinician's synthesis of the elements, processes, goals, values, benchmarks of CPE and its usual recommendation for psychotherapy...
June 10, 2024: Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy
Sijia Huang, Ziyi Li, Pekka Santtila
We investigated the effectiveness of online Sensate Focus exercises, delivered online as a series of 11 animation videos, in improving participants' sexual functioning and enhancing intimacy, relationship and sexual satisfaction. We studied 35 Chinese heterosexual couples, assessed them at pretest, post-test, and a three-month follow-up. Compared to the waitlist control group, the experimental group showed improvement in orgasm in women, and this was maintained at follow-up. Also, for those with a lower function at pretest, the intervention was possibly effective in improving erectile function among men, as well as overall sexual function and pain among women...
June 9, 2024: Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy
Michal Dolev-Cohen
Sexting (exchanging sexual correspondence in the online space) is considered a practice that expresses sexuality in the online space. Between adolescents, sexting can be part of a couple relationship or outside of it, and can be voluntary or coercive. Regardless of motives, sexting has been linked to various negative outcomes. Understanding the factors that influence sexting behavior is essential for developing effective prevention and intervention programs. The present study aimed to identify and compare different profiles of sexting behavior in adolescents using latent class analysis...
June 7, 2024: Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy
Samira Barjasteh, Violeta Lopez, Farnaz Farnam
A randomized controlled clinical trial conducted in Iran from April 2020-2021 involved 100 eligible breast cancer survivors (BCSs). The study examined the impact of sexual counseling using a modified "Good Enough Sex" (GES) model on BCSs' sexual health variables. The intervention group, consisting of BCSs and their spouses, participated in four weekly group counseling sessions lasting 90-120 min each. The control group attended routine medical checkups. The intervention was designed based on a previous qualitative study assessing sexual needs and concerns in BCSs, as well as the GES model...
May 31, 2024: Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy
Rebekka Schwesig, Klara Macht, Thomas Heidenreich, Anna Vetter, Jürgen Hoyer
Sexual safety behaviors (SSB) may constitute a relevant factor for the development and maintenance of sexual dysfunctions. The present study aims to improve the understanding of SSB in women. A total of N  = 923 women completed an online survey consisting of the Questionnaire on Behaviors Before and During Sexual Activities , a measure of SSB, and a set of other questionnaires that assessed sexual dysfunctions, anxiety, depression, and other clinically relevant variables. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses of the QBSA revealed a robust three-factor solution with 1) cognitive and behavioral avoidance, 2) use of lubricants, and 3) thought and body control...
May 28, 2024: Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy
Darcie Raftery
The current study investigated the correlates of post-coital dysphoria (PCD) in men and women. Moreover, the study explored the PCD prevalence in the sexual contexts of a relationship, casual sex, and masturbation. An online survey was completed by 156 participants, 51 males and 105 females. All participants were over 18 and have had sex in and out of relationships, as well as having engaged in masturbation. Results showed that PCD was prevalent in each of the three sexual contexts, for both males and females...
May 20, 2024: Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy
Sydney A Sorrell, G Tyler Lefevor, Samuel J Skidmore, Rachel M Golightly, Kyrstin N L Searle
In the present study, we test the model of moral incongruence by examining whether moral disapproval of pornography mediates the relationship between organizational religious activity and self-reported CSB and whether the frequency of viewing pornography moderates the relationship between moral disapproval and self-reported CSB in two samples: a general population sample and a sample of members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ("Mormons"). Analyses revealed that, among both samples, frequency of pornography viewing moderated the indirect effect of organizational religious activity on perceived CSB via morally disapproving of pornography...
May 14, 2024: Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy
Katherine Péloquin, Virginie Arpin, Silke Jacmin-Park, Noémie Beaulieu, Audrey Brassard
This study examined attachment insecurities, infertility-specific coping strategies, and quality of life (QoL) in 87 couples seeking fertility treatment. Partners completed self-report measures. Path analyses showed that women's and men's attachment anxiety were associated with their own lower QoL, whereas attachment avoidance was associated with their own and their partner's lower QoL. Adaptive coping in men and women were associated with women's higher QoL. Non-adaptive coping was associated with men and women's lower QoL...
May 9, 2024: Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy
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