Rameshwor Pudasaini, Cheng Chang, Mu-Hsin Chen, Shu-Mei Dai
Insecticide resistance in Plutella xylostella (Linnaeus) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) is a major constraint on the global production of cruciferous crops. For effective management of insecticide resistance, it is necessary to develop a molecular detection tool for predicting insecticide resistance levels based on the mutation frequency of target sites. In this study, a susceptible strain (SHggt) of P. xylostella was subjected to chlorantraniliprole and tetraniliprole selection under laboratory conditions to obtain the CHLSel and TETSel strains, respectively, to determine their resistance development, cross-resistance and mutation frequencies of the P...
September 10, 2024: Journal of Economic Entomology
Jia Lin, Guoqing Yue, Kang Xiao, Jun Chen, Xuxing Hao, Deqing Yang, Jianquan Yang, Minlin Zheng, Qinge Ji
Zeugodacus tau (Walker) (Diptera: Tephritidae) is an important agricultural pest currently managed primarily through the application of insecticides due to limited control strategies. Bait station devices are target specific and have emerged as a behaviorally based alternative to traditional insecticide sprays for managing Z. tau. In this study, we designed a bait station by integrating female-biased olfactory, visual, and gustatory elements, and a killing agent in a wax-matrix. Our results showed that the wax-matrix integrated with spinetoram showed the highest toxicity to immature and mature Z...
September 10, 2024: Journal of Economic Entomology
Juarez da S Alves, Larissa Pasqualotto, Vanessa N Soares, Michele Trombin de Souza, Mireli Trombin de Souza, Matheus Rakes, Renato J Horikoshi, Leonardo L Miraldo, Ramiro L F Ovejero, Geraldo U Berger, Daniel Bernardi
Rachiplusia nu Guenée is a polyphagous species able to develop on several cultivated and non-cultivated host plants. However, basic life history information about this pest on hosts is scarce. In this study, R. nu larvae did not survive on leaves of non-Bt corn, wheat, Bt cotton that expresses proteins Cry1Ac+Cry2Ab2 or on Intacta2 Xtend soybean that expresses the Cry1A.105/Cry2Ab2/Cry1Ac proteins. Rachiplusia nu showed a viable egg-to-adult biological cycle (54%-66.3%) on non-Bt soybean, sunflower, canola, vetch, Persian clover, alfalfa, bean, and forage turnip hosts, similar to larvae raised on the artificial diet...
September 10, 2024: Journal of Economic Entomology
Sabita Ranabhat, Alison R Gerken, Deanna S Scheff, Kun Yan Zhu, William R Morrison
The red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), is a cosmopolitan and destructive external-infesting pest at many food facilities. The use of deltamethrin- and α-cypermethrin-incorporated long-lasting insecticide-incorporated netting (LLIN) has shown incredible promise for the management of stored product insects. However, it is unknown how LLIN deployed within food facilities may affect the long-term population dynamics of T. castaneum compared to populations where no LLIN is present...
September 9, 2024: Journal of Economic Entomology
Chitsanuphong Phanthian, Nontivich Tandavanitj, Chatchawan Chaisuekul
The fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith, 1797) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), is a significant global pest, that exhibits 2 discernible strains, corn strain (CS) and rice strain (RS). After initial detection in the eastern hemisphere in 2016, the dominant strain was identified as RS based only on cytochrome C oxidase subunit I (COI) mitochondrial gene from limited samples from various countries, including Thailand. This study aimed to assess strain and haplotype variation in the S. frugiperda populations in Thailand using both mitochondrial COI and nuclear triosephosphate isomerase (Tpi) genes...
September 9, 2024: Journal of Economic Entomology
Chun-Ni Pan, Wei Zhou, Chang-Hao Lu, Ying-Na Pan, Ling-Yi Liu, Wen-Long Chen
Exploring the impact of low-temperature storage on the fitness of natural enemy insects is crucial for practical field applications because this parameter directly influences their potential for population growth and effective pest control. Eocanthecona furcellata (Wolff) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) is widely used in biological pest control. This study aimed to identify optimal storage stages, temperatures, and durations for E. furcellata to produce high-quality individuals for practical use. The quality of E...
September 6, 2024: Journal of Economic Entomology
Jessee Tinslay, Marc Fournier, Isabelle Couture, Pierre Lafontaine, Maxime Lefevbre, Éric Lucas
The striped cucumber beetle (SCB) Acalymma vittatum (F.) is one of the most important pests in North American cucurbit crops. While conventional chemical control methods are usually effective in controlling SCB populations, few alternative control methods are available for organic cucurbit crops. The goal of the present study was to evaluate an optimized mass trapping system using yellow traps baited with a floral-based semiochemical. More specifically, the objectives were to determine if the trapping method could (i) significantly reduce SCB populations and (ii) maintain these populations below the economic threshold throughout the growth season within organic cucurbit crops...
September 5, 2024: Journal of Economic Entomology
Prakriti Regmi, Kao-Wei Lin, Yi-Yuan Chuang, Wen-Bin Yeh
Fruit flies attack numerous crops, including cherry tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme). The potential presence of the immature stages of fruit fly species inside tomatoes during export hinders their international market access. Therefore, phytosanitary treatment must be performed before export to prevent fruit fly species from entering countries where they are not naturally found. We developed a phytosanitary cold disinfestation treatment protocol to eliminate oriental fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel), melon fly (Zeugodacus cucurbitae Coquillett), and pumpkin fruit fly (Zeugodacus tau Walker) concealed inside cherry tomatoes without causing critical damage to the fruit...
September 3, 2024: Journal of Economic Entomology
Elizabeth V Fowler, Melissa L Starkie, Mark J Blacket, David G Mayer, Mark K Schutze
Insects collected in dry traps can degrade rapidly, especially in warm, humid environments where many biodiversity and biosecurity surveillance activities are undertaken. Degradation can severely impact diagnostics, as trap catches can become difficult to identify to species level using morphological characters or, of increasing importance, molecular approaches. This is especially problematic for biosecurity surveillance of exotic tephritid fruit flies, where diagnostics are heavily reliant on morphological characters...
August 30, 2024: Journal of Economic Entomology
Destiny N Mann, Kasey T Hobert, Amy S Biddle, Michael S Crossley
Cyathostomins are common digestive tract parasites of grazing horses that spread through contact with horse feces. Horse feces are colonized by a variety of organisms, some of which could serve to reduce parasite loads in horse pastures. Black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens L.; Diptera: Stratiomyidae) larvae (BSFL) could be an ideal candidate for biological control of cyathostomins, due to their near-global distribution, low risk of pathogen transmission, ability to develop on a variety of nutrient-poor substrates (including horse manure), and dramatic effect on microbial communities that cyathostomins depend on...
August 28, 2024: Journal of Economic Entomology
Jianqiu Ruan, Yihua Yang, Yves Carrière, Yidong Wu
The cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), is a significant cotton pest worldwide. Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) cotton producing Cry1Ac has been used since 1997 for the control of this pest in China and a significant increase in H. armigera resistance to Cry1Ac has occurred in northern China. To mitigate resistance evolution, it is necessary to develop and plant pyramided 2- and 3-toxin Bt cotton to replace Cry1Ac cotton. For sustainable use of pyramided Bt cotton, we used diet overlay bioassays to measure the baseline susceptibility of H...
August 26, 2024: Journal of Economic Entomology
Laura J Nixon, Angelita Acebes-Doria, Danielle Kirkpatrick, Tracy C Leskey
Halyomorpha halys (Stål) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) is an invasive pest which feeds on numerous economically significant crops. Many integrated pest management strategies for this species rely on effective season-long monitoring for H. halys populations, including attract-and-kill and threshold-based insecticide sprays. Previous studies have shown that a black pyramid trap effectively captures all mobile life stages of H. halys, however, these bulky, ground-deployed traps can be impractical in active orchard rows...
August 26, 2024: Journal of Economic Entomology
Téné Yacine Ouattara, Marc Fournier, Noémie Gonzalez, Santos Rojo, Eric Lucas
The American hoverfly Eupeodes americanus (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Syrphidae) is an aphidophagous predator during its larval stage and is currently being evaluated for inclusion in biocontrol programs as a new biocontrol agent. However, little is known about its reproductive aptitudes. The objective of the present study was to determine the reproductive parameters of E. americanus and to compare them with those of a commercialized and widely used biological control agent for aphids, the aphid midge Aphidoletes aphidimyza (Rondani) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae)...
August 26, 2024: Journal of Economic Entomology
Simona Principato, Zachary C DeVries
The cryptic behavior that characterizes bed bugs (Cimex lectularius L.) makes them one of the most difficult indoor pests to control. Thus, the use of products with long residual efficacy is a key component of successful bed bug management. Aprehend is a biopesticide for bed bug control, whose active ingredient is the entomopathogenic fungus, Beauveria bassiana. This product shows promise for extended bed bug control against pyrethroid-resistant bed bugs, causing mortality days after contact with the treated surface...
August 23, 2024: Journal of Economic Entomology
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August 20, 2024: Journal of Economic Entomology
Elizabeth Tettey, Owusu F Aidoo, Isaac N Ativor, Egya N Yankey
As a major setback to the global coconut industry, lethal yellowing disease (LYD), caused by phytoplasmas, continues to threaten coconut palms in the Americas, the Caribbean, Africa, and Oceania. Despite its economic impacts, limited information exists on LYD vectors, which impedes the prevention and management of the disease. Using double-sided yellow sticky traps, we investigate the factors that influence the seasonal abundance and population dynamics of three sap-sucking insects of LYD, i.e., Diostrombus (Hemiptera: Derbidae) sp...
August 19, 2024: Journal of Economic Entomology
Johnalyn M Gordon, Marla J Eva, Sudip Gaire, Arthur G Appel, Zachary C DeVries
The German cockroach, Blattella germanica (L.) (Blattodea: Ectobiidae), is a ubiquitous pest in affordable housing. They represent a major threat to human health due to their contribution of asthma-exacerbating allergens and the potential to transfer pathogenic microorganisms indoors. Despite well-documented pyrethroid resistance, pyrethroid-based broadcast residual insecticide products are often used by residents to control cockroaches in their homes. Additionally, there is little empirical independent testing of these products...
August 14, 2024: Journal of Economic Entomology
Sydney A Bird, Nathaniel S Pope, Carley M McGrady, Shelby J Fleischer, Margarita M López-Uribe
The genus Bombus (bumble bees) includes approximately 265 species, many of which are in decline in North America and Europe. To estimate colony abundance of bumble bees in natural and agricultural habitats, sibship relationships are often reconstructed from genetic data with the assumption that colonies have 1 monandrous queen. However, some species such as the North American common eastern bumble bee (Bombus impatiens Cresson) can display low levels of polyandry, which may bias estimates of colony abundance based on monandrous sibship reconstructions...
August 13, 2024: Journal of Economic Entomology
Charles J Mason
Sterile insect technique (SIT) is a useful strategy for preventing and mitigative establishment of invasive insect species. SIT of the pest tephritid Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann, 1824)WiedemannWiedemann, has been effective in preventing population establishment in vulnerable agricultural areas of the United States. However, irradiation-induced sterilization can have detrimental impacts resulting in reduced performance metrics. Mediterranean fruit fly males reared for SIT have been shown to have differences in their microbiomes relative to other population sources, which has been postulated to be a factor in how well flies compete with wild conspecifics...
August 9, 2024: Journal of Economic Entomology
Eugenia Fezza, Joe M Roberts, Toby J A Bruce, Lael E Walsh, Michael T Gaffney, Tom W Pope
Plant protection products derived from plant material are proposed to be a sustainable alternative to conventional synthetic chemical pesticides. This study determines the efficacy of a commercially available bioinsecticide based on garlic (Allium sativum L.; Asparagales: Amaryllidaceae) extract against vine weevil (Otiorhynchus sulcatus F.; Coleoptera: Curculionidae) eggs and larvae in contact, fumigation and a combination of contact and fumigation bioassays under laboratory conditions. Results showed that garlic significantly reduced egg hatch rate compared to the control group when applied as a fumigant...
August 9, 2024: Journal of Economic Entomology
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