Satoshi Yamashita, Toru Kinouchi, Tomoyuki Otsu, Makoto Tsumura, Akihiko Taira, Masaki Tomura, Yuri Mizuno, Naoki Akamatsu, Hiroyuki Murai
Skull base metastases, including those from small-cell lung carcinoma (SCLC), can present with various syndromes depending on the site of involvement, such as orbital syndrome, parasellar syndrome, middle fossa syndrome, jugular foramen syndrome, and occipital condyle syndrome (OCS). One such example is OCS, which consists of unilateral occipital headache accompanied with ipsilateral hypoglossal palsy. This case report describes a 51-year-old man initially diagnosed with OCS, which led to the discovery of systemic bone metastases from SCLC...
September 9, 2024: Headache