Chloe Lau, Kay Brauer, Lena Quilty, Francesca Chiesi, Donald Saklofske, René T Proyer
Adult playfulness describes the personality of the quick initiation and strong intensity of enjoyable experiences coupled with the frequency of engaging in playful behaviors. In addition to examining the reliability and validity of the Short Measure for Adult Playfulness (SMAP), we compared the psychometric properties of the SMAP across (a) 4- and 7-point answer formats; (b) German and English language versions; and (c) gender. The SMAP and criterion validity measures were distributed across three independent samples from Canada ( N total = 1,177) and a German sample ( N  = 660)...
September 10, 2024: Journal of Personality Assessment
Esteve Montasell-Jordana, Eva Penelo, Laura Blanco-Hinojo, Jesús Pujol, Joël Billieux, Joan Deus
Impulsivity is a multidimensional construct linked to a broad spectrum of psychopathological and neuropsychological disorders. The UPPS-P model has emerged as a valuable tool for assessing impulsivity from a multi-dimensional perspective. Despite its relevance, few studies have examined the psychometric properties of the UPPS-P scale scores in a large, representative sample of adolescents. This study aims to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Spanish UPPS-P in adolescents and to establish normative data for this population in Spain...
September 9, 2024: Journal of Personality Assessment
Xiaoqi Sun, Dan Liang, Yunxia Wu
Empathy is predominantly assessed with self-report questionnaires. However, their structural validities were not well-supported. This study aimed to re-explore and refine the factor structure of the Chinese version of the Questionnaire of Cognitive and Affective Empathy (QCAE) and investigate the pathways linked between dimensions of empathy and schizotypy. Data from a valid sample of 1,360 community-dwelling adults (aged 18-35) were subjected to the exploratory graph analysis (EGA) and bootstrap EGA for factor retention...
September 4, 2024: Journal of Personality Assessment
Robin Umbra, Ulrike Fasbender
Our research seeks to contribute to the existing literature on emotion measurement and research by proposing a new anger metric that addresses limitations of previous scales. This metric shows promise in meeting modern standards and drawing from traditional methods, potentially impacting the study of emotions. Additionally, our study explores cross-cultural congruence in assessing anger between English and German speakers, revealing differences in state and trait anger assessment. We offer theoretical perspectives on these cultural variances and emphasize the importance of considering language nuances in cross-cultural emotion assessment...
August 19, 2024: Journal of Personality Assessment
Nicholas Kavish, Jaime L Anderson
The Comprehensive Assessment of Psychopathic Personality (CAPP) is a concept map developed to consolidate research on psychopathy. Recently, the CAPP - Self Report form (CAPP-SR) was developed, but its psychometric properties have not been extensively or independently investigated. The current study evaluated the internal consistency, factorial structure, and construct validity of the CAPP-SR in a large sample of undergraduate and community participants. No organizational structure was superior, but a theoretically supported three factor solution representing behavioral, affective, and interpersonal traits appeared to be the optimal solution...
July 26, 2024: Journal of Personality Assessment
Dominick Gamache, Philippe Leclerc, Alexandre Côté, David Théberge, Claudia Savard
Macina et al. (2023) recently reported mixed results on the German translation of the Self and Interpersonal Functioning Scale (SIFS). By focusing on suboptimal indices of structural validity, they recommended choosing other available instruments over the SIFS in future research on personality impairment. Reflecting on Macina et al.'s overall conclusions inspired us to consider broader issues in the field of personality impairment assessment. In this commentary, we discuss some issues regarding test translation and validity raised by Macina et al...
July 10, 2024: Journal of Personality Assessment
Xiangling Hou, Tianqiang Hu, Haoran Li, Sam Henry, Shengtao Ren, Juzhe Xi, René Mõttus
Although many studies have attempted to validate grit scales because of the construct's popularity, most have considered the shorter rather than the longer Original Grit Scale (Grit-O). We examined the Grit-O's construct validity, longitudinal measurement invariance, incremental validity for academic performance, and longitudinal predictive validity for subjective well-being among young Chinese. We used a cross-sectional sample of 3,322 college students and a longitudinal sample of 1,884 college students, tested twice over 10 months...
July 3, 2024: Journal of Personality Assessment
Morgan Robison, Min Eun Jeon, Nikhila S Udupa, Miracle Potter, Lee Robertson, Thomas Joiner
Self-dehumanization, a phenomenon relevant to social psychology, has been somewhat absent from clinical psychology research. Furthermore, measures of self-dehumanization are few, and to our knowledge, no validated and generalizable self-report measure exists. To address this gap, we present a Self-Dehumanization Scale (SDS). This work incorporates evidence from three studies examining the reliability, validity, and factor structure of the SDS in an undergraduate sample, a clinically relevant community sample, and a sample with at least one minoritized identity...
June 28, 2024: Journal of Personality Assessment
Kennedy M Balzen, Sophie Kerr, Tess Gecha, Joost Hutsebaut, Han Berghuis, Carla Sharp
The Alternative Model for Personality Disorders provides a dimensional framework for the conceptualization of personality disorders where Criterion A concerns the assessment of one's level of personality functioning (LPF). This study examines the psychometric properties of the English translation of the Semi-Structured Interview for Personality Functioning (STiP-5.1) to validate this translation for the assessment of LPF in English-speaking populations; and examine whether this measure increments self-report measures of LPF and personality pathology in predicting general functioning...
June 27, 2024: Journal of Personality Assessment
Veljko Jovanović, Milica Lazić, Vesna Gavrilov-Jerković, Vojana Obradović, Dušana Šakan, Aleksandar Tomašević, Marija Zotović-Kostić
The present research evaluated evidence for structural and convergent validity and measurement invariance across gender of the Aspects of Identity Questionnaire-IV (AIQ-IV), which is designed to measure four identity orientations: Personal, Relational, Public, and Collective. We recruited two independent samples of Serbian adolescents aged 15-19 years ( n 1 = 436, n 2 = 452). Both exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM) and confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) were applied to examine the factor structure of the AIQ-IV...
June 26, 2024: Journal of Personality Assessment
Maria Cyniak-Cieciura, Agnieszka Popiel, Bogdan Zawadzki, Julie K Cremeans-Smith, Guido Alessandri, Patryk Bielak, Victoria Camino, Eun Jung Cha, Yunkyung Cho, Paweł Dobrowolski, Małgorzata Fajkowska, Lorenzo Filosa, David B Fruehstorfer, Marina Galarregui, Rocío Goldfarb, Myoung-Ho Hyun, Zhanna Kalinina, Eduardo Keegan, Aliya Mambetalina, Louise McHugh, Mariana Miracco, Atsushi Oshio, Chowon Park, Andrés Partarrieu, Lorena De Rosa, Raikhan Sabirova, Adil Samekin, Emiliano Sánchez, María Sarno, Cecilia Tarruella, Gulmira M Tulekova, Gulmira Tuyakovna Topanova
The goal was to create a brief temperament inventory grounded in the Regulative Theory of Temperament (FCB-TMI-CC ) , with a user-friendly, online applicability for studies in different cultures. As the regulative role of temperament is strongly revealed under meaningful stress, the study was planned within the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. To ensure high diversity in terms of culture, economic and environmental conditions, data from nine countries (Poland, United States of America, Italy, Japan, Argentina, South Korea, Ireland, United Kingdom and Kazakhstan) were utilized (min...
June 17, 2024: Journal of Personality Assessment
Sienna R Nielsen, Aidan G C Wright
Identity dysfunction is considered core to psychopathology, contributing to emotional and interpersonal problems across psychiatric diagnoses. Despite its centrality in theories of personality and psychopathology, the empirical research on the structure of identity dysfunction is fragmented by a plethora of self-report measures assessing varied domains of identity dysfunction. This project examines conceptual domains of identity dysfunction in self-report assessments, with the goal of elucidating a clear structure of identity dysfunction to advance both theory and measurement...
June 10, 2024: Journal of Personality Assessment
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May 31, 2024: Journal of Personality Assessment
Emma Richardson, Alissa Beath, Simon Boag
This paper marks the initial phase in the development of the Attachment Defenses Questionnaire (ADQ-50), a self-report tool crafted to assess defense mechanisms associated with attachment processes, catering to both clinical and research contexts. Anchored in the theoretical framework of attachment theory, the ADQ posits that an individual's internalized attachment style plays a influential role in predicting their defense mechanisms. The paper outlines the comprehensive development and refinement process of the ADQ-50...
May 22, 2024: Journal of Personality Assessment
Madeleine Rassaby, Jeffrey M Rogers, Charles T Taylor
The Approach-Avoidance Temperament Questionnaire (ATQ) is a well-established measure assessing heightened sensitivity and reactivity to reward/positive stimuli (approach temperament) and to punishment/negative stimuli (avoidance temperament). These basic dimensions of personality are believed to be important for understanding the etiology and maintenance of anxiety and depressive disorders. Despite the ATQ's potential utility in clinical psychology research, its psychometric properties and factor structure have yet to be examined in a psychiatric sample...
May 22, 2024: Journal of Personality Assessment
Marcos Cupani, Urbano Lorenzo-Seva, Valeria Morán
The Big Five factors model of personality is one of the most internationally studied and applied since it has been replicated in multiple investigations in different countries and cultures. This five-dimensional structure has evidence from studies carrying out factor analyses in different versions and adaptations of personality measurement instruments under these theoretical assumptions, and cross-cultural studies reveal its universality. However, no research has investigated how this structure is replicated in Latin American countries yet...
May 15, 2024: Journal of Personality Assessment
Danushika Sivanathan, Boris Bizumic, Yiyun Shou
Narcissism has had a long history of conceptual and measurement confusion. In this paper, we aimed to assess the incremental and external validity of the Unified Narcissism Scale-Revised (UNS-R), and to determine a prototype short form of the measure that is invariant across cultures. In Study 1, we constructed a 15-item short form prototype that was scalar invariant across four countries (United States, China, Sri Lanka, and Australia). Using this short form, we found the Australian sample to be the most different from the other samples...
May 15, 2024: Journal of Personality Assessment
Christopher J Hopwood
The publication of the Alternative Model of Personality Disorder (AMPD) was a signpost achievement in the personality assessment. However, research on the AMPD has generally not led to either a deeper understanding of personality disorder or personality assessment or new ideas about how to provide better care for people with personality disorder diagnoses. A significant portion of research has focused on narrow issues and appears to be driven in part by ideological differences between scholars who prefer Criterion A (personality functioning) or Criterion B (maladaptive traits)...
May 3, 2024: Journal of Personality Assessment
Ahmad Asgarizadeh, Mahdi Mazidi, David A Preece, Mohsen Dehghani
The current study aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale-Short Form (DERS-SF) in Iran, including testing its measurement invariance across sexes, as well as community and student populations. Two samples were recruited: a community sample of 583 participants (58.7% female; Mage = 33.55) and a university student sample of 409 participants (67.2% female; Mage = 24.48). Besides the DERS-SF, participants completed a battery of instruments online, measuring mentalizing capacity and borderline personality features...
April 22, 2024: Journal of Personality Assessment
Alberto Stefana, Zorana Jolić Marjanović, Aleksandar Dimitrijević
Recognizing the need for a concise self-report measure of mentalizing capacity, we developed a 12-item iteration of the well-established Mentalization Scale (MentS). Using college student and community samples of Serbian adults ( N  = 566), we performed a precise selection of items and then examined the psychometric attributes of the shortened scale (MentS-12). The new scale maintains the original three-dimensional structure: self-related mentalization, other-related mentalization, and motivation to mentalize...
April 9, 2024: Journal of Personality Assessment
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