Rei Ogawa
Reconstruction of burns in the head and neck region is challenging. This is because it must achieve both functional reconstruction and esthetic reconstruction. Local flaps are best for minor defects, particularly in the case of deep burns, because they bear the correct texture and color. However, for large deep burn wounds, simple grafting or small local flaps will not produce satisfactory results. It is also crucial to assess the extent and depth of reconstruction that is needed throughout the face-neck-anterior chest region, and to make the choice between techniques such as Z-plasty, skin grafting, super-thin flaps, and free flaps...
July 2024: Clinics in Plastic Surgery
Mark D Fisher, William Norbury
Children are disproportionately affected by burn injuries. Differences between adult and pediatric burns range from epidemiologic characteristics to pathophysiological considerations, which vary between different age subgroups. All these factors must be considered in each phase of burn care. This article reviews the most important aspects of the management of a pediatric burned patient starting from the acute through reconstructive phases.
July 2024: Clinics in Plastic Surgery
Shanmuganathan Raja Sabapathy, R Raja Shanmugakrishnan, Charles Scott Hultman
The hand is commonly affected in thermal injuries. Hand burns account for 39% of all burns and they are involved in 34% of instances when the total body surface area of a burn exceeds 15%. Inadequate or inappropriate treatment could result in significant morbidity. The ultimate integration of a burn patient into the society largely depends on the functionality of the hands. Hence, it is important to reduce complications by providing good care during the acute stage.
July 2024: Clinics in Plastic Surgery
Sigrid A Blome-Eberwein
In this article, an array of new developments in burn care, from diagnosis to post-burn reconstruction and re-integration, will be discussed. Multidisciplinary advances have allowed the implementation of technologies that provide more accurate assessments of burn depth, improved outcomes when treating full-thickness burns, and enhanced scar tissue management. Incorporating these new treatment modalities into current practice is essential to improving the standard of burn care and developing the next generation of burn wound management methodologies...
July 2024: Clinics in Plastic Surgery
Rei Ogawa
Hypertrophic scars arise from burn injuries because of persistent inflammation in the reticular dermis. Several risk factors promote this chronic inflammation. One is tension on the burn wound/scar due to surrounding skin tightness and bodily movements. High estrogen levels and hypertension are also important systemic risk factors. Thus, to prevent burn wounds from developing into hypertrophic scars, it is important to focus on quickly resolving the reticular dermal inflammation. If conservative treatments are not effective and the hypertrophic scar transitions to scar contracture, surgical methods such as Z-plasty, full-thickness skin grafting, and local flaps are often used...
July 2024: Clinics in Plastic Surgery
Matthias B Donelan, Martin R Buta
In recent decades, advances in surgical anatomy, burn pathophysiology, surgical techniques, and laser therapy have led to a paradigm shift in how we approach burn scars and contractures. Scar excision and replacement with uninjured tissue, which predominated burn scar treatment for much of the 20th century, is no longer appropriate in many patients. A scar's intrinsic ability to remodel can be induced by reducing tension on the scar using various techniques for local tissue rearrangement. Often in combination with laser therapy, local flaps can optimally camouflage a burn scar with adjacent normal tissue and restore a patient more closely to their preinjury condition...
July 2024: Clinics in Plastic Surgery
Francesco M Egro, C Scott Hultman
Burn injuries pose one of the greatest challenges to health care professionals worldwide, requiring a multidisciplinary approach for optimal patient care. We are constantly reminded of the sheer resilience of the human spirit in the face of unimaginable pain and adversity experienced by these patients. It is with great passion and dedication that health care professionals strive to make a difference in the lives of those who have faced the inferno of acute burn injuries. This issue is dedicated to all the exceptional members of the burn team that deliver such incredible care with empathy, compassion, and unwavering commitment to our patients' well-being...
April 2024: Clinics in Plastic Surgery
(no author information available yet)
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
April 2024: Clinics in Plastic Surgery
Hakan Orbay, Alain C Corcos, Jenny A Ziembicki, Francesco M Egro
Large burns provoke profound pathophysiological changes. Survival rates of patients with large burns have improved significantly with the advancement of critical care and adaptation of early excision protocols. Nevertheless, care of large burn wounds remains challenging secondary to limited donor sites, prolonged time to wound closure, and immunosuppression. The development of skin substitutes and new grafting techniques decreased time to wound closure. Individually, these methods have limited success, but a combination of them may yield more successful outcomes...
April 2024: Clinics in Plastic Surgery
Lux Shah, Audra T Clark, Jessica Ballou
Burns in the elderly are a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. Frailty is an important indicator of patient health and physiologic reserve. Comorbidities and typical age-related changes significantly impact the outcomes of elderly burn patients and decisions made during their burn care. It is essential to have early and thorough discussions about the goals of care and rehabilitation plans. Physiologic changes that occur from aging cause slower wound healing and may make operative treatment more challenging, although techniques such as autographing, skin substitutes, and flaps may all play a role in treating this patient population...
April 2024: Clinics in Plastic Surgery
Francesco M Egro, Eva Roy, Jonathan Friedstat
Cold-induced injuries are a major challenge for burn surgeons, leading to significant sequelae for the patients including amputations, long-term disability, and death. Rapid assessment and diagnosis are essential for optimal outcomes. Various therapies have emerged to improve outcomes. Topical, oral, and intravenous agents have shown to minimize the impact of cold-induced injuries. Thrombolytics have shown the greatest promise in improving tissue perfusion outcomes in cold-induced injuries. This article provides an update on the evidence-based assessment and management of cold-induced injuries, as well as reviews outcomes and future directions of this challenging pathology...
April 2024: Clinics in Plastic Surgery
Kevin M Klifto, C Scott Hultman
Burn-related pain can contribute to decreased quality of life and long-term morbidity, limiting functional recovery. Burn-related pain should be assessed first by chronicity (acute or chronic), followed by type (nociceptive, neuropathic, nociplastic), to guide multimodal pharmacologic management in a stepwise algorithm approach. Combination therapies increase the efficacy and reduce toxicity by offering a multimodal approach that targets different receptors in the peripheral nervous system and central nervous system...
April 2024: Clinics in Plastic Surgery
Hakan Orbay, Jenny A Ziembicki, Mohamed Yassin, Francesco M Egro
The leading cause of morbidity in burn patients is infection with pneumonia, urinary tract infection, cellulitis, and wound infection being the most common cause. High mortality is due to the immunocompromised status of patients and abundance of multidrug-resistant organisms in burn units. Despite the criteria set forth by American Association of Burn, the diagnosis and treatment of burn infections are not always straightforward. Topical antimicrobials, isolation, hygiene, and personal protective equipment are common preventive measures...
April 2024: Clinics in Plastic Surgery
Elizabeth M Kenny, Tomer Lagziel, C Scott Hultman, Francesco M Egro
Coverage of burn wounds is crucial to prevent sequalae including dehydration, wound infection, sepsis, shock, scarring, and contracture. To this end, numerous temporary and permanent options for coverage of burn wounds have been described. Temporary options for burn coverage include synthetic dressings, allografts, and xenografts. Permanent burn coverage can be achieved through skin substitutes, cultured epithelial autograft, ReCell, amnion, and autografting. Here, we aim to summarize the available options for burn coverage, as well as important considerations that must be made when choosing the best reconstructive option for a particular patient...
April 2024: Clinics in Plastic Surgery
Anjali C Raghuram, Guy M Stofman, Jenny A Ziembicki, Francesco M Egro
Burn injuries affect patients of all ages, and timely surgical debridement and excision commence to protect dermal vascularity and integrity, improve healing, and minimize scarring. Several tools may be used for burn wound excision, which is performed either tangentially or down to muscular fascia. Once wounds are optimized from a tissue viability and healing standpoint, coverage may be obtained through grafts or secondary intention healing for more superficial injuries. A collaborative team of plastic and general surgeons, anesthesiologists, nutritionists, and therapists can provide improved patient care throughout the perioperative period, leading to improvements in overall patient morbidity and mortality...
April 2024: Clinics in Plastic Surgery
Sai R Velamuri, Yasmin Ali, Julio Lanfranco, Pooja Gupta, David M Hill
Sustaining an inhalation injury increases the risk of severe complications and mortality. Current evidential support to guide treatment of the injury or subsequent complications is lacking, as studies either exclude inhalation injury or design limit inferences that can be made. Conventional ventilator modes are most commonly used, but there is no consensus on optimal strategies. Settings should be customized to patient tolerance and response. Data for pharmacotherapy adjunctive treatments are limited.
April 2024: Clinics in Plastic Surgery
Zachary J Collier, Justin Gillenwater
Acute burn injury creates a complex and multifactorial local response which may have systemic sequelae such as hypovolemia, hypothermia, cardiovascular collapse, hypercoagulability, and multi-system organ failure. Understanding the underlying pathophysiology of burn shock, the initial burn triage and assessment, calculation of fluid requirements, and the means of tailoring ongoing interventions to optimize resuscitation are critical for overcoming the wide spectrum of derangements which this condition creates...
April 2024: Clinics in Plastic Surgery
Martin R Buta, Matthias B Donelan
Burn care evolved slowly from primitive treatments depicted in cave drawings 3500 years ago to a vibrant medical specialty which has made remarkable progress over the past 200 years. This evolution involved all areas of burn care including superficial dressings, wound assessment, fluid resuscitation, infection control, pathophysiology, nutritional support, burn surgery, and inhalation injury. Major advances that contributed to current standards of care and improved outcomes are highlighted in this article. New innovations are making possible a future where severe burn injuries will require less morbid interventions for acute care and outcomes will restore patients more closely to their pre-injury condition...
April 2024: Clinics in Plastic Surgery
Dennis J Hurwitz, Dani Kruchevsky, Armando A Davila
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
January 2024: Clinics in Plastic Surgery
Joshua A David, Jeffrey A Gusenoff
Body contouring surgeons encounter a wide range of deformities affecting multiple areas of the body. Combining and staging procedures can assist in optimizing outcomes, but there is no one-size-fits-all approach to surgical sequencing and timing. A meticulous, individualized approach to preoperative planning can lead to reliable, aesthetically pleasing results that align with the patient's goals and preferences. In this article, we present our latest ideas on circumferential body contouring surgery and discuss the integration of lower body lift procedures with those of the abdomen, upper body, breasts, back, and arms to create a comprehensive 360° transformation...
January 2024: Clinics in Plastic Surgery
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