Noble Maleque, Reena Hemrajani, Daniel Hunt, Annie Massart, Yoo Mee Shin, Mary Ann Kirkconnell Hall, Joanna Bonsall
OBJECTIVES: Robust faculty development (FD) is an emerging area of focus within hospital medicine, a relatively new specialty with limited mentorship infrastructure to find and develop a professional niche. There are few descriptions in the literature of establishing and evaluating an FD program with strategies to evaluate success, invite collaboration, and achieve feasible, useful metrics. METHODS: We created our University Division of Hospital Medicine's FD Program to help community and academic hospitalist faculty fulfill professional goals in (and beyond) quality improvement, leadership, education, and clinical skills...
August 2024: Southern Medical Journal
Lien Morcate, Sapna Kedia, Kristen Mascarenhas, Sabrina Taldone, Amar R Deshpande
OBJECTIVES: Medical student-run patient navigation (PN) programs enhance healthcare access in underserved communities. This study examines the relationship between patient demographics and PN outcomes in a student-led PN program. METHODS: Patients with moderate or high-risk health concerns were paired with medical students at health fairs. Statistical analysis evaluates program success and demographic influences. RESULTS: Of 444 patients, 66...
August 2024: Southern Medical Journal
Anna Conner, Jarrett Rong, Eleanor Lee, Nia Zalamea
OBJECTIVE: Financial burdens of medical education are a major barrier for many students. The goal of this study is to identify and quantify unforeseen costs associated with being a medical student. METHODS: Medical students at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center were surveyed on unforeseen financial costs. Qualitative data were collected. RESULTS: Students spent significant extra funds in professional development, social spending, living, and technology...
August 2024: Southern Medical Journal
Farrin A Manian, Katherine Garland, Jimin Ding
OBJECTIVES: Our aim was to compare the usability and reliability of answers to clinical questions posed of Chat-Generative Pre-Trained Transformer (ChatGPT) compared to those of a human-authored Web source ( in response to "real-world" clinical questions raised during the care of patients. METHODS: Two domains of clinical information quality were studied: usability, based on organization/readability, relevance, and usefulness, and reliability, based on clarity, accuracy, and thoroughness...
August 2024: Southern Medical Journal
None Available
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 2024: Southern Medical Journal
Martin G McCandless, Madyson I Brown, James M Shiflett, Kristin J Weaver, Ian C Hoppe, Laura S Humphries
OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to report geographic and demographic patterns of patients with craniosynostosis (CS) treated at Children's of Mississippi, the state's only American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association-approved craniofacial team. METHODS: Patients with CS were treated at a tertiary pediatric hospital cared for by craniofacial surgeons and neurosurgeons from 2015 to 2020. Demographic, geographic, and CS diagnosis details, including sex, gestational age, race, ethnicity, insurance status, and affected cranial suture type(s), number, and associated syndromic diagnosis were collected, including birth county and total live births from state data...
July 2024: Southern Medical Journal
Devon Mills, Mary Nelson Robertson, Brian E Mills, David R Buys
OBJECTIVES: Individuals employed in the agricultural industry encounter hazards in their work that could lead to injury or illness. Furthermore, the mental stress of being involved in the agricultural industry could lead to negative health-related outcomes for workers. This study evaluates the causes of deaths among employees in Mississippi's agricultural industry from 2017 to 2021. METHODS: Data are provided by the Mississippi Department of Health. Proportionate mortality ratios (PMRs) are calculated to determine if agricultural industry employees show an elevated mortality in comparison to the general population for any cause of death...
July 2024: Southern Medical Journal
Justine F Maxwell, Sue S Feldman, Li Li
OBJECTIVES: Although research has continued to show that substance use disorders (SUDs) can be treated effectively with evidence-based treatment, there continues to be gaps in access, and utilization remains low. Alternative SUD treatment methods, including telemedicine, are increasingly being explored to reach patients where traditional in-person treatment approaches are inaccessible. This cross-sectional study aimed to explore SUD treatment retention, specifically comparing telemedicine-delivered opioid use disorder (OUD) treatment with a traditional in-person treatment delivery approach...
July 2024: Southern Medical Journal
Margaux Meilhac, Suzanne Nesbit, Lindsay A Bowman, Rosalyn W Stewart
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 2024: Southern Medical Journal
William J Healy, Ali Musani, David J Fallaw, Shaheen U Islam
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 2024: Southern Medical Journal
Orhue Odaro, Jonathan Lim
OBJECTIVES: For residency programs rotating at multiple sites, building a strong community can be challenging when house staff are geographically separated. Medical educators have had widespread use of technology to create virtual classrooms, discussion boards, and other activities. Less is known, however, about smaller-scale use of technology such as longitudinal use of chat to engage learners. We developed a chat-based trivia activity using social media tools to promote learning, community, and belonging in a large multisite residency program...
July 2024: Southern Medical Journal
Joseph Abraham Kavian
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 2024: Southern Medical Journal
Robert W Alexander, Shengping Yang, Christopher J Peterson, Kenneth Nugent
OBJECTIVES: Periodically, medical publications are retracted. The reasons vary from minor situations, such as author attributions, which do not undermine the validity of the data or the analysis in the article, to serious reasons, such as fraud. Understanding the reasons for retraction can provide important information for clinicians, educators, researchers, journals, and editorial boards. METHODS: The PubMed database was searched using the term "COVID-19" (coronavirus disease 2019) and the term limitation "retracted publication...
July 2024: Southern Medical Journal
Kaitlin Pyrz, Mathew Hargreaves, Audria Wood, Abdias Girardi, Gerald McGwin, Justin Kirk, Bolton Patton, Aaron Casp, Amit Momaya
OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to analyze the association between physical therapists' recommended number of visits for a full recovery from common orthopedic injuries/surgeries and the extent of insurance coverage for these visits. METHODS: A prospective observational study was conducted with board-certified physical therapists. A qualitative questionnaire was used to gather physical therapists' demographics and the recommended number of physical therapy visits to achieve a full recovery after 11 common orthopedic diagnoses...
July 2024: Southern Medical Journal
Stephen Landy, Christine Bahls, Alan Rapoport
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
June 2024: Southern Medical Journal
Pete Meliagros, Benjamin Chopski, Adam Garber, Alan Dow, Rebecca Forrest
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
June 2024: Southern Medical Journal
Sam Schuiteman, Ashwin Gupta
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
June 2024: Southern Medical Journal
Magdalene R Lederer, Daniel J Hurst
OBJECTIVES: This study assessed the content of US Medical Licensing Examination question banks with regard to out-of-hospital births and whether the questions aligned with current evidence. METHODS: Three question banks were searched for key words regarding out-of-hospital births. A thematic analysis was then utilized to analyze the results. RESULTS: Forty-seven questions were identified, and of these, 55% indicated a lack of inadequate, limited, or irregular prenatal care in the question stem...
June 2024: Southern Medical Journal
Katsiaryna Khatskevich, Jiten Patel, Sierra Klein, Lachlan Shiver, Ashley Mason, Danielle Gulick
OBJECTIVES: Medical education is notorious for the stress that students face as they strive to succeed both academically and clinically. This stress has been linked to declining academic performance and worsening mental health. To combat these negative outcomes, it is essential for medical school faculty and administration to address common stressors among medical students. No studies have addressed whether medical school faculty and students perceive stressors similarly, however. METHODS: In this two-part study, data collected from medical students in 2021 to 2022 to identify their most significant sources of stress were used to create a survey that queries the frequency and intensity of these stressors...
June 2024: Southern Medical Journal
Anita Ganti, Alice Fornari, Stephanie M Izard, Matthew J Whitson
OBJECTIVES: Nutrition counseling is necessary for the prevention and treatment of many chronic diseases. US survey data demonstrate that 61% of Internal Medicine (IM) residents receive little to no nutrition training. The objective of our study was to develop a curriculum to increase IM resident comfort and ability in conducting a nutritional assessment. METHODS: Categorical IM residents at a large academic medical center participated in a curriculum that included a lecture, a small-group discussion, and a skills exercise...
June 2024: Southern Medical Journal
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