Journals Progress in Biophysics and Mol...

Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology
Chenxiao Zhen, Gejing Zhang, Shenghang Wang, Jianping Wang, Peng Shang
The emergence, evolution, and spread of life on Earth have all occurred in the geomagnetic field, and its extensive biological effects on living organisms have been documented. The charged characteristics of metal ions in biological fluids determine that they are affected by electromagnetic field forces, thus affecting life activities. Iron metabolism, as one of the important metal metabolic pathways, keeps iron absorption and excretion in a relatively balanced state, and this process is precisely and completely controlled...
March 4, 2024: Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology
John S Torday
The cell is both synchronic and diachronic, based on ontogeny and phylogeny, respectively. As experimental evidence for this holism, absent gravitational force, differentiated lung and bone cells devolve, losing their phenotypes, losing their evolutionary status, reverting to their nonlocal status. Thus, when evolution is seen as serial homeostasis, it is homologous with Quantum Entanglement as the nonlocal means of maintaining homeostatic balance between particles. This monadic perspective on consciousness is one-hundred and eighty degrees out of synch with the conventional way of thinking about consciousness as a diad, or mind and brain...
February 24, 2024: Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology
John S Torday
There is a consensus that we are conscious of something greater than ourselves, as if we are derived from some other primordial set of principles. Classical or Newtonian physics is based on the Laws of Nature. Conversely, in a recent series of articles, it has been hypothesized that the cell was formed from lipid molecules submerged in the primordial ocean that covered the earth 100 million years after it formed. Since lipids are amphiphiles, with both a positively- and negatively-charged pole, the negatively-charged pole is miscible in water...
February 21, 2024: Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology
Jing Zhong, Yan Tang
According to international cancer data, breast cancer (BC) is the leading type of cancer in women. Although significant progress has been made in treating BC, metastasis and drug resistance continue to be the primary causes of mortality for many patients. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) play a dual role in vivo: normal levels can maintain the body's normal physiological function; however, high levels of ROS below the toxicity threshold can lead to mtDNA damage, activation of proto-oncogenes, and inhibition of tumor suppressor genes, which are important causes of BC...
February 20, 2024: Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology
Mohsen Karami Fath, Samaneh Mohammad Bagherzadeh Torbati, Vahid Saqagandomabadi, Omid Yousefi Afshar, Mohammad Khalilzad, Sara Abedi, Afshin Moliani, Danyal Daneshdoust, Ghasem Barati
Neuroblastoma is a common inflammatory-related cancer during infancy. Standard treatment modalities including surgical interventions, high-dose chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and immunotherapy are not able to increase survival rate and reduce tumor relapse in high-risk patients. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are known for their tumor-targeting and immunomodulating properties. MSCs could be engineered to express anticancer agents (i.e., growth factors, cytokines, pro-apoptotic agents) or deliver oncolytic viruses in the tumor microenvironment...
February 17, 2024: Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology
Keith Baverstock
The central conclusions of "The Gene: An Appraisal" are that genetic variance does not underpin biological evolution, and, therefore, that genes are not Mendel's units of inheritance. In this response, I will address the criticisms I have received via commentaries on that paper by defending the following statements: 1. Epistasis does not explain the power-law fitness profile of the Long-Term Evolution Experiment (LTEE). The data from the evolution of natural systems displays the power-law form ubiquitously...
February 13, 2024: Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology
William B Miller, František Baluška, Arthur S Reber, Predrag Slijepčević
Recent papers have emphasized the primary role of cellular information management in biological and evolutionary development. In this framework, intelligent cells collectively measure environmental cues to improve informational validity to support natural cellular engineering as collaborative decision-making and problem-solving in confrontation with environmental stresses. These collective actions are crucially dependent on cell-based memories as acquired patterns of response to environmental stressors. Notably, in a cellular self-referential framework, all biological information is ambiguous...
February 3, 2024: Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology
John S Torday
Quantum Entanglement has been hypothesized to mediate non-local consciousness, underlying which, empirically, is the force of gravity. Upon further reflection, the case can be made for 'the breath' as the physiologic trait that binds all of these properties together, offering further opportunity for hypothesis testing experimentation. Humans have inexplicably made extraordinary intellectual and technical advances within a relatively very short period of time, referred to as the 'great leap forward'. It would be of great value if we could identify how and why we have evolved so rapidly...
January 29, 2024: Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology
Robert Lawrence Kuhn
Diverse explanations or theories of consciousness are arrayed on a roughly physicalist-to-nonphysicalist landscape of essences and mechanisms. Categories: Materialism Theories (philosophical, neurobiological, electromagnetic field, computational and informational, homeostatic and affective, embodied and enactive, relational, representational, language, phylogenetic evolution); Non-Reductive Physicalism; Quantum Theories; Integrated Information Theory; Panpsychisms; Monisms; Dualisms; Idealisms; Paranormal and Altered States Theories; Challenge Theories...
January 26, 2024: Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology
Dan-Bo Su, Zi-Xu Zhao, Da-Chuan Yin, Ya-Jing Ye
Tissue repair and regeneration is a vital biological process in organisms, which is influenced by various internal mechanisms and microenvironments. Pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs) are becoming a potential medical technology due to its advantages of effectiveness and non-invasiveness. Numerous studies have demonstrated that PEMFs can stimulate stem cell proliferation and differentiation, regulate inflammatory reactions, accelerate wound healing, which is of great significance for tissue regeneration and repair, providing a solid basis for enlarging its clinical application...
January 25, 2024: Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology
Alessandro Nutini
Amyloidosis is a condition involving a disparate group of pathologies characterized by the extracellular deposition of insoluble fibrils composed of broken-down proteins. These proteins can accumulate locally, causing peculiar symptoms, or in a widespread way, involving many organs and. causing severe systemic failure. The damage that is created is related not only to the accumulation of. amyloid fibrils but above all to the precursor oligomers of the fibrils that manage to enter the cell in a very particular way...
January 9, 2024: Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology
Denis Noble
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
January 2, 2024: Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology
Dan Cohen
Family Constellations are an emerging therapeutic approach for working with local and non-local consciousness. First developed by German psychoanalyst Bert Hellinger, and now practiced by thousands of licensed and un-licensed facilitators globally, Family Constellations are a transpersonal and systemically oriented therapeutic process. Their aim is to address a focus client's emotional, behavioral, relational, or somatic issues by uncovering and resolving transgenerational entanglements within their family system...
January 2024: Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology
John S Torday, Moshe Klein, Oded Maimon
The cell-cell signaling mechanisms that are the basis for all of physiology have been used to trace evolution back to the unicellular state, and beyond, to the "First Principles of Physiology". And since our physiology derives from the Cosmos based on Symbiogenesis, it has been hypothesized that the cell behaves like a functional Mobius Strip, having no 'inside or outside' cell membrane surface - it is continuous with the Cosmos, its history being codified from Quantum Entanglement to Newtonian Mechanics, affording the cell consciousness and unconsciousness/subconsciousness as a continuum for the first time...
December 28, 2023: Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology
Olen R Brown, David A Hullender
Artificial Intelligence (AI), as an academic discipline, is traceable to the mid-1950s but it is currently exploding in applications with successes and concerns. AI can be defined as intelligence demonstrated by computers, with intelligence difficult to define but it must include concepts of ability to learn, reason, and generalize from a vast amount of information and, we propose, to infer meaning. The type of AI known as general AI, has strong, but unrealized potential both for assessing and also for solving major problems with the scientific theory of Darwinian evolution, including its modern variants and for origin of life studies...
December 23, 2023: Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology
Mark William Johnson
One of the foundational principles of recent developments in evolutionary biology has been the acknowledgement of homeostasis as an organising principle of cellular development from unicellular origins. Fundamentally, this concerns the balance between the inside of a biological entity and its environment. Given that the organ of balance is the ear, and that the evolutionary provenance of the vestibular system can be traced back to fish, music provides a rich foundation for evolutionary biological inquiry. This paper considers a specific dimensional relationship in sonic experience between noise, signal, redundancy and anticipation...
December 14, 2023: Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology
Mansi Chaturvedi, Monika Patel, Archana Tiwari, Neeraj Dwivedi, D P Mondal, Avanish Kumar Srivastava, Chetna Dhand
Since ancient times, Tuberculosis (TB) has been a severe invasive illness that has been prevalent for thousands of years and is also known as "consumption" or phthisis. TB is the most common chronic lung bacterial illness in the world, killing over 2 million people each year, caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB). As per the reports of WHO, in spite of technology advancements, the average rate of decline in global TB infections from 2000-2018 was only 1.6% per year, and the worldwide reduction in TB deaths was only 11%...
December 3, 2023: Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology
Keith Baverstock
The gene can be described as the foundational concept of modern biology. As such, it has spilled over into daily discourse, yet it is acknowledged among biologists to be ill-defined. Here, following a short history of the gene, I analyse critically its role in inheritance, evolution, development, and morphogenesis. Wilhelm Johannsen's genotype-conception, formulated in 1910, has been adopted as the foundation stone of genetics, giving the gene a higher degree of prominence than is justified by the evidence...
December 2, 2023: Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology
Jude Currivan
With a Nobel Prize for Physics widely viewed as only given for 'settled' science, the award then essentially accepts the validity of universal nonlocality. Other key discoveries and insights in recent years are also progressively pointing to the appearance of our Universe, its energy-matter and space-time, as not being foundational but emerging from deeper, discarnate realms of causation. as digitized and meaningful, in-formation, its manifestation pixelated at the so-named Planck scale of existence. Extending from studies of black holes to the entire Universe, a growing number of cosmologists have also developed the so-named holographic principle, to model the four-dimensional appearance of our Universe (three dimensions of space and one of time) as a holographic projection of its two- dimensional boundary...
December 2023: Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology
Himani Amin, Sayma Zahid, Chloe Hall, Amanda K Chaplin
The proteins and protein assemblies involved in DNA repair have been the focus of a multitude of structural studies for the past few decades. Historically, the structures of these protein complexes have been resolved by X-ray crystallography. However, more recently with the advancements in cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) ranging from optimising the methodology for sample preparation to the development of improved electron detectors, the focus has shifted from X-ray crystallography to cryo-EM. This methodological transition has allowed for the structural determination of larger, more complex protein assemblies involved in DNA repair pathways and has subsequently led to a deeper understanding of the mechanisms utilised by these fascinating molecular machines...
November 28, 2023: Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology
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