Journals Journal of Obstetrics and Gyna...

Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of India
Madhuri Patel
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February 2024: Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of India
M Niveatha, R Lalitha, M Murugesh, Veena Jeyaraj
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February 2024: Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of India
B D Vaishnavi, Priyanka Sethi, Manbir Kaur, Pradeep Bhatia
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February 2024: Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of India
Samaneh Mohtashami, Masoome Jabarpour, Ashraf Aleyasin, Marzieh Aghahosseini, Ayda Najafian
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to examine the recurrence rates of ovarian endometrioma, dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, and related complications between sclerotherapy and laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy in individuals aged 25 to 38. METHODS: Eighty-eight women participated in this retrospective, single-center study between January 2020 and February 2022. Patients received either laparoscopy or sclerotherapy, depending on the opinion of the pertinent physician...
February 2024: Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of India
Divya Mecheril Balachandran, Jayalakshmi Durairaj, Haritha Sagili, Chanaveerappa Bammigatti, Yavana Suriya Venkatesh
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February 2024: Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of India
Ratna Biswas, Manju Puri, Abha Singh, Reena Yadav, Kiran Aggarwal, Anuradha Singh, Keerti Chandra
OBJECTIVE: To study the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on maternal mortality ratio, aetiological and modifiable factors for maternal mortality and key interventions performed. METHOD: Retrospective exploratory study evaluating maternal mortality between April to November 2020 (study group) and 2019 (control group). RESULTS: Demographic variations existed in the two groups. Increased maternal age and illiteracy were significantly more in the study group...
February 2024: Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of India
Divya Dwivedi, Neeti Singh, Uma Gupta
BACKGROUND: Regular menstruation represents reproductive health and quality of life of women. However, many women suffer from menstrual disorders at some point in their life. The occurrence of such abnormalities is affected by two key factors: BMI and physical activity. This study aims to analyse the relationship of these two factors to menstrual disorders. MATERIALS AND METHOD: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 502 women in Uttar Pradesh, India, from July 2021 to January 2023...
February 2024: Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of India
Namita Jain, Seema Sharma, Isha Kriplani, Alka Kriplani
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
February 2024: Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of India
Krishnendu Gupta
Climate change is occurring rapidly, and this crisis should now be recognized as a "global emergency". It is one of the major global health threats brought about by global warming, resulting from human activity due in large part to increasing levels of greenhouse gases. The ongoing climate crisis poses significant risks to women, pregnant mothers, unborn fetuses and offspring, who were exposed in-utero to climate stressors, especially those in marginalized communities where effects are magnified. A focus on education, research, and advocacy in responding to changing health consequences and global awareness are key to educating our professional healthcare providers, patients, the lay public, key personnel in the government and other leaders, and by making the changes necessary to address this crisis...
February 2024: Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of India
Monisha Ravi, Mukesh Kumar Singh, Sandeep Kumar, Sarita Singh, Priyanka Naik
OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study was to determine the quality of life in women after peripartum hysterectomy using a Hindi version of the SF-36 questionnaire. BACKGROUND: There are long-term effects on quality of life in women after peripartum hysterectomy. The effects on physical, mental, and social functioning have a prolonged recovery. No studies have been done in Indian women after peripartum hysterectomy to evaluate quality of life. METHODS: Patients who underwent peripartum hysterectomy from January 2017 to May 2021 were contacted to participate in the study...
February 2024: Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of India
Suvarna Satish Khadilkar, Meena Samant
The decision regarding oophorectomy during gynecological surgeries, especially in perimenopausal and postmenopausal women, has historically posed a significant dilemma. Traditionally, it was widely believed that conserving the ovaries held no benefits, leading to a common practice of recommending bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy alongside hysterectomy for benign conditions in women aged 40-45 and above. Given our evolving comprehension of postmenopausal ovarian function and the genetic susceptibility to ovarian epithelial cancers, the decision regarding oophorectomy poses a dilemma...
December 2023: Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of India
Sneha Mittal, Vineeta Gupta, Namrata Saxena, Kirti Lata
BACKGROUND: Given the underutilization of contraception in India, this study was undertaken to gauge cisgender female clients' knowledge of, attitudes toward, and barriers to contraceptive usage in North India. METHODOLOGY: The present study was done at a tertiary care Institute in North India, where 209 structured interviews were conducted with cisgender female patients attending the outpatient department. One-way chi-square tests for independence, Kruskal-Wallis test, and Wilcoxon test were applied to quantitative data...
December 2023: Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of India
Parisa HadaviBavili, Gholamreza Tizro
Postpartum hemorrhage is a long-running and frequent cause of maternal death in most developing countries and is associated with uterine atony. Nowadays, balloon tamponade has gained popularity due to its advantages. It is a technically simple, safely applied, time saver, and easily removed in a low-risk method and also needs less expertise and no special equipment. Despite all advantages, the Bakri balloon is very expensive in less developed countries and not available everywhere, especially in limited resource settings...
December 2023: Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of India
Richa Sharma, Pratima Agarwal, Vaishali Jain, Haritha Sagili, Sonali Sarkar, Anuradha Panda, Kruti Deliwala, Krupa Shah
BACKGROUND: During the Covid-19 pandemic, reproductive health of women was disproportionately affected due to difficult access to safe abortion and contraceptive services. This study aims to assess the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the prevalence of MTP cases and to find out the clinicodemographic profiles of women undergoing MTP during three Covid-waves in different hospitals-Government and private sectors in India. METHODS: This retrospective multicentric cohort study was conducted during three Covid-19 pandemic waves...
December 2023: Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of India
Sandhya Gadre, Gunjan Chaudhary, Pankaj Goyal, Chandraprakash Ahirwar
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
December 2023: Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of India
Sofia Al Farizi, Dewi Setyowati, Azra Fauziyah Azyanti, Dyah Ayu Fatmaningrum, Rahayu Kusuma Candrakirana
AIM: Compare the impact of the intervention on the outcome of pregnancy of patients receiving obstetric care with and non-COVID-19 diagnosis at a tertiary referral hospital located in the region of East Java, Indonesia. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional analysis of 694 pregnant women. These patients' information was acquired based on the medical data obtained from the hospital. The Mann-Whitney test was used to analyze the disparities among the factors examined in this research investigation...
December 2023: Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of India
Madhva Prasad, Aditi Joshi, Akriti Saxena
A comparative, questionnaire-based study among postpartum patients was conducted using the Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale. 80 women who had good neonatal outcomes were compared with 80 women who had adverse neonatal outcomes. Demographic characteristics were similar between the groups. The average EPDS score in those with good neonatal outcomes was lesser than that of those with adverse neonatal outcome (10.07 vs11.04, p 0.045). Using the cut-off value of 9, the proportion of women who tested positive (higher chance of PPD) was statistically significantly higher (p value 0...
December 2023: Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of India
Rajoo Saroj, Vandana Sharma
Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) was first described centuries ago, but it is still unknown to many clinicians. Although onset of body dysmorphic disorder occurs in adolescent age, BDD has received very little attention in adolescent psychiatry literature. Here, we are discussing a case report of 14-year girl suffering from belief of splitting of her clitoris. She would watch it in mirror multiple times and feel disgust due to her malformed genital part. She would often become very distressed and force her family member for genital surgery...
December 2023: Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of India
Jyoti Jaiswal, Smrity Naik, Shweta Singh Dhruw, Himani Punshi
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
December 2023: Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of India
Mecheril Balachandran Divya, Papa Dasari
INTRODUCTION: Medical disorders complicating pregnancy have recently emerged as the most common cause for maternal morbidity and mortality and it is important to predict mortality risk when they present in moribund state to emergency obstetric care so as to take and timely effective measures to prevent mortality. METHODS: This prospective observational study was conducted over 6 months among pregnant and post-partum women with medical disorders who sought emergency obstetric care at a tertiary care hospital...
December 2023: Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of India
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