Jessé Clementino-Filho, Rodrigo Cañada Trofo Surjan, Eloy Taglieri, José Celso Ardengh
Bronchogenic cysts are congenital benign tumors resulting from abnormal budding of the primitive foregut. Usually presented on the posterior mediastinum, its presence on the retroperitoneum is extremely rare. We present an asymptomatic lady patient with a retroperitoneal cystic lesion that was submitted to endoscopic ultrasound-guided biopsies and intracystic fluid aspiration with histology excluding malignance despite intracystic fluid biochemical analysis that disclosed extremely high carbohydrate antigen 19-9...
November 25, 2021: Indian Journal of Surgery
Raghav Yelamanchi, Nikhil Gupta, Binita Goswami, C K Durga
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
November 21, 2021: Indian Journal of Surgery
Archana Sinha, Saravanan Lakshmanan, Maneesh Singhal, Sushma Sagar
COVID-19 pandemic has been a major challenge for health care services all around the world. With increasing COVID-19 cases and lockdown enforcement, there has been a significant delay in the presentation of patients in the emergency department; also the fear in people of contracting COVID-19 from the hospital is an additional factor. The following case report describes such an incidence of delay in presentation of buccal fat pad injury patient to the emergency department.
October 19, 2021: Indian Journal of Surgery
Rupa Mehta, Nitin M Nagarkar, Atul Jindal, Karthik Nagaraja Rao, S B Nidhin, Ripu Daman Arora, Anil Sharma, Archana Wankhede, Satish Satpute, Sharmistha Chakravarty, N K Agrawal, Pranita, Pankaj Kannauje, Ajoy Behera, Pugazhenthan Thangaraju
The study aimed to determine clinical presentation, contributing factors, medical and surgical management, and outcome of patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)-associated mucormycosis (CAM). A cross-sectional, single-center study was conducted on patients receiving multidisciplinary treatment for mucormycosis following the second wave of COVID-19 pandemic from April to June 2021 in India. Clinicoepidemiological factors were analyzed, 30-day overall survival and disease-specific survival were determined, and t -test was used to determine the statistical significance...
October 6, 2021: Indian Journal of Surgery
Anna Rose, Noel Aruparayil
Over the last 20 years, surgical training in the United Kingdom (UK) has changed dramatically. There have been considerable efforts towards creating a programme that delivers the highest standard of training while maintaining patient safety. However, the journey to improve the quality of training has faced several hurdles and challenges. Recruitment processes, junior doctor contracts, flexible working hours and equality and diversity have all been under the spotlight in recent times. These issues, alongside the extended surgical team and the increasingly recognised importance of trainee wellbeing, mean that postgraduate surgical training is extremely topical...
September 12, 2021: Indian Journal of Surgery
A Agrawal, D Arora, A Kumar, A Jain, C Doshi
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
September 8, 2021: Indian Journal of Surgery
Eric O'Flynn, Arbab Danial, Jakub Gajewski
Global surgery is an emerging field of study and practice, aiming to respond to the worldwide unmet need for surgical care. As a relatively new concept, it is not clear that there is a common understanding of what constitutes "global surgery education and training". This study examines the forms that global surgery education and training programmes and interventions take in practice, and proposes a classification scheme for such activities. A scoping review of published journal articles and internet websites was performed according to the PRISMA Extension for Scoping Review guidelines...
August 25, 2021: Indian Journal of Surgery
Hope T Jackson, Khashayar Vaziri, Barbara Lee Bass
The foundational principles of surgical training in the USA are based on didactic education, structured skill training, and experiential learning in surgical patient care with the supervision of surgical faculty. A consortium of professional organizations, academic institutions, and teaching hospitals with surgical faculty provide the structural framework, policies, and curriculum to train and evaluate surgeons capable of independent practice. This manuscript describes the roles of the organizations responsible for surgical training in the USA and highlights areas in evolution in the modern surgical education landscape...
August 20, 2021: Indian Journal of Surgery
Sampath Kumar Karanam L, Gopi Krishna Basavraj, Chaitanya Kumar Reddy Papireddy
Strongyloides stercoralis is a helminth, widely distributed in tropical and subtropical countries. Its infestation in humans usually does not produce symptoms. However, in some patients, severe and life-threatening forms of this infection can occur, especially in immunocompromised individuals. Severe parasitic infection is triggered by any imbalance in the host's immunity favouring the auto-infective cycle. This results in an increase in the intraluminal parasitic burden. In addition, tissue infestation is also very common...
August 2021: Indian Journal of Surgery
Judith Johnson, Tmam Abdulaziz Al-Ghunaim, Chandra Shekhar Biyani, Anthony Montgomery, Roland Morley, Daryl B O'Connor
Surgical disciplines are popular and training places are competitive to obtain, but trainees report higher levels of burnout than either their non-surgical peers or attending or consultant surgeons. In this review, we critically summarise evidence on trends and changes in burnout over the past decade, contributors to surgical trainee burnout, the personal and professional consequences of burnout and consider the evidence for interventions. There is no evidence for a linear increase in burnout levels in surgeons over the past decade but the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has yet to be established and is likely to be significant...
July 29, 2021: Indian Journal of Surgery
Nilofer Husnoo, Judith Johnston, Athur Harikrishnan
Surgeons have historically learned their craft through the apprenticeship model from their mentors. Knowledge and practices acquired this way can rapidly become outdated. Providing high-quality care to patients requires surgeons to keep their knowledge up to date in line with evolving new evidence. The principles of evidence-based medicine (EBM) and its application to surgery, evidence-based surgery (EBS), are pivotal in updating and refining surgical practice. Changing from the conventional practice of surgical education to a structured evidence-based format requires a transformative process in all the levels of surgical practice encompassing trainees and trainers...
July 24, 2021: Indian Journal of Surgery
Srijit Das, Subhra Dhar
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 10, 2021: Indian Journal of Surgery
Helen Please, Chandra Shekhar Biyani
The operative and non-technical skills exposure of urology trainees has reduced due to a number of factors, including the European Working Time Directive, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Simulation-based education (SBE) is an innovative addition to clinical experience which can begin to address the skills-based learning deficiency in order to help trainees meet their curriculum requirements and optimise the exposure required for a trainee to become a competent general urology consultant. Surgical simulation is an effective training tool but has a complex implementation process, requiring considerable planning tailored to specific educational targets, to ensure it is sustainable and reproducible...
July 7, 2021: Indian Journal of Surgery
Matthew Pears, Stathis Konstantinidis
The second wave of immersive reality technology is required that enhances and exploits current applications, empirical evidence and worldwide interest. If this is successful, low- and middle-income countries will have improved access, less costs and reduced practical limitations. Affordability, availability, accessibility and appropriateness are determinates, and help from several innovative areas can achieve these targets. Artificial intelligence will allow autonomous support of trainees to accelerate their skills when interacting on mobile applications, as deep learning algorithms will generate models that identify data and patterns within them and provide feedback much like a human educator...
July 1, 2021: Indian Journal of Surgery
Sanjay Kumar Yadav, Pawan Agarwal, Dhananjaya Sharma
Clinical trials in Surgery are central to research; however, very few surgical clinical trials are conducted in India. Such paucity of surgical trials is a cause for concern, and prompted us to explore the recent landscape of surgical trials in India. We reviewed all clinical trials from general surgery or subspecialties of general surgery registered with the Clinical Trials Registry of India website between 2018 to 15 th May 2021. Specific details such as the surgical subspecialty, study design, multicentric or single institution and funding were obtained...
June 30, 2021: Indian Journal of Surgery
Padma Deskit
Trauma including neurotrauma is one of the major killers in the world. The health infrastructure in developing countries has a huge disparity, with super specialist care confined to big cities only. Adding to this problem is factors like poverty, poor road condition and no organised emergency evacuation system. The utopian scenario where specialist and infrastructure are made available in every village is a distant dream. So at present, the most feasible and cost-effective way to prevent death due to neurotrauma in rural and remote setting is putting the general surgeon working in remote area at the forefront...
June 24, 2021: Indian Journal of Surgery
Bhattacharya Surajit
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
June 24, 2021: Indian Journal of Surgery
Krithi Ravi, Ugonna Angel Anyamele, Moniba Korch, Nermin Badwi, Hassan Ali Daoud, Sayed Shah Nur Hussein Shah
Undergraduate surgical education is failing to prepare medical students to care for patients with surgical conditions, and has been significantly compromised by the COVID-19 pandemic. We performed a literature review and undertook semi-structured reflections on the current state of undergraduate surgical education across five countries: Egypt, Morocco, Somaliland, Kenya, and the UK. The main barriers to surgical education at medical school identified were (1) the lack of standardised surgical curricula with mandatory learning objectives and (2) the inadequacy of human resources for surgical education...
June 22, 2021: Indian Journal of Surgery
Mayank Jain, Ranvir Tyagi, Rakesh Tyagi, Gaurav Jain
Thrombo-embolic episodes and invasive mucormycosis (IM) have shown a sudden surge after the second wave of novel coronavirus infection in India. Acute mesenteric ischemia secondary to coronavirus-19 is rare and that too due to invasive mesenteric mucormycosis has not yet been reported in Indian literature. We present a case of post-COVID diabetic woman who was on steroids and had mesenteric thrombosis with IM. The disease is associated with high mortality. Treatment of choice is wide surgical resection and iv liposomal amphotericin B...
June 22, 2021: Indian Journal of Surgery
Surajit Bhattacharya
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
June 19, 2021: Indian Journal of Surgery
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