Cumhur Ozcan, Ahmet Dag, Bilal Arslan, Pınar Pelin Ozcan, Recep Okan Ustun, Merve Turkegun
One of the side effects of vaccines used to end the COVID-19 epidemic is non-specifically enlarged axillary lymph nodes. Such lymphadenopathy detected during clinical examination of breast cancer patients may require additional imaging or interventional procedures that should not normally be performed. This study has been designed to estimate the incidence of palpable enlarged axillary lymph node in breast cancer patients who had received COVID-19 vaccination in the past 3 months in the same arm as compared to those without vaccination...
May 13, 2023: Indian Journal of Surgery
Lukas Gadus, Frantisek Chmelik, Marketa Matejkova, Jiri Heracek
Patients with previous abdominal surgery are at an increased risk of peritoneal adhesions, which may complicate transperitoneal surgery. The objective of this article is to report single centre experience with transperitoneal laparoscopic and robotic partial nephrectomy for renal cancer in patients with previous abdominal surgery. We evaluated data from 128 patients who underwent laparoscopic or robotic partial nephrectomy from January 2010 to May 2020. Patients were divided into three groups according to the localization of main previous surgery: in the upper contralateral abdominal quadrant, in the upper ipsilateral abdominal quadrant or in the middle line, in lower abdominal quadrants...
April 27, 2023: Indian Journal of Surgery
Jeuel Ogooluwa Idowu, Olufemi Emmanuel Idowu, Abimbola Adeniran
Spontaneous surgical acute and chronic intracranial haemorrhage in patients with SARS-Cov-2 infection is a theoretical possibility. We report two cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection that was associated with spontaneous surgical acute and chronic intracranial haemorrhage. The two patients had successful surgical intervention. Surgical haemorrhages should be considered in patients with SARS-COV-2 infection especially if there is an associated altered sensorium.
April 20, 2023: Indian Journal of Surgery
Mohit Bhagchandani, Vigya Shukla, R K Maurya, Ashish Chaudhary, Kuldeep Kumar
The aim of this study was to compare quilting suture with axillary drain versus conventional sutures with axillary and pectoral drain on the formation of seroma after modified radical mastectomy with axillary lymph node dissection. The study was undertaken among 90 female patients with breast cancer who were candidates for modified radical mastectomy with axillary clearance. The intervention group ( N  = 43) with quilting and axillary drain placement and the control group ( N  = 33) without quilting with axillary and pectoral drain placement...
April 6, 2023: Indian Journal of Surgery
Sungbin Cho, Hyemin Kim, Jaehwan Kim, Yechan Kim
A common site of chemoport implantation is the anterior chest wall. However, it is difficult to needle chemoport and to maintain needles in severely obese patients. Because the skin is thick, it is difficult to find the port and the needle easily comes off. We describe a different safe and easy to replicate method of chemoport placement in a severely obese patient. We placed the chemopot directly above the sternum. It is particularly more useful for very obese patients. This technique is safe and an easy to replicate method of chemoport placement...
April 3, 2023: Indian Journal of Surgery
Anling He, Mingkai Chen
Injection sclerotherapy for all grades of interhemorrhoids in various situations and co-morbidities has become popular method of treatment. Several types of surgical operations both conventional and stapled hemorrhoidectomy has many and serious described side effects. On the contrary, proctoscopic injection sclerotherapy using some of the modern sclerosants and thin bore needle injections is an office-based ambulatory method of treatment of internal hemorrhoids; it is low in cost, devoid of any major complications besides it is quite successful as reported...
April 2023: Indian Journal of Surgery
Amit Gupta, Oshin Sharma, Kandhala Srikanth, Rahul Mishra, Amoli Tandon, Deepak Rajput
The new coronavirus (COVID-19) infection, first detected in Wuhan, China in 2019 has become a pandemic that has spread to nearly every country in the world. Through October 11, 2021, more than 23 billion confirmed cases and 4.8 million fatalities were reported globally. The bulk of individuals afflicted in India during the first wave were elderly persons. The second wave, however, resulted in more severe diseases and mortality in even younger age groups due to mutations in the wild virus. Symptoms may range from being asymptomatic to fatal acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)...
February 2023: Indian Journal of Surgery
Sandeep Attawar, Imthiaz Manoly, Unmil Shah
Lung transplantation is gaining widespread acceptance as the preferred therapeutic option for selected cases of end-stage lung disease in India. The indications of lung transplantation are increasing, with better post-operative survival, including the COVID affected lung, if we choose our patients well. The national acceptance of expanded criteria in lung donation, streamlining of the process of lung transplantation by governmental, and non-governmental organizations and significant increase in the number of organ donations in India have strengthened the lung transplantation program within the country...
January 16, 2023: Indian Journal of Surgery
Dhananjaya Sharma, Sandeep Kumar
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
January 10, 2023: Indian Journal of Surgery
Alberto Riojas-Garza, Carlos A Morales-Morales, Adolfo Leyva-Alvizo, Alejandro H Rodríguez
UNLABELLED: Laparoscopic common bile duct exploration (LCBDE) remains underutilized in the management of common bile duct (CBD) stones. The exact cause of this under-utilization remains unclear; however, identified barriers to LCBDE implementation include lack of training and unavailability of dedicated instruments. LCBDE is an attractive alternative for stone retrieval in patients with Roux-en-Y gastric bypass given the anatomical difficulty in endoscopic retrograde cholangiopaneatography (ERCP)...
December 15, 2022: Indian Journal of Surgery
Muralidhar Kanchi, Kedar Bangal, Prakash Pvs, Sanjay Orathi Patangi
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is a modality utilized for partially or completely supporting the cardiac and/or pulmonary function. There are multiple vascular access techniques depending upon the necessity and the mode of ECMO used. ECMO has evolved over the years as an integral part of the cardiac care discipline. Historically, this lifesaving modality began as an extension of cardiopulmonary bypass and was associated with adverse outcomes. Currently, ECMO has evolved as an accepted and viable solution to patients with severe cardiac/respiratory/cardiorespiratory failure that is refractory to conservative management...
December 7, 2022: Indian Journal of Surgery
G Siddesh
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
December 2022: Indian Journal of Surgery
Davinder Sandhu, Vikram Gill, Osamah Otoom, Dhananjaya Sharma
Approximately 6-9% of trainees will have performance issues of variable degrees with 3-5% of trainees struggling to complete their training and requiring additional targeted time or an extension of training. Some even leave the profession. The environment is complex, often chaotic and overstretched, and, now, made more difficult due to the impact of COVID-19 on medical training. Addressing learning and implementing new behaviours is a challenge and important, as there are still 'never events', and medical errors sadly can include wilful neglect and assault...
November 1, 2022: Indian Journal of Surgery
Kaushik Bhattacharya, Neela Bhattacharya, Utpal De
Leslie Harold Blumgart was the surgeon behind making Hepatopancreaticobiliary surgery a speciality and his recent demise will always leave a void in that field. He was the person who classified anatomical variations in the biliary tract and devised a special anastomotic technique to decrease the rate of postoperative pancreatic duct fistula after Whipple's pancreaticoduodenectomy. His contribution in managing hepatobiliary oncology cases with chemotherapy and radiotherapy was also significant. No wonder, he was designated as the "living legend" by the International Hepatopancreaticobiliary Association...
October 27, 2022: Indian Journal of Surgery
Weier Wang, Zhifei Wang, Haibo Gong, Liming Jin, Fangqiang Wei
This is a pilot study to assess the utility of applying 5G-assisted remote guidance in laparoscopic simulation training. A single trainee of a junior surgeon was recruited to complete three steps of tasks including basic task 1, basic task 2, and model task, and the performance was recorded and evaluated. The operator completed each task three times. Except for basic task 1, all tasks were remotely guided by a more experienced surgeon using 5G technology. Tasks completion time and a 30-point objective structured assessment of technical skills (OSATS) score were utilized to assess the results of simulation training...
October 24, 2022: Indian Journal of Surgery
Manjeet Kumar, Pawan Kaundal, Sunish Sharma, Kirti Rana
Mucormycosis is a fungal infection involving rhinocerebral, pulmonary, cutaneous, gastrointestinal and disseminated forms with high morbidity and mortality with rare involvement of the urinary bladder. Diagnosis is made by examining under a microscope, identifying broad, nonseptate, irregular and ribbon-shaped hyphae. Timely diagnosis and starting antifungal drugs are key to successful treatment.
August 31, 2022: Indian Journal of Surgery
K Madan, H K Rudresh, Akshay Rao, S Sandeep, N Monica, Anupam Gupta
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is primarily considered to be a respiratory ailment. Hitherto, abdominal symptoms have been reported with variable frequency in acute COVID-19. The purpose of this study was to estimate the frequency of abdominal symptoms at presentation among patients hospitalised with COVID-19 infection, and to determine their association with disease severity. This was a single-centre cross-sectional observational study conducted at a COVID-19 tertiary care hospital (CTRI/2021/10/037195, registered on 08/10/2021)...
August 22, 2022: Indian Journal of Surgery
Muhammet Ali Beyoglu, Mehmet Furkan Sahin, Sinan Turkkan, Alkin Yazicioglu, Erdal Yekeler
 Management of tracheal complications due to endotracheal intubation in patients with coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) is an important concern. This study aimed to present the  results of patients who had undergone tracheal resection and reconstruction due to COVID-19-related complex post-intubation tracheal stenosis (PITS). We evaluated 15 patients who underwent tracheal resection and reconstruction due to complex PITS between March 2020 and April 2021 in a single center. Seven patients (46...
August 2022: Indian Journal of Surgery
Kaushik Bhattacharya, Praveenchandra Reddy, Prem Dorjee Bhutia
Abscess of the ligamentum teres is one of the rarest causes of acute abdomen and causes severe dilemma and real challenge in clinching the diagnosis. A 69-year-old lady with severe upper abdominal pain with history of gall stones underwent MRI upper abdomen and was diagnosed as abscess of the ligamentum teres. There are only very few reported cases of this entity in the literature.
August 2022: Indian Journal of Surgery
Thukten Chophel, Sangay Tshering, Namkha Dorji, Ugyen Tshomo
Stomach cancer is a common public health problem in South East Asia including Bhutan. Chronic infection with Helicobacter pylori is regarded as the principal cause of stomach cancer. Herein, we present the incidence of stomach cancer in Bhutan for eight years (from 2014 to 2021). We also discuss the steps taken for the prevention and early detection of stomach cancer.
July 23, 2022: Indian Journal of Surgery
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