Patricia Kipkemoi, Mary S Mufford, Dickens Akena, Melkam Alemayehu, Lukoye Atwoli, Lori B Chibnik, Bizu Gelaye, Stella Gichuru, Symon M Kariuki, Karestan C Koenen, Edith Kwobah, Joseph Kyebuzibwa, Rehema M Mwema, Charles R J C Newton, Adele Pretorius, Dan J Stein, Anne Stevenson, Rocky E Stroud, Solomon Teferra, Zukiswa Zingela, Kristianna Post, Kristina J Korte
BACKGROUND: The University of California, San Diego Brief Assessment of Capacity to Consent (UBACC) is a tool to assess the capacity of participants to consent in psychiatric research. However, little is known about the psychometric properties in low and middle-income countries. This study aimed to examine the psychometric properties of the UBACC. METHODS: We examined the reliability, latent factor structure, and item response of the first attempt of the UBACC items in a sample of 32,208 adults (16,467 individuals with psychosis and 15,741 controls) in Ethiopia, Kenya, South Africa, and Uganda; exploring these properties in the full sample and stratified by country, diagnostic status, sex, and ethnolinguistic language groups...
August 26, 2024: Comprehensive Psychiatry