Jonas Ajouri, R M Muellenbach, C B Rolfes, K Weber, F Schuppert, A A Peivandi, C Reyher
We present the case of a 46-year-old male who developed refractory bradycardia with cardiogenic shock after attempting suicide by ingestion of yew leaves. Due to delayed availability of the Digoxin immune fab, a va-ECMO was established to maintain sufficient circulation. Administration of the digoxin fab resulted in recovery of spontaneous circulation. Continuous venovenous hemodiafiltration with hemoadsorption and albumin dialysis were initiated with the intention to remove immune fab-toxin complexes and as organ support in acute kidney and liver failure...
March 2022: Der Anaesthesist
Thomas Schmoch, Thorsten Brenner, Andrea Becker-Pennrich, Ludwig Christian Hinske, Markus A Weigand, Josef Briegel, Patrick Möhnle
BACKGROUND: A pre-existing anticoagulation treatment and predisposing diseases for thromboembolic events represent common problems in patients with sepsis or septic shock; however, these conditions are not addressed in current national guidelines for sepsis and septic shock. One of the aims of this nationwide survey in Germany was therefore to determine how intensive care physicians deal with these problems. METHODS: From October 2019 to May 2020, we conducted a nationwide survey among German medical directors of intensive care units (ICU) addressing anticoagulation and drug-based prophylaxis of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in patients with sepsis and sepsis-induced coagulopathy...
March 2022: Der Anaesthesist
Florian Fuchsgruber, Lisa Tölke, Patrick Friederich
BACKGROUND: Despite numerous studies on the regional cerebral oxygen saturation (rSO2 ) measured by near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) in orthopedic patients in the beach chair position, it is still unclear whether patient-specific factors, such as concomitant cardiovascular diseases, are more frequently associated with the occurrence of cerebral desaturation events (CDE). OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was therefore to identify possible patient-specific risk factors that enable prediction of CDE...
March 2022: Der Anaesthesist
Thomas Frietsch
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
February 25, 2022: Der Anaesthesist
Josefin Grabert, Mark Coburn
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
February 23, 2022: Der Anaesthesist
Hanke E Marcus, W Golbeck, M Schieren, J Defosse, F Wappler, A Böhmer
BACKGROUND: A good safety culture may be predominantly defined by an open and unsanctioned communication about critical and erroneous courses. In an effort to improve patient safety various instruments, such as the critical incident reporting system (CIRS) or in terms of patient handover, the use of the situation, background, assessment, recommendation (SBAR) system patient handover, have been developed and are recommended by the German Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine (DGAI)...
February 18, 2022: Der Anaesthesist
Julian Umlauf, Axel Rüdiger Heller
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
February 18, 2022: Der Anaesthesist
B Ziegler, S Ofner, J Lischent, J Perndorfer, A Diem, M Laimer, C Prodinger, F Treff
Epidermolysis bullosa causes blistering due to altered structural proteins of the dermoepidermal junction, resulting in scarring and strictures of the skin and mucous membranes. Affected individuals typically require frequent surgical interventions due to burdensome symptoms and complications of the disease. The anesthesiological management of these patients is inherently challenging. This review article summarizes the relevant features of this patient cohort and provides practical recommendations for care.
February 17, 2022: Der Anaesthesist
Marika Rheinwald, Shanaz-Christina Azad, Michael Zoller, Andreas Lorenz, Eduard Kraft
BACKGROUND: A considerable number of critically ill and mechanically ventilated intensive care patients show pronounced dysphagia after extubation. Many studies have shown that postextubation dysphagia (PED) leads to a significant decline of outcome. The awareness, timely diagnostic procedures and integration of suitable treatment methods in intensive care units are therefore of great importance. OBJECTIVE: Current basic findings on PED, diagnostic possibilities, therapeutic methods as well as the development of concrete recommendations for clinical practice...
February 15, 2022: Der Anaesthesist
L Brandt, S Albert, K L Brandt
Because of a painful right-sided coxarthrosis a 57-year-old female patient underwent a cementless total arthroplasty under general anesthesia. Except for Asperger's syndrome and an occlusion of a vein in her left eye she stated no other diseases or complaints, especially no cardiac problems. Postoperatively she developed neurological symptoms of left-sided hemiparesis and hemihypesthesia. A cranial computer tomography was performed and a right-sided infarction of the thalamic region was found. A patent foramen ovale (PFO) and atrial septal aneurysm were detected 5 days later...
February 8, 2022: Der Anaesthesist
Felix Klawitter, Stefan J Schaller, Martin Söhle, Daniel A Reuter, Johannes Ehler
BACKGROUND: Intensive care unit-acquired weakness (ICU-AW) is one of the most frequent causes of neuromuscular dysfunction in intensive care medicine. To date no evidence-based recommendations exist for the diagnostics, monitoring or further intensive care treatment. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the current clinical practice of diagnostics, monitoring and treatment strategies of ICU-AW on intensive care units in Germany. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We conducted an online survey with a self-designed questionnaire and invited 448 members of the Scientific Working Group for Intensive Care Medicine (WAKI) and the Scientific Working Group for Neuroanesthesia (WAKNA) to participate...
February 2, 2022: Der Anaesthesist
Volker Wenzel
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
February 2022: Der Anaesthesist
Elena Kainz, Marlene Fischer
The current guidelines of the European Resuscitation Council recommend targeted temperature management to improve functional neurological outcome in comatose survivors after cardiac arrest. With the pathophysiological background of hypothermia-induced neuroprotection for prevention of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, targeted temperature management is a key measure and represents a central aspect in postresuscitation care.In the 2021 guidelines the application of targeted temperature management in postresuscitation care has been recommended for all rhythms and irrespective of the location of cardiac arrest...
February 2022: Der Anaesthesist
Guido Michels, Johann Bauersachs, Bernd W Böttiger, Hans-Jörg Busch, Burkhard Dirks, Norbert Frey, Carsten Lott, Nadine Rott, Wolfgang Schöls, P Christian Schulze, Holger Thiele
The European guidelines on cardiopulmonary resuscitation, which are divided into 12 chapters, have recently been published. In addition to the already known chapters, the topics "epidemiology" and "life-saving systems" have been integrated for the first time. For each chapter five practical key statements were formulated. In the present article the revised recommendations on basic measures and advanced resuscitation measures in adults as well as on postresuscitation treatment are summarized and commented on...
February 2022: Der Anaesthesist
S Niel, R Douwa, S G Sakka
We report on a 28-year-old female patient who had no history of diseases and who was brought to our intensive care unit in a comatose state by the ambulance service. The clinical picture corresponded to sepsis with a massively increased blood sugar concentration (> 2000 mg/dl) as well as a pronounced skin mycosis in the groin region of the very obese patient (body mass index [BMI]: 33.7 kg/m2 ) in the physical examination. The treatment of sepsis was initially supplemented by a calculated antifungal treatment...
February 2022: Der Anaesthesist
Peter Kienbaum, Maximilian S Schaefer, Stephanie Weibel, Tobias Schlesinger, Patrick Meybohm, Leopold H Eberhart, Peter Kranke
The prophylaxis and treatment of postoperative pain to enhance patient comfort has been a primary goal of anesthesiologists for the last decades; however, avoiding postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) is, from a patient's perspective, a highly relevant and equally important goal of anesthesia. Recent consensus-based guidelines suggest the assessment of risk factors including female gender, postoperative opioid administration, non-smoking status, a history of PONV or motion sickness, young patient age, longer duration of anesthesia, volatile anesthetics and the type of surgery and reducing the patient's baseline risk (e...
February 2022: Der Anaesthesist
Anne Lammert, Markus Alb, Lena Huber, Frederic Jungbauer, Benedikt Kramer, Sonja Ludwig, Nicole Rotter, Lena Zaubitzer, Claudia Scherl
BACKGROUND: A team in the operating room (OR) is a hierarchically structured, gender-mixed group of people belonging to different professional categories. Disparities in the objectives of the different team members under economic pressure to perform, are sources of potential conflict in the daily work routine. This may have a negative impact on patient safety and commercial efficiency of hospital management. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this summary is to sensitize the reader to the complex of problems in daily life in the OR and to increase awareness of possible approaches to solve the difficulties in an OR...
February 2022: Der Anaesthesist
Thomas Schmoch, Michael Bernhard, Andrea Becker-Pennrich, Ludwig Christian Hinske, Josef Briegel, Patrick Möhnle, Thorsten Brenner, Markus A Weigand
BACKGROUND: The 11th revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) will come into effect in January 2022. Among other things, The Third International Consensus Definitions for Sepsis and Septic Shock (SEPSIS‑3 definition) will be implemented in it. This defines sepsis as a "life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by a dysregulated host response to infection". The aim of the present secondary analysis of a survey on the topic of "sepsis-induced coagulopathy" was to evaluate whether the SEPSIS‑3 definition, 4 years after its international introduction, has arrived in everyday clinical practice of intensive care units (ICU) run by anesthesiologists in Germany and thus the requirements for its use of the ICD-11 are given...
February 2022: Der Anaesthesist
Ralf Ludwig Hahn
In 1981 the Canadian Peter Stewart presented a new concept for the interpretation of the acid-base balance. Rehm et al. published the first German language article on this topic. In 2007 the works of Deetjen and Lichtwarck-Aschoff as well as Funk presented both the physiological and clinical foundations of the Stewart concept as well as algorithms to interpret the acid-base status more precisely. Furthermore, since 2004 many other publications on the Stewart concept have been published, which have sometimes been controversially discussed and has not yet found its way into the everyday interpretation of blood gas analysis...
February 2022: Der Anaesthesist
C Jaekel, L Oezel, D Bieler, J P Grassmann, C Rang, R Lefering, J Windolf, S Thelen
BACKGROUND: In the prehospital acute treatment phase of severely injured patients, the stabilization of the vital parameters is paramount. The rapid and precise assessment of the injuries by the emergency physician is crucial for the initial treatment and the selection of the receiving hospital. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine whether the prehospital emergency medical assessment has an influence on prehospital and emergency room treatment. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Data from the TraumaRegister DGU® between 2015 and 2019 in Germany were evaluated...
February 2022: Der Anaesthesist
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