Carol D Berkowitz
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 2024: Advances in Pediatrics
Reed L Ryan, Patricia J Emmanuel, Lisa J Sanders
HIV prevention in adolescents and young adults (AYA) requires a multi-pronged strategy encompassing behavioral, biologic, and structural approaches. This article reviews the epidemiology of HIV infection in the United States and its pathogenesis and transmission. Prevention approaches are discussed in more detail, with an emphasis on how each approach is relevant to AYA populations. Information is summarized in a resource table with links to references and in-depth discussions of the topics reviewed in this article...
August 2024: Advances in Pediatrics
Keisha N Adams, Elizabeth Hovel
Eating Disorders are psychiatric conditions that can manifest clinically as malnutrition due to restrictive eating and weight control behaviors or obesity due to binge eating. Eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia nervosa have peak onset during adolescence and young adulthood. This population is at the highest risk due to psychosocial changes surrounding identity development and body image that occurs during this life-stage. Though binge eating disorder and avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder are not characterized by body image overvaluation, peak onset is also during adolescence and young adulthood...
August 2024: Advances in Pediatrics
Jessica F Hukill, Michelle A Blanco, Erica E ElSeed Peterson, Chelsea M Torres
Families with infants admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) are at a markedly increased risk of developing postpartum depression (PPD) because of the stressors they experience by having an infant in this intensive setting. Routine screening for PPD is not regularly performed for these families because many NICUs do not offer it and well-child visits are missed while the infant is hospitalized. Because the identification and treatment of PPD is often missed in these families, screening needs to be administered in the NICU to ensure improved outcomes...
August 2024: Advances in Pediatrics
Paige J DeBlieux, Lara F Alexander, Nikhita Nookala, Cameron Nereim
Gun violence (GV) and safety is a contentious topic in the United States, despite increasing morbidity and mortality among children and adolescents. It is important for physicians to take a role in preventing future GV. This article aims to present several methods that physicians can use to prevent GV in their own communities, ranging from implementation of large-scale intervention programs to simple screenings and anticipatory guidance. As the problem of GV persists, it is important for physicians to use their role to identify individuals who are at high-risk and advocate for changes that will benefit their future health...
August 2024: Advances in Pediatrics
Elizabeth S Barnert
This article examines the epidemiology of the US juvenile legal system, which disproportionately impacts youth with multiple marginalized identities and exacerbates health inequities. Policy changes that can improve the treatment of children who display disruptive behavior are highlighted, so as to lay out a path forward for supporting children and enhancing health equity while bolstering public safety. Finally, this article concludes that the systemic racism pervasive in the juvenile legal system signals an important role for pediatrics to advance racial equity and transform our approach to childhood...
August 2024: Advances in Pediatrics
Moran Gotesman, Marni Shear, Sahar Raheel, Michael Procassini, Eduard H Panosyan
Pediatric immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) is a fairly common bleeding disorder PRESENTING with a decreased number of platelets. The typical clinical presentation involves mild bleeding symptoms with bruising and petechiae and occasional mucosal bleeding. ITP is thought to be an autoimmune disorder and more recently other mechanisms have been described. Most cases resolve spontaneously and can undergo watchful waiting as the platelet count improves. Initially, steroids or intravenous immunoglobulin G (IVIg) can be used to increase platelets...
August 2024: Advances in Pediatrics
Samira Nazzar Romero, Deborah McCurdy
Systemic autoinflammatory diseases (SAID) are a growing family of disorders of the innate immune system. Over the years, there have been changes in the definition, classification and nomenclature of SAID as new syndromes and pathophysiologic mechanisms continue to be described. Recognizing the clinical manifestations of SAID is important for their early diagnosis and management. The field continues to advance with potential new therapies underway.
August 2024: Advances in Pediatrics
Kathryn M Maselli, Nikhil R Shah, Karen Elizabeth Speck
Constipation is common in childhood, and most patients can be successfully managed by their primary care provider. However, some patients will require more specialized management either due to an underlying congenital colorectal disorder such as Hirschsprung disease or anorectal malformation or due to severe functional constipation that is refractory to medical management.
August 2024: Advances in Pediatrics
David M Notrica, Lisa E McMahon, Dawn E Jaroszewski
This article reviews pectus excavatum, carinatum, and arcuatum. Topics covered include etiology, epidemiology, associated syndromes, physiologic impact, workup, indications for treatment, surgical and nonsurgical therapy, results, complications, and emerging therapies. Pectus excavatum is an inward deformation of the sternum and/or anterior chest wall. Pectus carinatum is ether an outward protrusion or tilt of the sternum with potential psychological impact, but no demonstrated physiologic impact. Nonoperative compression bracing is successful in carinatum patients with chest wall flexibility who are compliant with a bracing program...
August 2024: Advances in Pediatrics
Taylor Deall, Tanner Wright
A primer for pediatric providers on understanding stigma in health care, the terminology and types of stigma, the conditions commonly faced with stigma in pediatrics, the components of evidence-based anti-stigma initiatives, and guidance to effect change within a pediatric practice. The authors outline the negative effects of stigma in pediatrics and how to combat the problem at the source, and explore self-stigma, public stigma, and structural stigma and how it applies to weight, diabetes, disability, HIV, mental health, and substance use in pediatrics...
August 2024: Advances in Pediatrics
Kathy Huen, Shannon Richardson
Undescended testis is the most common genital disorder identified at birth. Boys who do not have spontaneous descent of the testis at 6 months of age, adjusted for gestational age, should be referred to pediatric urology for timely orchiopexy. Retractile testes are at risk for secondary ascent of the testes and should be monitored by physical examination annually. If there is concern for ascent of the testis, pediatric urology referral is recommended. Most cases of phimosis can be managed medically with topical corticosteroids and manual retraction of the foreskin...
August 2024: Advances in Pediatrics
Brielle Ochoa, Erica M Weidler, Melissa A Parks, Karen Elizabeth Speck, Kathleen van Leeuwen
Patients with differences of sex development (DSDs) have complex anatomy and surgical needs related to both Mullerian and non-Mullerian structures. Approaches to vaginal reconstruction for these conditions are guided by individual anatomy, with the goal of establishing unobstructed outflow for the reproductive, urinary, and gastrointestinal tracts. Patients may have anatomy requiring vaginoplasty for either outflow tract obstruction or chosen sexual function. In this article, the authors focus on management of differences in vaginal anatomy with delayed vaginoplasty for the newborn with DSD...
August 2024: Advances in Pediatrics
Athanasia Bouliari, Frances Bullard, Karen Lin-Su, Oksana Lekarev
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is an autosomal recessive genetic condition caused by various enzyme deficiencies that result in disruptions of pathways of adrenal steroidogenesis. 21-hydroxylase deficiency is the most common form of CAH and has a variable phenotype which ranges a spectrum, from the most severe salt-wasting type to the simple-virilizing type and the least severe nonclassical form. Patients with CAH are at risk for various comorbidities due to the underlying adrenal hormone production imbalance as well as the treatment of the condition, which typically includes supraphysiologic glucocorticoid dosing...
August 2024: Advances in Pediatrics
Charles A Stanley, Diva D De Leon
To provide a more appropriate foundation for dealing with the problem of hypoglycemia in newborn infants, this article focuses on the mechanisms which underlie the various forms of neonatal hypoglycemia and discusses their implications for newborn care. Evidence indicates that all of the major forms of neonatal hypoglycemia are the result of hyperinsulinism due to dysregulation of pancreatic islet insulin secretion. Based on these observations, the authors propose that routine measurement of B-hydroxybutyrate should be considered an essential part of glucose monitoring in newborn infants...
August 2024: Advances in Pediatrics
Avram R P Rago, Stefanie F D'Arrigo, Morsal Osmani, Claudia M Espinosa, Chelsea M Torres
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a common viral pathogen that accounts about 33 million cases of acute lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI) worldwide in children under the age of 5 years each year. High-risk populations, particularly preterm infants, those with underlying chronic lung disease, congenital heart disease, or compromised immune systems, are afflicted most significantly. RSV infection is characterized by significant amount of mucus and submucosal edema in the respiratory tract, leading to congestion and, oftentimes, significant respiratory distress...
August 2024: Advances in Pediatrics
Anisa Ibrahim, Julie M Linton, Elizabeth Dawson-Hahn
Immigrant children experience diverse migration paths to the United States facing unique challenges that impact their health and well-being. This article provides an overview of the pathways to health care and physical, mental, and behavioral health considerations for refugee and immigrant children. Health equity and cultural humility frameworks are reviewed. Approach to care guidance and clinical pearls are provided for the initial medical assessment in addition to medical screening, mental health, education, and developmental health...
August 2024: Advances in Pediatrics
Carol D Berkowitz
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 2023: Advances in Pediatrics
Megan M Langille
Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) is an immune-mediated disease of the peripheral nerves and cause of acute flaccid paralysis in children around the world. The most common type of GBS in North America targets myelin and leads to demyelinating neuropathy. Often there is a history of infection in the weeks preceding motor symptoms. GBS has been associated with different infections, including COVID. Children usually recover motor function, but autonomic instability and respiratory compromise can occur necessitating close observation and potentially intensive care unit admission...
August 2023: Advances in Pediatrics
Ornella Bricoune, Bailey Hamner, Maria Gieron-Korthals
Myasthenia gravis (MG) is a rare condition that impairs function at the neuromuscular junction of skeletal muscles, seen less commonly in children. Causes include autoimmune MG, congenital myasthenic syndromes, and transient neonatal myasthenia gravis. Symptoms of weakness, hypotonia, and fatigability can be reasonably explained by more common causes, thus children with MG disorders commonly experience delays in treatment with severe consequences. This leads to the progression of disease and serious complications including myasthenic crises and exacerbations...
August 2023: Advances in Pediatrics
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