Adriana González, Asier Fullaondo, Adrián Odriozola
Microbiota is a complex community of microorganisms living in a defined environment. Until the 20th century, knowledge of microbiota was partial, as the techniques available for their characterization were primarily based on bacteriological culture. In the last twenty years, the development of DNA sequencing technologies, multi-omics, and bioinformatics has expanded our understanding of microorganisms. We have moved from mainly considering them isolated disease-causing agents to recognizing the microbiota as an essential component of host biology...
2024: Advances in Genetics
Adrián Odriozola, Adriana González, Jesús Álvarez-Herms, Francesc Corbi
Due to the multifactorial and complex nature of rest, we focus on phenotypes related to sleep. Sleep regulation is a multifactorial process. In this chapter, we focus on those phenotypes inherent to sleep that are highly prevalent in the population, and that can be modulated by lifestyle, such as sleep quality and duration, insomnia, restless leg syndrome and daytime sleepiness. We, therefore, leave in the background those phenotypes that constitute infrequent pathologies or for which the current level of scientific evidence does not favour the implementation of practical approaches of this type...
2024: Advances in Genetics
Adrián Odriozola, Adriana González, Jesús Álvarez-Herms, Francesc Corbi
This chapter aims to explore the usefulness of the latest advances in genetic studies in the field of the circadian system in the future development of individualised strategies for health improvement based on lifestyle intervention. Due to the multifactorial and complex nature of the circadian system, we focus on the highly prevalent phenotypes in the population that are key to understanding its biology from an evolutionary perspective and that can be modulated by lifestyle. Therefore, we leave in the background those phenotypes that constitute infrequent pathologies or in which the current level of scientific evidence does not favour the implementation of practical approaches of this type...
2024: Advances in Genetics
Jesús Álvarez-Herms, Adrián Odriozola
Regular physical activity promotes health benefits and contributes to develop the individual biological potential. Chronical physical activity performed at moderate and high-intensity is the intensity more favorable to produce health development in athletes and improve the gut microbiota balance. The athletic microbiome is characterized by increased microbial diversity and abundance as well as greater phenotypic versatility. In addition, physical activity and microbiota composition have bidirectional effects, with regular physical activity improving microbial composition and microbial composition enhancing physical performance...
2024: Advances in Genetics
Ildus I Ahmetov, George John, Ekaterina A Semenova, Elliott C R Hall
Physical activity and athletic performance are complex phenotypes influenced by environmental and genetic factors. Recent advances in lifestyle and behavioral genomics led to the discovery of dozens of DNA polymorphisms (variants) associated with physical activity and allowed to use them as genetic instruments in Mendelian randomization studies for identifying the causal links between physical activity and health outcomes. On the other hand, exercise and sports genomics studies are focused on the search for genetic variants associated with athlete status, sports injuries and individual responses to training and supplement use...
2024: Advances in Genetics
Adrián Odriozola, Adriana González, Iñaki Odriozola, Jesús Álvarez-Herms, Francesc Corbi
Microorganisms have been used in nutrition and medicine for thousands of years worldwide, long before humanity knew of their existence. It is now known that the gut microbiota plays a key role in regulating inflammatory, metabolic, immune and neurobiological processes. This text discusses the importance of microbiota-based precision nutrition in gut permeability, as well as the main advances and current limitations of traditional probiotics, new-generation probiotics, psychobiotic probiotics with an effect on emotional health, probiotic foods, prebiotics, and postbiotics such as short-chain fatty acids, neurotransmitters and vitamins...
2024: Advances in Genetics
Adrián Odriozola, Adriana González, Jesús Álvarez-Herms, Francesc Corbi
Optimal nutrition is essential for health and physiological performance. Nutrition-related diseases such as obesity and diabetes are major causes of death and reduced quality of life in modern Western societies. Thanks to combining nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics, genomic nutrition allows the study of the interaction between nutrition, genetics and physiology. Currently, interrelated multi-genetic and multifactorial phenotypes are studied from a multiethnic and multi-omics approach, step by step identifying the important role of pathways, in addition to those directly related to metabolism...
2024: Advances in Genetics
Adriana González, Asier Fullaondo, Adrián Odriozola
This chapter analyses the interaction between microbiota and humans from an evolutionary point of view. Long-term interactions between gut microbiota and host have been generated as a result of dietary choices through coevolutionary processes, where mutuality of advantage is essential. Likewise, the characteristics of the intestinal environment have made it possible to describe different intrahost evolutionary mechanisms affecting microbiota. For its part, the intestinal microbiota has been of great importance in the evolution of mammals, allowing the diversification of dietary niches, phenotypic plasticity and the selection of host phenotypes...
2024: Advances in Genetics
Aline Jelenkovic, María Eugenia Ibáñez-Zamacona, Esther Rebato
Modern humans evolved in Africa some 200,000 years ago, and since then, human populations have expanded and diversified to occupy a broad range of habitats and use different subsistence modes. This has resulted in different adaptations, such as differential responses to diseases and different abilities to digest or tolerate certain foods. The shift from a subsistence strategy based on hunting and gathering during the Palaeolithic to a lifestyle based on the consumption of domesticated animals and plants in the Neolithic can be considered one of the most important dietary transitions of Homo sapiens...
2024: Advances in Genetics
Diego A Bonilla, Carlos A Orozco, Diego A Forero, Adrián Odriozola
This chapter overviews genetic techniques' fundamentals and methodological features, including different approaches, analyses, and applications that have contributed to advancing health and disease. The aim is to describe laboratory methodologies and analyses employed to understand the genetic landscape of different biological contexts, from conventional techniques to cutting-edge technologies. Besides describing detailed aspects of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and derived types as one of the principles for many novel techniques, we also discuss microarray analysis, next-generation sequencing, and genome editing technologies such as transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs) and the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) and CRISPR-associated (Cas) systems...
2024: Advances in Genetics
Benoit Lacroix, Vitaly Citovsky
Several species of the Agrobacterium genus represent unique bacterial pathogens able to genetically transform plants, by transferring and integrating a segment of their own DNA (T-DNA, transferred DNA) in their host genome. Whereas in nature this process results in uncontrolled growth of the infected plant cells (tumors), this capability of Agrobacterium has been widely used as a crucial tool to generate transgenic plants, for research and biotechnology. The virulence of Agrobacterium relies on a series of virulence genes, mostly encoded on a large plasmid (Ti-plasmid, tumor inducing plasmid), involved in the different steps of the DNA transfer to the host cell genome: activation of bacterial virulence, synthesis and export of the T-DNA and its associated proteins, intracellular trafficking of the T-DNA and effector proteins in the host cell, and integration of the T-DNA in the host genomic DNA...
2022: Advances in Genetics
Xuhua Xia
Acid-resistance in gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori requires the coordination of four essential processes to regulate urease activity. Firstly, urease expression above a base level needs to be finely tuned at different ambient pH. Secondly, as nickel is needed to activate urease, nickel homeostasis needs to be maintained by proteins that import and export nickel ions, and sequester, store and release nickel when needed. Thirdly, urease accessary proteins that activate urease activity by nickel insertion need to be expressed...
2022: Advances in Genetics
Suriyen Subramaniam, Gerald R Smith
Bacteria face a challenge when DNA enters their cells by transformation, mating, or phage infection. Should they treat this DNA as an invasive foreigner and destroy it, or consider it one of their own and potentially benefit from incorporating new genes or alleles to gain useful functions? It is frequently stated that the short nucleotide sequence Chi (5' GCTGGTGG 3'), a hotspot of homologous genetic recombination recognized by Escherichia coli's RecBCD helicase-nuclease, allows E. coli to distinguish its DNA (self) from any other DNA (non-self) and to destroy non-self DNA, and that Chi is "over-represented" in the E...
2022: Advances in Genetics
Dhavendra Kumar
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2021: Advances in Genetics
Anubhav Basu, Anshul Budhraja, Juwayria, Dasari Abhilash, Ishaan Gupta
In this review, we summarize the current challenges faced by cancer researchers and motivate the use of novel genomics solutions. We follow this up with a comprehensive overview of three recent genomics technologies: liquid biopsy, single-cell RNA sequencing and spatial transcriptomics. We discuss a few representative protocols/assays for each technology along with their strengths, weaknesses, optimal use-cases, and their current stage of clinical deployment by summarizing trial data. We focus on how these technologies help us develop a better understanding of cancer as a rapidly evolving heterogeneous genetic disease that modulates its immediate microenvironment leading to systemic macro-level changes in the patient body...
2021: Advances in Genetics
Prashant Mehta, Sneha J Bothra
There has been a paradigm shift in the management of cancer, with the immense progress in cancer genomics. More and more targeted therapies are becoming available by the day and personalized medicine is becoming popular with specific drugs being designed for selected subgroups of patients. One such new class of targeted drugs in the armamentarium is Poly ADP Ribose Polymerase (PARP) inhibitors (PARPi), which inhibit the enzyme PARP, thus interfering with DNA repair. This strategy utilizes a pre-existing genomic lesion in tumors with homologous recombination repair defects (including BRCA mutations), weakening tumor cells further by blocking the alternate pathway of DNA repair...
2021: Advances in Genetics
Keshab Bhattarai, Keshab Bhattarai, Bikash Baral
Scientists working in natural products chemistry have been enticed by the current advancements being made in the discovery of novel "magic bullets" from microbes homed to all conceivable environments. Even though researchers continue to face challenges funneling the novel bioactive compounds in the global therapeutic industries, it seems most likely that the discovery of some "hit molecules" with significant biomedical applications is not that far. We applaud novel natural products for their ability to combat the spread of superbugs and aid in the prevention of currently observed antibiotic resistance...
2021: Advances in Genetics
Maninder Kaur Ahluwalia
The prevalence of non-communicable diseases has been on an upward trajectory for some time and this puts an enormous burden on the healthcare expenditure. Lifestyle modifications including dietary interventions hold an immense promise to manage and prevent these diseases. Recent advances in genomic research provide evidence that focussing these efforts on individual variations in abilities to metabolize nutrients (nutrigenetics) and exploring the role of dietary compounds on gene expression (nutrigenomics and nutri-epigenomics) can lead to more meaningful personalized dietary strategies to promote optimal health...
2021: Advances in Genetics
Neha Pathak, Sindhura Chitikela, Prabhat Singh Malik
Genomic characterization of lung cancer has not only improved our understanding of disease biology and carcinogenesis but also revealed several therapeutic opportunities. Targeting tumor dependencies on specific genomic alterations (oncogene addiction) has accelerated the therapeutic developments and significantly improved the outcomes even in advanced stage of disease. Identification of genomic alterations predicting response to specific targeted treatment is the key to success for this "personalized treatment" approach...
2021: Advances in Genetics
S Benafif, H Ni Raghallaigh, J McHugh, R Eeles
Prostate cancer heritability is attributed to a combination of rare, moderate to highly penetrant genetic variants as well as commonly occurring variants conferring modest risks [single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)]. Some of the former type of variants (e.g., BRCA2 mutations) predispose particularly to aggressive prostate cancer and confer poorer prognoses compared to men who do not carry mutations. Molecularly targeted treatments such as PARP inhibitors have improved outcomes in men carrying somatic and/or germline DNA repair gene mutations...
2021: Advances in Genetics
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