L L G Sebek, B C M de Winter, C Bethlehem, G Prins, R Huisman, J Alsma
Approximately 500 patients per year are admitted to the emergency department (ED) of the Erasmus University Medical Center presenting with intoxications with medication. For adequate treatment, it is sometimes important to know which drugs in which quantities were ingested. This can require laboratory analysis of blood or urine samples; however, these samples do not provide information about the possible effects that can still be expected. We performed toxicological screening on the gastric content of three patients admitted to our ED in January and February 2018...
December 2020: Netherlands Journal of Medicine
L Hendrikx, D F G J Wolthuis, R J Hassing
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
December 2020: Netherlands Journal of Medicine
L Hendrikx, D F G J Wolthuis, R J Hassing
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
December 2020: Netherlands Journal of Medicine
C A J van Beers, A-J van Tienhoven, C Stijnis, J Veenstra
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
December 2020: Netherlands Journal of Medicine
C A J van Beers, A-J van Tienhoven, C Stijnis, J Veenstra
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
December 2020: Netherlands Journal of Medicine
R J L F Loffeld, K van der Hem, I Ambrose
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
December 2020: Netherlands Journal of Medicine
R J L F Loffeld, K van der Hem, I Ambrose
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
December 2020: Netherlands Journal of Medicine
J Heidt, E M van Keulen, A E C A B Willemsen, J M W van Haarst
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
December 2020: Netherlands Journal of Medicine
J Heidt, E M van Keulen, A E C A B Willemsen, J M W van Haarst
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
December 2020: Netherlands Journal of Medicine
L M Schepers, J M H Kisters, C Wetzels, G J Creemers
We report on a 75-year-old man with a history of metastatic prostate cancer who presented with haematuria, peripheral oedema, metabolic alkalosis, hypokalaemia, and hypertension. Laboratory evaluation was compatible with the diagnosis of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)-dependent cushing's syndrome and suggestive of ectopic ACTH production. Pathology of a prostate biopsy specimen showed a large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma (LCNEC) of the prostate. This report describes a case of Cushing's syndrome that was probably caused by ectopic ACTH secretion by a LCNEC of the prostate...
December 2020: Netherlands Journal of Medicine
D van Moorsel, R F Tummers-de Lind van Wijngaarden
Thionamides (such as thiamazole/methimazole) are a common first line treatment for Graves' disease. Common side effects include rash, urticaria, and arthralgia. However, thionamide treatment has also been associated with a variety of auto-immune syndromes. Here, we describe a patient presenting with mild arthritis after starting thiamazole. Although severe presentation warrants acute withdrawal of the causative agent, our case suggests that milder forms can be successfully treated with anti-inflammatory drugs alone...
December 2020: Netherlands Journal of Medicine
L de Wolff, S Vogels, G I Andriesse, I N Vlasveld
We describe a patient with an orthohantavirus infection in the north of the Netherlands. Orthohantavirus cases in the Netherlands are rare and most cases occur in the east of the Netherlands. Orthohantavirus infections should be included in the differential diagnosis in travellers and non-travellers, and patients from areas other than the east of the Netherlands if flu-like symptoms and acute renal insufficiency are present.
December 2020: Netherlands Journal of Medicine
P Mohammadi, M A Heitbrink, J F P Wagenaar, M P Hendriks
Cerebral toxoplasmosis is a potentially fatal infection most commonly seen in immunocompromised patients. We present a patient on long-term immunosuppressive therapy after kidney transplantation and a recent history of oligometastatic rectal cancer, with cerebral lesions as a result of toxoplasmosis. Heightened awareness of the occurrence of opportunistic infections in patients with cancer who are taking immunosuppressive drugs is needed among clinicians.
December 2020: Netherlands Journal of Medicine
T E M S de Vries-Sluijs, E R Andrinopoulou, R A de Man, M E van der Ende
BACKGROUND: In HIV-infected patients, the immunogenicity of hepatitis B vaccines is impaired. In this randomised controlled study (RCT), we investigated the effect of Fendrix® versus double-dose Engerix® vaccination in previously non-responsive HIV-infected subjects. METHODS: Patients included those who were HIV-infected and non-responders to a primary (single-dose hepatitis B (HBV) vaccination) and a subsequent double-dose HBV revaccination schedule. Subjects were randomised 1:1 to receive Fendrix® (t = 0, 4, 8, 24 weeks) or double-dose Engerix® (t = 0, 4, 24 weeks) vaccinations...
December 2020: Netherlands Journal of Medicine
S M Brakenhoff, M L Verburgh, S B Willemse, L C Baak, K Brinkman, M van der Valk
BACKGROUND: Successful treatment of chronic hepatitis C with direct-acting antiviral agents (DAAs) is expected to lead to improvement in liver fibrosis in most of the patients. However, limited data are available on the improvement of advanced liver fibrosis and cirrhosis, measured by transient elastography after treatment. This study assessed the change in liver stiffness measurements after successful treatment with DAAs in patients with pre-treatment advanced fibrosis or cirrhosis. METHODS: This observational retrospective cohort study included 514 mono-infected chronic hepatitis C patients, treated with all possible DAA-regimes in the Amsterdam region, the Netherlands...
December 2020: Netherlands Journal of Medicine
A Brink, J Alsma, H S Brink, J de Gelder, J A Lucke, S P Mooijaart, R Zietse, S C E Schuit, H F Lingsma
BACKGROUND: Length of stay (LOS) in the Emergency Department (ED) is correlated with an extended in-hospital LOS and may even increase 30-day mortality. Older patients represent a growing population in the ED and they are especially at risk of adverse outcomes. Screening tools that adequately predict admission could help reduce waiting times in the ED and reduce time to treatment. We aimed to develop and validate a clinical prediction tool for admission, applicable to the aged patient population in the ED...
December 2020: Netherlands Journal of Medicine
M J A Rietveld, J van der Velden, A M Westermann, W J van Driel, G S Sonke, P O Witteveen, F K Ploos van Amstel, L F A G Massuger, P B Ottevanger
BACKGROUND: Combined administration of intravenous (iv) and intraperitoneal (ip) (iv/ip) chemotherapy is an effective adjuvant treatment option after primary debulking surgery (PDS) for advanced ovarian cancer (OC). Increased toxicityand patient burden limit its use in daily practice. OBJECTIVE: To assess toxicity and survival outcomes of iv/ip chemotherapy in daily practice in the Netherlands. METHODS: This retrospective cohort study included 81 women who underwent at least an optimal PDS for FIGO stage III OC followed by iv/ip chemotherapy according to the Armstrong regimen, in four hospitals in the Netherlands between January 2007 and May 2016...
December 2020: Netherlands Journal of Medicine
F V van Daalen, M Smeulers, E J H Bartels, F Holleman, C E Visser, S E Geerlings
BACKGROUND: Blood cultures are essential diagnostic tools to identify pathogens in systemic infections. However, logistics of blood culture performance is often suboptimal. This study analyses the pre-analytic phase of blood culture processing through different types of risk assessments. METHODS: We performed direct observations to gain in-depth knowledge of the root causes of suboptimal blood culture performance. These findings were summarised in a Bow-Tie chart...
December 2020: Netherlands Journal of Medicine
K de Wit, O M van Delden, U Beuers, R B Takkenberg
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) is an effective intervention to treat complications of portal hypertension. Since the introduction of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)-covered stents, TIPS patency rates have improved, and the need for routine TIPS surveillance has become questionable. Aims of this study were to assess the indications, clinical outcome and survival, and yield of Doppler ultrasound follow-up in patients who received a TIPS in an academic centre...
December 2020: Netherlands Journal of Medicine
B J Laan, A A van de Woestijne, H A H Kaasjager, S E Geerlings
BACKGROUND: The Choosing Wisely campaign aims to reduce low-value care to improve quality and lower healthcare costs. Our objective was to determine the current implementation of the Choosing Wisely Netherlands campaign and the 10 recommendations (released in 2014) for internal medicine. METHODS: We actively surveyed physicians and residents in the departments of internal medicine in 13 hospitals in the Netherlands. The survey was performed during a presentation about Choosing Wisely and we asked whether they thought that the recommendations were implemented...
December 2020: Netherlands Journal of Medicine
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