Heidi M Schambra, Seth A Hays
Paired vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) has emerged as a promising strategy to potentiate recovery after neurological injury. This approach, which combines short bursts of electrical stimulation of the vagus nerve with rehabilitation exercises, received approval from the US Food and Drug Aministration in 2021 as the first neuromodulation-based therapy for chronic stroke. Because this treatment is increasingly implemented in clinical practice, there is a need to take stock of what we know about this approach and what we have yet to learn...
September 7, 2024: Journal of Physiology
Estanislao Peixoto, Lily Flaherty, Sergio A Gradilone
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
September 6, 2024: Journal of Physiology
Audrey C Drotos, Rachel L Zarb, Victoria Booth, Michael T Roberts
Along the ascending auditory pathway, there is a broad shift from temporal coding, which is common in the lower auditory brainstem, to rate coding, which predominates in auditory cortex. This temporal-to-rate transition is particularly prominent in the inferior colliculus (IC), the midbrain hub of the auditory system, but the mechanisms that govern how individual IC neurons integrate information across time remain largely unknown. Here, we report the widespread expression of Glun2c and Glun2d mRNA in IC neurons...
September 6, 2024: Journal of Physiology
James S Street, Kate J Jeffery
Head direction (HD) neurons, signalling facing direction, generate a signal that is primarily anchored to the outside world by visual inputs. We investigated the route for visual landmark information into the HD system in rats. There are two candidates: an evolutionarily older, larger subcortical retino-tectal pathway and a more recently evolved, smaller cortical retino-geniculo-striate pathway. We disrupted the cortical pathway by lesioning the dorsal lateral geniculate thalamic nuclei bilaterally, and recorded HD cells in the postsubicular cortex as rats foraged in a visual-cue-controlled enclosure...
September 5, 2024: Journal of Physiology
Hsueh-Fu Wu, Charlotte Hamilton, Harrison Porritt, Annika Winbo, Nadja Zeltner
Throughout our lifetime the heart executes cycles of contraction and relaxation to meet the body's ever-changing metabolic needs. This vital function is continuously regulated by the autonomic nervous system. Cardiovascular dysfunction and autonomic dysregulation are also closely associated; however, the degrees of cause and effect are not always readily discernible. Thus, to better understand cardiovascular disorders, it is crucial to develop model systems that can be used to study the neurocardiac interaction in healthy and diseased states...
September 5, 2024: Journal of Physiology
Richard G Carson
Physiologists often express the change in the value of a measurement made on two occasions as a ratio of the initial value. This is usually motivated by an assumption that the absolute change fails to capture the true extent of the alteration that has occurred in attaining the final value - if there is initial variation among individual cases. While it may appear reasonable to use ratios to standardize the magnitude of change in this way, the perils of doing so have been widely documented. Ratios frequently have intractable statistical properties, both when taken in isolation and when analysed using techniques such as regression...
September 5, 2024: Journal of Physiology
Sierra D Kauer, Curtis A Benson, Jennifer M Carrara, Afrin A Tarafder, Youssef H Ibrahim, Maile A Estacion, Stephen G Waxman, Andrew M Tan
Hyperreflexia associated with spasticity is a prevalent neurological condition characterized by excessive and exaggerated reflex responses to stimuli. Hyperreflexia can be caused by several diseases including multiple sclerosis, stroke and spinal cord injury (SCI). Although we have previously identified the contribution of the RAC1-PAK1 pathway underlying spinal hyperreflexia with SCI-induced spasticity, a feasible druggable target has not been validated. To assess the utility of targeting PAK1 to attenuate H-reflex hyperexcitability, we administered Romidepsin, a clinically available PAK1 inhibitor, in Thy1-YFP reporter mice...
September 4, 2024: Journal of Physiology
Isaac A Chavez-Guevara, Jørn W Helge, Francisco J Amaro-Gahete
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
September 4, 2024: Journal of Physiology
Jordan D Fuqua, Paulo H C Mesquita, Michael E Taylor, Agnieszka K Borowik
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
September 2, 2024: Journal of Physiology
Itamar C G Jesus, Flavia M Araujo
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
September 2, 2024: Journal of Physiology
David P Girgis, Meagan N Smith, Alex S Y Wang
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
September 2, 2024: Journal of Physiology
William J Evans, Marc Hellerstein, Russell J Butterfield, Edward Smith, Michela Guglieri, Natalie Katz, Brittany Nave, Lauren Branigan, Stephanie Thera, Kalista L Vordos, Laura Behar, Marianela Schiava, Meredith K James, Tyler Field, Hussein Mohammed, Mahalakshmi Shankaran
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) results in a progressive loss of functional skeletal muscle mass (MM) and replacement with fibrofatty tissue. Accurate evaluation of MM in DMD patients has not previously been available. Our objective was to measure MM using the D3 creatine (D3 Cr) dilution method and determine its relationship with strength and functional capacity in patients with DMD over a wide range of ages. Subjects were recruited for participation in a 12 month, longitudinal, observational study...
August 31, 2024: Journal of Physiology
Richie P Goulding
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 31, 2024: Journal of Physiology
Scott K Powers
Mechanical ventilation (MV) is used to support ventilation and pulmonary gas exchange in patients during critical illness and surgery. Although MV is a life-saving intervention for patients in respiratory failure, an unintended side-effect of MV is the rapid development of diaphragmatic atrophy and contractile dysfunction. This MV-induced diaphragmatic weakness is labelled as 'ventilator-induced diaphragm dysfunction' (VIDD). VIDD is an important clinical problem because diaphragmatic weakness is a risk factor for the failure to wean patients from MV...
August 31, 2024: Journal of Physiology
Jenni Laitila, Robert A E Seaborne, Natasha Ranu, Justin S Kolb, Carina Wallgren-Pettersson, Nanna Witting, John Vissing, Juan Jesus Vilchez, Edmar Zanoteli, Johanna Palmio, Sanna Huovinen, Henk Granzier, Julien Ochala
Nemaline myopathy (NM) is a genetic muscle disease, primarily caused by mutations in the NEB gene (NEB-NM) and with muscle myosin dysfunction as a major molecular pathogenic mechanism. Recently, we have observed that the myosin biochemical super-relaxed state was significantly impaired in NEB-NM, inducing an aberrant increase in ATP consumption and remodelling of the energy proteome in diseased muscle fibres. Because the small-molecule Mavacamten is known to promote the myosin super-relaxed state and reduce the ATP demand, we tested its potency in the context of NEB-NM...
August 31, 2024: Journal of Physiology
Natalie Schieferstein, Ana Del Toro, Roberta Evangelista, Barbara Imbrosci, Aarti Swaminathan, Dietmar Schmitz, Nikolaus Maier, Richard Kempter
Sharp wave-ripple complexes (SPW-Rs) are spontaneous oscillatory events that characterize hippocampal activity during resting periods and slow-wave sleep. SPW-Rs are related to memory consolidation - the process during which newly acquired memories are transformed into long-lasting memory traces. To test the involvement of SPW-Rs in this process, it is crucial to understand how SPW-Rs originate and propagate throughout the hippocampus. SPW-Rs can originate in CA3, and they typically spread from CA3 to CA1, but little is known about their formation within CA3...
August 31, 2024: Journal of Physiology
Zoé Mazurie, Pascal Branchereau, Daniel Cattaert, Nadia Henkous, Catherine Savona-Baron, Rose-Marie Vouimba
Primary motor cortex (M1) network stability depends on activity of inhibitory interneurons, for which susceptibility to stress was previously demonstrated in limbic regions. Hyperexcitability in M1 following changes in the excitatory/inhibitory balance is a key pathological hallmark of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Using electrophysiological approaches, we assessed the impact of acute restraint stress on inhibitory interneurons excitability and global synaptic plasticity in M1 of the SOD1G93A ALS mouse model at a late pre-symptomatic stage (10-12...
August 31, 2024: Journal of Physiology
Hao Sun, Ruolan Cai, Rui Li, Mingxuan Li, Lixia Gao, Xinjian Li
Spatial information and dynamic locomotor behaviours are equally important for achieving locomotor goals during spatial navigation. However, it remains unclear how spatial and locomotor information is integrated during the processing of self-initiated spatial navigation. Anatomically, the retrosplenial cortex (RSC) has reciprocal connections with brain regions related to spatial processing, including the hippocampus and para-hippocampus, and also receives inputs from the secondary motor cortex. In addition, RSC is functionally associated with allocentric and egocentric spatial targets and head-turning...
August 31, 2024: Journal of Physiology
Giorgio Manferdelli, Denis J Wakeham
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 30, 2024: Journal of Physiology
Adam Mustapha Khay, Gabrielle Gilmer, Hirotaka Iijima
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 30, 2024: Journal of Physiology
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