Natasha Chaku, Sheri A Berenbaum, Yiming Qian, Robin P Corley, Sally J Wadsworth, Chandra A Reynolds, Adriene M Beltz
Pubertal development has short- and long-term effects on psychological adjustment. Many studies of long-term effects rely on retrospective measurement of pubertal timing, but such measures often reflect different aspects of puberty than those assessed in adolescence, raising questions about the utility and interpretation of retrospective reports. The present study leveraged longitudinal data collected in adolescence and established adulthood to determine: (1) the correspondence between pubertal timing indexed from logistic growth curves of self-reported physical development assessed contemporaneously across adolescence and pubertal timing indexed relative to peers assessed retrospectively in adulthood; (2) the associations between the two pubertal timing measures and psychological adjustment; and (3) potential recall biases...
September 9, 2024: Developmental Psychology
Juan Del Toro, Kamilah Legette, N Keita Christophe, Michelle Pasco, Dana Miller-Cotto, Ming-Te Wang
Ethnic-racial discrimination is a pernicious experience that affects discriminated adolescents' healthy human development, but the spillover consequences of discrimination on the nondiscriminated adolescent population are less clear. Adolescents who vicariously witness their classmates experience ethnic-racial discrimination from educators may question their educators' authority and classroom rules, and educators who perpetuate discrimination may engage in other practices that disadvantage the entire classroom...
September 9, 2024: Developmental Psychology
Glona Lee-Poon, Jacquelynne S Eccles, Sandra D Simpkins
The changes in adolescents' math motivational beliefs (i.e., expectancies for success, interest, and utility value) across Grades 9-11 and the associations between these changes and adolescents' experiences with socializers (i.e., perceived teacher unfairness and parent-adolescent discussions) were examined within each of the four largest racial/ethnic groups in the United States using the High School Longitudinal Study, a nationally representative data set ( n = 19,010; 50% female; 9% Asian; 11% Black; 18% Latine; 62% White; M age = 14...
September 9, 2024: Developmental Psychology
Isabel Peters, Florian Schmiedek, Tilmann Habermas
The ability to narrate a life coherently develops first in adolescence, but little is known about its course across adulthood and into old age. Also, the potential association of life narrative coherence with well-being has never been studied. Our aim was to investigate lifespan development of coherence and associations with well-being using data from the longitudinal MainLife study. A total of 172 urban Germans (8-80 years; 87 females) narrated their lives up to six times across 16 years ( N = 803 brief entire life narratives)...
September 9, 2024: Developmental Psychology
Patrizia M Maier, Iryna Schommartz, Deetje Iggena, Carsten Finke, Christoph J Ploner, Yee Lee Shing
Successful navigation to spatial locations relies on lasting memories from previous experiences. Spatial navigation undergoes profound maturational changes during childhood. It is unclear how well children can consolidate navigation-based spatial memories and if age-related variations in navigation during training predict spatial memory. The present study examined the immediate and long-delay (after a 2-week period) consolidation of navigation-based spatial memories in 6- to 8-year-old children (n = 33, 18 female/15 male, M age = 7...
September 5, 2024: Developmental Psychology
Louise Mackie, Leslie-Ann Eickhoff, Eluisa Nimpf, Ludwig Huber, Stefanie Hoehl
Individuals often copy another's causally irrelevant actions despite their inefficiency toward goals. The present study investigated the influence of model familiarity on this behavior-known as "overimitation"-with a two-phase overimitation task. We tested whether 5-year-old Austrian children ( N = 52, 28 males) would overimitate their parents more than a stranger when operating a novel puzzle box. First, an inefficient strategy was demonstrated by a parent (or stranger) before the child's first turn on the box; then, an efficient strategy was demonstrated by a stranger (or parent) before the child's second turn...
September 5, 2024: Developmental Psychology
Martín Antúnez, Marco McSweeney, Selin Zeytinoglu, Enda Tan, Charles H Zeanah, Charles A Nelson, Nathan A Fox
Aperiodic activity is a background arrhythmic component of electroencephalogram (EEG) that is present in the power spectrum and characterized by an aperiodic offset and an aperiodic exponent. These components have been proposed as a marker of brain maturation, reflecting alterations in excitatory-inhibitory (E:I) balance and exhibiting developmental changes over time. Currently, there is limited understanding regarding how aperiodic activity changes over the course of an individual's life, particularly from early childhood to adolescence, a period when the brain undergoes significant structural and functional transformation...
September 5, 2024: Developmental Psychology
Mathilde H Prenevost, Ida B R Nilsen, Evalill Bølstad, Francisco Pons, Paul L Harris, Rolf Reber
An insight is a moment of sudden understanding followed by characteristic feelings of suddenness, positive affect, certainty, and ease, commonly known as an aha experience. Despite evidence from studies with adults that aha experiences benefit learning, little systematic research on children's aha experiences exists. The present study asks how children understand and experience insight. We presented a community sample of 160 children (age: 4-8 years, 47% girls, 51% boys, 2% nonbinary) with an illustrated clues task inspired by the Remote Associate Test, a task commonly used to study insight in adults...
September 5, 2024: Developmental Psychology
Ka I Ip, Jiaxiu Song, Wen Wen, Jinjin Yan, Yang Hou, Yishan Shen, Akihito Kamata, Su Yeong Kim
Chinese American youth as a group are often labeled as "model minorities." Yet, this label ignores the vast heterogeneity within Chinese Americans and implies that they are immune to environmental stressors. Using an 8-year longitudinal study of 444 (54% female; initial M age = 13-year-old) Chinese American adolescents, we identified two (well- vs. poorly adjusted) concurrent and three (stably well-adjusted, improved, and risk) latent transition profiles from early adolescence to emerging adulthood based on six indicators of academic, behavioral, and socioemotional functioning...
August 29, 2024: Developmental Psychology
Jeehye Kang
Using an integrative developmental model, this study revisited the "immigrant paradox" in early behavioral development, differentiating immigrant background from race and examining the role of family processes (family structure, stability, racial/ethnic socialization) in disparities between immigrant and U.S.-origin children. Growth-curve analyses on a sample of children aged 5-7 ( N = 12,520) from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study-Kindergarten class of 2010-2011 data set revealed distinct behavioral trajectories based on parental country of origin...
August 29, 2024: Developmental Psychology
Niyantri Ravindran, Nancy L McElwain
We examined the extent to which dynamic coupling of (a) maternal sensitivity and (b) children's responsive and assertive behaviors toward mothers during a semistructured play session predicts children's responsive and assertive behavior toward an unfamiliar peer at 39 months and a close friend at 58 and 66 months. Maternal and child behaviors were rated in 30-s epochs during play when children were 32 months old (Time 1; N = 128; 66 girls). Children were rated on their responsiveness and assertiveness toward an unfamiliar peer in the early preschool years (Time 2) and toward a friend in the late preschool years (Time 3)...
August 29, 2024: Developmental Psychology
Francis Yuen, Kristi Atkinson, Sandra Lasry, Melissa Koenig, J Kiley Hamlin
Young children often encounter unsolvable problems with which they require others' help. To receive adequate assistance, children must be savvy about whom they seek help from: Effective helpers must possess both the ability to help (e.g., competence) and a willingness to do so (e.g., benevolence). Although past work suggests that information about competence and benevolence can inform young children's help-seeking behavior, it remains unclear how and whether children utilize said factors independently of each other...
August 29, 2024: Developmental Psychology
Damien Foinant, Jérémie Lafraire, Jean-Pierre Thibaut
Cognitive mechanisms underpinning categorization development are still debated, either resulting from knowledge accretion or an increase in cognitive control. To disentangle the respective influence of accumulated factual knowledge and executive functions (inhibition, working memory, and cognitive flexibility) on (a) the development of categorization abilities in the food domain and (b) differences in this development by child characteristics (i.e., food neophobia), we conducted two experiments. The first experiment assessed 4-6-year-old children's ( n = 122) ability to taxonomically categorize food at the superordinate level of categorization...
August 29, 2024: Developmental Psychology
Tone K Hermansen, Karine M P Viana, Paul L Harris, Susan Engel, Imac M Zambrana, Samuel Ronfard
When presented with surprising claims, older children investigate such claims more often than younger children. The present study tests whether older children (6-7-year-olds) are more skeptical than younger children (4-5-year-olds) about surprising claims that lack supporting evidence because they expect informants to provide evidence for them. To test this hypothesis, we presented 140 4-7-year-old children (47-96 months, 46.4% girls, 53.6% boys, 86.4% with at least one parent who completed a BA degree, 50% parents with income above median) with a series of vignettes...
August 29, 2024: Developmental Psychology
Eileen F Sullivan, Laura Pirazzoli, John E Richards, Talat Shama, Alexandre Chaumette, Rashidul Haque, William A Petri, Charles A Nelson
Auditory statistical learning, or the ability to detect statistical regularities in continuously presented stimuli, is thought to be one element that underlies language acquisition. Prior studies have uncovered behavioral and neural correlates of statistical learning, yet additional work is needed from low- and middle-income countries to explore whether statistical learning varies across cultures or underlies associations often found between socioeconomic status (SES) and language outcomes. In the present study, we explored the feasibility of using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) to explore auditory statistical learning in Bangladesh, a lower-middle-income country...
August 29, 2024: Developmental Psychology
Jordan A Booker, Robyn Fivush, Andrea Follmer Greenhoot, Kate C McLean, Cecilia Wainryb, Monisha Pasupathi
The COVID-19 pandemic has defined the college career for this generation of learners, threatening mental health, identity development, and college functioning. We began tracking the impacts of this pandemic for 633 first-year college students from four U.S. universities ( M age = 18.8 years) in Spring 2020 and followed students to Spring 2023. Students provided narratives about the impacts of COVID-19 and reports of mental health concerns, identity development, well-being. Students reported concerns for mental health, identity, and well-being during the first year of COVID-19 impacts...
August 29, 2024: Developmental Psychology
Isabella Starling-Alves, Lara L Russell-Lasalandra, Nathan T T Lau, Giulia Moreira Paiva, Vitor Geraldi Haase, Eric D Wilkey
Magnitude processing and executive functions (EFs) have emerged as robust predictors of mathematics achievement. However, the nature of these associations is still unclear. For example, it is uncertain if EFs applied in the context of domain-specific mathematical cognition (i.e., EFs applied while processing numbers) are more closely related to mathematics achievement than EFs applied in nonnumerical, domain-general contexts. Also, how distinct EF domains-that is, working memory, inhibitory control, and cognitive flexibility-and contents-that is, numerical versus nonnumerical-moderate the association between magnitude processing and mathematics achievement has not been fully understood...
August 29, 2024: Developmental Psychology
Nicholas A Smith, Elizabeth S Kelley, HeeEun Jeon, Jean M Ispa, Bob McMurray
The quantity, quality, and complexity of language input are important for children's language development. This study examined how the detailed timing of this input relates to children's vocabulary at 3 years of age in 64 mother-child dyads (male = 28; female = 36; White = 69%, Black = 31%). Acoustical analysis of turn taking in mother-child dialogue found that more consistently timed maternal responses (lower response latency variability) were associated ( r = .42, p < .001) with higher vocabulary (Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, third edition) scores...
August 29, 2024: Developmental Psychology
Michael T Willoughby, Siri Warkentien, Erica N Browne, Lisa Gatzke-Kopp, Daniel Berry
Developmental scientists routinely examine how a focal predictor relates to some aspect of children's development. Although covariate adjustment is typically used to test hypotheses, propensity score-based methods, including inverse probability of treatment weighting (IPTW) and marginal structural models (MSM), can strengthen inference and answer more nuanced, developmentally relevant questions. This article provides a didactic introduction to IPTW and MSM methods and demonstrates their use for testing the impact of environmental smoke exposure (continuous treatment) from 6 to 90 months on parent-reported attention deficit hyperactivity disorder behaviors in first grade for 1,053 children (51% male, 44% Black) in the Family Life Project...
August 22, 2024: Developmental Psychology
Emma R Hart, Lisa A Gennetian, Jessica F Sperber, Renata Penalva, Katherine Magnuson, Greg J Duncan, Sarah Halpern-Meekin, Hirokazu Yoshikawa, Nathan A Fox, Kimberly G Noble
Economic disadvantage has often been associated with poorer performance on measures of early childhood development. However, the causal impacts of income on child development remain unclear. The present study uses data from the Baby's First Years randomized control trial to identify the causal impact of unconditional cash transfers on maternal reports of early childhood development. One thousand racially and ethnically diverse mothers residing in poverty were recruited from four U.S. metropolitan areas shortly after giving birth...
August 22, 2024: Developmental Psychology
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