Peter Steinmann, Arielle Cavaliero, Ann Aerts, Sunil Anand, Mohammad Arif, Sarady Sao Ay, Tin Maung Aye, Tanja Barth-Jaeggi, Nand Lal Banstola, Chuda Mani Bhandari, David Blaney, Marc Bonenberger, Wim VAN Brakel, Hugh Cross, V K DAS, Ansarul Fahrudda, Nilanthi Fernando, Zaahira Gani, Helena Greter, Eliane Ignotti, Deus Kamara, Christa Kasang, Burkard Kömm, Anil Kumar, Sambath Lay, Liesbeth Mieras, Fareed Mirza, Beatrice Mutayoba, Blasdus Njako, Tiara Pakasi, Paul Saunderson, Bakhuti Shengelia, Cairns S Smith, René Stäheli, Nayani Suriyarachchi, Tin Shwe, Anuj Tiwari, Millawage Supun D Wijesinghe, Jan VAN Berkel, Bart Vander Plaetse, Marcos Virmond, Jan Hendrik Richardus
Innovative approaches are required to further enhance leprosy control, reduce the number of people developing leprosy, and curb transmission. Early case detection, contact screening, and chemoprophylaxis currently is the most promising approach to achieve this goal. The Leprosy Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (LPEP) programme generates evidence on the feasibility of integrating contact tracing and single-dose rifampicin (SDR) administration into routine leprosy control activities in different settings. The LPEP programme is implemented within the leprosy control programmes of Brazil, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Tanzania...
2018: Leprosy Review
Monika Priyadarshani Wijeratne, Truls Østbye
INTRODUCTION: Leprosy remains a serious public health problem due to its ability to cause disability. The prevention of leprosy ultimately lies in the early diagnosis and treatment of the individuals having leprosy, thereby preventing further transmission. In Sri Lanka, 46% of new cases identified in year 2013, were late presentations and this caused to 7-8% patients to present with deformities. It has been observed that lack of awareness among health staff has contributed to this late diagnosis...
March 2017: Leprosy Review
Mavis Dako-Gyeke, Emmanuel Asampong, Razak Oduro
INTRODUCTION: Leprosy, a chronic infectious disease, poses a serious public health concern due to its impact on the wellbeing of affected people. This study, which was set in Ghana, explored stigmatisation and discrimination experiences of people affected by leprosy resident at the Weija Leprosarium in Accra. METHODOLOGY: Using a qualitative research methodology, 26 participants were purposively selected and in-depth interviews conducted. The interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed, and categorised based on the objectives of the study...
March 2017: Leprosy Review
Peter Olanrewaju Ibikunle, Stella Chioma Nwokeji
OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to assess the stigma situation in Hansen’s disease from the perspective of both people affected by Hansen’s disease and those living in the surrounding community in southeast Nigeria. DESIGN: A cross-sectional survey was conducted among affected people and non-affected people using the xplanatory model interview catalogue stigma scale for the community adjusted for leprosy and for leprosy patients, internalised stigma of mental illness scale adjusted for leprosy, Participation Scale and the Social distance scale...
March 2017: Leprosy Review
Dadun, Ruth M H Peters, Wim H Van Brakel, Mimi Lusli, Rita Damayanti, Joske F G Bunders, Irwanto
BACKGROUND: There is a need for comprehensive, valid and reliable instruments to assess leprosy-related stigma. This paper presents the process of the cross-cultural validation of an instrument in Cirebon District, Indonesia initiated by the Stigma Assessment and Reduction of Impact (SARI) project. METHODS: The Berger Scale was initially developed to assess HIV/AIDS-related stigma. This study explores the conceptual, item, semantic, operational and measurement equivalence of this scale for leprosy...
March 2017: Leprosy Review
D Dadun, Wim H Van Brakel, Ruth M H Peters, Mimi Lusli, Marjolein B M Zweekhorst, Joske G F Bunders, Irwanto
OBJECTIVES: People affected by leprosy are often stigmatised, but stigma is rarely quantified and the effectiveness of interventions is often not evaluated. The SARI Project aimed to test and evaluate three interventions: counselling (involving peer counsellors), socio-economic development (SED) and contact between community members and affected people. RESULTS: This study used a controlled trial design in which pairs of the stigma-reduction interventions were randomly allocated to sub-districts in Cirebon District,Indonesia...
March 2017: Leprosy Review
Roch Christian Johnson
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
December 2016: Leprosy Review
W C S Smith
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
December 2016: Leprosy Review
S V Khadilkar, Abhinay M Huchche, Nahush D Patil, Madhu Singla, S S Pandya
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
December 2016: Leprosy Review
Eric L Wan, Andres F Rivadeniera, Hector A Serrano, Indra Napit, José Antonio Garbino, Jerry Joshua, Nora Cardona-Castro, A Lee Dellon, Willem Theuvenet
OBJECTIVES: An expert group of peripheral nerve surgeons, reconstructive surgeons, and immunologists who have extensive experience with Hansen’s Disease convened to discuss the status of nerve decompression as a treatment for leprous neuropathy. The expert group recommended an international, multi-center randomised controlled trial (RCT). Subsequently, a study protocol called Decompression for Leprous Neuropathy (DELN) was designed and further refined by multiple investigators worldwide...
December 2016: Leprosy Review
Pankaj Gupta, Kenneth Kevin Joshua, Tasmin Jahan
Adaptive shortening of long flexors is the common secondary impairment which can occur in patients with long standing claw hand, particularly in those who do not undergo any supervised physiotherapy programme.¹ The main purpose of this short report is to describe the current physiotherapeutic means which are commonly employed for the management of long flexor tightness. This report further gives an insight into the consequences of the delay in corrective surgery and ultimately describes the dire need for further research on this deformity...
December 2016: Leprosy Review
Suchana Marahatta, Sudha Agrawal, Poonam Paudyal
Histoid leprosy is an unusual variant of lepromatous leprosy posing difficulties for diagnosis as well as treatment even to the experts. We report a case of a 73 year old male from the hilly region of Nepal, who presented with multiple asymptomatic scrotal nodules for 3 months. Though clinical diagnoses were pilomatricoma and steatocystoma multiplex; histopathological examination was consistent with that of histoid leprosy. After 10 months, he had unusual Type 2 lepra reaction with constitutional symptoms, perichondritis, epididymo-orchitis but without erythema nodosum leprosum...
December 2016: Leprosy Review
Joydeepa Darlong
Background: Immunosuppresion caused by corticosteroids predisposes leprosy patients to Strongyloides stercoralis infection which if untreated can be fatal. Patients acquire infection by walking barefoot in infested soils and can be infected for life because of the auto infective cycle of the parasite. Corticosteroids have precipitated death in more than 60% of disseminated strongyloidiasis cases. Objective: The aim of this article is to report a successfully treated case of SS infection in a low resourceleprosy hospital in rural India and increase awareness of the unique features of S...
December 2016: Leprosy Review
Cristina Gómez-Camarasa, Javier Rodríguez-Granger, Obdulla Cañadas-Moreno, Antonio Sampedro, Luis Aliaga-Martínez, Fernando Cobo
The incidence of leprosy is decreasing worldwide and it is considered a rare disease in developed countries. In Spain, leprosy is mainly an imported disease with only few autochthonous cases seen. The diagnosis is difficult because of a low index of suspicion and the absence of visualisation of fast-acid bacilli in the lesions. Here, we report an autochthonous case of leprosy diagnosed after 4 years of evolution of skin lesions. Mechanical rupture of the biopsy helped finally to make the correct diagnosis of the disease...
December 2016: Leprosy Review
Cita Rosita Sigit Prakoewswa, Nanny Herwanto, Regitta Indira Agusni, Fransiska Rismauli Natalya, Muhammad Yulianto Listiawan, Dinar Adrity, Ratna Wahyuni, Iswahyudi Iswahyudi, Indropo Agusni
Introduction: Lucio phenomenon is a rare type of reaction in untreated, diffusely infiltrative form of lepromatous leprosy type, characterised with ulcerative type of skin lesions. Case: A 29 year old Indonesian female, 7th months primigravida with a four-month history of painful scarlet spots that darken and ulcerate on both of her hands and legs. The patient was experiencing fever. The patient’s eyebrows were lost and her earlobes were thickened 3 years ago...
December 2016: Leprosy Review
Pedro José Secchin-De-Andrade, Mariana De Andrea Vilas-Boas Hacker, Anna Maria Sales, Felipe Dalvi-Garcia, José Augusto Da Costa Nery, Vinicius Martins Menezes, Euzenir Nunes Sarno
BACKGROUND: Mycobacterium leprae and HIV cause infectious diseases of great concern for the public health care sector worldwide. Both are especially worrisome diseases when patients become co-infected and exhibit the expected clinical exuberance. The objective of this study was to evaluate episodes of reversal reaction (RR) and the effect of the use of corticosteroids on the treatment of borderline tuberculoid leprosy patients co-infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). METHODS: This is a retrospective cohort study in which the clinical manifestations of the patients and their responses to corticosteroid therapy were observed...
December 2016: Leprosy Review
Hirawati Deval, Kiran Katoch, Devendra Singh Chauhan, Anil Kumar Tyagi, Rakesh Kumar Gupta, Raj Kamal, Avnish Kumar, Virendra Singh Yadav, Vishwa Mohan Katoch, Tahziba Hussain
The extent of pathogenicity of the mycobacterial infections depends on virulence factors that mediate survival inside macrophages. Virulence factors are generally believed to be specific for pathogenic species and mutated/non-functional in nonpathogenic strains. Mycobacterial TlyA can modulate the phagolysosome maturation pathway, immediately after entry into macrophages. Over-expression of open reading frame (ORF) ML1358 (tlyA) in tissues of leprosy patients by partial DNA chip and real time PCR analysis during active infection attracted our interest to explore the properties of this gene at molecular and serological levels, to understand its role in the host...
December 2016: Leprosy Review
Luana N G C Lima, Amanda N B Fontes, Wei Li, Philip N Suffys, Varalakshmi D Vissa, Rosa M S Mota, Rosa L F Almeida, Maria A Pontes, Heitor De S Gonçales, Cristiane C Frota, Laura C Rodrigues, Carl Kendall, Ligia R F S Kerr
Background: This study compares the strains of genotypes of M. leprae from nasal secretions (NS) and skin biopsy (SB) in the same patient, supplementing conventional epidemiology to gain insight into the infection of leprosy in Fortaleza, Brazil. Methods: The sample consisted of 38 newly diagnosed leprosy patients attending the National Reference Center of Dermatology Dona Libania (CDERM), in Fortaleza, who tested positive for M. leprae by PCR in DNA extracts of nasal secretions...
December 2016: Leprosy Review
Olusoji J Daniel, Olusola A Adejumo, Kolawole S Oritogun, Oluwafunmilayo Omosebi, Joseph Kuye, Gabriel Akang
Background: Despite achieving the WHO elimination target of less than 1/10,000 population in 1998 at the national level, there are still pockets of relative high endemicity of leprosy in Nigeria. This study used spatial analytic techniques to determine the spatial distribution of leprosy in Nigeria. Methods: The study is an ecological study of secondary data of new leprosy cases reported to the National TB and Leprosy Control Programme (NTBLCP) in Nigeria, 2010–2014...
December 2016: Leprosy Review
Swati Gupta, Shuchi Bhatt, Satish Kumar Bhargava, Archana Singal, Sumeet Bhargava
Objectives: A prospective case control study was conducted to calculate normal dimensions of ulnar nerve and study the size, echotexture and morphologic alterations in ulnar nerve in patients with leprosy. Methods: The study group included 48 patients diagnosed with leprosy on basis of clinical, bacteriologic and/or histopathologic evaluation. Sonographic measurements were taken at 3 levels around elbow. The morphology and vascularity were also studied. Control group consisted of 60 clinically normal ulnar nerves, on which ultrasound was performed to calculate normal parameters...
December 2016: Leprosy Review
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