Christian T Doabler, Megan Rojo, Jenna A Gersib, Anna-Maria Fall, Maria A Longhi, Gail E Lovette, Greg Roberts, Jasmine Uy, Katharina Johnson, Shadi Ghafghazi, Jason B Phelps, Sarah R Powell, William J Therrien
Establishing validated science programs for students with or at risk for learning disabilities requires testing treatment effects and exploring differential response patterns. This study explored whether students' initial mathematics and reading skills influenced their treatment response to a whole-class, second-grade science program called Scientific Explorers (Sci2). The original Sci2 study employed a cluster randomized controlled design and included 294 students from 18 second-grade classrooms. Differential effects of the program by initial mathematics and reading skill levels were not observed for an interactive science assessment and a distal science outcome measure...
July 26, 2024: Journal of Learning Disabilities