Journals Journal of Personality and Soc...

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Valerio Capraro
Reports an error in "The dual-process approach to human sociality: Meta-analytic evidence for a theory of internalized heuristics for self-preservation" by Valerio Capraro ( Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , Advanced Online Publication, Jan 15, 2024, np). The last entry in the Roch et al. (2000) row in Table 3 should appear instead as load decreases taking. All versions of this article have been corrected. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 2024-43816-001.) Which social decisions are influenced by intuitive processes? Which by deliberative processes? The dual-process approach to human sociality has emerged in the last decades as a vibrant and exciting area of research...
May 2024: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Sara J Weston, David M Condon, P Jason Rentfrow, Verónica Benet-Martínez
There are notable parallels between processes leading to person-environment fit (PE-fit) and processes of selection and acculturation among U.S. immigrants. Thus, a natural question is: Do immigrants benefit from fitting their new environments? PE-fit appears to have uniformly positive effects in the education, career, and personality literatures, but it is unclear whether this would be the case for immigrants. The present study evaluated the PE-fit of U.S. immigrants ( N = 39,195) to their new host communities (9,925 Zip Code Tabulation Areas [ZCTAs])...
May 2024: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Emre Selcuk, Gul Gunaydin, Esra Ascigil, Deniz Bayraktaroglu, Anthony D Ong
Affective reactivity, defined as within-person increases in negative affect triggered by daily stressors, has well-established links to personal well-being. Prior work conceptualized affective reactivity as an intrapersonal phenomenon, reflecting reactions to one's own stressors. Here, we conceptualized reactivity interpersonally, examining one's responses to a romantic partner's daily stressors. Across four longitudinal dyadic studies, we investigated how reactivity to partner stress predicts relationship quality appraisals...
May 2024: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Morten Moshagen, Benjamin E Hilbig, Ingo Zettler
Political orientation reflects beliefs, opinions, and values that are, at least in part, rooted in stable interindividual differences. Whereas evidence has accumulated with regard to the relevance of basic personality dimensions, especially concerning the sociocultural dimension of political ideology, less attention has been paid to the more specific dispositional tendency to assign a higher weight to one's own utility above others' (i.e., socially aversive personality), which is likely to play a pivotal role concerning the economic dimension of political ideology in particular...
April 18, 2024: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Gavin R Slemp, James G Field, Richard M Ryan, Vivien W Forner, Anja Van den Broeck, Kelsey J Lewis
People's motivational processes, well-being, and performance are likely to be facilitated through the support of others. Self-determination theory argues that interpersonal supports for autonomy, competence, and relatedness are crucial to achieve these outcomes. In the present study, we provide a comprehensive examination of this formulation based on a meta-analytic database consisting of 4,561 effect sizes from 881 independent samples ( N = 443,556). Our results indicate that supports for autonomy, competence, and relatedness were strongly positively related with the satisfaction of these basic needs and strongly negatively related to their frustration...
April 18, 2024: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Ariella S Kristal, Julian J Zlatev
Commitment strategies are effective mechanisms individuals can use to overcome self-control problems. Across seven studies (and two supplemental studies), we explore the negative interpersonal consequences of commitment strategy choice and use. In Study 1, using an incentivized trust game, we demonstrate that individuals trust people who choose to use a commitment strategy less than those who choose to use willpower to achieve their goals. Study 2 shows this relationship holds across four domains and for integrity-based trust in particular...
April 11, 2024: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
(no author information available yet)
Reports an error in "Anger has benefits for attaining goals" by Heather C. Lench, Noah T. Reed, Tiffany George, Kaitlyn A. Kaiser and Sophia G. North ( Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , Advanced Online Publication, Oct 30, 2023, np). In the article ( 0000350), the first paragraph in the Method section of Study 4 has been revised. All paragraphs in the Results section of Study 4 have been revised. Table 1 and Figure 5 have been updated. All versions of this article have been corrected...
April 2024: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
René Mõttus, Anu Realo, Jüri Allik, Liisi Ausmees, Samuel Henry, Robert R McCrae, Uku Vainik
Despite numerous meta-analyses, the true extent to which life satisfaction reflects personality traits has remained unclear due to overreliance on a single method to assess both and insufficient attention to construct overlaps. Using data from three samples tested in different languages (Estonian, N = 20,886; Russian, N = 768; English, N = 600), we combined self- and informant-reports to estimate personality domains' and nuances' true correlations (rtrue ) with general life satisfaction (LS) and satisfactions with eight life domains (DSs), while controlling for single-method and occasion-specific biases and random error, and avoiding direct construct overlaps...
April 2024: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Margarete E Vollrath, Espen Moen Eilertsen, Svenn Torgersen, Line C Gjerde, Eivind Ystrom
Early temperament precedes children's emerging Big Five personality, but shared models of temperament and personality are scarce. We wanted to estimate the genetic factor structure underlying both temperament and the Big Five in children, employing a genetically informed study. Within the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study, we selected 26,354 twins, siblings, and cousins. Mothers rated their children's temperament three times between the ages of 1.5 and 5 years, and the children's Big Five personality at the age of 8...
April 2024: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Andreea Sutu, Kevin A Hoff, Chu Chu, Sif Einarsdóttir, James Rounds, Rodica Ioana Damian
Life goals play a major role in shaping people's lives and careers. Although life goals have prior documented associations with occupational and other life outcomes, no prior studies have investigated associations between life goal development and occupational outcomes. Using two representative samples of Icelandic youth (Sample 1: n = 485, Sample 2: n = 1,339), followed across 12 years from adolescence to young adulthood, we examined life goal development and associations with educational attainment and a wide range of occupational outcomes...
March 28, 2024: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Anne Wiedenroth, Nele M Wessels, Daniel Leising
This study investigated the effects and interplay of several core determinants of consensus in person perception: information overlap, information quantity, cross-situational consistency, and shared meaning. Targets ( N = 200) were filmed in different standardized situations. Perceivers either watched the same target in different situations ( N = 1,395 perceivers) or different targets in the same situation ( N = 3,963 perceivers) and then rated the targets' personalities after each video. Overlap of the observed situations was systematically varied across perceivers...
March 21, 2024: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Eva Bleckmann, Richard Rau, Erika N Carlson, Jenny Wagner
Feeling accepted by others is a fundamental human motive and an important marker of successful social interactions. This interpersonal perception, known as meta-liking, is especially relevant during adolescence, when peer relationships deepen and expand. However, knowledge is limited regarding meta-liking formation in initial social interactions. This study investigated whether adolescents ( N = 293, M age = 15.48, 61.10% female) have default expectations for meta-liking at zero acquaintance and how these judgments are updated during initial group interactions...
March 14, 2024: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Fei Teng, Xijing Wang, Qiao Lei, Kai-Tak Poon
Existing research has suggested a predominantly negative view of dependency-oriented help. In contrast, the current research aims to test the positive function of dependency-oriented help in intimate relationships where interpersonal dependency is valued. We hypothesized that dependency-oriented help-seeking could function in communicating liking and romantic interests and, therefore, can be instrumental in attracting mates. Our hypothesis was confirmed across nine studies ( N = 2,535). For help-seekers, a mate-seeking motivation could positively predict (Study 1) and lead to (Studies 2A-4) dependency-oriented help-seeking behavior tendencies (Studies 1-2B) and actual behavior (Studies 3 and 4)...
March 14, 2024: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Laura C Dapp, Ulrich Orth
This meta-analysis examined the rank-order stability of domain-specific self-esteem by comprehensively synthesizing the available evidence in eight domains of self-esteem (i.e., academic, appearance, athletic, morality, romantic, social, mathematics, and verbal abilities). The analyses were based on longitudinal data from 118 independent samples, including 107,550 participants aged 4-24 years. The time lag between assessments ranged from 6 months to 20 years. As effect-size measure, we used test-retest correlations that were corrected for attenuation due to measurement error...
March 7, 2024: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
(no author information available yet)
Reports an error in "Digital traces of offline mobilization" by Laura G. E. Smith, Lukasz Piwek, Joanne Hinds, Olivia Brown and Adam Joinson ( Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , 2023[Sep], Vol 125[3], 496-518). The following article is being corrected: Cangxiong Chen is added as the fifth author in the byline and author note. Cangxiong Chen's ORCID ID is now included in the author note. The CRediT paragraph in the author note now includes Cangxiong Chen's supporting role for the article...
March 2024: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
(no author information available yet)
Reports an error in "What limitations are reported in short articles in social and personality psychology" by Beth Clarke, Sarah Schiavone and Simine Vazire ( Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , 2023[Oct], Vol 125[4], 874-901). The following article is being corrected: The percentages in the seventh sentence in the abstract now appear as 41% and 20%, respectively. The online version of this article has been corrected. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 2023-58369-001...
March 2024: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
J C Barnes, Terrie E Moffitt, Peter T Tanksley, Shahin Tasharrofi, Richie Poulton, Avshalom Caspi
Perceptions of crime detection risk (e.g., risk of arrest) play an integral role in the criminal decision-making process. Yet, the sources of variation in those perceptions are not well understood. Do individuals respond to changes in legal policy or is perception of detection risk shaped like other perceptions-by experience, heuristics, and with biases? We applied a developmental perspective to study self-reported perception of detection risk. We test four hypotheses against data from the Dunedin Longitudinal Study (analytic sample of N = 985 New Zealanders), a study that spans 20 years of development (Ages 18-38, years 1990-2011)...
March 2024: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Luis Abreu, Sarah A Memmi, Jordan Etkin
Many important personal goals, such as health, career, finances, and social relationships, entail repeatedly performing the same (or similar) actions over time (e.g., to exercise daily or save money weekly). When pursuing such ongoing goals, people are likely to accumulate multiple experiences of goal conflict (e.g., multiple occasions when one failed to exercise or save as intended). How might these past experiences of goal conflict inform expectations about future goal pursuit? This research examines how the perceived relationship among past conflicts with a focal goal-in particular, perceived variety-shapes expectations...
March 2024: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Douglas Martin, Jacqui Hutchison, Agnieszka E Konopka, Carolyn J Dallimore, Gillian Slessor, Rachel Swainson
There is abundant evidence that emotion categorization is influenced by the social category membership of target faces, with target sex and target race modulating the ease with which perceivers can categorize happy and angry emotional expressions. However, theoretical interpretation of these findings is constrained by gender and race imbalances in both the participant samples and target faces typically used when demonstrating these effects (e.g., most participants have been White women and most Black targets have been men)...
March 2024: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Carsten K W De Dreu, Jörg Gross, Andrea Arciniegas, Laura C Hoenig, Michael Rojek-Giffin, Daan T Scheepers
In theory, it can be strategically advantageous for competitors to make themselves unpredictable to their opponents, for example, by variably mixing hostility and friendliness. Empirically, it remains open whether and how competitors make themselves unpredictable, why they do so, and how this conditions conflict dynamics and outcomes. We examine these questions in interactive attacker-defender contests, in which attackers invest to capture resources held and defended by their opponent. Study 1, a reanalysis of nine (un)published experiments (total N = 650), reveals significant cross-trial variability especially in proactive attacks and less in reactive defense...
March 2024: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
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