Journals Injury Prevention : Journal of...

Injury Prevention : Journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention
Mikel Renee Joachim, Bryan C Heiderscheit, Stephanie A Kliethermes
BACKGROUND: Training characteristics, such as volume and duration, have been studied in relation to running-related injury (RRI) risk, with mixed findings in adult runners. There is a lack of research assessing how training characteristics relate to RRI in youth runners, despite the high RRI rates observed in this population. PURPOSE: To prospectively determine associations between (1) total weekly running volume and duration and (2) week-to-week changes in running volume, duration, intensity and training stress with in-season RRI among high school cross-country runners...
July 31, 2024: Injury Prevention: Journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention
Erin Shore, Garrett A Moseley, Randi DeLong, Johna Register-Mihalik, Jonathan A Drezner, Grant James Dickey, Haojie Mao, Robert C Cantu, Kristen L Kucera
INTRODUCTION: Commotio cordis is a rare event that occurs following blunt, non-penetrating trauma to the chest, precipitating a ventricular arrhythmia. Commotio cordis requires immediate medical attention through cardiopulmonary resuscitation and defibrillation, often resulting in death. Commotio cordis is most common condition among young male athletes. The purpose of this study was to describe the incidents and patterns of commotio cordis among young athletes participating in organised sports in the USA from academic years 1982-1983 through 2022-2023...
July 30, 2024: Injury Prevention: Journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention
Emmanuel Fulgence Drabo, Jeffrey Paul Michael, Johnathon Pouya Ehsani
OBJECTIVES: To analyse factors influencing the American public's preferences for changes to teenage driver licensing requirements. METHODS: We employed a discrete choice experiment (DCE) with 808 participants from National Opinion Research Center's AmeriSpeak panel to assess preferences for two existing elements (on-road testing and intermediate licensure period) and a new feature (driver monitoring with telematics during the intermediate licensure period) of licensing system...
July 29, 2024: Injury Prevention: Journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention
Aminur Rahman, Lamisa Ashraf, Akm Fazlur Rahman, Md Al-Amin Bhuiyan, Md Shafkat Hossain, Zobaer Alam, Abu Talab, Qingfeng Li, Abdulgafoor Bachani
BACKGROUND: Drowning is the leading cause of death among children in rural Bangladesh. While survival swimming for children ages 6 years and above is recommended in low-income and middle-income countries, research into the long-term retention of survival swimming skills is absent. METHODS: The retention of four survival swimming skills, including swimming for 25 m, floating/treading for 30 s, reach rescue skills and throw rescue skills, was observed among those trained under the SwimSafe programme more than 10 years ago...
July 26, 2024: Injury Prevention: Journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention
Daniel Isaac Tadmor, Lucy Chesson, Kevin Till, Gemma Phillips, Laura Fairbank, James Brown, Matt Cross, Andrew J Gardner, Rich D Johnston, Cameron Owen, Sharief Hendricks, Keith A Stokes, Ben Jones
UNLABELLED: Recognising and removing players with suspected sport-related concussions is crucial for community sports. OBJECTIVES: Quantify rates and factors associated with non-reporting of concussion symptoms in community rugby league. METHODS: Overall, 484 community rugby league players aged ≥18 years and 965 parents of rugby league players aged <18 years completed an online survey, regarding concussion history, knowledge, prevalence and reasons for non-reporting of concussion, long-term implications and perceptions of concussion...
July 26, 2024: Injury Prevention: Journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention
Daniel T Corry, Laura M Mercer Kollar, Carter J Betz, Katherine A Fowler, Megan C Kearns, Sharon G Smith, Delight E Satter
BACKGROUND: Missing and Murdered Indigenous People is a historic and contemporary issue that has gained national attention. In 2021, homicide was the eighth leading cause of death among American Indian/Alaska Native (AIAN) persons aged between 1 and 54 years old, and homicide is the sixth leading cause of death among all AIAN males aged 1-54 years old. AIM: These data will build knowledge around AIAN homicides and to identify circumstances that can aid in comprehensive Missing and Murdered Indigenous People prevention efforts...
July 26, 2024: Injury Prevention: Journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention
Michelle Degli Esposti, Rebeccah L Sokol, Daniel B Lee, Douglas J Wiebe, Rebecca M Cunningham, Alice Hawryszkiewycz, Patrick M Carter
OBJECTIVE: This study aims to characterise the motivations of firearm owners and examine whether firearm ownership motivations and carriage varied by state stand your ground law status.  METHODS: Using a nationally representative survey of US adults in 2023, we asked firearm owners (n=2477) about their firearm motivations and behaviours, including reason(s) for ownership. RESULTS: Of all firearm owners, 78.8% (95% CI 76.0% to 81.0%) owned a firearm for protection, and 58...
July 25, 2024: Injury Prevention: Journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention
Anna E Austin, Lara DePadilla, Phyllis Niolon, Deborah Stone, Sarah Bacon
Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), suicide and overdose are linked across the life course and across generations and share common individual-, interpersonal-, community- and societal-level risk factors. The purpose of this review is to summarise the shared aetiology of these public health issues, synthesise evidence regarding potential community- and societal-level prevention strategies and discuss future research and practice directions.Growing evidence shows the potential for community- and societal-level programmes and policies, including higher minimum wage; expanded Medicaid eligibility; increased earned income tax credits, child tax credits and temporary assistance for needy families benefits; Paid Family Leave; greater availability of affordable housing and rental assistance; and increased participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), to contribute to ACEs, suicide and overdose prevention...
July 24, 2024: Injury Prevention: Journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention
Maya Haasz, Marian E Betz, Lilliam Ambroggio, Rachel Cafferty, Cheryl A King, Shale Wong, Jan Leonard, Ashley Brooks-Russell, Eric Sigel
BACKGROUND: Easy firearm access increases injury risk among adolescents. We evaluated the acceptability and feasibility of improving knowledge of a 3 min safe firearm storage education video in the paediatric emergency department. METHODS: We conducted a single-centre block trial in a large paediatric emergency department (August 2020-2022). Participants were caregivers of adolescents (10-17 years) in firearm-owning households. First block participants (control) completed a baseline survey about child safety behaviours (including firearms)...
July 24, 2024: Injury Prevention: Journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention
Marisa Abbe, Kevin Rix, David Aguilar, Jesus Alderete, Alejandra Fernandez, Sarah Messiah
BACKGROUND: Drowning is a leading cause of death for young children and knowing what puts a child at risk helps efforts across the spectrum of prevention. The purpose of this study was to identify risk and protective factors associated with hospital admission and mortality following paediatric drowning from a large level-1 paediatric trauma centre. METHODS: Children (ages 0-17) who presented at an emergency department or were admitted for a drowning event between 2017 and 2023 were included in this retrospective cohort study (n=698)...
July 24, 2024: Injury Prevention: Journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention
Shannon Lange, Yachen Zhu, Charlotte Probst
OBJECTIVE: Alcohol use disorder is an established risk factor for suicide; however, it is largely unknown whether subclinical levels of drinking may also contribute to the risk of suicide. The objective was to evaluate the relationship between average alcohol volume consumed per day and suicide. METHODS: Data from the annual, cross-sectional National Health Interview Survey, 1997-2018 in the USA, was obtained and linked to the 2019 National Death Index. The association between average alcohol volume consumed in grams per day (g/day) and suicide was quantified using Cox proportional hazards model (multiplicative) and Aalen's additive hazard model...
July 24, 2024: Injury Prevention: Journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention
Mark Liddle, Gillian Nicholls, David Leigh, Jennifer Kinder, Alison Curran, Michael Zand
BACKGROUND: Workplace injuries due to a slip, trip or fall on the level (STF) are often reported together, making the potential impact of targeted interventions, such as slip-resistant footwear, difficult to assess. The objective of this research was to review workplace non-fatal injuries reported as STFs under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 to determine what proportion of staff STF injuries reported by the National Health Service (NHS) in Great Britain were caused specifically by a slip...
July 23, 2024: Injury Prevention: Journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention
Emma Tian, MaKayla L O'Guinn, Stephanie Y Chen, Shadassa Ourshalimian, Pradip P Chaudhari, Ryan G Spurrier
BACKGROUND: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a common injury in children. Previous literature has demonstrated that TBI may be associated with supervision level. We hypothesised that primary caregiver employment would be associated with child TBI. METHODS: A retrospective cross-sectional study was performed for children aged 0-17 using the National Survey of Children's Health (NSCH) 2018-2019. The NSCH contains survey data on children's health completed by adult caregivers from randomly selected households across the USA...
July 23, 2024: Injury Prevention: Journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention
Cora Peterson, Likang Xu, Sha Zhu, Christopher Dunphy, Curtis Florence
OBJECTIVE: Injuries and poisoning are leading causes of US morbidity and mortality. This study aimed to update medical and work loss cost estimates per injured person. METHODS: Injuries treated in emergency departments (ED) during 2019-2020 were analysed in terms of mechanism (eg, fall) and intent (eg, unintentional), as well as traumatic brain injury (TBI) (multiple mechanisms and intents). Fatal injury medical spending was based on the Nationwide Emergency Department Sample and National Inpatient Sample...
July 23, 2024: Injury Prevention: Journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention
Tynan H Friend, Hannah M Thomas, Alexander J Ordoobadi, Paul A Bain, Molly P Jarman
BACKGROUND: Falls are a leading cause of morbidity and mortality among older adults in the USA. Current approaches to fall prevention often rely on referral by primary care providers or enrolment during inpatient admissions. Community emergency medical services (CEMS) present a unique opportunity to rapidly identify older adults at risk for falls and provide fall prevention interventions in the home. In this systematic review, we seek to assess the efficacy and qualitative factors determining success of these programs...
July 22, 2024: Injury Prevention: Journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention
Daniel C Waller, Julian Wolfson, Stefan Gingerich, Nate Wright, Marizen R Ramirez
BACKGROUND: Suicide remains a major public health problem, and firearms are used in approximately half of all such incidents. This study sought to predict the occurrence of suicide specifically by firearm, as opposed to any other means of suicide, in order to help inform possible life-saving interventions. METHODS: This study involved data from the Minnesota Violent Death Reporting System. Models evaluated whether data beyond basic demographics generated increased prediction accuracy...
July 22, 2024: Injury Prevention: Journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention
Christopher S Koper, Yi-Fang Lu, Beidi Dong
OBJECTIVES: There has been extensive debate in the USA as to how laws regulating the carrying of concealed firearms affect crime and public safety. This study examines whether US state laws making it easier for civilians to obtain permits to carry concealed handguns in public increase defensive gun uses against violent threats and attacks in public. METHODS: We used National Crime Victimization Survey data from 39 metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) in the USA over a 19-year period (1986-2004) to examine whether laws making it easier for civilians to obtain concealed carry permits are linked to higher levels of defensive gun use against violence in public spaces of metropolitan areas...
July 22, 2024: Injury Prevention: Journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention
D Alex Quistberg, Carolina Perez-Ferrer, Usama Bilal, Jordan Levi Rodriguez Hernandez, Yenisei Ramírez-Toscano, Luz Mery Cardenas Cardenas, Isabel Junquera-Badilla, Goro Yamada, Tonatiuh Barrientos-Gutierrez, Ana V Diez Roux
OBJECTIVE: Drunk driving is a major cause of road traffic injuries and deaths in Latin America. We evaluated the impact of a drunk driving intervention in Leon, Mexico on road traffic safety. METHODS: The intervention included increased drunk driving penalties, enhanced sobriety checkpoints and a young adult-focused mass media campaign, beginning 19 December 2018. We created a synthetic control Leon from 12 Mexican municipalities from a pool of 87 based on similarity to Leon using key predictors from 2015 to 2019...
July 22, 2024: Injury Prevention: Journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention
Christopher Evans, Wenbin Li, George Matskiv, Susan Brogly
BACKGROUND: Violent knife assaults ('stabbings') are underappreciated as a source of morbidity and mortality. The two objectives of this study were to describe the epidemiology of stabbing injuries in the population of Ontario, Canada and to assess the associations between two measures of neighbourhood marginalisation-material deprivation and housing instability, and the risk of stabbing injury. METHODS: We conducted a population-based case-control study over 2004-18 using linked administrative data...
July 20, 2024: Injury Prevention: Journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention
Brady Bushover, Christina A Mehranbod, Leah E Roberts, Ariana N Gobaud, Carolyn Fish, Xiang Gao, Siddhesh Zadey, Christopher N Morrison
INTRODUCTION: Firearm violence is a major public health issue in the USA. There is growing evidence that firearm violence is associated with higher ambient temperatures. The aim of this study was to test competing hypotheses that could explain associations between temperature and firearm violence: temperature-aggression theory and routine activities theory. METHODS: We examined associations between elevated daily temperatures and shooting incidents in four US cities: Chicago, Illinois; Cincinnati, Ohio; New York, New York and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania...
July 18, 2024: Injury Prevention: Journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention
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