Lauren V Fortington, J David Cassidy, Rudolph J Castellani, Andrew J Gardner, Andrew S McIntosh, Michael Austen, Zachary Yukio Kerr, Kenneth L Quarrie
Determining whether repetitive head impacts (RHI) cause the development of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE)-neuropathological change (NC) and whether pathological changes cause clinical syndromes are topics of considerable interest to the global sports medicine community. In 2022, an article was published that used the Bradford Hill criteria to evaluate the claim that RHI cause CTE. The publication garnered international media attention and has since been promoted as definitive proof that causality has been established...
September 15, 2024: Sports Medicine
Guangze Zhang, Michel Brink, Karen Aus der Fünten, Tobias Tröß, Peter Willeit, Tim Meyer, Koen Lemmink, Anne Hecksteden
BACKGROUND: Injury risk in professional football (soccer) is increased in the weeks following return-to-play (RTP). However, the time course of injury risk after RTP (the hazard curve) as well as its influencing factors are largely unknown. This knowledge gap, which is arguably due to the volatility of instantaneous risk when calculated for short time intervals, impedes on informed RTP decision making and post-RTP player management. OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to characterize the hazard curve for non-contact time-loss injuries after RTP in male professional football and to investigate the influence of the severity of the index injury and playing position...
September 14, 2024: Sports Medicine
Oriol Bonell Monsonís, Peter Balsiger, Evert Verhagen, Vincent Gouttebarge, Jörg Spörri, Caroline Bolling
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Competitive alpine skiing, snowboarding and freestyle skiing, all different in nature and risks, are known for their high injury and illness burden. Testing measures and training methods may be considered for athletes' preparation to support performance enhancement while safeguarding their health. We explored the perspectives and perceptions of competitive alpine skiing, snowboarding and freestyle skiing stakeholders regarding testing and training practices in their competitive snow sports...
September 13, 2024: Sports Medicine
Jem I Arnold, Alishah Mawji, Kathryn Stene, David C Taylor, Michael S Koehle
BACKGROUND: Flow limitations in the iliac arteries (FLIA) is a sport-related vascular condition increasingly recognised as an occupational risk for professional cyclists and other endurance athletes. Surgical reconstruction is the definitive treatment for athletes wishing to continue competition. However, less information has been published regarding conservative management options and return-to-sport (RTS) guidelines. OBJECTIVE: Our aim was to review the existing literature on conservative treatment of FLIA, identify knowledge gaps and propose an RTS framework for athletes returning to competition...
September 13, 2024: Sports Medicine
Hugo Sarmento, Diogo V Martinho, Élvio R Gouveia, José Afonso, Paweł Chmura, Adam Field, Nestor Ordoñez Savedra, Rafael Oliveira, Gibson Praça, Rui Silva, Joel Barrera-Díaz, Filipe Manuel Clemente
BACKGROUND: There has been an increase in studies examining the demands of soccer relative to each playing position in recent years. Understanding the physical, physiological, and technical demands on soccer players according to their positional role during competitive matches is necessary to understand match requirements and develop position-specific training practices. Thereby, there is a clear need to synthesize the information on the different profiles of each playing position. OBJECTIVE: This review aimed to organize the literature investigating physical, physiological, and technical demands according to playing positions and provide a framework to identify gaps and suggestions for future studies...
September 11, 2024: Sports Medicine
Eero A Haapala, Marja H Leppänen, Hannamari Skog, David R Lubans, Anna Viitasalo, Niina Lintu, Petri Jalanko, Sara Määttä, Timo A Lakka
BACKGROUND: Cognitive and mental health problems are highly prevalent in adolescence. While higher levels of physical fitness may mitigate these problems, there is a lack of long-term follow-up studies on the associations of physical fitness from childhood with cognition and mental health in adolescence. OBJECTIVE: We investigated the associations of physical fitness from childhood to adolescence over an 8-year follow-up with cognition and mental health in adolescence...
September 10, 2024: Sports Medicine
Melanie D Bussey, Danielle Salmon, Bridie Nanai, Janelle Romanchuk, Raul M Gomez, Darryl Tong, Gisela Sole, Ross Tucker, Éanna Falvey
BACKGROUND: The rapid growth of women's rugby union has underscored the need for female-specific player welfare protocols, particularly regarding the risk of head injuries. Instrumented mouthguards (iMGs) play a vital role in gathering comprehensive data on head acceleration events (HAEs), including their frequency, magnitude, and spatial distribution during games and training. By doing so, iMGs offer valuable context for circumstances in women's matches that may increase player risk...
September 5, 2024: Sports Medicine
Alan M Nevill, Matthew Wyon
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
September 3, 2024: Sports Medicine
Lorenzo Lolli, Alan Batterham, Kathryn Weston, Greg Atkinson
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
September 3, 2024: Sports Medicine
Ying Gao, Qingyang Li, Luyao Yang, Hanhua Zhao, Di Wang, Arto J Pesola
BACKGROUND: Different types of sedentary behavior are associated with several health outcomes, but the causality of these associations remains unclear. OBJECTIVES: To conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis of Mendelian randomization (MR) studies investigating the associations between sedentary behaviors and health outcomes. METHODS: A systematic search on PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, Scopus, and PsycINFO up to August 2023 was conducted to identify eligible MR studies...
September 2, 2024: Sports Medicine
Stephanie Ryall, Heidi Ohrling, Trent Stellingwerff, Stephanie Black, Kristen Reilly, Jane S Thornton
BACKGROUND: While there are several prescribed contraceptive methods available, limited evidence exists to guide contraceptive decision-making in the context of endurance sport. OBJECTIVES: Study objectives were to characterize current and previous use, perceived impacts, and the decision process around contraceptives in endurance athletes. METHODS: This was an online survey study with female endurance athletes recruited through social media and emails to university/club coaches and sport organizations...
September 1, 2024: Sports Medicine
Paul Rosbrook, Lee M Margolis, J Luke Pryor
In addition to its established thermoregulatory and cardiovascular effects, heat stress provokes alterations in macronutrient metabolism, gastrointestinal integrity, and appetite. Inadequate energy, carbohydrate, and protein intake have been implicated in reduced exercise and heat tolerance. Classic exercise heat acclimation (HA) protocols employ low-to-moderate-intensity exercise for 5-14 days, while recent studies have evolved the practice by implementing high-intensity and task-specific exercise during HA, which potentially results in impaired post-HA physical performance despite adequate heat adaptations...
August 31, 2024: Sports Medicine
Candice MacMillan, Benita Olivier, Carel Viljoen, Dina Christa Janse van Rensburg, Nicola Sewry
BACKGROUND: The influence of menstrual cycle phases (MCPs), menstrual irregularities (MI) and hormonal contraceptive (HC) use on injury among female athletes has been scrutinised. Existing systematic reviews investigating the effect of exposures affecting the endogenous reproductive hormone status on sporting injuries are limited in terms of the types of studies included and injuries investigated. OBJECTIVE: This scoping review aims to summarise the coverage of the literature related to the extent, nature and characteristics of the influence of MCP, MI and HC use on musculoskeletal injuries among athletes...
August 31, 2024: Sports Medicine
Adam Grainger, Adam L Kelly, Stephen W Garland, Joseph Baker, Kathryn Johnston, Alexander B T McAuley
A clearer understanding of, and tighter boundaries between, terms are important for researchers designing studies as well as for other sport stakeholders creating evidence-informed policies. This article considers the terms 'athlete', 'talent', and 'player' from psychological and sociocultural perspectives and in different sporting communities to highlight the importance of terminological clarity in sport research. We present considerations to clarify the use of these terms within different contexts and how the use of specific terms may affect knowledge mobilization in diverse sporting populations...
August 29, 2024: Sports Medicine
Alberto de Lorenzo, Andrew S Bomback, Niko Mihic
Several observational and experimental studies in humans have suggested that high protein intake (PI) causes intraglomerular hypertension leading to hyperfiltration. This phenomenon results in progressive loss of renal function with long-term exposure to high-protein diets (HPDs), even in healthy people. The recommended daily allowance for PI is 0.83 g/kg per day, which meets the protein requirement for approximately 98% of the population. A HPD is defined as a protein consumption > 1...
August 28, 2024: Sports Medicine
Kevin Caen, David C Poole, Anni Vanhatalo, Andrew M Jones
From a physiological perspective, the delineation between steady-state and non-steady-state exercise, also referred to as the maximal metabolic steady state, holds paramount importance for evaluating athletic performance and designing and monitoring training programs. The critical power and the maximal lactate steady state are two widely used indices to estimate this threshold, yet previous studies consistently reported significant discrepancies between their associated power outputs. These findings have fueled the debate regarding the interchangeability of critical power and the maximal lactate steady state in practice...
August 28, 2024: Sports Medicine
Anja Neža Šmid, Petra Golja, Vedran Hadžić, Kristina Drole, Armin H Paravlic
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 23, 2024: Sports Medicine
Elizabeth S Thompson, Jane Alcorn, J Patrick Neary
The increasing legalization of Cannabis sativa plant products has sparked growing interest in their therapeutic applications. Prohibition laws established in 1937 hindered formal research on cannabis, a plant with cultural and medicinal roots dating back to 2700 BC in Chinese history. Despite regulatory hurdles, published research on cannabis has emerged; yet elite athletes remain an underrepresented population in these studies. Athletes, known for exploring diverse substances to optimize performance, are drawn to the potential benefits of cannabinoid therapy, with anecdotal reports suggesting positive effects on issues ranging from anxiety to brain injuries...
August 21, 2024: Sports Medicine
Myles W O'Brien, Madeline E Shivgulam, Angélica Huerta Domínguez, Haoxuan Liu, Jocelyn Waghorn, Molly Courish, Jorge Tovar-Díaz
BACKGROUND: Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are among the leading causes of mortality in the western world, and high blood pressure is among the greatest risk factors for CVD. Given that most of a person's waking hours are spent in sedentary behaviors, understanding the cardiovascular impact of a sedentary lifestyle is imperative. Although limiting sedentary time is encouraged in public health messaging, individual reviews analyzing its impact on clinically relevant cardiovascular outcomes such as blood pressure and CVD exhibit conflicting results...
August 20, 2024: Sports Medicine
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