Hugo Sarmento, Diogo V Martinho, Élvio R Gouveia, José Afonso, Paweł Chmura, Adam Field, Nestor Ordoñez Savedra, Rafael Oliveira, Gibson Praça, Rui Silva, Joel Barrera-Díaz, Filipe Manuel Clemente
BACKGROUND: There has been an increase in studies examining the demands of soccer relative to each playing position in recent years. Understanding the physical, physiological, and technical demands on soccer players according to their positional role during competitive matches is necessary to understand match requirements and develop position-specific training practices. Thereby, there is a clear need to synthesize the information on the different profiles of each playing position. OBJECTIVE: This review aimed to organize the literature investigating physical, physiological, and technical demands according to playing positions and provide a framework to identify gaps and suggestions for future studies...
September 11, 2024: Sports Medicine