Ningning Jia, Zhenhua Zhu, Yane Liu, Xuyuan Yin, Lijuan Man, Wenlong Hou, Huiping Zhang, Qiong Yu, Li Hui
STUDY OBJECTIVES: Sleep disorders and psychiatric disorders frequently coexist and interact, yet the shared genetic basis linking these two domains remains poorly understood. METHODS: We investigated the genetic correlation and overlap between seven sleep/circadian traits and three psychiatric disorders at the level of genome-wide association studies (GWAS), utilizing LDSC, HDL and GPA. To identify potential polygenic single nucleotide variations (SNVs) within each trait pair, we used PLACO, while gene-level analyses were performed using MAGMA and POPS...
September 7, 2024: Sleep
Giancarlo Vanini
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
September 6, 2024: Sleep
Lawra Alkalame, Jessica Ogden, Jacob W Clark, Kate Porcheret, Victoria B Risbrough, Sean P A Drummond
Intrusive memories are a common experience following trauma exposure but can develop into a symptom of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Recent research has observed a relationship between sleep disturbance and intrusive memory frequency following analogue trauma exposure and disruptions in REM sleep are found to contribute to emotional dysregulation and an amplified reaction to negative emotional stimuli. The current study examined the association between REM sleep prior to analogue trauma and intrusive memories...
September 5, 2024: Sleep
Faiza Khalid, Nicoleta Olteanu, Dennis Auckley
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September 5, 2024: Sleep
Karen Spruyt
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September 5, 2024: Sleep
Jennifer M Mundt
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August 31, 2024: Sleep
Wolfgang Ganglberger, Samaneh Nasiri, Haoqi Sun, Soriul Kim, Chol Shin, M Brandon Westover, Robert J Thomas
STUDY OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to 1) improve sleep staging accuracy through transfer learning, to achieve or exceede human inter-expert agreement; 2) introduce a scorability model to assess the quality and trustworthiness of automated sleep staging. METHODS: A deep neural network (base model) was trained on a large multi-site polysomnography (PSG) dataset from the United States. Transfer learning was used to calibrate the model to a reduced montage and limited samples from the Korean Genome and Epidemiology Study (KoGES) dataset...
August 31, 2024: Sleep
Valeria Jaramillo, Henry Hebron, Sara Wong, Giuseppe Atzori, Ullrich Bartsch, Derk-Jan Dijk, Ines R Violante
STUDY OBJECTIVES: Alpha and theta oscillations characterize the waking human electroencephalogram (EEG) and can be modulated by closed-loop auditory stimulation (CLAS). These oscillations also occur during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, but their function here remains elusive. CLAS represents a promising tool to pinpoint how these brain oscillations contribute to brain function in humans. Here we investigate whether CLAS can modulate alpha and theta oscillations during REM sleep in a phase-dependent manner...
August 29, 2024: Sleep
Elsa Beguin, Jean Baptiste Maranci, Smaranda Leu-Semenescu, Pauline Dodet, Ana Gales, Delphine Oudiette, Thomas Andrillon, Isabelle Arnulf
STUDY OBJECTIVES: To collect prodromal symptoms experienced by participants with narcolepsy and idiopathic hypersomnia (considered "hypersomnolence experts") prior to drowsy driving and counter-strategies used to maintain alertness. METHODS: Systematic, face-to-face interview (using a semi-structured questionnaire), including clinical measures, frequency of car accidents/near misses, and symptoms experienced before impending drowsy driving episodes and counter-strategies...
August 29, 2024: Sleep
D Dawson, M Sprajcer
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 28, 2024: Sleep
Tian Xie, Ning Ma
STUDY OBJECTIVES: Heart rate variability (HRV)-based machine learning models hold promise for real-world vigilance evaluation, yet their real-time applicability is limited by lengthy feature extraction times and reliance on subjective benchmarks. This study aimed to improve the objectivity and efficiency of HRV-based vigilance evaluation by associating HRV and behavior metrics through a sliding-window approach. METHODS: Forty-four healthy adults underwent psychomotor vigilance tasks under both well-rested and sleep-deprived conditions, with simultaneous electrocardiogram recording...
August 26, 2024: Sleep
Ahmad Mayeli, Fabio Ferrarelli
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August 26, 2024: Sleep
Kengo Kawaguchi, Hajime Kumagai, Hiroyuki Sawatari, Misao Yokoyama, Yuka Kiyohara, Mitsuo Hayashi, Toshiaki Shiomi
STUDY OBJECTIVES: The effectiveness of advanced emergency braking systems (AEBS) in preventing drowsy driving-related truck collisions remains unclear. We aimed to evaluate the damage-mitigation effect of AEBS on drowsy driving-related collisions involving large trucks using collision rate and damage amount. METHODS: Data collected by a Japanese transportation company from 1,699 collisions involving 31,107 large trucks over 7 years were analyzed post-hoc. The collision rate (number of trucks with collisions/total number of trucks) and damage amount (total amount of property damage and personal injury) were compared based on whether the collisions were caused by drowsy or non-drowsy driving and whether the trucks were equipped with AEBS or not...
August 22, 2024: Sleep
Neha V Reddy, Meaghan Berns, Rachael Berns, Hannah Olson, Erija Cui, Mitchell G Miglis, Ronald Postuma, Bradley Boeve, Yo-El Ju, Michael Howell
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 19, 2024: Sleep
Bryan Butler, Rebecca Burdayron, Gil Mazor-Goder, Clara Lewis, Mélanie Vendette, Bassam Khoury, Marie-Hélène Pennestri
STUDY OBJECTIVES: To synthesize findings of original articles examining the association between sleep-wake patterns of typically developing infants aged 0-to-18 months and cognitive and psychomotor development. METHODS: A systematic search strategy was used to identify articles assessing the association between infant sleep (0-to-18 months) and cognitive/psychomotor development (Medline, PsycINFO, SCOPUS). Of 7,136 articles screened, 22 articles met inclusion criteria, and the results were subsequently synthesized...
August 19, 2024: Sleep
Francisco G Vital-Lopez, Tracy J Doty, Jaques Reifman
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August 19, 2024: Sleep
Hao He, Chao Li, Wolfgang Ganglberger, Kaileigh Gallagher, Rumen Hristov, Michail Ouroutzoglou, Haoqi Sun, Jimeng Sun, M Brandon Westover, Dina Katabi
The ability to assess sleep at home, capture sleep stages, and detect the occurrence of apnea (without on-body sensors) simply by analyzing the radio waves bouncing off people's bodies while they sleep is quite powerful. Such a capability would allow for longitudinal data collection in patients' homes, informing our understanding of sleep and its interaction with various diseases and their therapeutic responses, both in clinical trials and routine care. In this article, we develop an advanced machine learning algorithm for passively monitoring sleep and nocturnal breathing from radio waves reflected off people while asleep...
August 19, 2024: Sleep
Francesco Biscarini, Stefano Vandi, Caterina Riccio, Linda Raggini, Giulia Neccia, Giuseppe Plazzi, Fabio Pizza
STUDY OBJECTIVES: The role of actigraphy in central disorders of hypersomnolence (CDH) is expanding but evidence of reliability with polysomnography (PSG) is scarce and provided only during nighttime. We explored the agreement between actigraphy and continuous 24-hour PSG at CDH diagnosis. METHODS: Forty-four consecutive drug-naïve patients (28 narcolepsy, 16 idiopathic hypersomnia) underwent actigraphy during 24 hours of free-running PSG, during multiple sleep latency test (MSLT) and 13 of them also during maintenance of wakefulness test (MWT)...
August 18, 2024: Sleep
Elissavet Chartampila, Graham Hugh Diering
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 14, 2024: Sleep
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