Christopher M Haymaker, Amber Cadick, Cynthia M Bane, Christopher S Percifield, Nicole McGuire, Kristi VanDerKolk
BACKGROUND: An increasing number of medical students applying to residency programs request accommodations for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Early implementation of accommodations for individuals with ADHD during family medicine (FM) residency could help learners and programs, but the number of programs prepared to invite learners to disclose ADHD and to implement accommodations is unclear. OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to describe practices employed by FM residency programs to identify residents who need accommodations for ADHD...
May 24, 2024: Family Medicine
Marguerite Duane, Logan Waechtler, Margaret May, Deepa Manda, Noah F Gomez, Theresa M Stujenske
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Fertility awareness-based methods (FABMs) are evidence-based means of tracking observable biomarkers of a woman's fertility for the purpose of reproductive health monitoring and family planning. However, medical education regarding FABMs is limited. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of a 4-week, two-part online elective on students' knowledge of FABMs, confidence in explaining and offering them to patients, and anticipated behaviors in future practice...
May 23, 2024: Family Medicine
Alison N Huffstetler
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
May 23, 2024: Family Medicine
Bryce A Ringwald, Stephen Auciello, Joseph Ginty, Melissa Jefferis, Stephen Stacey
BACKGROUND: Academic family medicine (FM) physicians aim to balance competing needs of providing clinical care with nonclinical duties of program administration, formal education, and scholarly activity. FM residency is unique in its scope of practice, clinical settings, and training priorities, which may differ between university-based and community-based programs. In both types of programs, these competing needs are a source of faculty dissatisfaction and burnout. We performed this study to explore the allocation of nonclinical administrative full-time equivalents (FTE) for FM residency core faculty members...
May 20, 2024: Family Medicine
Spencer Dunleavy, Heather L Paladine
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Student-run free clinics (SRFCs) have been proposed as one educational strategy to increase medical students' interest in primary care careers. We sought to overcome gaps in the literature by investigating the effect of opening an SRFC at different institutions on institution-level match rates into family medicine, the largest source of primary care physicians in the United States. METHODS: We connected a list of SRFCs from primary care clerkship directors and the Society of Student-Run Free Clinics with a database of institution-level match rates into family medicine from 2000 to 2018...
May 20, 2024: Family Medicine
Sarna R Becker
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
May 2024: Family Medicine
Renee Crichlow
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May 2024: Family Medicine
Arindam Sarkar
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May 2024: Family Medicine
Meaghan Ruddy
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May 2024: Family Medicine
Olivia Ritchie, Emily Koptyra, Liz B Marquis, Reema Kadri, Anna R Laurie, V G Vinod Vydiswaran, Jiazhao Li, Lindsay K Brown, Tiffany C Veinot, Lorraine R Buis, Timothy C Guetterman
BACKGROUND: During the COVID-19 pandemic, virtual care expanded rapidly at Michigan Medicine and other health systems. From family physicians' perspectives, this shift to virtual care has the potential to affect workflow, job satisfaction, and patient communication. As clinics reopened and care delivery models shifted to a combination of in-person and virtual care, the need to understand physician experiences with virtual care arose in order to improve both patient and provider experiences...
May 2024: Family Medicine
Emmeline Ha, Madeline Taskier, Andrea Anderson, Maria Portela Martinez, Andrew W Bazemore
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Despite the persistent primary care physician shortage over 2 decades of allopathic medical school expansion, some medical schools are absent a department of family medicine; these schools are designated as "target" schools. These absences are important because evidence has demonstrated the association between structured exposure to family medicine during medical school and the proportion of students who ultimately select a career in family medicine. In this study, we aimed to address part of this gap by defining and characterizing the current landscape of US allopathic target schools...
May 2024: Family Medicine
Sonja Van Hala, Eliza Taylor, Susan Cochella
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Graduate medical education programs need leadership assessments and curricula to engage residents and advance their leadership skills. The Foundational Healthcare Leadership Self-assessment (FHLS) is a validated 21-item self-assessment of leadership skills residents need to be effective team leaders in health care settings. It generates a composite score along five foundational leadership domains: accountability, collaboration, communication, team management, and self-management...
April 30, 2024: Family Medicine
Richard Wu, Colette Fritsche, Alain Chaoui
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
April 26, 2024: Family Medicine
Stacy Ogbeide, Deepu George, Adrian Sandoval, Yajaira Johnson-Esparza, Maria Montanez Villacampa
With a new definition of high-quality primary care and the shift in nonphysician faculty's role as core faculty members in family medicine residency programs, new attention is needed on the delineation of clinical efforts and clinical efforts disparities across disciplines (eg, psychology, marriage and family therapy, pharmacy) within departments of family medicine. Additionally, those who identify as underrepresented in medicine (URiM), specifically those who are nonphysician faculty, are dually impacted by the clinical efforts double disparity...
April 26, 2024: Family Medicine
Shalina Nair, José E Rodríguez, Samantha Elwood, Elisabeth Wilson, Annamalai Ramanathan, Debra Stulberg, Belinda Vail, Kristen Rundell, C J Peek
PROBLEM: Equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) efforts have accelerated over the past several years, without a traditional guidebook that other missions often have. To evaluate progress over time, departments of family medicine are seeking ways to measure their current EDI state. Across the specialty, unity regarding which EDI metrics are meaningful is absent, and discordance even exists about what should be measured. APPROACH: This paper provides a general metrics framework, including a wide array of possibilities to consider measuring, for assessing individual departmental progress in this broad space...
April 16, 2024: Family Medicine
Frank Müller, Akhilesh Munagala, Michael J Bouthillier, Jesse I Skok, Harland Holman
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Climate change is a major threat to the health of people worldwide. The health care system deals with the immediate health-related effects of climate change and, at the same time, is a major emitter of greenhouse gas. This study aimed to investigate (a) the awareness and perception of climate change among family medicine residency program directors, and (b) the state of climate change education in family medicine residency programs. METHODS: The Council of Academic Family Medicine Educational Research Alliance (CERA) conducted a cross-sectional survey of family medicine program directors in the United States in April 2023...
April 16, 2024: Family Medicine
Diana N Carvajal, Ruth Enid Zambrana
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
April 16, 2024: Family Medicine
Carmelle Kuizon
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
April 15, 2024: Family Medicine
Mark A Johnson, Patricia A Carney, Annie Ericson, Briana Money, Suki Tepperberg, Nicholas Weida, Jennifer Somers, Jennifer Romeu
UNLABELLED: Background & Objectives: No prior studies have examined how length of training may influence wellness. As part of the Length of Training Pilot (LoTP), we explored resident and new graduate well-being according to program year and length of training in 3- and 4-year family medicine residency training programs. METHODS: Two surveys captured data included in these analyses. One was a resident survey that included the Mayo Clinic physician-expanded Well-Being Index (eWBI) administered annually during the In-Training Examination (2014-2019)...
April 15, 2024: Family Medicine
Oanh H Truong, Jenny Y Wang, Peter F Cronholm
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Interest in using holistic review for residency recruitment as a strategy to improve the diversity of the physician workforce has increased. However, no data are published on the prevalence of holistic review in the selection process for family medicine residency programs. We designed this study to assess programs' knowledge, skills, and attitudes; prevalence; barriers to implementation; and program characteristics associated with the use of holistic review...
April 15, 2024: Family Medicine
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