V Kai Kennedy, Sara Temple, Sang Pak, Alison Scheid, Arianne Teherani, Marieke Schaaf, Amber Fitzsimmons
OBJECTIVE: This paper describes how the administrative leadership of 1 physical therapy department curated, implemented, and evaluated a culturally responsive administrative support strategy to foster a positive working environment. Authors summarize participants' perceptions of culturally responsive practices using climate survey data. METHODS: This case occurred in the physical therapy and rehabilitation science department at an American academic medical center...
July 11, 2024: Physical Therapy
Kimberly Varnado, Anne Mejia-Downs, Alexander Scharmann, Shannon Richardson
UNLABELLED: Physical therapists should be able to screen patients for social determinants that impact health and refer to community resources as appropriate. To make appropriate referrals, physical therapists must equip themselves with skills to connect patients and clients to community resources outside the walls of their respective institutions, starting with developing these practices in physical therapist education programs.Experienced community builders recommend a community development approach where residents initiate and agree upon decisions, and outside stakeholders work as partners to elevate the community...
July 11, 2024: Physical Therapy
Jayden Yap, Gretta Palmer, Kate Graving, Shona Stone, Elise M Gane
OBJECTIVE: Persons with vestibular schwannoma suffer from dizziness, imbalance, and decreased function leading to reduced quality of life. Other forms of peripheral vestibular hypofunction show improvements in these signs and symptoms with vestibular rehabilitation; however, the efficacy of this intervention for those with vestibular schwannoma is unknown. Therefore, the aim of this systematic review was to determine the effect of vestibular physical therapy on subjective and objective measures of vestibular symptoms and function in people with vestibular schwannoma...
July 10, 2024: Physical Therapy
Madelaine Aird, Julie L Walters, Alex Ker, Megan H Ross
OBJECTIVE: The objective was to explore experiences with and identify barriers and facilitators of utilizing physical therapy for people who identify as transgender, gender diverse, and nonbinary (TGNB). METHODS: A qualitative descriptive design was employed using semistructured interviews conducted in New Zealand. Eligible participants were individuals who were 12 years old or older, who self-identified as TGNB, and who had accessed physical therapy at a community-based clinic that also provides a gender-affirming service...
July 10, 2024: Physical Therapy
Shannon Richardson, Monica Dial, Janet Kneiss, Nipaporn Somyoo, Kimberly Varnado
OBJECTIVE: To optimize learning in physical therapist education, learners need opportunities to grow from their unique starting points. Traditional grading practices like A to F grades, zero grades, and grading on timeliness and professionalism hinder content mastery and accurate competency assessment. Grading should focus on mastery of skill and content, using summative assessments for final grades, a no-zero policy, and actionable feedback. Equitable grading supports learners from all backgrounds and identities and promotes academic success...
July 8, 2024: Physical Therapy
Lynn Boswell, Lars Adde, Toril Fjørtoft, Aurelie Pascal, Annemarie Russow, Ragnhild Støen, Niranjan Thomas, Christine Van den Broeck, Raye-Ann Regnier
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to investigate the influences on motor development in infants who are at low risk from Belgium, India, Norway, and the United States (US) using the General Movement Assessment (GMA) at 10-16 weeks post-term age. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study of prospectively enrolled full-term infants at low risk (n = 186). Certified GMA observers rated the fidgety movements, quality of the movement patterns, age-adequacy of the movement repertoire, postural patterns, movement character, and overall Motor Optimality Score - Revised (MOS-R)...
July 2, 2024: Physical Therapy
Fraje C E Watson, Angela E Kedgley, Susie Schofield, Fearghal P Behan, Christopher J Boos, Nicola T Fear, Alexander N Bennett, Anthony M J Bull
OBJECTIVE: Upper limb (UL) disability in people with UL amputation/s is well reported in the literature, less so for people with lower limb amputation/s. This study aimed to compare UL disability in injured (major trauma) and uninjured UK military personnel, with particular focus on people with upper and lower limb amputation/s. METHODS: A volunteer sample of injured (n = 579) and uninjured (n = 566) UK military personnel who served in a combat role in the Afghanistan war were frequency matched on age, sex, service, rank, regiment, role, and deployment period and recruited to the Armed Services Trauma Rehabilitation Outcome (ADVANCE) longitudinal cohort study...
July 2, 2024: Physical Therapy
Jack M Reeves, Lissa M Spencer, Ling-Ling Tsai, Andrew J Baillie, Yuna Han, Regina W M Leung, Joshua A Bishop, Lauren K Troy, Tamera J Corte, Alan K Y Teoh, Matthew Peters, Carly Barton, Lynette Jones, Jennifer A Alison
OBJECTIVE: COVID-19 has led to significant morbidity and mortality globally. Post-COVID sequelae can persist beyond the acute and subacute phases of infection, often termed Post-COVID Syndrome (PCS). There is limited evidence on the appropriate rehabilitation for people with PCS. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect on exercise capacity, symptoms, cognition, anxiety, depression, health-related quality of life (HRQoL), and fatigue, of a 4-week, twice-weekly supervised pulmonary telerehabilitation program compared to usual medical care for people with PCS with persistent respiratory symptoms...
June 29, 2024: Physical Therapy
Allyn Bove, Bayan Aldhahwani, Rose Turner, Sean Repage, Parker Denny, Cynthia Brand, Kaitlyn Sweeney, Sam Allison, Heather Ross, Kelli D Allen, Jared W Magnani, Lauren Terhorst, Anthony Delitto, Janet Freburger
OBJECTIVE: The aims of this scoping review were to summarize the evidence regarding sex, racial, ethnic, geographic, and socioeconomic disparities in post-acute rehabilitation following total hip arthroplasty (THA) and knee arthroplasty (TKA). METHODS: Literature searches were conducted in Ovid MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, Web of Science, and PEDro. Studies were included if they were original research articles published 1993 or later; used data from the US; included patients after THA and/or TKA; presented results according to relevant sociodemographic variables, including sex, race, ethnicity, geography, or socioeconomic status; and studied utilization of post-acute rehabilitation as an outcome...
June 18, 2024: Physical Therapy
Dawn Magnusson
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September 4, 2024: Physical Therapy
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August 2, 2024: Physical Therapy
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No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 2, 2024: Physical Therapy
(no author information available yet)
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 2, 2024: Physical Therapy
(no author information available yet)
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 2, 2024: Physical Therapy
Anthony Delitto
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July 2, 2024: Physical Therapy
(no author information available yet)
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 2, 2024: Physical Therapy
(no author information available yet)
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 2, 2024: Physical Therapy
(no author information available yet)
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 2, 2024: Physical Therapy
Steven Z George
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
June 4, 2024: Physical Therapy
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