Pru Holder, Lucy Coombes, Jane Chudleigh, Richard Harding, Lorna K Fraser
BACKGROUND: Palliative care is an essential component of children's health services but is accessed by fewer children than could potentially benefit. AIM: Appraise the evidence to identify factors influencing referral and access to children's palliative care, and interventions to reduce barriers and improve referrals. DESIGN: Scoping review following the six stages of the Arksey and O'Malley framework. Data were charted using an adapted version of the socioecological framework...
September 9, 2024: Palliative Medicine
Scott A Murray, Tania Pastrana
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
September 9, 2024: Palliative Medicine
Mhoira Leng, Julia Downing, Gursaran Purewal, Liz Namukwaya, Vicky Opia, Chitra Venkateswaran, Elizabeth Nabirye, Peace Bagasha
BACKGROUND: Palliative care is seldom integrated in healthcare in fragile, conflict affected and vulnerable settings with significant refugee populations. AIM: This study aimed to evaluate the integration of palliative care into a fragile, conflict affected and vulnerable community in Northern Uganda. DESIGN: Consecutive Rapid Participatory Appraisals were conducted to evaluate the integration of palliative care in Adjumani District. The first established a baseline and the second, 4 years later, evaluated progress...
September 9, 2024: Palliative Medicine
Maiken Bang Hansen, Leslye Rojas-Concha, Morten Aagaard Petersen, Mathilde Adsersen, Mogens Groenvold
BACKGROUND: Patients with non-cancer disease are less likely to receive specialized palliative care than cancer patients. To be able to provide the best specialized palliative care, it is important to understand palliative care needs of non-cancer patients and whether the type and level of needs differ from those of cancer patients. Large studies including both cancer and non-cancer patients, using validated needs-assessment-tools, are needed to understand differences in palliative care needs at admittance to specialized palliative care...
August 28, 2024: Palliative Medicine
Massimo Iavarone, Lorenzo Canova, Eleonora Alimenti, Alessio Aghemo, Diego Taveggia, Gino Gobber, Giuseppe Cabibbo, Simone Veronese, Vincenza Calvaruso, Luciano Orsi, Paolo Caraceni, Pietro Lampertico
BACKGROUND: Delays and limitations of palliative care in patients with liver transplantation- ineligible end-stage hepatocellular carcinoma according to Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer staging system may be explained by different perceptions between hepatologists and palliative care physicians in the absence of shared guidelines. AIM: To assess physicians' attitudes toward palliative care in end-stage hepatocellular carcinoma and to understand what the obstacles are to more effective management and co-shared between palliative care physicians and hepatologists...
August 28, 2024: Palliative Medicine
Rachel Davies, Matthew Booker, Jonathan Ives, Alyson Huntley
BACKGROUND: The final year of life is often associated with increasing health complexities and use of health services. This frequently includes admission to an acute hospital which may or may not convey overall benefit. This uncertainty makes decisions regarding admission complex for clinicians. There is evidence of much variation in approaches to admission. AIMS: To explore how Primary Care clinicians approach hospitalisation decisions for people in the final year of life...
August 23, 2024: Palliative Medicine
Daniel Munday, Tania Pastrana, Scott A Murray
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 19, 2024: Palliative Medicine
Kathleen Boström, Thomas Dojan, Martin Hellmich, Kerstin Kremeike, Raymond Voltz
BACKGROUND: Patients with serious illness frequently report (temporary) wishes to hasten death. Even until the end-of-life, many patients also harbor a will to live. Although both phenomena are negatively correlated according to some studies, they can also co-exist. Knowledge about the complex relationship between the seemingly opposing wish to hasten death and will to live is limited, but crucial for delivering adequate care and understanding potential requests for assisted dying. AIM: To study the correlation of and explore the relationship between wish to hasten death and will to live over 6 weeks...
August 16, 2024: Palliative Medicine
Alina Senßfelder, Matthias Havemann, Anna J Pedrosa Carrasco, Pia von Blanckenburg, Carola Seifart
BACKGROUND: Every advanced cancer diagnosis brings enormous challenges to patients and their relatives on numerous levels: be it physical, practical, social challenges, or on a more personal level. While specific aspects have been researched before, an overarching approach is lacking. AIM: To understand the lived experiences of people with advanced cancer, to identify gaps along the cancer care continuum, to identify potential opportunities for meaningful interventions and to develop a theoretical framework for practitioners and researchers...
August 16, 2024: Palliative Medicine
Emel Yorganci, Anna E Bone, Catherine J Evans, Elizabeth L Sampson, Robert Stewart, Katherine E Sleeman
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 12, 2024: Palliative Medicine
Laura Barrett, Julia Hackett, Jo Taylor, Andrew Papworth, Gabriella Walker, Lorna Fraser
BACKGROUND: Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) is an important component of healthcare research. Conducting PPI within paediatric palliative care research requires specific ethical and practical considerations. Regular reviews of PPI activity are important. AIM: To evaluate a paediatric palliative care research centre's PPI activity to determine what went well, or less well; and how future activities can be improved. DESIGN: Two stage evaluation: first a review of PPI study logs; second a qualitative exploration using a survey, structured interviews and a focus group...
August 10, 2024: Palliative Medicine
Melissa J Bloomer, Laurie Saffer, Jayne Hewitt, Lise Johns, Donna McAuliffe, Ann Bonner
BACKGROUND: Assisted dying, also commonly known as euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide, is legal in many countries. Interest in assisted dying is growing due to evolving societal understandings of a good death and a desire for choice. Ethico-legal perspectives are well-known, but as societies become more heterogenous, a greater understanding of the perspectives of people from diverse racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds is needed. AIM: To explore perspectives of people from diverse racial, ethnic and cultural backgrounds about assisted dying...
August 10, 2024: Palliative Medicine
RiYin Tay, Joyce Ys Tan, BinYan Lim, Allyn Ym Hum, Jane Simpson, Nancy Preston
BACKGROUND: Many individuals with advanced dementia die in hospital, despite preferring home death. Existing evidence of factors affecting their place of death is inconsistent. To inform policies/practices for meeting needs/preferences, systematically establishing the evidence is pertinent, particularly given the exponential rise in advanced dementia prevalence. AIM: To identify factors influencing where people with advanced dementia die. DESIGN AND DATA SOURCES: This systematic review with meta-analysis was registered on PROSPERO (CRD42022366722)...
August 2, 2024: Palliative Medicine
Isabelle Schaefer, Stacey Panozzo, Michelle DiGiacomo, Nicole Heneka, Jane L Phillips
BACKGROUND: As the number of people ageing in prison with complex healthcare needs continues to increase, so does the need for palliative care in the restrictive prison context. Palliative care for people in prison is facilitated by correctional officers, and prison- and hospital-based clinicians. A collective analysis of existing research to identify common experiences of these stakeholders globally has not been completed. AIM: To explore the perceptions and experiences of correctional officers and prison- and hospital-based clinicians who facilitate palliative care for people in prison...
July 28, 2024: Palliative Medicine
Elizabeth Abbey, Maimoona Ali, Matthew Cooper, Paul Taylor, Catriona R Mayland
INTRODUCTION: Timely identification of dying in motor neurone disease enables optimal care, yet we know that healthcare professionals can fail to recognise when death is approaching. Clinical factors help predict the end of life in other terminal conditions. Examining these principles in motor neurone disease would help guide more accurate recognition of this critical phase. AIM: To examine and map out what is known about dying in patients with motor neurone disease, and the recognition of dying by healthcare professionals...
July 28, 2024: Palliative Medicine
Jose Pereira, Leonie Herx, Jennifer Simoni, Christopher A Klinger
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 28, 2024: Palliative Medicine
Satoru Ogawa, Fumimasa Amaya
BACKGROUND: The use of opioids occasionally causes tinnitus. However, there is a paucity of data regarding the use of peripherally acting μ-opioid receptor antagonists for opioid-associated tinnitus in patients with cancer. ACTUAL CASE: A 74-year-old male with pancreatic cancer complained of abdominal pain. Two days after initiating oxycodone therapy, the patient experienced tinnitus during body movements. Although peripheral tinnitus disappeared after discontinuing oxycodone, it reappeared with hydromorphone or tapentadol administration...
July 28, 2024: Palliative Medicine
Katarzyna M Lion, Anthony Jamieson, Abigail Billin, Stephanie Jones, Mark B Pinkham, Tamara Ownsworth
BACKGROUND: Family caregivers of people with high-grade glioma often report high rates of psychological distress, which has been attributed to the unique aspects of the disease and onerous care demands. Clinical practice guidelines advocate for caregiver support from diagnosis through to end-of-life and bereavement. Yet, research has identified that caregivers' support needs are often overlooked. AIM: To explore caregivers' experiences of psychological support and perceptions of what constitutes optimal psychological support for caregivers in the context of high-grade glioma...
June 25, 2024: Palliative Medicine
Hakki Demirkapu, Wael Edally, Aline De Vleminck, Lieve Van den Block, Stéphanie De Maesschalck, Dirk Devroey
BACKGROUND: Significantly fewer individuals with migration backgrounds than native-born individuals undertake advance care planning. Older adults with Turkish and Moroccan backgrounds represent one of the largest ageing non-Western minority groups in Europe. Their relatives could play important roles in facilitating or hindering advance care planning, but their views remain underexplored. AIM: To explore advance care planning knowledge, experience, views, facilitators and barriers among older Turkish and Moroccan adults' relatives in Belgium...
June 25, 2024: Palliative Medicine
Maike S van der Waal, Saskia Ccm Teunissen, Allegonda G Uyttewaal, Cathelijne Verboeket-Crul, Hanneke Smits-Pelser, Eric Ct Geijteman, Matthew P Grant
BACKGROUND: For people with limited lifetime expectancy, the benefit of many medications may be outweighed by their potential harms. Despite the relevance of reducing unnecessary medication use, deprescribing is poorly enacted in primary care practice. AIM: This study aims to describe factors, as identified by primary care professionals and patients, that influence deprescribing in the last phase of life. DESIGN: Semi-structured interviews were conducted and analysed using a thematic approach...
June 25, 2024: Palliative Medicine
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