Tiffany K Bell, Dana Goerzen, Jamie Near, Ashley D Harris
PURPOSE: Neurochemicals of interest quantified by MRS are often composites of overlapping signals. At higher field strengths (i.e., 7T), there is better separation of these signals. As the availability of higher field strengths is increasing, it is important to re-evaluate the separability of overlapping metabolite signals. METHODS: This study compares the ability of stimulated echo acquisition mode (STEAM-8; TE = 8 ms), short-TE semi-LASER (sLASER-34; TE = 34 ms), and long-TE semi-LASER (sLASER-105; TE = 105 ms) acquisitions to separate the commonly acquired neurochemicals at 7T (Glx, consisting of glutamate and glutamine; total N-acetyl aspartate, consisting of N-acetyl aspartate and N-acetylaspartylglutamate; total creatine, consisting of creatine and phosphocreatine; and total choline, consisting of choline, phosphocholine, and glycerophosphocholine)...
September 30, 2024: Magnetic Resonance in Medicine