Danique J M Ploegmakers, Hanneke J R Van Duijnhoven, Liron S Duraku, Erkan Kurt, Alexander C H Geurts, Tim De Jong
OBJECTIVE: Selective neurotomy has been suggested as a permanent treatment for focal spasticity. A systematic literature review was performed to investigate the efficacy of selective neurotomy regarding focal lower limb spasticity. METHODS: A systematic search in PubMed, Medline, Cochrane, and Embase databases was carried out. Studies were included if they reported on the following outcomes: muscle tone, muscle strength, pain, ankle range of motion and/or walking speed, after selective lower limb neurotomy in any type of upper motor neuron syndrome...
September 10, 2024: Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
Gonçalo Flores, Diogo Monteiro, Fernanda Silva, Pedro Duarte-Mendes
OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study is to analyse the adaptations of the autonomic nervous system after a musculoskeletal injury, obtained by measuring heart rate variability in athletes. It was hypothesized that there is an alteration in heart rate variability after a musculoskeletal injury. STUDY DESIGN: Cohort study. SUBJECTS: 15 semi-professional soccer players from three football teams, aged between 21 and 33 (mean age: 29.4 ± 3...
September 10, 2024: Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
Tomasz Maicki, Rafał Trąbka, Magdalena Wilk-Frańczuk, Weronika Krzepkowska
OBJECTIVE: To compare the effects of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation therapy with manual therapy in improving the range of motion, decreasing pain, and improving activity of daily living in patients with neck pain. DESIGN: Double-blinded, randomized, experimental study. PATIENTS: Women aged 45-65 with cervical pain due to osteoarthritis of the vertebral body and intervertebral disc. METHODS: A total of 93 randomly selected females were included in the study...
September 5, 2024: Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
Shi Rui Seow, Sumaiyah Mat, Jun Jie Teoh, Amyra Mohamad Yusup, Nor Fadilah Rajab, Intan Safinar Ismail, Devinder Kaur Ajit Singh, Suzana Shahar, Maw Pin Tan, Francis Berenbaum
OBJECTIVE: This study delves into the intriguing connection between knee osteoarthritis and diabetes in Malaysia. Specifically, the exacerbation of knee osteoarthritis in the presence of diabetes in terms of symptoms, physical performance, physical activity, psychological status, social participation, and quality of life was discussed. DESIGN: This cross-sectional study recruited adults aged 50 and above by convenient sampling and grouped them into: knee osteoarthritis-diabetes-, knee osteoarthritis+diabetes-, knee osteoarthritis-diabetes+, and knee osteoarthritis+diabetes+...
September 3, 2024: Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
Anjali Raghuwanshi, Saliha Rafat, Adarsh Kumar Srivastav
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 28, 2024: Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
Inge E Eriks-Hoogland, Lorena Müller, Benjamin D N Hirsch, Lea Studer, Armin Gemperli, Collene E Anderson
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to describe the temporal dynamics of and risk factors for non-adherence to outpatient follow-up care in the first 10 years after spinal cord injury. DESIGN: Retrospective single-centre cohort study using data from medical records and municipal resident registers. SUBJECTS/PATIENTS: Patients admitted to a specialized spinal cord injury centre in Switzerland discharged between 1 January 2010 and 31 December 2012 (n = 225)...
August 26, 2024: Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
Peng-Chieh Shen, Ting-Yu Lin, Wei-Ting Wu, Levent Özçakar, Ke-Vin Chang
OBJECTIVE: This umbrella review synthesizes systematic reviews and meta-analyses to reach a conclusion concerning the overall effectiveness of ultrasound-guided vs landmark-guided injections for treating musculoskeletal pain. DESIGN: Umbrella review. METHODS: PubMed, EMBASE, MEDLINE, and Web of Science were searched for relevant systematic reviews and meta-analyses from inception to March 2024. Critical appraisal, data extraction, and synthesis were performed in accordance with the criteria for conducting an umbrella review...
August 26, 2024: Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
Mirko Filippetti, Linde Lugoboni, Rita Di Censo, Luca Degli Esposti, Salvatore Facciorusso, Valentina Varalta, Andrea Santamato, Massimiliano Calabrese, Nicola Smania, Alessandro Picelli
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to provide a classification of the upper limb patterns in patients with upper limb spasticity due to multiple sclerosis. DESIGN: Pilot observational study. PATIENTS: Twenty-five adult patients with multiple sclerosis suffering from upper limb spasticity who underwent one segmental (i.e., proximal and distal upper limb) botulinum toxin treatment cycle were recruited. METHODS: Patients remained in a sitting position during the evaluation...
August 25, 2024: Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
Diana Rimaud, Rodolphe Testa, Guillaume Y Millet, Paul Calmels
OBJECTIVE: To compare the walking performances of hemiplegic subjects with chronic stroke under 3 conditions: with a new standard carbon fibre ankle foot orthosis (C-AFO), with a personal custom-made plastic AFO (P-AFO), and without any orthosis (No-AFO). DESIGN: Randomized, controlled crossover design. PATIENTS: Fifteen chronic patients with stroke (3 women  and 12 men, 59 [10] years, 13 [15] years since injury). METHODS: Patients performed 3 randomized sessions (with C-AFO, P-AFO, no-AFO), consisting of a 6-min walk test (6MWT) with VO2 measurement and a clinical gait analysis...
August 23, 2024: Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
Saffran Möller, Kerstin Hagberg, Nerrolyn Ramstrand
OBJECTIVE: To explore cognitive load in people with transfemoral amputations fitted with socket or bone-anchored prostheses by describing activity in the left and right dorsolateral prefrontal cortices during single- and dual-task walking. DESIGN: Cross-sectional pilot study. PATIENTS: 8 socket prosthesis users and 8 bone-anchored prosthesis users. All were fitted with microprocessor-controlled prosthetic knees. METHODS: Participants answered self-report questionnaires and performed gait tests during 1 single-task walking condition and 2 dual-task walking conditions...
August 22, 2024: Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
Yuqin Zeng, Qian Wu, Yan Chen, Shan Cai
OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether an early comprehensive pulmonary rehabilitation intervention initiated during hospital admission is safe and effective for patients with acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. DESIGN: Prospective randomized controlled study. SUBJECTS/PATIENTS: Patients with acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. METHODS: In total, 108 patients were randomized to the early comprehensive pulmonary rehabilitation and usual care groups within 48 hours...
August 22, 2024: Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
Anne Mette Berget, Vegard Pihl Moen, Merethe Hustoft, Jörg Assmus, Liv Inger Strand, Jan Sture Skouen, Øystein Hetlevik
OBJECTIVE: To examine patients' use of primary healthcare (PHC) before and after specialized rehabilitation and its relation with self-reported health and functioning. DESIGN: Longitudinal cohort study. PARTICIPANTS: 451 rehabilitation patients. METHODS: Register data were used to measure the frequency of visits to the general practitioner (GP) and physiotherapist (PT) in PHC 3 years before and after rehabilitation. Patients reported health (EQ-VAS) and functioning (SF-36) before rehabilitation and at 1 and 3 years after...
August 20, 2024: Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
Michele Vecchio, Rita Chiaramonte, Alessandro De Sire, Enrico Buccheri, Patrizia Finocchiaro, Dalila Scaturro, Giulia Letizia Mauro, Matteo Cioni
OBJECTIVE: This study aims to assess the impact of proprioceptive training strategies with dual-task exercises on gait in people with chronic stroke. STUDY DESIGN: Systematic review. PATIENTS: Chronic stroke. METHODS: Searches were conducted in accordance with PRISMA guidelines and PICOS criteria. PubMed, Web of Science, and Scopus databases were systematically searched from November 2020 to February 2022, for eligible clinical trials...
August 15, 2024: Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
Magnus Fransplass Storli, Marius Steiro Fimland, Harald Kåre Engan, Jon Arne Sandmæl
OBJECTIVE: To assess the validity of the Ekblom-Bak cycle ergometer test in patients with cardiovascular disease admitted to cardiac rehabilitation. METHODS: Estimated peak oxygen consumption from the Ekblom-Bak test was compared with directly measured peak oxygen consumption from a treadmill cardiopulmonary exercise test. Patients completed the cardiopulmonary exercise test first, followed by the Ekblom-Bak test after 24 h rest. Pearson's correlation coefficient (r) was used to establish the correlation between estimated and measured peak oxygen consumption, and Bland-Altman plots with limits of agreement were used to determine the bias between the 2 tests...
August 13, 2024: Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
Alessio Baricich, Marco Battaglia, Margherita B Borg, Alberto Loro, Paola Morlino, Lucia Cosenza, Michele Bertoni, Alessandro Picelli, Andrea Santamato, Thierry Deltombe
OBJECTIVE: To compare the effect of rectus femoris diagnostic motor nerve blocks (DNB) with anaesthetics and rectus femoris muscle botulinum toxin (BoNT-A) injection in multiple sclerosis patients with unilateral stiff-knee gait. DESIGN: Prospective observational study Subjects/Patients: Multiple sclerosis patients in stable condition. METHODS: Patients underwent evaluation before and 1 hour after the anaesthetic block, and 1 month after the botulinum injection...
August 5, 2024: Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
Emmanuel Bäckryd, Nazdar Ghafouri, Björn Gerdle, Elena Dragioti
OBJECTIVE: Rehabilitation interventions for chronic pain typically include education, cognitive behavioural therapy, and exercise therapy, or a combination of these. A systematic review and meta-analysis of rehabilitation interventions for neuropathic pain was conducted. DESIGN: Randomized controlled trials were identified in PubMed, EMBASE, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and PsycINFO databases from inception up to 3 March 2022. SUBJECTS/PATIENTS: Adults with chronic (> 3 months) neuropathic pain...
August 5, 2024: Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
Fanny Crozes, Cyrille Delpierre, Nadège Costa
OBJECTIVE: To identify the articles in the existing literature that analyse healthcare costs according to the socioeconomic position (pre- or post-injury) for traumatic brain injury survivors. Secondary aims were to describe the types of costs and socioeconomic characteristics and to determine whether socioeconomic characteristics affect the risk of traumatic brain injury or whether the consequences of trauma alter living conditions post-injury. METHODS: This scoping review followed the methods proposed by Arksey and O'Malley...
August 5, 2024: Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
Mebanpynjop Dohtdong, Shanika Sharma, Varun Kalia
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 29, 2024: Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
Gunnel Peterson, Emma Nilsing Strid, Margaretha Jönsson, Jesper Hävermark, Anneli Peolsson
OBJECTIVE: To compare the effects of a neck-specific exercise programme with internet support and 4 physiotherapist sessions (NSEIT) and the same neck-specific exercises supervised by a physiotherapist (NSE) on neck muscle endurance and cervical range of motion. DESIGN: Randomized controlled trial. PATIENTS: A total of 140 participants with chronic whiplash-associated disorders grade II or grade III were randomly assigned to the NSEIT or NSE groups...
July 29, 2024: Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
Yuanling Huang, Haining Ou, Weijian Zhao, Qiang Lin, Yajing Xue, Rui Xia, Zhouchun Tan, Xiaofang Zhao, Lifang Xiong, Zeqin Yan, Zubin Zheng, Junbin Wen
OBJECTIVE: To assess the impact of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise on working memory in stroke-induced mild cognitive impairment (MCI). DESIGN: Randomized, double-blind controlled study. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Twenty MCI patients from the Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University (December 2021 to February 2023), aged 34-79, 2-12 months post-stroke, were divided into an experimental group (EG) and a control group (CG), each with 10 participants...
July 2, 2024: Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
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