Journals Journal of the American Colleg...

Journal of the American College of Surgeons
Taylor C Brown
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July 25, 2024: Journal of the American College of Surgeons
Jon M Harrison, Amy Y Li, Lindsay A Sceats, John R Bergquist, Monica M Dua, Brendan C Visser
Walled-off necrosis (WON) occurs in approximately 20% of patients with necrotizing pancreatitis. Infection occurs in approximately 30% of necrosis patients, and despite advances in management, infected necrosis still confers a high mortality between 30 and 40%. While sterile necrosis requires drainage only for cases of symptom relief or "persistent unwellness," prompt intervention is critical for infected necrosis. Several management strategies exist depending on the location and anatomy of the necrosum. In particular, retroperitoneal collections away from the stomach are typically managed with a step-up approach that begins with percutaneous drain placement...
July 25, 2024: Journal of the American College of Surgeons
Kevin K Zhang, Jeffery E Janis
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July 22, 2024: Journal of the American College of Surgeons
Thomas Brothers
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July 19, 2024: Journal of the American College of Surgeons
Brendin R Beaulieu-Jones, Jayson Marwaha, Gabriel A Brat
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July 19, 2024: Journal of the American College of Surgeons
Colleen M Fitzpatrick, Christoph J Meinrenken, William B Eimicke
BACKGROUND: Healthcare is responsible for 8.5% of US greenhouse gas emissions. These impacts must be mitigated while maintaining clinical excellence. This study compares clinical outcomes, cost-efficiency, and climate impact of trans-umbilical laparoscopic assisted appendectomy (TULAA) versus 3-port laparoscopic appendectomy (LA). STUDY DESIGN: Institutional Review Board approval was obtained. Appendectomies performed between Jan 1, 2020 and December 31, 2022 at a tertiary children's hospital were reviewed...
July 18, 2024: Journal of the American College of Surgeons
Ege Akgun, Arturan Ibrahimli, Eren Berber
BACKGROUND: The success of parathyroidectomy in primary hyperparathyroidism depends on the intraoperative differentiation of diseased from normal glands. Deep learning can potentially be applied to digitalize this subjective interpretation process that relies heavily on surgeon expertise. In this study, we aimed to investigate whether diseased versus normal parathyroid glands have different near-infrared autofluorescence (NIRAF) signatures and whether related deep learning models can predict normal versus diseased parathyroid glands based on intraoperative in-vivo images...
July 17, 2024: Journal of the American College of Surgeons
Nadin Elsayed, Maryam Ali Khan, Claire B Janssen, John Lane, William E Beckerman, Mahmoud B Malas
BACKGROUND: It has been suggested that the annual hospital volume of cases may affect the number of adverse events following carotid endarterectomy (CEA). We aim to study the associations between hospital as well as surgeon volume and the risk of stroke/death following TCAR. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective review of the Vascular Quality Initiative data of patients undergoing TCAR from 2016 to 2021. Surgeon and center volume were calculated based on the mean number of cases (MNC) performed yearly by each surgeon and center...
July 12, 2024: Journal of the American College of Surgeons
Krista L Haines, Laura Gorenshtein, Kavneet Kaur, Braylee Grisel, Bradley Kawano, Harold Leraas, Jennifer Freeman, Todd Tripoli, Joseph Fernandez-Moure, Suresh Agarwal
BACKGROUND: Firearms are the leading cause of death among U.S. children and adolescents. This study evaluates whether state gun laws are associated with firearm suicides and homicides in children. STUDY DESIGN: This is a cross-sectional database study comparing childhood firearm mortality with 36 state firearm laws using data from CDC WONDER and the RAND state firearm law database. Primary outcomes were firearm-related suicide and homicide mortalities per 100,000 persons...
July 11, 2024: Journal of the American College of Surgeons
Chelsea F Cardell, Xane D Peters, Q Lina Hu, Amy Robinson-Gerace, Stephanie Mistretta, Annie B Wescott, Melinda Maggard-Gibbons, David B Hoyt, Clifford Y Ko
BACKGROUND: After decades of experience supporting surgical quality and safety by the American College of Surgeons, the ACS Quality Verification Program (ACS QVP) was developed to help hospitals improve surgical quality and safety. This review is the final installment of a three-part review aimed to synthesize evidence supporting the main principles of the ACS QVP. STUDY DESIGN: Evidence was systematically reviewed for three principles: standardized team-based care across five phases of surgical care, disease-based management, and external regulatory review...
July 9, 2024: Journal of the American College of Surgeons
John R Potts
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 5, 2024: Journal of the American College of Surgeons
Keyur Patel, Caroline Park
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July 5, 2024: Journal of the American College of Surgeons
Alexander C Schwed, Farin Amersi, Christian de Virgilio
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July 3, 2024: Journal of the American College of Surgeons
John M Harris
William Halsted wrote to aging surgeon, Stephen Smith, in 1919, that he remembered the lessons Smith had taught him, "when I walked with you through the wards of Bellevue Hospital." Smith was an early advocate of Joseph Lister's antiseptic method, and because of his public health work, he was also an early advocate of environmental hygiene and microbial control based on the unproved germ theory. While Lister's work at the time emphasized germ-killing around the operative site with carbolic acid (antisepsis), Smith adopted and encouraged surgical practices at Bellevue that would be hallmarks of the germ-preventing (asepsis) surgical approach that fully developed after German bacteriologic discoveries in the mid-1880s, and with which Halsted is historically identified...
July 2, 2024: Journal of the American College of Surgeons
Matthew R Dernbach
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
June 28, 2024: Journal of the American College of Surgeons
Sophia M Smith, Sabrina E Sanchez
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
June 28, 2024: Journal of the American College of Surgeons
Carson J Gehl, Nathaniel B Verhagen, Tahseen J Shaik, Kaitlyn Nimmer, Xin Yang, Yun Xing, Bradley W Taylor, Mochamad M Nataliansyah, Sarah L Kerns, Anai N Kothari
BACKGROUND: The association between preoperative wearable device step counts and surgical outcomes has not been examined using commercial devices linked to electronic health records (EHR). This study measured the association between daily preoperative step counts and postoperative complications. STUDY DESIGN: Data was obtained using the All of Us (AOU) Research program, a nationwide initiative to collect EHR and health-related data from the population. Included were patients who underwent a surgical procedure included in the National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (NSQIP) targeted procedures dataset...
June 26, 2024: Journal of the American College of Surgeons
Alexis G Antunez, Juan P Herrera-Escobar, Saba Ilkhani, Ana Hoffman, Katie M Foley, Carolyn Zier, Lorna Campbell, Nathaniel Pinkes, Madeline D Valverde, Gezzer Ortega, Emma Reidy, Amanda J Reich, Ali Salim, Nomi Levy-Carrick, Geoffrey A Anderson
INTRODUCTION: Spanish-speaking trauma and burn patients have unique needs in their post-discharge care navigation. The confluence of limited English proficiency, injury recovery, mental health, socioeconomic disadvantages, and acute stressors following hospital admission converge to enhance patients' vulnerability, but their specific needs and means of meeting these needs have not been well described. METHODS: This prospective, cross-sectional survey study describes the results of a multi-institutional initiative devised to help Spanish-speaking trauma and burn patients in their care navigation after hospitalization...
June 26, 2024: Journal of the American College of Surgeons
Lauren M Janczewski, Joanna T Buchheit, Kimberly B Golisch, Daniela Amortegui, Natalia Mackiewicz, Joshua S Eng, Patricia L Turner, Julie K Johnson, Karl Y Bilimoria, Yue-Yung Hu
BACKGROUND: The demands of surgical training present challenges for work-life integration (WLI). We sought to identify factors associated with work-life conflicts and to understand how programs support WLI. STUDY DESIGN: A cross-sectional national survey conducted after the 2020 American Board of Surgery In-Training Examination queried 4 WLI items. Multivariable regression models evaluated factors associated with (1) work-life conflicts and (2) well-being (career dissatisfaction, burnout, thoughts of attrition, suicidality)...
June 26, 2024: Journal of the American College of Surgeons
Floris V Raasveld, David Hao, Barbara Gomez-Eslava, Charles D Hwang, Ian L Valerio, Kyle R Eberlin
BACKGROUND: Targeted Muscle Reinnervation (TMR) is an effective surgical treatment for neuropathic pain in amputees. Qualitative descriptions of pain, depicted by pain sketches, could enhance the understanding of symptomatic improvement following surgery. Our aim is to assess whether pre-operative pain sketches, drawn by lower extremity (LE) amputees, can predict surgical outcomes following Secondary TMR surgery. STUDY DESIGN: Eligible patients were LE amputees who underwent Secondary TMR surgery between 2017 and 2023...
June 26, 2024: Journal of the American College of Surgeons
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