Fabienne Pradella, Paul Witte, Reyn van Ewijk
BACKGROUND: Intermittent fasting, such as during Ramadan, is prevalent among pregnant women. However, the association between Ramadan during pregnancy and offspring health along the life course has not been fully established. OBJECTIVE AND RATIONALE: Fetal programming research indicates that prenatal exposures, particularly during early pregnancy, can cause long-term structural and physiological changes that adversely affect offspring health. Our objective was to systematically identify and assess the evidence regarding Ramadan during pregnancy...
August 23, 2024: Human Reproduction Update
Guus Vissers, Maddalena Giacomozzi, Wouter Verdurmen, Ron Peek, Annemiek Nap
BACKGROUND: Fibrosis is an important pathological feature of endometriotic lesions of all subtypes. Fibrosis is present in and around endometriotic lesions, and a central role in its development is played by myofibroblasts, which are cells derived mainly after epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and fibroblast-to-myofibroblast transdifferentiation (FMT). Transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) has a key role in this myofibroblastic differentiation. Myofibroblasts deposit extracellular matrix (ECM) and have contracting abilities, leading to a stiff micro-environment...
July 27, 2024: Human Reproduction Update
Andrea Busnelli, Nicoletta Di Simone, Edgardo Somigliana, Dalia Greppi, Federico Cirillo, Alessandro Bulfoni, Annalisa Inversetti, Paolo Emanuele Levi-Setti
BACKGROUND: Women with endometriosis may constitute a group at a particularly increased risk of pregnancy-related complications. Furthermore, women selected for assisted reproductive technology (ART) are exposed to additional endocrinological and embryological factors that have been associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes. OBJECTIVE AND RATIONALE: This study aimed to investigate the independent effect of endometriosis, adenomyosis, and various ART-related factors on adverse maternal, placental, fetal, and neonatal outcomes...
July 24, 2024: Human Reproduction Update
Hongbin Jin, Yang Han, Jennifer Zenker
BACKGROUND: Monozygotic (MZ) twins are believed to arise from the fission of a single fertilized embryo at different stages. Monochorionic MZ twins, who share one chorion, originate from the splitting of the inner cell mass (ICM) within a single blastocyst. In the classic model for dichorionic MZ twins, the embryo splits before compaction, developing into two blastocysts. However, there are a growing number of ART cases where a single blastocyst transfer results in dichorionic MZ twins, indicating that embryo splitting may occur even after blastocyst formation...
July 10, 2024: Human Reproduction Update
Yican Guo, Liru Xue, Weicheng Tang, Jiaqiang Xiong, Dan Chen, Yun Dai, Chuqing Wu, Simin Wei, Jun Dai, Meng Wu, Shixuan Wang
BACKGROUND: Chemotherapy-associated ovarian damage (CAOD) is one of the most feared short- and long-term side effects of anticancer treatment in premenopausal women. Accumulating detailed data show that different chemotherapy regimens can lead to disturbance of ovarian hormone levels, reduced or lost fertility, and an increased risk of early menopause. Previous studies have often focused on the direct effects of chemotherapeutic drugs on ovarian follicles, such as direct DNA damage-mediated apoptotic death and primordial follicle burnout...
June 28, 2024: Human Reproduction Update
(no author information available yet)
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June 27, 2024: Human Reproduction Update
Nienke Van Hoogenhuijze, Frank Broekmans
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June 22, 2024: Human Reproduction Update
Fatih Aktoz
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June 22, 2024: Human Reproduction Update
Nienke van Hoogenhuijze, Frank Broekmans
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
June 22, 2024: Human Reproduction Update
Baris Ata, Erkan Kalafat
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June 22, 2024: Human Reproduction Update
Monika Horvat Mercnik, Carolin Schliefsteiner, Gonzalo Sanchez-Duffhues, Christian Wadsack
BACKGROUND: The placenta is a unique and pivotal organ in reproduction, controlling crucial growth and cell differentiation processes that ensure a successful pregnancy. Placental development is a tightly regulated and dynamic process, in which the transforming growth factor beta (TGFβ) superfamily plays a central role. This family of pleiotropic growth factors is heavily involved in regulating various aspects of reproductive biology, particularly in trophoblast differentiation during the first trimester of pregnancy...
July 1, 2024: Human Reproduction Update
Sanne van der Coelen, Janielle van der Velden, Sapthami Nadesapillai, Didi Braat, Ronald Peek, Kathrin Fleischer
BACKGROUND: Girls with Turner syndrome (TS) lack a partial or complete sex chromosome, which causes an accelerated decline of their ovarian reserve. Girls have to deal with several dilemmas related to their fertility, while only a limited number of them are referred to a fertility specialist and counselled about options of family planning on time. OBJECTIVE AND RATIONALE: This scoping review provides an update of the literature on fertility in girls with TS throughout their lifespan and aims to propose a clinical practice guideline on fertility in TS...
July 1, 2024: Human Reproduction Update
Raoul Orvieto
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
June 10, 2024: Human Reproduction Update
Avi Tsafrir, Ayala Hirsch
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
June 10, 2024: Human Reproduction Update
Antonio Capalbo, Guido de Wert, Heidi Mertes, Liraz Klausner, Edith Coonen, Francesca Spinella, Hilde Van de Velde, Stephane Viville, Karen Sermon, Nathalie Vermeulen, Todd Lencz, Shai Carmi
BACKGROUND: The genetic composition of embryos generated by in vitro fertilization (IVF) can be examined with preimplantation genetic testing (PGT). Until recently, PGT was limited to detecting single-gene, high-risk pathogenic variants, large structural variants, and aneuploidy. Recent advances have made genome-wide genotyping of IVF embryos feasible and affordable, raising the possibility of screening embryos for their risk of polygenic diseases such as breast cancer, hypertension, diabetes, or schizophrenia...
May 28, 2024: Human Reproduction Update
Adolfo Rodríguez-Eguren, Clara Bueno-Fernandez, María Gómez-Álvarez, Emilio Francés-Herrero, Antonio Pellicer, José Bellver, Emre Seli, Irene Cervelló
BACKGROUND: The establishment and maintenance of pregnancy depend on endometrial competence. Asherman syndrome (AS) and intrauterine adhesions (IUA), or endometrial atrophy (EA) and thin endometrium (TE), can either originate autonomously or arise as a result from conditions (i.e. endometritis or congenital hypoplasia), or medical interventions (e.g. surgeries, hormonal therapies, uterine curettage or radiotherapy). Affected patients may present an altered or inadequate endometrial lining that hinders embryo implantation and increases the risk of poor pregnancy outcomes and miscarriage...
May 25, 2024: Human Reproduction Update
Sophia Torkel, Rui Wang, Robert J Norman, Lijun Zhao, Kai Liu, Dana Boden, Wentong Xu, Lisa Moran, Stephanie Cowan
BACKGROUND: While there is a recognized role of optimizing lifestyle (diet and physical activity) behaviours in the management of infertility, the best practice remains unknown and factors influencing the lifestyle of people with infertility are not well understood. OBJECTIVE AND RATIONALE: This systematic review evaluated barriers and enablers to a healthy lifestyle in people with infertility, from the perspectives of people with infertility and health professionals, in order to inform optimal behavioural change strategies...
May 14, 2024: Human Reproduction Update
Adam H Balen, Jennifer Tamblyn, Karolina Skorupskaite, Malcolm G Munro
BACKGROUND: The World Health Organization (WHO) system for the classification of disorders of ovulation was produced 50 years ago and, by international consensus, has been updated by the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO). OBJECTIVE AND RATIONALE: This review outlines in detail each component of the FIGO HyPO-P (hypothalamic, pituitary, ovarian, PCOS) classification with a concise description of each cause, and thereby provides a systematic method for diagnosis and management...
May 2, 2024: Human Reproduction Update
Lotte Werner, Yvonne T van der Schouw, Annelien C de Kat
BACKGROUND: Levels of anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) are known to be associated with lifestyle determinants such as smoking and oral contraception (OC) use. When measuring AMH in clinical practice, it is essential to know which factors may influence circulating levels or ovarian reserve in general. OBJECTIVE AND RATIONALE: To date, there is no systematic review or summarizing consensus of the nature and magnitude of the relation between AMH and modifiable lifestyle factors...
May 2, 2024: Human Reproduction Update
Shemoon Marleen, Wasana Kodithuwakku, Ruvini Nandasena, Shezoon Mohideen, John Allotey, Silvia Fernández-García, Andrea Gaetano-Gil, Gabriel Ruiz-Calvo, Joseph Aquilina, Asma Khalil, Priya Bhide, Javier Zamora, Shakila Thangaratinam
BACKGROUND: ART is associated with higher rates of twin pregnancies than singleton pregnancies. Whether twin pregnancies conceived following ART have additional maternal and neonatal complications compared with non-ART twin pregnancies is not known. OBJECTIVE AND RATIONALE: The objective was to quantify the risk of adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes among twin pregnancies conceived following ART compared with non-ART and natural conception. Existing reviews vary in the reported outcomes, with many studies including triplet pregnancies in the study population...
May 2, 2024: Human Reproduction Update
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