Anar Murphy, Mark S Lapczynski, Glenn Proctor, Timothy R Glynn, Alice D Domar, Sofia Gameiro, Giles A Palmer, Michael G Collins
STUDY QUESTION: What is the prevalence of occupational stress, somatization, and burnout reported by UK and US, embryologists and the impact of work conditions on these well-being outcomes? SUMMARY ANSWER: Surveyed UK and US embryologists reported moderate perceived stress, low somatic symptom severity, high levels of burnout, and overall stressful work conditions, but with differences that could be due to country-specific occupational and employment characteristics...
August 28, 2024: Human Reproduction
Jiaan Huang, Yao Lu, Yaqiong He, Yuan Wang, Qinling Zhu, Jia Qi, Ying Ding, Xinyu Li, Ziyin Ding, Steven R Lindheim, Yun Sun
STUDY QUESTION: Do obstetric and perinatal complications vary according to different blastocyst developmental parameters after frozen-thawed single-blastocyst transfer (SBT) cycles? SUMMARY ANSWER: Pregnancies following the transfer of a blastocyst with a grade C trophectoderm (TE) were associated with an increased risk of placenta previa compared to those with a blastocyst of grade A TE. WHAT IS KNOWN ALREADY: Existing studies investigating the effect of blastocyst morphology grades on birth outcomes have mostly focused on fetal growth and have produced conflicting results, while the risk of obstetric complications has rarely been reported...
August 28, 2024: Human Reproduction
Danah Kamphuis, Nienke van Welie, Joukje van Rijswijk, Marcel H A van Hooff, Jan-Peter de Bruin, Harold R Verhoeve, Femke Mol, Wilhelmina M van Baal, Cornelis B Lambalk, Jaap Stoker, Madelon van Wely, Patrick M M Bossuyt, Ben Willem J Mol, Kim Dreyer, Velja Mijatovic
STUDY QUESTION: Does hysterosalpingo-foam sonography (HyFoSy) prior to hysterosalpingography (HSG) or HSG prior to HyFoSy affect visible tubal patency when compared HSG or HyFoSy alone? SUMMARY ANSWER: Undergoing either HyFoSy or HSG prior to tubal patency testing by the alternative method does not demonstrate a significant difference in visible tubal patency when compared to HyFoSy or HSG alone. WHAT IS KNOWN ALREADY: HyFoSy and HSG are two commonly used visual tubal patency tests with a high and comparable diagnostic accuracy for evaluating tubal patency...
August 27, 2024: Human Reproduction
M Bourdon, C Maignien, L Marcellin, L Maitrot Mantelet, G Parpex, P Santulli, C Chapron
STUDY QUESTION: What is the distribution of endometriosis phenotypes according to age in adult women undergoing surgery? SUMMARY ANSWER: The phenotype of endometriosis did not significantly vary after 24 years old. WHAT IS KNOWN ALREADY: The phenotypic evolution of endometriosis over time remains unclear. While adolescents can exhibit any type of endometriosis lesions, ovarian endometriosis (OMA) and/or deep-infiltrating endometriosis (DIE) tend to increase with age in young adults...
August 26, 2024: Human Reproduction
Ozgur Oktem, Yashar Esmaeilian, Ece İltumur, Sevgi Yusufoglu, Deniz Uğurlu Çimen, Said Incir, Kayhan Yakin, Baris Ata, Bulent Urman
STUDY QUESTION: Does medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) exposure in progestin-primed ovarian stimulation (PPOS) cycles cause molecular perturbations in the steroidogenic function and gonadotropin responsiveness of the granulosa cells? SUMMARY ANSWER: PPOS cycles are identical to traditional GnRH antagonist cycles not only for clinical IVF characteristics but also for gonadotropin receptor expression, response to gonadotropins, and steroidogenic function at the molecular level...
August 24, 2024: Human Reproduction
Stefania Carlucci, Christoph Lees, Piero Miloro, Ioannis Papastefanou, Gail Ter Haar, Andrea Dall'Asta
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 24, 2024: Human Reproduction
E S de Vos, A G M G J Mulders, A H J Koning, S P Willemsen, M Rousian, B B van Rijn, E A P Steegers, R P M Steegers-Theunissen
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 24, 2024: Human Reproduction
Shuang Liu, Yingnan Zhang, Xin Ma, Chenglin Zhan, Ning Ding, Mai Shi, Wei Zhang, Shubao Yang
STUDY QUESTION: Does recombinant Lactobacillus expressing granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) have a better protective effect than the current treatment of thin endometrium (TE)? SUMMARY ANSWER: This study suggested that the intrauterine injection of Lactobacillus crispastus (L. crispastus)-pPG612-G-CSF has a positive effect on preventing TE induced by 95% alcohol in mice. WHAT IS KNOWN ALREADY: TE has a negative impact on the success rate of ART in patients, and is usually caused by intrauterine surgery, endometrial infection, or hormone drugs...
August 23, 2024: Human Reproduction
Mingyang Li, Renyi Zhou, Daier Yu, Dan Chen, Aimin Zhao
STUDY QUESTION: Could the risk of subsequent pregnancy loss be predicted based on the risk factors of recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) patients? SUMMARY ANSWER: A nomogram, constructed from independent risk factors identified through multivariate logistic regression, serves as a reliable tool for predicting the likelihood of subsequent pregnancy loss in RPL patients. WHAT IS KNOWN ALREADY: Approximately 1-3% of fertile couples experience RPL, with over half lacking a clear etiological factor...
August 23, 2024: Human Reproduction
Giovanni Coticchio, Cristina Lagalla, Marilena Taggi, Danilo Cimadomo, Laura Rienzi
Cell cycle regulation is crucial to assure expansion of a cell population, while preserving genome integrity. This notion is especially relevant to fertilization and early embryo development, a time when the cell cycle transforms from meiotic into mitotic cycles. Zygote-to-embryo transition is acutely error-prone, causing major developmental perturbations, including cleavage delays, tri- and multi-chotomous cleavages, and cell fragmentation. Another such alteration is bi- and multinucleation, consisting of the simultaneous formation of two or more nuclei at interphase...
August 22, 2024: Human Reproduction
Baris Ata, Pavan Gill, Danilo Cimadomo, Filippo Maria Ubaldi, Juan A Garcia-Velasco, Emre Seli
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 22, 2024: Human Reproduction
Wei-Zhen Tang, Tai-Hang Liu
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 22, 2024: Human Reproduction
Oisin Fitzgerald, Jade Newman, Luk Rombauts, Alex Polyakov, Georgina M Chambers
STUDY QUESTION: Can we develop a prediction model for the chance of a live birth following the transfer of an embryo created using donated oocytes? SUMMARY ANSWER: Three primary models that included patient, past treatment, and cycle characteristics were developed using Australian data to predict the chance of a live birth following the transfer of an embryo created using donated oocytes; these models were well-calibrated to the population studied, achieved reasonable predictive power and generalizability when tested on New Zealand data...
August 22, 2024: Human Reproduction
L Conversa, L Bori, F Insua, S Marqueño, A Cobo, M Meseguer
STUDY QUESTION: Could an artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm predict fetal heartbeat from images of vitrified-warmed embryos? SUMMARY ANSWER: Applying AI to vitrified-warmed blastocysts may help predict which ones will result in implantation failure early enough to thaw another. WHAT IS KNOWN ALREADY: The application of AI in the field of embryology has already proven effective in assessing the quality of fresh embryos. Therefore, it could also be useful to predict the outcome of frozen embryo transfers, some of which do not recover their pre-vitrification volume, collapse, or degenerate after warming without prior evidence...
August 22, 2024: Human Reproduction
Hossam Elzeiny
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 22, 2024: Human Reproduction
Radostina Vasileva, Martin Koskas
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 22, 2024: Human Reproduction
Sofia Makieva, Juan J Fraire-Zamora, Omar Farhan Ammar, George Liperis, Flor Sanchez, Christian C Kramme, Lan N Vuong, Robert B Gilchrist, Pietro Bortoletto, Claudia Massarotti
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 7, 2024: Human Reproduction
Julia Uraji, Juan J Fraire-Zamora, Claudia Massarotti, Sofia Makieva, George Liperis, Kashish Sharma, Sarah Martins da Silva, Raevti Bole, Jackson C Kirkman-Brown, Omar Farhan Ammar
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 7, 2024: Human Reproduction
(no author information available yet)
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 29, 2024: Human Reproduction
Maite Aurrekoetxea-Casaus, Lorena Ronda
STUDY QUESTION: How do individual religious, political, and social tolerance orientations influence the acceptance of ART among Spanish citizens? SUMMARY ANSWER: Social tolerance and religiosity are predictive factors for the acceptance of ART, with more tolerant individuals and those with lower levels of religiosity being more accepting of ART; political conservatism mediates the relationship between social tolerance and acceptance of ART, particularly for left-leaning individuals...
July 29, 2024: Human Reproduction
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