Alexander Smith, Kayleigh J Wyles, Sonia Medina Hernandez, Sophie Clarke, Patricia Schofield, Sam W Hughes
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: There is a growing interest in the relationship between nature and pain relief. Evidence from environmental psychology, neuroscience and physiology-based studies point towards analgesic effects of nature being mediated through various cognitive, affective and/or autonomic factors. Being able to harness these therapeutic effects using immersive virtual reality (VR) could help to optimize and improve accessibility of nature-based environments as part of chronic pain management plans...
September 10, 2024: European Journal of Pain: EJP
Andrew H Rogers, Tonya M Palermo, Cornelius B Groenewald, Caitlin B Murray
BACKGROUND: Adolescent chronic pain is a substantial public health problem, and pain symptoms often persist into adulthood. Young adults with chronic pain are at elevated risk for more frequent tobacco, alcohol and cannabis use, and cross-sectional research highlights the importance of psychosocial vulnerability factors. Limited research has examined how adolescent predictors, including mental health symptoms, pain, sleep and family functioning, impact later, young adult substance use...
September 9, 2024: European Journal of Pain: EJP
Daniel L Riddle, Levent Dumenci
BACKGROUND: The study of pain at rest (PAR) and movement-evoked pain (MEP) in persons with musculoskeletal pain has received substantial attention. Despite strong interest, relatively little attention has been directed to the psychometric development of these constructs. Our purpose was to explore the relationship between PAR and MEP and to examine the prognostic utility of these measures in persons with knee arthroplasty. METHODS: We used prospectively collected data from persons scheduled for knee arthroplasty who had moderate to high levels of pain catastrophizing...
September 9, 2024: European Journal of Pain: EJP
Helga Angela Gulisano, Elin Eriksen, Carsten Reidies Bjarkam, Asbjørn Mohr Drewes, Søren Schou Olesen
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
September 3, 2024: European Journal of Pain: EJP
G Landmann, M Ernst, E Opsommer, L Stockinger, J Vollert, R Baron
BACKGROUND: Sensory profiling in neuropathic pain using quantitative sensory testing (QST) has not been extended to central neuropathic pain due to spinal cord injury (SCI). This study aims to fill this gap by evaluating sensory profiles in patients with neuropathic SCI pain. METHOD: We retrospectively analysed consecutive QST data from 62 patients with neuropathic spinal cord injury pain (SCIP), following the German Research Network on Neuropathic Pain protocol...
August 31, 2024: European Journal of Pain: EJP
Sebastian Scheliga, Maike F Dohrn, Thilo Kellermann, Angelika Lampert, Roman Rolke, Barbara Namer, Greta Z Peschke, Nortje van den Braak, Annette Lischka, Marc Spehr, Han-Gue Jo, Ute Habel
BACKGROUND: The lead symptom of small fibre neuropathy (SFN) is neuropathic pain. Recent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies have indicated central changes in SFN patients of different etiologies. However, less is known about brain functional connectivity during acute pain processing in idiopathic SFN. METHODS: We conducted fMRI with thermal heat pain application (left volar forearm) in 32 idiopathic SFN patients and 31 healthy controls. We performed functional connectivity analyses with right supplementary motor area (SMA), left insula, and left caudate nucleus (CN) as seed regions, respectively...
August 28, 2024: European Journal of Pain: EJP
W G Warren, M Osborn, A David-Pereira, C Tsantoulas, Wenwen Xue, A Yates, S E OSullivan
BACKGROUND: Painful neuropathy is a pathological condition caused by numerous factors including diabetes, chemotherapy or cancer. ART26.12 is a novel fatty acid-binding protein 5 inhibitor, which our group showed could prevent and treat persistent pain in a preclinical model of oxaliplatin-induced peripheral neuropathy. METHODS: In the current study, the efficacy of orally dosed ART26.12 was tested in multiple neuropathy models of different aetiology. Paw withdrawal threshold to von Frey monofilaments and latency to escape a cold plate were used as measurements of mechanical and cold sensitivity...
August 26, 2024: European Journal of Pain: EJP
Patrick Ippersiel, Richard Preuss, Byungjin Kim, Cristina Giannini, Shawn M Robbins
BACKGROUND: Trunk co-contraction during lifting may reflect a guarded motor response to a threatening task. This work estimated the impact of pain catastrophizing on trunk co-contraction during lifting, in people with and without low back pain. METHODS: Adults with high pain catastrophizing (back pain: n = 29, healthy: n = 7) and low pain catastrophizing (back pain: n = 20, healthy: n = 11), performed 10 repetitions of a lifting task...
August 24, 2024: European Journal of Pain: EJP
Elena Robles, Iván Blanco, Gustavo Díez, Carmelo Vázquez
INTRODUCTION: This study examines the effects of a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program on psychological measures and attentional patterns to pain stimuli, using eye-tracking methods, in individuals with chronic pain. METHOD: Thirty-two participants with chronic pain and no prior mindfulness experience were randomly assigned to an experimental group or a waiting list group. Both groups completed self-report measures of symptoms, well-being, and an attentional disengagement task using emotional faces as stimuli...
August 23, 2024: European Journal of Pain: EJP
Michail Arvanitidis, Deborah Falla, Andy Sanderson, Eduardo Martinez-Valdes
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: In the presence of pain, whether clinical or experimentally induced, individuals commonly show impairments in the control of muscle force (commonly known as force steadiness). In this systematic review and meta-analysis, we synthesized the available evidence on the influence of clinical and experimental pain on force steadiness. DATABASES AND DATA TREATMENT: MEDLINE, EMBASE, PubMed, CINAHL Plus and Web of Science databases were searched from their inception to 19 December 2023, using MeSH terms and pre-selected keywords related to pain and force steadiness...
August 23, 2024: European Journal of Pain: EJP
Jan Willem Kallewaard, Rui V Duarte, Sam Eldabe, Simon Thomson
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 19, 2024: European Journal of Pain: EJP
Peter J Göller, Philipp Reicherts, Stefan Lautenbacher, Miriam Kunz
INTRODUCTION: Prior exposure to others' facial expressions of pain can lead to a facilitation of pain responses, including its corresponding response channel, namely facial responses to pain. It has been questioned, however, whether this vicarious pain facilitation occurs only when observing others' pain or whether the observation of other negative expressions can trigger similar facilitation of facial responses to pain. The study aimed to test this, by comparing the impact of viewing others' facial expressions of pain versus another negative expression (sadness) and two control expressions (neutral, happiness) on facial responses to pain...
August 16, 2024: European Journal of Pain: EJP
Rafaela Stocker Salbego, Paulo César Rodrigues Conti, Flávia Fonseca Carvalho Soares, Dyna Mara Araújo Oliveira Ferreira, Matheus Herreira-Ferreira, Beatriz Amaral de Lima-Netto, Yuri Martins Costa, Leonardo Rigoldi Bonjardim
BACKGROUND: The central sensitization inventory (CSI) is a questionnaire that has been widely used as a tool for assessing symptoms associated with sensitization. However, its ability to identify individuals with this phenomenon has recently been questioned. The aim of this study was to assess the correlation of CSI with psychosocial and psychophysical factors in patients with painful TMD diagnosed according to diagnostic criteria for temporomandibular disorders (DC/TMD) and asymptomatic controls, as well as to determine the influence of these variables on the CSI scores variations...
August 9, 2024: European Journal of Pain: EJP
Ken Steffen Frahm, Ole Kæseler Andersen, Lars Arendt-Nielsen, Sabata Gervasio, Carsten Dahl Mørch
BACKGROUND: Spatial acuity concerns the ability to localize and discriminate sensory input and is often tested using the two-point discrimination threshold (2PDT). Sensitization of the pain system can affect the spatial acuity, but it is unclear how 2PDTs of different testing modalities are affected. The aim was to investigate if the 2PDTs for mechanical and heat stimulation at different intensities were modulated by topical capsaicin sensitization. METHODS: 30 healthy subjects were divided into either a capsaicin or a placebo group...
August 8, 2024: European Journal of Pain: EJP
Giada Dirupo, Jean-Benoît Rossel, Nicolas Fournier, Audrey D'Andrea, Peter Vollenweider, Isabelle Decosterd, Marc René Suter, Chantal Berna
BACKGROUND: Only few previous cohort studies examined simultaneously predictors of chronic pain (CP) onset and recovery. Furthermore, these studies used various sociodemographic and pain-related characteristics, without standardized measures of sleep and depression. The present study aimed at expanding and strengthening these findings in a large Swiss population. METHODS: We analysed data from a longitudinal cohort (n = 4602) collected at two time points separated by 5 years in Lausanne, Switzerland...
August 7, 2024: European Journal of Pain: EJP
Steen Harsted, Natalie H S Chang, Casper Nim, James J Young, David T McNaughton, Søren O'Neill
BACKGROUND: Despite the use of Patient-Drawn Pain Drawings (PDPDs) in clinical settings, their validity as indicators of psychological distress remains debated. We aimed to assess the association between PDPD areas and physical health and psychological variables. METHODS: This study analysed digitally-drawn PDPDs from 15,345 chronic low back pain (LBP) patients at a Danish outpatient hospital unit. We employed a novel quantitative approach to calculate four log-transformed geometric pain areas for each PDPD...
August 7, 2024: European Journal of Pain: EJP
Chloé Angelini, Claire Bar, Marie Pierre Baudier, Patricia Fergelot, Gwenaëlle Lancelot, Caroline Rooryck, Dominique P Germain, Firas Jabbour, Anne-Sophie Blanchet, Alexandre Cauchie, Elisabeth Sarrazin, Rémi Bellance, Jean-Pascal Lefaucheur, Julie Bismuth, Stéphanie Ranque-Garnier, Virginie Corand, Isabelle Coupry, Cyril Goizet
BACKGROUND: Fabry disease (FD) is a rare X-linked lysosomal disorder caused by alpha-galactosidase deficiency consecutive to a pathogenic variant in the GLA gene. Age at onset is highly variable, with a wide clinical spectrum including frequent renal, cardiac, skin and nervous system manifestations. Since pain can be an indicator of underlying FD, we wanted to estimate the prevalence of FD in a population of chronic pain patients. METHODS: Two studies, DOUFAB and DOUFABIS, were carried out in expert centers for chronic pain to assess the prevalence of FD by measuring alpha galactosidase A activity in men and analysing the GLA gene in women...
August 4, 2024: European Journal of Pain: EJP
Daniel L Riddle, Levent Dumenci
OBJECTIVE: Chronic pain is known to be an important construct in clinical practice and a particular form of chronic pain, high-impact chronic pain (HICP), has gained recent interest and attention by pain clinicians, epidemiologists, and clinical researchers. The purpose of our Topical Review is to describe the historical development of measures of HICP and to explore the psychometric properties of HICP as well as to present alternative measurement methods. METHODS: We identified strengths and weaknesses of the psychometric characteristics of HICP measures...
August 2, 2024: European Journal of Pain: EJP
Johan Liseth Hansen, Knut Reidar Wangen
BACKGROUND: Low back pain (LBP) is a leading reason for opioid use and a closer examination of opioid use and productivity losses among these patients is needed. We identify opioid use trajectories using a group-based trajectory model (GBTM) and estimate productivity losses across the trajectories. METHODS: Patients diagnosed with LBP in Swedish specialty care between 2011 and 2015, between the ages of 20 and 60, were included. Two GBTMs were estimated on monthly opioid use (converted to oral morphine equivalents) during the two 12-month periods preceding and following diagnosis...
August 2, 2024: European Journal of Pain: EJP
S Vallin, P Liv, B Häggman-Henrikson, C M Visscher, F Lobbezoo, A Lövgren
BACKGROUND: Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) are the most common reason for chronic pain in the orofacial area and significantly impact the lives of those affected. The role of lifestyle factors in TMD, however, remains less explored. This cohort study aims to estimate TMD prevalence by addressing potential selection biases and to evaluate the association between TMD and lifestyle factors with a specific focus on sick leave and health related quality of life. METHODS: By linking data on TMD in the general population in Västerbotten, northern Sweden (n = 180,000) to health survey data (n = 120,000), information on sociodemographic factors and quality of life was available for 52,961 individuals (50...
July 27, 2024: European Journal of Pain: EJP
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