Shahram Attarian
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October 1, 2024: Current Opinion in Neurology
Ryuji Kaji, Yuishin Izumi, Ryosuke Oki
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Recent development in understanding the pathophysiology of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) has led to increasing number of promising test drugs in the pipeline along with the existing ones. We will review these agents focusing on ultra-high dose methylcobalamin, which is pending approval in Japan. Clinical trial design best suited for ALS will also be discussed. RECENT FINDINGS: The most recent phase 3 trial (JETALS) of ultra-high dose methylcobalamin demonstrated significant slowing of ALSFRSR changes (0...
October 1, 2024: Current Opinion in Neurology
Emmanuelle Salort-Campana, Shahram Attarian
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Late-onset myopathies are defined as muscle diseases that begin after the age of 50 years. Some myopathies present classically in the elderly, whereas others may have a variable age of onset, including late-onset presentation. The purpose of this review is to summarize and comment on the most recent evidence regarding the main diagnosis of late-onset myopathies focusing on genetic causes. RECENT FINDINGS: Although late-onset myopathies (LOM) are expected to be predominantly acquired myopathies, some common genetic myopathies, such as facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD), can present late in life, usually with an atypical presentation...
October 1, 2024: Current Opinion in Neurology
Per Svenningsson
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 1, 2024: Current Opinion in Neurology
Jiayue Cai, Yuheng Wang, Martin J McKeown
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The brainstem's complex anatomy and relatively small size means that structural and functional assessment of this structure is done less frequently compared to other brain areas. However, recent years have seen substantial progress in brainstem imaging, enabling more detailed investigations into its structure and function, as well as its role in neuropathology. RECENT FINDINGS: Advancements in ultrahigh field MRI technology have allowed for unprecedented spatial resolution in brainstem imaging, facilitating the new creation of detailed brainstem-specific atlases...
August 1, 2024: Current Opinion in Neurology
Iva Stankovic, Mechteld Kuijpers, Horacio Kaufmann
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Multiple system atrophy (MSA) is a rapidly progressive synucleinopathy characterized by autonomic failure, parkinsonism, and cerebellar ataxia. Here, we provide an update on α-synuclein's role in MSA pathophysiology and review the new Movement Disorders Society (MDS) diagnostic criteria and the utility of α-synuclein-based biomarkers. We also highlight ongoing efforts toward clinical trial readiness and review potential disease-modifying therapies undergoing clinical trials...
August 1, 2024: Current Opinion in Neurology
Gonzalo Gámez-Leyva, Esther Cubo
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The primary aim of this review is to describe and update the pathophysiological and relevant therapeutic strategies for freezing of gait (FoG) in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). RECENT FINDINGS: FoG presumably involves dysfunction of multiple cortical and subcortical components, including dopaminergic and nondopaminergic circuits. In this regard, levodopa and physical therapy represent the first-choice therapeutic options for PD patients with FoG...
August 1, 2024: Current Opinion in Neurology
Jordan U Hanania, Erik Reimers, Connor W J Bevington, Vesna Sossi
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Molecular imaging has traditionally been used and interpreted primarily in the context of localized and relatively static neurochemical processes. New understanding of brain function and development of novel molecular imaging protocols and analysis methods highlights the relevance of molecular networks that co-exist and interact with functional and structural networks. Although the concept and evidence of disease-specific metabolic brain patterns has existed for some time, only recently has such an approach been applied in the neurotransmitter domain and in the context of multitracer and multimodal studies...
August 1, 2024: Current Opinion in Neurology
Sharada Balaji, Neale Wiley, Megan E Poorman, Shannon H Kolind
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: To review recent clinical uses of low-field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to guide incorporation into neurological practice. RECENT FINDINGS: Use of low-field MRI has been demonstrated in applications including tumours, vascular pathologies, multiple sclerosis, brain injury, and paediatrics. Safety, workflow, and image quality have also been evaluated. SUMMARY: Low-field MRI has the potential to increase access to critical brain imaging for patients who otherwise may not obtain imaging in a timely manner...
August 1, 2024: Current Opinion in Neurology
Jirada Sringean
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: This review aimed to comprehensively outline sleep and circadian rhythm abnormalities in hyperkinetic movement disorders beyond Parkinson's disease and atypical parkinsonisms, including tremor, dystonia, choreiform movements, tics, and ataxia disorders. RECENT FINDINGS: Insomnia, poor sleep quality, and excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) are commonly reported in essential tremor, Wilson's disease, tics or Tourette's syndrome, and spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA)...
August 1, 2024: Current Opinion in Neurology
Qinrui Ling, Aiping Liu, Yu Li, Martin J McKeown, Xun Chen
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Human brain parcellation based on functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) plays an essential role in neuroscience research. By segmenting vast and intricate fMRI data into functionally similar units, researchers can better decipher the brain's structure in both healthy and diseased states. This article reviews current methodologies and ideas in this field, while also outlining the obstacles and directions for future research. RECENT FINDINGS: Traditional brain parcellation techniques, which often rely on cytoarchitectonic criteria, overlook the functional and temporal information accessible through fMRI...
August 1, 2024: Current Opinion in Neurology
Betsy Thomas, Steven J Frucht
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Myoclonus, a common hyperkinetic movement disorder, can be disabling for patients. It is important to identify and classify myoclonus correctly to ensure appropriate workup and treatment. While the clinical history, examination, and process of classifying myoclonus remain largely unchanged, new causes and triggers for myoclonus are being elucidated, and new genetic causes have been found. Treatment can be challenging, though preliminary data about new options has been promising...
August 1, 2024: Current Opinion in Neurology
Marissa N Dean, David G Standaert
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: to review recent progress in the development and use of continuous levodopa therapies in Parkinson disease (PD). RECENT FINDINGS: Levodopa/Carbidopa intestinal gel (LCIG) is a continuous levodopa therapy which is widely used in the United States, Europe and other countries and is effective at reducing 'off' time. Recent work has shown that LCIG can be useful in managing dyskinesias and can improve nonmotor symptoms and quality of life. Several studies have shown good long-term effectiveness of LCIG...
August 1, 2024: Current Opinion in Neurology
Marina Stavrou, Kleopas A Kleopa
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) neuropathies are rare, genetically heterogeneous and progressive diseases for which there are no approved treatments and their management remains mostly supportive and symptomatic. This review is intended to provide an update on recent developments in gene therapies for different CMT neuropathies. RECENT FINDINGS: Increasing knowledge of disease pathomechanisms underlying several CMT types has facilitated the development of promising viral and nonviral gene therapy approaches...
June 17, 2024: Current Opinion in Neurology
Jeffrey A Allen
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: There is no diagnostic biomarker that can reliably detect Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) or chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP). Diagnosis relies upon integrating key clinical characteristics and relevant supportive data. Consequently, misdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis are common. Diagnostic criteria have proven valuable resources to improve diagnosis, but are underutilized during routine clinical care. RECENT FINDINGS: In 2021, the EAN/PNS CIDP criteria was published, and were followed by the EAN/PNS GBS criteria in 2023...
June 17, 2024: Current Opinion in Neurology
Melissa A Elafros, Evan Lee Reynolds, Brian C Callaghan
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: To examine the evidence evaluating the association between obesity and neuropathy as well as potential interventions. RECENT FINDINGS: Although diabetes has long been associated with neuropathy, additional metabolic syndrome components, including obesity, are increasingly linked to neuropathy development, regardless of glycemic status. Preclinical rodent models as well as clinical studies are shedding light on the mechanisms of obesity-related neuropathy as well as challenges associated with slowing progression...
June 13, 2024: Current Opinion in Neurology
Oliver Tomkins, Michael P Lunn
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The association between clonal haematological disorders and peripheral nerve disease is recognized. Paraproteinaemic phenomena are the most common mechanism, but direct neural lymphomatous infiltration is seen and can be challenging to diagnose. Traditional and novel anticancer therapies have neuropathic side effects. RECENT FINDINGS: Novel studies using sensitive techniques are refining the incidence of peripheral neuropathy in patients with a monoclonal gammopathy, and the pathogenesis of IgM Peripheral neuropathy (PN) and POEMS syndrome...
June 11, 2024: Current Opinion in Neurology
Claudia Papi, Chiara Milano, Marianna Spatola
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: To provide an overview of the pathogenic mechanisms involved in autoimmune encephalitides mediated by antibodies against neuronal surface antigens, with a focus on NMDAR and LGI1 encephalitis. RECENT FINDINGS: In antibody-mediated encephalitides, binding of IgG antibodies to neuronal surface antigens results in different pathogenic effects depending on the type of antibody, IgG subclass and epitope specificity. NMDAR IgG1 antibodies cause crosslinking and internalization of the target, synaptic and brain circuitry alterations, as well as alterations of NMDAR expressing oligodendrocytes, suggesting a link with white matter lesions observed in MRI studies...
June 1, 2024: Current Opinion in Neurology
Maria D Villar-Martinez, Peter J Goadsby
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: We performed a narrative review of the recent findings in epidemiology, clinical presentation, mechanisms and treatment of vestibular migraine. RECENT FINDINGS: Vestibular migraine is an underdiagnosed condition that has a high prevalence among general, headache and neuro-otology clinics. Vestibular migraine has a bimodal presentation probably associated with a hormonal component in women. These patients could have a complex clinical phenotype including concomitant autonomic, inflammatory or connective tissue conditions that have a higher prevalence of psychological symptoms, which may mistakenly lead to a diagnosis of a functional neurological disorder...
June 1, 2024: Current Opinion in Neurology
Wen Zhu, Zongqi Xia
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The aim of this review was to examine the evidence for disease-modifying therapies (DMTs) discontinuation in older people with multiple sclerosis (MS). We first summarized aging-associated biological changes that influence MS progression and DMT effectiveness, and then summarized recent evidence in evaluating clinical outcomes of discontinuing DMTs in older people with MS. RECENT FINDINGS: Recent findings provide mixed evidence regarding the outcomes of DMT discontinuation in older people with MS...
June 1, 2024: Current Opinion in Neurology
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