Adela Bazbaz, Joseph Varon
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Survivors of cardiac arrest often have increased long-term risks of mortality and disability that are primarily associated with hypoxic-ischemic brain injury (HIBI). This review aims to examine health-related long-term outcomes after cardiac arrest. RECENT FINDINGS: A notable portion of cardiac arrest survivors face a decline in their quality of life, encountering persistent physical, cognitive, and mental health challenges emerging years after the initial event...
August 12, 2024: Current Opinion in Critical Care
Joshua I Gordon, Nathan E Brummel
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: In the decade since the first publications related to frailty in those with critical illness, the study of frailty has rapidly increased. The purpose of this review is to update the reader on recent advances across several important areas of frailty research: how best to identify frailty in those with critical illness, studies describing the relationship between frailty and delirium, and how frailty affects outcomes for those with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), which, despite rates and severity of acute infection declining, still tremendously impacts patients long after the acute infection, resulting in symptoms of long COVID-19...
July 25, 2024: Current Opinion in Critical Care
Mariachiara Ippolito, Alberto Nicolò Galvano, Andrea Cortegiani
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: This review aims to explore the latest evidence on long-term outcomes in patients admitted to the ICU because of acute respiratory failure (ARF). RECENT FINDINGS: As the survival rate of critically ill patients with acute respiratory failure improves, long-term mortality and disability still influence the quality of life of survivors and their caregivers. Patients admitted to the ICU because of ARF are at risk of developing the postintensive care syndrome, which presents with physical, cognitive and mental symptoms, all of which may impair their quality of life...
July 19, 2024: Current Opinion in Critical Care
Julio A Ramirez, Thomas M File
PURPOSE OF THE REVIEW: Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is increasingly recognized as a complex, multisystemic disease with the potential to cause both acute and long-term sequelae, significantly impacting patient mortality rates. In this manuscript, the authors review the current methodologies for assessing mortality risk among CAP patients. RECENT FINDINGS: The most common prediction scores for ICU care and short-term mortality include Pneumonia Severity Index (PSI), CURB-65, SMART COP, SCAP, and ATS/IDSA criteria...
July 15, 2024: Current Opinion in Critical Care
Erminio Santangelo, Hannah Wozniak, Margaret S Herridge
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: To highlight the emerging crisis of critically ill elderly patients and review the unique burden of multidimensional morbidity faced by these patients and caregivers and potential interventions. RECENT FINDINGS: Physical, psychological, and cognitive sequelae after critical illness are frequent, durable, and robust across the international ICU outcome literature. Elderly patients are more vulnerable to the multisystem sequelae of critical illness and its treatment and the resultant multidimensional morbidity may be profound, chronic, and significantly affect functional independence, transition to the community, and quality of life for patients and families...
July 12, 2024: Current Opinion in Critical Care
Ignacio Martin-Loeches, Marcos I Restrepo
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: This review explores the similarities and differences between coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)-related and non-COVID-related nosocomial pneumonia, particularly hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP) and ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). It critically assesses the etiology, prevalence, and mortality among hospitalized patients, emphasizing the burden of these infections during the period before and after the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 pandemic...
July 11, 2024: Current Opinion in Critical Care
Diego Viasus, Carlota Gudiol, Jordi Carratalà
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: This review describes the latest information in the management of bloodstream infections caused by multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacilli (MDRGNB) in critically ill patients. RECENT FINDINGS: The prevalence of bloodstream infections due to MDRGNB is high, and they pose a significant risk in critically ill patients. Recently, novel antimicrobial agents, including new β-lactam/β-lactamase inhibitor combinations and cefiderocol, have been introduced for treating these infections...
July 9, 2024: Current Opinion in Critical Care
Natalia E Castillo Almeida, Carlos A Gomez
PURPOSE OF THIS REVIEW: This article aims to provide an intuitive framework for diagnosing and managing healthcare-associated diarrhea (HCAD) in the immunocompromised (IC) host. RECENT FINDINGS: Our understanding of diarrhea in hospitalized IC patients has significantly evolved. However, the challenge lies in distinguishing between these patients' numerous causes of diarrhea. The incorporation of gastrointestinal (GI) multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) panels has led to a paradigm shift in our approach to diarrhea...
July 9, 2024: Current Opinion in Critical Care
Christopher J Dyer, Jan J De Waele, Jason A Roberts
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: To highlight the recent evidence for antibiotic pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics (PK/PD) in enhancing patient outcomes in sepsis and septic shock. We also summarise the limitations of available data and describe future directions for research to support translation of antibiotic dose optimisation to the clinical setting. RECENT FINDINGS: Sepsis and septic shock are associated with poor outcomes and require antibiotic dose optimisation, mostly due to significantly altered pharmacokinetics...
July 8, 2024: Current Opinion in Critical Care
Alexandra B Spicer, Alexandre B Cavalcanti, Fernando G Zampieri
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: To date, most randomized clinical trials in critical care report neutral overall results. However, research as to whether heterogenous responses underlie these results and give opportunity for personalized care is gaining momentum but has yet to inform clinical practice guidance. Thus, we aim to provide an overview of methodological approaches to estimating heterogeneity of treatment effects in randomized trials and conjecture about future paths to application in patient care...
July 5, 2024: Current Opinion in Critical Care
Itay Zahavi, Itamar Ben Shitrit, Sharon Einav
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: For augmented intelligence (AI) tools to realize their potential, critical care clinicians must ensure they are designed to improve long-term outcomes. This overview is intended to align professionals with the state-of-the art of AI. RECENT FINDINGS: Many AI tools are undergoing preliminary assessment of their ability to support the care of survivors and their caregivers at multiple time points after intensive care unit (ICU) discharge. The domains being studied include early identification of deterioration (physiological, mental), management of impaired physical functioning, pain, sleep and sexual dysfunction, improving nutrition and communication, and screening and treatment of cognitive impairment and mental health disorders...
July 4, 2024: Current Opinion in Critical Care
Daniel A Sweeney, Pedro Póvoa
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The development and use of immunomodulators and other therapies during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic provided several lessons with respect to these therapies, and to how medical researchers and clinicians should approach the next pandemic. RECENT FINDINGS: New or repurposed therapies, particularly immunomodulator treatments, for the treatment of an infectious disease will always be associated with inherent patient risk and this was the case during the COVID-19 pandemic...
June 20, 2024: Current Opinion in Critical Care
Rachel Jeong, Ryan Haines, Marlies Ostermann
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Acute kidney injury (AKI) in critical illness is common, and survivors are faced with a host of adverse outcomes. In this article, we review the current landscape of outcomes and care in survivors of AKI and critical illness. RECENT FINDINGS: Follow-up care of survivors of AKI and critical illness is prudent to monitor for and mitigate the risk of adverse outcomes. Observational data have suggested improvement in outcomes with nephrology-based follow-up care, and recent interventional studies demonstrate similar findings...
June 20, 2024: Current Opinion in Critical Care
Leonardo Salazar, Roberto Lorusso
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: To examine the evolving landscape of cardiac surgery, focusing on the increasing complexity of patients and the role of mechanical circulatory support (MCS) in managing perioperative low cardiac output syndrome (P-LCOS). RECENT FINDINGS: P-LCOS is a significant predictor of mortality in cardiac surgery patients. Preoperative risk factors, such as cardiogenic shock and elevated lactate levels, can help identify those at higher risk. Proactive use of MCS, rather than reactive implementation after P-LCOS develops, may lead to improved outcomes by preventing severe organ hypoperfusion...
August 1, 2024: Current Opinion in Critical Care
Jan Belohlavek
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 1, 2024: Current Opinion in Critical Care
Hannah Schaubroeck, Michelle Rossberg, Holger Thiele, Janine Pöss
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Treatment of cardiogenic shock remains largely driven by expert consensus due to limited evidence from randomized controlled trials. In this review, we aim to summarize the approach to the management of patients with cardiogenic shock in the ICU prior to mechanical circulatory support (MCS). RECENT FINDINGS: Main topics covered in this article include diagnosis, monitoring, initial management and key aspects of pharmacological therapy in the ICU for patients with cardiogenic shock...
August 1, 2024: Current Opinion in Critical Care
Jordan D Philpott, K Marco Rodriguez Hovnanian, Margaret Stefater-Richards, Nilesh M Mehta, Enid E Martinez
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Gastrointestinal (GI) dysfunction limits enteral nutrition (EN) delivery in critical illness and contributes to systemic inflammation. The enteroendocrine (EE) axis plays an integral role in this interface between nutrition, inflammation, and GI function in critical illness. In this review, we present an overview of the EE system with a focus on its role in GI inflammation and function. RECENT FINDINGS: Enteroendocrine cells have been primarily described in their role in macronutrient digestion and absorption...
August 1, 2024: Current Opinion in Critical Care
Daniel Rob, Jan Belohlavek
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: This article offers an overview of recent randomized controlled trials (RCTs) testing the efficacy of veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VA ECMO) and microaxial flow pump (mAFP) in treating cardiogenic shock, including findings from the DanGer shock trial. It summarizes the clinical implications and limitations of these studies and key decision-making considerations for cardiogenic shock device use. RECENT FINDINGS: Despite important limitations in all published RCTs, the routine use of VA ECMO for acute myocardial infarction related cardiogenic shock did not demonstrate benefit and should be reserved for selected patients with extreme forms of cardiogenic shock...
August 1, 2024: Current Opinion in Critical Care
Bhavya Varma, Jason N Katz, Carlos L Alviar
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: This review provides key information about cardiogenic shock (CS) teams, including published evidence and practical recommendations to create a CS team and program. RECENT FINDINGS: CS is a complex disease process with a high in-hospital mortality rate ranging from 30% to 70% according to recent registries and randomized studies. The explanation for the elevated rates is likely multifactorial, including the various etiologies of cardiogenic shock as well as delays in recognition and deployment of appropriate therapies...
August 1, 2024: Current Opinion in Critical Care
Angelique de Man, Micah T Long, Christian Stoppe
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Vitamin C can be a potential adjunctive treatment option for critically ill individuals due to its pleiotropic effects as electron donor in many enzymatic reactions throughout the body. Recently, several important randomized controlled trials (RCTs) investigating vitamin C in critically ill patients have been published. RECENT FINDINGS: Two recent large RCTs administering high-dose vitamin C to patients with sepsis and COVID-19 showed signs of harm...
August 1, 2024: Current Opinion in Critical Care
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