Magalie Coco-Viloin, Jeanne Ramspacher, Françoise Giordano
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August 11, 2024: Contact Dermatitis
Pedro M Gamboa, Javier Sánchez de Vicente, Aritza Segurola, Cristina Galán, Lucy Mónica Pérez Escalera, Angel Arrien, Ignacio Jáuregui
BACKGROUND: The woods of trees of the genus Dalbergia are a frequent cause of allergic contact dermatitis. OBJECTIVES: To describe the different patterns of symptoms and sensitisation to woods of the genus Dalbergia in four patients whose regular work is linked to music, either as performers (two patients) or instrument makers. RESULTS: The patients showed extensive cross-reactivity between the different Dalbergia woods. The two musicians exhibited symptoms exclusively in the contact areas, while the instrument makers showed a pattern of airborne symptoms...
August 8, 2024: Contact Dermatitis
Puneet Arora, Caroline Brumley, Katherine Lee, Anne Neeley
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August 5, 2024: Contact Dermatitis
Theres Heichel, Jan Felix Kersten, Antje Braumann, Kathrin Krambeck, Sonja Bonness, Claudia Schröder-Kraft, Robert Ofenloch, Elke Weisshaar, Kerstin Strom, Christoph Skudlik, Flora Karla Sonsmann, Annika Wilke, Albert Nienhaus, Swen Malte John, Richard Brans
BACKGROUND: Comfort gloves are used in the management of hand dermatoses. OBJECTIVES: To compare the acceptance and tolerability of comfort gloves made of different materials in patients with hand dermatoses and their effects on skin lesions. METHODS: In a prospective multicenter study, 284 patients with hand dermatoses were invited to wear either a cotton glove (COT) or a semipermeable Sympatex glove underneath a cotton glove (SYM/COT) for two subsequent phases of 19 consecutive nights each...
August 1, 2024: Contact Dermatitis
Bingli Huang, Xueer Wang, Lingwei Bu, Yarui Zhang, Xiaoran Liu, Fengting Liang, Xinyue Zhang, Xueting Tang, Shenhua Wu, Jianyuan Huang, Lin Zhang, Min Zhang
BACKGROUND: Current animal models of sensitive skin do not adequately reflect the objective symptoms or physiological manifestations observed in human sensitive skin. OBJECTIVE: To construct and validate a sensitive skin model in mice. METHODS: Tape stripping (TS) was used to induce partial mechanical disruption of the lipid film and stratum corneum. Subsequently, propylene glycol (PG) was applied to disrupt the lipid structure in the skin barrier, and capsaicin (CS) activate transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) receptors of keratinocytes to simulate the formation of sensitive skin...
July 30, 2024: Contact Dermatitis
Ilaria Matei, Thomas Bettuzzi, Amandine Weill, Gwendeline Gener, Kamar Bel Hareth, Fleck Margaux, Muriel Verlinde-Carvalho, Muriel Paul, Saskia Ingen-Housz-Oro, Haudrey Assier
BACKGROUND: Patch tests (PTs) are recommended to identify the culprit drug in non-immediate cutaneous adverse drug reactions (NICADRs). We recently reported that, in patients with NICADRs, a unique reading of PTs at day (D)2 compared with an additional second late reading at D4 missed almost half (45.3%) of the positive PTs. OBJECTIVES: To assess the change in sensitivity of the PT reading on D4 compared with the reading on D3. METHODS: We performed a retrospective (July 2020-June 2023) monocentric study of patients who had PTs with two readings for a NICADR...
July 30, 2024: Contact Dermatitis
Mikkel Bak Jensen, Farzad Alinaghi, Ivan Chen, Jonas F Hedberg, Yolanda S Hedberg, Claus Zachariae, Jeanne Duus Johansen
INTRODUCTION: Leather has been a significant source of chromium (Cr) allergy in Denmark since the 1990s. More recently, cobalt (Co) allergy has been identified in leather as a source of allergic contact dermatitis. OBJECTIVES: To measure Cr and Co levels in Danish leather goods. METHODS: A total of 87 leather samples were collected, all tanned in Europe. Handheld X-ray fluorescence (XRF) device was used to screen for the presence of Cr and Co...
July 28, 2024: Contact Dermatitis
Ella Dendooven, Alessandro Toscano, Vito Sabato, Didier G Ebo, Olivier Aerts
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July 26, 2024: Contact Dermatitis
Magnus Bruze, Inese Hauksson, Marléne Isaksson, Cecilia Svedman
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July 23, 2024: Contact Dermatitis
Christoffer Kursawe Larsen, Mikkel Bak Jensen, Jakob F B Schwensen
BACKGROUND: Neomycin is an aminoglycoside antibiotic that may cause contact allergy. It was withdrawn as a medicine for human use in Denmark in October 2009 but is still found in some vaccines. OBJECTIVES: To identify time trends in contact allergy to neomycin in the period from 2000 to 2023. METHODS: A cross-section study of patients ≥18 years consecutively patch-tested with neomycin sulfate (20% in pet.) at Gentofte Hospital, Denmark, during the period 2000-2023 was conducted...
July 23, 2024: Contact Dermatitis
Esen Özkaya, Ömer Mangır
BACKGROUND: Regulatory actions significantly reduced methyldibromo glutaronitrile (MDBGN)-induced allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) from cosmetics in Europe. Turkey banned MDBGN in 2015. OBJECTIVES: To assess sensitization and ACD rates to MDBGN before and after its ban in Turkey. METHODS: Data from 2653 consecutively patch tested patients between 1996 and 2023 with MDBGN 0.1% pet. (n = 573) or 0.2%-0.3% pet. (n = 1310) or 0...
July 21, 2024: Contact Dermatitis
(no author information available yet)
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July 21, 2024: Contact Dermatitis
Hui Mei Cheng, Anthony Teik Jin Goon, Yung Hian Leow, Tricia Yi Rui Chong, Suzanne Wei Na Cheng
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July 19, 2024: Contact Dermatitis
Yanis Bouderbala, Isabelle Quere, Sophie Guillemard, Olivier Dereure, Nadia Raison-Peyron
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July 19, 2024: Contact Dermatitis
Farnam Barati Sedeh, Anna Glenn Ullum, Karl Bang Christiensen, Thórunn Elísabet Michaelsdóttir, Ole Steen Mortensen, Gregor Borut Jemec, Kristina Sophie Ibler
BACKGROUND: Hand eczema (HE) is a prevalent disease among professional cleaners. OBJECTIVES: To investigate how often cleaners have their self-reported HE, induced or worsened by cleaners' occupational activities, reported as an occupational disease to the authorities in Denmark and to identify reasons for underreporting. In addition, consultation by physicians and treatment for HE among cleaners were also investigated. METHODS: This cross-sectional questionnaire-based study included hospital cleaners at three different hospitals in Region Zealand, Denmark...
July 19, 2024: Contact Dermatitis
S Schubert, E Oppel, A Bauer, C Schröder-Kraft, H Löffler, K Strom, M Worm, R Brans, N Wagner, Y Angela, J Geier
BACKGROUND: Permanent tattooing is the invasive introduction of tattoo ink (pigments) into the dermis. The ink and aftercare cosmetics applied on pre-damaged skin may contain skin sensitisers. OBJECTIVES: To identify patient characteristics and the pattern of sensitisation in tattooed patients patch tested within the Information Network of Departments of Dermatology (IVDK). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Comparative analysis of patient characteristics and reaction frequencies to baseline series allergens in 1648 consecutive patients with and 8045 consecutive patients without permanent tattoos...
July 17, 2024: Contact Dermatitis
Jakob F B Schwensen, Wolfgang Uter, Olivier Aerts, Tove Agner, Richard Brans, Magnus Bruze, Caterina Foti, Giménez-Arnau Am, Margarida Gonçalo, Cecilia Svedman, Luca Stingeni, Mark Wilkinson, Jeanne Duus Johansen
BACKGROUND: The use of methylisothiazolinone (MI) as a preservative in cosmetic products caused an alarming increase in MI contact allergy across Europe in the 2010s. This was followed by regulations of use with a total ban on leave-on (implemented in 2017) and reduced use concentrations in rinse-off cosmetics (2018). OBJECTIVE: To follow-up on the prevalence of contact allergy to MI and the related benzisothiazolinone (BIT) and octylisothiazolinone (OIT) in consecutively patch-tested patients in Europe...
July 17, 2024: Contact Dermatitis
Juan Sanz-Correa, Tatiana Sanz-Sanchez, Rosa M Díaz-Díaz
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July 17, 2024: Contact Dermatitis
Antoine Badaoui
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July 16, 2024: Contact Dermatitis
Amreeta Kaur, Claire L Higgins, Rosemary L Nixon
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 13, 2024: Contact Dermatitis
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